Porsche will not be in GT5

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And we have Tokyo Motor Show.

And the IAA (Internationale Automobilausstellung-international automobile exhibition) in Frankfurt, Germany in September, where btw. the new Ferrari 458 will be showen for the first time.

SrRd RacinG
To be honest, I'm sort of angry how we learned about Lamborghini and Bugatti in GT5. It seemed far too subtle, and it took away some of the 'WOW' factor. Would have been 10,000 times cooler to have seen them in a new video at Gamescom or something, but instead we found out through a silly GT PSP Go promotion. Not the most unique way to do things...... Hopefully Porsche and Lamborghini, etc, can all appear in the same video to totally awe us.

I pretty much agree with you.
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Or if Porsche doesn't get unveiled there. We still have the Tokyo Game Show! But hopefully they will show it, at Games Con.

Tuesday 18 August, Sony have a press conference the day before Games Con opening. That is one week away. - I hope we get something! Porsche in GT5 would be amazing. The 2010 GT1 Bugatti Beater would be even better.
BTW, I know it's a LONG shot, but it'd be awesome if we got the Reeves Callaway turbo 944 (IIRC, 32 total) & turbo 928s (~4).

Very few people even know they exist. I don't remember how much they put down, but they are fiendishly fast!
^ Since Callaway (C12) is a dedicated tuner in GT4, we may never now. ;)
To be honest, I'm sort of angry how we learned about Lamborghini and Bugatti in GT5. It seemed far too subtle, and it took away some of the 'WOW' factor. Would have been 10,000 times cooler to have seen them in a new video at Gamescom or something, but instead we found out through a silly GT PSP Go promotion. Not the most unique way to do things...... Hopefully Porsche and Lamborghini, etc, can all appear in the same video to totally awe us.

...But look at things through Sony's perspective. We read the blog that showed Lambo etc. plus the interview where Kaz said that "any car in GTPSP will be available in GT5" and put the two together. I think we're a small minority here. As far as Sony's concerned, Lambo and Bugatti have yet to be announced for GT5 which is, of course, true. So at GamesCom, they could "unveil" L. and B. for GT5 and it's new news for the vast majority of the consumer world. Add Porsche to that and you've got a pretty substantial headliner:)
To be honest, I'm sort of angry how we learned about Lamborghini and Bugatti in GT5.

To be honest, I'm sort of angry how people find a way to complain about everything. People laugh for other people complaining about trees. But complaining about the way we learned about Lamborghini and Bugatti? Ridiculous. Especially when people have been complaining for a while that PD doesn't comunicate with us. 👎
To be honest, I'm sort of angry how people find a way to complain about everything. People laugh for other people complaining about trees. But complaining about the way we learned about Lamborghini and Bugatti? Ridiculous. Especially when people have been complaining for a while that PD doesn't comunicate with us. 👎
People will complain about anything and everything.

Anyway, with Lamborghini and Bugatti confirmed, I frankly wouldn't be too sad if we didn't get Porsche. It'll be just about the only major name missing, and has a pretty decent counterpart that will likely be included if Porsche isn't: RUF.
To be honest, I'm sort of angry how people find a way to complain about everything. People laugh for other people complaining about trees. But complaining about the way we learned about Lamborghini and Bugatti? Ridiculous. Especially when people have been complaining for a while that PD doesn't comunicate with us. 👎

Believe me, I was very excited when I first heard about it, as were many others...but what about the MANY gamers that have yet to hear about it? They still don't know whether or not they will be added unless the have come here. It could have been done in as better way, no? Don't take it personally, it's just I expect a grander showing of Lamborghini and Bugatti in a video or something. You don't share news of this size on a small scale (this being a tiny PSP Go promotion)....(unless PD and friends know something more than I do!)
...But look at things through Sony's perspective. We read the blog that showed Lambo etc. plus the interview where Kaz said that "any car in GTPSP will be available in GT5" and put the two together. I think we're a small minority here. As far as Sony's concerned, Lambo and Bugatti have yet to be announced for GT5 which is, of course, true. So at GamesCom, they could "unveil" L. and B. for GT5 and it's new news for the vast majority of the consumer world. Add Porsche to that and you've got a pretty substantial headliner:)

Well said! 👍

There are a few ways to look at it, I suppose. As I'VE typed earlier, it'd be pretty bogus not to see a sick video of the newest members of the GT family in the near future. I await that video with so much damn anticipation.
Believe me, I was very excited when I first heard about it, as were many others...but what about the MANY gamers that have yet to hear about it? They still don't know whether or not they will be added unless the have come here.

It's hard to think of a GT gamer that doesn't know GTPlanet. If they don't know GTPlanet, I doubt they even know about Gran Turismo 5. :boggled: If I didn't knew about GTPlanet, I would still be playing GT2 in a PSX, believing it's the latest Gran Turismo. :lol:

And I'm serious. :ouch:
One thing that I noticed yesterday with the reveal of the new 911 Turbo is that modern porsche are so lifeless compared to formers !

Plain design
Plain engine sound
average performances

If Polyphony ever includes Porsche in GT5 I just hope it will be old models over newers(up to the 996 generation) ! Otherwise I wouldn't complain as long that there is RUF !
The overall shape of the 911 has been, well, the same for god lone knows how long. Saying it to be lifeless to the former cars is a bit broad. The new 911 actually look refined and exciting.

And turbo models and up do not sound plain.
They are trying. Read this, its quite old but relevant.

However, things are definitely going to change in Gran Turismo 5, as we all know. Ferrari will make its grand entrance in the world's most popular video game racing simulator - we've already played with a couple in Prologue - and more never-before-seen cars will be available as well. But what about Porsche? If you want to get technical, they have been in previous GT titles under the name "RUF," but...well, that's still not Porsche. Thankfully, though, it's just another long-time absentee that series creator Kazunori Yamauchi claims will "probably" arrive in GT5. During an interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine, he said that by the time GT5 is ready, Polyphony Digital will have acquired "most" if not "all" of the major manufacturers. He was prompted about Porsche, and he just said, "probably."

There's no doubt that GT5 will be a masterpiece, but considering it's going for ultimate realism, they should certainly go for as many manufacturers they can get. Let's hope that Porsche will join Ferrari in the final product!



I'll agree and disagree with you on this. I have a modern 911 the 997S. It's a great car with great sound and amazing performance. Go drive one, I'm sure with this economy they will let you take one for a test drive since they are not selling as well as they used to. On the other hand I do like the older Porsche's better, especially the 911. I could own an older one for less money than my newer one but it wouldn't be as reliable and I wouldn't want to drive it every day as it lacks modern comfort features that we all take for granted. Apples and oranges.

Also to end the debate about Ruf being a tuner or a manufacturer. They do not modify Porsche's into Ruf's. They buy blank chassis tubs with no VIN numbers. They then build the cars from the ground up and apply a Ruf VIN number. They do share many of the same parts but that's only because Ruf decided that the Porsche parts were satisfactory and didn't need to be redesigned. Now the Ruf debate is over.

I would love to see Porsche in the game and Ruf should stay. They have some great new cars especially the CTR3 which is NOT a tuned Porsche in any way even though it vaguely resembles the Cayman in some respects.

Bring on the 917 and 956/962 and I'll be in heaven!

One thing that I noticed yesterday with the reveal of the new 911 Turbo is that modern porsche are so lifeless compared to formers !

Plain design
Plain engine sound
average performances

If Polyphony ever includes Porsche in GT5 I just hope it will be old models over newers(up to the 996 generation) ! Otherwise I wouldn't complain as long that there is RUF !
The Dauer would kill everything. It does 251 MPH (independently verified). 0-62 in 2.6 secs and 0-124 in 7.2. To put that into perspective the Carrera GT does 0-124 in 9.9 seconds. And this is in street trim and not LM specs.

I would love to have any iteration of the 956/962 in GT5. It's only the most dominant race car ever!

Bring on the 917 and 956/962 and I'll be in heaven!

Same here, but I would love a 904, 718 RSK, the 910 & the RS Spyder to go along with that.
...Also to end the debate about Ruf being a tuner or a manufacturer. They do not modify Porsche's into Ruf's. They buy blank chassis tubs with no VIN numbers. They then build the cars from the ground up and apply a Ruf VIN number. They do share many of the same parts but that's only because Ruf decided that the Porsche parts were satisfactory...

Interesting, I always saw Ruf as a "simple" tuner, not from now on ^_^

Back on topic, there are many sim and racing games. But Gran Turismo has the presence and prestige of the winners, earned with so many years of good games. In my mind, is a fact that, sooner or later (via DLC), we'll see Porsches on GT5. Everyone want to be with the champion. Ferraris, Lamborghinis... Everyone is with us. Can Porsche miss this unique oportunity of presence and advertising, on this financial crisis days? I don't think so ;)

My God, what an enthusiastic speech I have made! Maybe too much caffeine :lol:
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It looks like the Nissan race car in GT4, the Nissan 92 something car.

You got that the wrong way around. The Nissan looks like the Porsche. The 956/962 started racing in '82. The Nissan wasn't built until the 90s.


Agreed, let's have all the Porsche race cars. Would love the 934 RSR and 935, heck all 911 based racers. Is that asking too much? :)

Sounds good to me! I'll even forgive PD for the thousands of Skylines if they do this. :)
The Dauer was actually only made so that the 962 could race at Le Mans in ´94, when group C didn´t exist anylonger. Porsche felt that they wanted a grand finale for the 962, and approached Dauer to make a roadlegal car from the 962. They did, and hey presto, the 962 was now eligiable for GT1! And they did win Le Mans that year of course!
You got that the wrong way around. The Nissan looks like the Porsche. The 956/962 started racing in '82. The Nissan wasn't built until the 90s.

Mmmm... I thought this Porsche was new.
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