Because we all know that the only thing that improves an already good thing is by making it illegal.
Britain, the country of the Back to Basics campaign failing because half of the cabinet becoming instantly exposed on one sex-scandal after the other. Britain, the country where the early 20th century novel Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence was scrapped off the banned list as late as 1969. Britain, the country that taught me the wonderful term 'auto-erotic asphixiation', when a government official took pills, put himself stomach down on two chairs, jacked himself off while choking himself with a panty tied to the calf of his leg.
Britain, the country that brought so many different ways of talking about sex without actually saying penis or vagina that in retrospect sex can be read into at least 50% of everything that has ever been written into it. But the Brits are at the same time also some of the most sexually active, most studies show. That, or they get off on pretending to when they take the surveys - but judging by the British tourists I see in Amsterdam, or by the British versions of the Playboy and Adult Channel, things are rapidly changing in more than one way (they are stretching the limits of what can be seen lately), I think there's a quiet sexual revolution going off. More hints - London is the place where they invented bluetooth dating - using the bluetooth function on the cell-phone to indicate you're in for some casual sex in a public lavatory or park.
Ehm. Don't ask me how I know all this ...
By the way, Japan is another country that isn't allowed to show real-people sex, and as a result we have some great hentai that's often better than a lot of porn (Hungary is the place where some decent real porn comes from these days, by the way, in case you're interested). So it's not necessarily bad, but it's downright silly if you ask me.
Most porn, by the way, is, if degrading, then equally so to men and women these days.
And yes, sex can be addictive. But so can be many other things. If one person here becomes addicted to GT4, that's a problem, and I understand and respect that he would fight that addiction. But at the same time, although he may warn us for the possibility of getting addicted, it is not nearly his business to prohibit us to play GT4. It should simply be a matter of choice. Lot's of women like to watch porn. That they haven't so much before simply had to do with that they weren't allowed to. But a test has shown that even women who claim not to be aroused by watching porn still got aroused. Watching sex arouses you. You can be addicted to that feeling, absolutely. To the real thing also. It can even be a dangerous addiction. But it can also be one of the more healthy ones.
Famine, you forgot to mention that you're allowed to watch animals have sex on tv also, but still not people (though who knows a BBC documentary might get away with some weird sexual ritual from some tiny obscure tribe from some rainforest or forgotten plains in Africa or South America

But ... uh ... I don't really know anything about sex, myself, really. I ... uh ... copied this text off of some website somewhere, forgot the link ...