Pornography...glorious pleasures or evil lusts?

  • Thread starter Delirious

Pornography...good or evil?

  • Pornography is okay within current legal limitations

    Votes: 46 61.3%
  • Pornography is nothing but evil desires

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Added: Pornography laws should be less restrictive

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters
[Richard III] An erect penis! My kingdom for an erect penis! [/Richard III]

In Germany (correct me if I'm wrong), in any picture of a naked lady, you must be able to see all 10 of her fingernails.
By the way, how can you have a discussion about pornography without sexual references? :crazy:
Because it's an intelligent, academic debate on the subject of pronography. No one is talking about what it's like to have sex, or great porn flicks they have seen, or posting links or references on where to find pornography. We're discussing the industry and its cultural impact. We're not indulging in or sharing pornography here.

That's not a hard difference to understand.

But seriously, adults in the UK cannot see penetration of either orifice, urine, faeces or semen secretion OR the secretions themselves or an erect penis. An erect penis! For crying out loud!

I hope that dosn't hold true for medical and sexual education.
I have to report you for mentioning an erect penis. :(
Stop being excessively literal and see my answer to your question above. What you did was clearly outside the rules, and if you weren't being such a baby about it, you'd admit it.
I hope that dosn't hold true for medical and sexual education.

You hope wrong.

In sex education the nearest you'll get is a cartoon. I've not gone through the rigours of medical education but anything recorded is simply not allowed to feature it.
You hope wrong.

In sex education the nearest you'll get is a cartoon. I've not gone through the rigours of medical education but anything recorded is simply not allowed to feature it.

So a gynecologist(sp) has to look at a cartoon to understand the effects of sexual activities on the vagina and vaginal canal? :boggled: :confused:
So a gynecologist(sp) has to look at a cartoon to understand the effects of sexual activities on the vagina and vaginal canal? :boggled: :confused:

Pretty much, yes.

"Educational" films have some leeway, but the BBFC will not cross the "stiffy" or "penetration" Rubicons.
Pretty much, yes.

"Educational" films have some leeway, but the BBFC will not cross the "stiffy" or "penetration" Rubicons.

Remind me never to have my wife go to a doctor in England. Sheesh. That's so stupid it's not even remotely funny.

I mean, are they trying to stop people from thinking sex occurs or something? I'm completely lost on the logic of there thoughts.
Remind me never to have my wife go to a doctor in England. Sheesh. That's so stupid it's not even remotely funny.

I mean, are they trying to stop people from thinking sex occurs or something? I'm completely lost on the logic of there thoughts.

In terms of practical (either on a live person or a cadaver), it's fine. You just aren't allowed to watch a video of it.
Well, that's why Mary Whitehouse earned both a verse in Pink Floyd's Pigs and an animated parody from Monty Python.


Now you know why danoff and I got so excercised at Brian before...
In terms of practical (either on a live person or a cadaver), it's fine. You just aren't allowed to watch a video of it.

Ok, let me get this straight. two people can be getting their groove on infront of the entire medical class at a particular university. But show the SAME act on a video and that's a crime?

That's just about the biggest double standard I've ever heard of.

Well, that's why Mary Whitehouse earned both a verse in Pink Floyd's Pigs and an animated parody from Monty Python.

Now you know why danoff and I got so excercised at Brian before...

Oh, you mean in ragging on your stance as Libertarian....It took me a minute, but I got it. :dunce:
In sex education the nearest you'll get is a cartoon.

That might be alright, I've seen some pretty hot cartoons. ;)

What's the rule on penetration for cartoon characters in the UK?
So what do they do about the internet Famine ? I can find just about every sex act know to man or beast just by collecting some spam . How can the gooney birds controll that ?
You better watch out for all the crazed computer users running around waggin erections at everyone once you get broad band...oops you already have parliment, dont you for that .
I imagine Mrs Thatcher chasing a wagging erection around a london circus once in a while when I eat a bit of bad cheese late at night . Now thats some EVIL porn !
Ok, let me get this straight. two people can be getting their groove on infront of the entire medical class at a particular university. But show the SAME act on a video and that's a crime?

That's just about the biggest double standard I've ever heard of.


All hardcore pornos have two versions filmed - a hardcore version and a UK version. The UK version is very careful to make sure a thigh, or a calf (or a face... :D) gets in the way of every possible penetration/stiffy.

You probably think I'm kidding, but I'm SO not.

danoff - Just the same. The penetration act is - get this - seen as "degrading to women". Right now I'm laughing and shaking my head simultaneously while writing this sentence. About the only format where penetration is EVER shown is in "art" - more specifically "Eastern Art" (okay, the Kama Sutra), because obviously people who appreciate art are a better sort of people, not likely to be corrupted by naked woman, muff shots, penetration and small boys' genitals ("cherub" my arse).

Sometimes I wonder how the population of this country ever increases.
I would think women would be pissed off by NOT gettin some penetration wouldnt you ?
it kind of defeats the purpose dont you think ?
Sometimes I wonder how the population of this country ever increases.

Because we all know that the only thing that improves an already good thing is by making it illegal.

Britain, the country of the Back to Basics campaign failing because half of the cabinet becoming instantly exposed on one sex-scandal after the other. Britain, the country where the early 20th century novel Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence was scrapped off the banned list as late as 1969. Britain, the country that taught me the wonderful term 'auto-erotic asphixiation', when a government official took pills, put himself stomach down on two chairs, jacked himself off while choking himself with a panty tied to the calf of his leg.

Britain, the country that brought so many different ways of talking about sex without actually saying penis or vagina that in retrospect sex can be read into at least 50% of everything that has ever been written into it. But the Brits are at the same time also some of the most sexually active, most studies show. That, or they get off on pretending to when they take the surveys - but judging by the British tourists I see in Amsterdam, or by the British versions of the Playboy and Adult Channel, things are rapidly changing in more than one way (they are stretching the limits of what can be seen lately), I think there's a quiet sexual revolution going off. More hints - London is the place where they invented bluetooth dating - using the bluetooth function on the cell-phone to indicate you're in for some casual sex in a public lavatory or park.

Ehm. Don't ask me how I know all this ...

By the way, Japan is another country that isn't allowed to show real-people sex, and as a result we have some great hentai that's often better than a lot of porn (Hungary is the place where some decent real porn comes from these days, by the way, in case you're interested). So it's not necessarily bad, but it's downright silly if you ask me.

Most porn, by the way, is, if degrading, then equally so to men and women these days.

And yes, sex can be addictive. But so can be many other things. If one person here becomes addicted to GT4, that's a problem, and I understand and respect that he would fight that addiction. But at the same time, although he may warn us for the possibility of getting addicted, it is not nearly his business to prohibit us to play GT4. It should simply be a matter of choice. Lot's of women like to watch porn. That they haven't so much before simply had to do with that they weren't allowed to. But a test has shown that even women who claim not to be aroused by watching porn still got aroused. Watching sex arouses you. You can be addicted to that feeling, absolutely. To the real thing also. It can even be a dangerous addiction. But it can also be one of the more healthy ones.

Famine, you forgot to mention that you're allowed to watch animals have sex on tv also, but still not people (though who knows a BBC documentary might get away with some weird sexual ritual from some tiny obscure tribe from some rainforest or forgotten plains in Africa or South America :D).

But ... uh ... I don't really know anything about sex, myself, really. I ... uh ... copied this text off of some website somewhere, forgot the link ... :sly:
I would think women would be pissed off by NOT gettin some penetration wouldnt you ?
it kind of defeats the purpose dont you think ?

In my experience, if you're even a little bit patient, or creative, they always end up begging you for it. At least, that's my experience. :sly:
Because we all know that the only thing that improves an already good thing is by making it illegal.

Britain, the country of the Back to Basics campaign failing because half of the cabinet becoming instantly exposed on one sex-scandal after the other. Britain, the country where the early 20th century novel Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence was scrapped off the banned list as late as 1969. Britain, the country that taught me the wonderful term 'auto-erotic asphixiation', when a government official took pills, put himself stomach down on two chairs, jacked himself off while choking himself with a panty tied to the calf of his leg.

Britain, the country that brought so many different ways of talking about sex without actually saying penis or vagina that in retrospect sex can be read into at least 50% of everything that has ever been written into it. But the Brits are at the same time also some of the most sexually active, most studies show. That, or they get off on pretending to when they take the surveys - but judging by the British tourists I see in Amsterdam, or by the British versions of the Playboy and Adult Channel, things are rapidly changing in more than one way (they are stretching the limits of what can be seen lately), I think there's a quiet sexual revolution going off. More hints - London is the place where they invented bluetooth dating - using the bluetooth function on the cell-phone to indicate you're in for some casual sex in a public lavatory or park.

Ehm. Don't ask me how I know all this ...

By the way, Japan is another country that isn't allowed to show real-people sex, and as a result we have some great hentai that's often better than a lot of porn (Hungary is the place where some decent real porn comes from these days, by the way, in case you're interested). So it's not necessarily bad, but it's downright silly if you ask me.

Most porn, by the way, is, if degrading, then equally so to men and women these days.

And yes, sex can be addictive. But so can be many other things. If one person here becomes addicted to GT4, that's a problem, and I understand and respect that he would fight that addiction. But at the same time, although he may warn us for the possibility of getting addicted, it is not nearly his business to prohibit us to play GT4. It should simply be a matter of choice. Lot's of women like to watch porn. That they haven't so much before simply had to do with that they weren't allowed to. But a test has shown that even women who claim not to be aroused by watching porn still got aroused. Watching sex arouses you. You can be addicted to that feeling, absolutely. To the real thing also. It can even be a dangerous addiction. But it can also be one of the more healthy ones.

Famine, you forgot to mention that you're allowed to watch animals have sex on tv also, but still not people (though who knows a BBC documentary might get away with some weird sexual ritual from some tiny obscure tribe from some rainforest or forgotten plains in Africa or South America :D).

But ... uh ... I don't really know anything about sex, myself, really. I ... uh ... copied this text off of some website somewhere, forgot the link ... :sly:
So they get by that by letting out Hentai and showing nudity in gaming shows?
All hardcore pornos have two versions filmed - a hardcore version and a UK version. The UK version is very careful to make sure a thigh, or a calf (or a face... :D) gets in the way of every possible penetration/stiffy.
Not any more. Go see "Romance", "Baise moi", or "9 songs". All have stiffies, all have penetration and 9 songs even has an ejaculation, or so I've heard.

And they're not hardcore pornos (which is probably why all the above have been allowed). All have had general cinema releases and the first 2 are available on DVD.
By the way, Japan is another country that isn't allowed to show real-people sex, and as a result we have some great hentai that's often better than a lot of porn…
Ah, I've always wondered why the Japanese have such a preoccupation with cartoon sex. Makes sense now.
Stop being excessively literal and see my answer to your question above. What you did was clearly outside the rules, and if you weren't being such a baby about it, you'd admit it.

I was just rattling your chain, I didn't report anything. :dopey:
Ah, I've always wondered why the Japanese have such a preoccupation with cartoon sex. Makes sense now.

Good point. I know they also have rules about pubic hair. So almost all of them are completely shaved. Male and Female.
to turn this a bit, do you guys think it is WAY to easy for minors to access pornography? like i said, if i was a minor, i could EASILY google pornography WITHOUT a warning (exception of things like AOL or netnanny that have built-in protection wizards)

should a minor be allowed to view pornographic material anyway?
to turn this a bit, do you guys think it is WAY to easy for minors to access pornography? like i said, if i was a minor, i could EASILY google pornography WITHOUT a warning (exception of things like AOL or netnanny that have built-in protection wizards)
should a minor be allowed to view pornographic material anyway?

God no, last thing you want is them finding out about the birds and the bees without even seeing the bees and birds. Ease the kids in with toon porn that's what i say. Just kiddin i don't mean that. Toon porn is baadddd...

Pornagraphy is ok as long as it's that is kind of oxymoronic. What i mean is stuff like bondage, bukkake and that god for saken tub girl should be illegal. Also barely 18 **** should be disallowed too.

WARNING TO ALL GTP'ERS DO NOT SEARCH UP TUB GIRL. If you feel turned on by that......:yuck: :yuck:

The power of christ compels you. The power of christ compels you!
Don't bring that god awful site in here.
1 thread was already locked at the mention of it b/c so many started discussing it.
Sorry, but i seriously almost puked. A site completely deticated to one disgusting picture:crazy: .
Yes, although I think of it more as a link with the pic's properties.

But we need to get back to the topic before Duke decides to close this thread b/c of us discussing it.
To sum up my views of pornography I'm going to qoute the book "Once a Runner" by John L. Parker Jr. (An excellent book, if you are into running)
Denton- "hmmm. Is this some latent prejudice of yours finally making its way out of the closet? I thought you were one of those put-it-into-whatever-you-want-or-whoever-you-want kind of fellows"
Cassidy- "Look, my view of sexual matters is that consenting adults should be allowed to run each other over with haybailers, if that's their fondest desire. So long, of course, as they don't do it infront of children... Or lovers of harvesting equiptment"

I personally feel that porn is very addictive and one should set boundaries on it. Again I'll agree that child porn is completely utterly evil.

I don't know about restricting children from it. I think it is kind of like swear words, they can't possibly do any harm if the child has no idea what they mean. I know that when I was around ten I pretty much knew every major swear and its meaning. Seeing it on tv wasn't teaching me to do it (though one could argue it glorifies excessive use). Same goes with nudity; by around the same age I had a pretty good idea of the female genetalia and how sex works (actually not from porn but from a medical encyclopedia of sorts). Seeing sex on tv wouldn't corrupt my mind, it would only reinforce ideas I had already had or would soon have.

In short I disagree with the restriction of things instead of educating the people or researching the effects more thoroughly (long term). I guess you could apply that to anything. Video games have gone under fire for being excessivly violent, banning them is no solution (shakes fist at chuck shumer).