Portal 2

I'd just like to say that the ending is one of those things that make you grin and think "OH MY GOD DID I JUST DO THAT?! THAT'S FRIGGIN' SWEET!"
Just beat the single player. Co-op sucks without friends to play it with. Guess I'll take it back to Gamestop and get Mortal Kombat.
I'll just leave this here...


I found a little thing in the game tonight that folks from Michigan would like. I need to go back and take a screen shot. Will post later...
I've played through the first three chapters and love Portal 2 even more than the original. Absolutely brilliant! The puzzles are not too hard, nor too easy and the humor is just great. 👍

Compared to the first Portal, I find it much easier to jump into a hole. So far I haven't missed once. I guess the game helps a bit by steering in mid-air.
I'm thinking about getting this game in about a week. I'm not sure though. I'm not a PC gamer so I'd be buying on PS3. Is it still worth it for someone who has never played portal or half life? I think it looks good and like it'd be fun for a change of pace.
It will be easier (at first) having played HL and Portal, but that is by no means necessary to enjoy the game.
I'm thinking about getting this game in about a week. I'm not sure though. I'm not a PC gamer so I'd be buying on PS3. Is it still worth it for someone who has never played portal or half life? I think it looks good and like it'd be fun for a change of pace.

It is a good game, but I would suggest playing the original Portal or watching a play through so you can see the story development, since it does tie into 2.

The original game is only $10 on Steam for PC, so you could just pick it up and try it out a bit if you are curious. And as for Half-life, there isn't much need to have played it - Portal is basically self contained.
I've seen videos and have a vague understanding. No way my computer would play portal though thus why I play everything on console.
Portal runs on Source which is a fairly old engine now - unless your computer is 30 years old I can't see it having any problems running both Portal or Portal 2 with the graphics turned down. AA&AF are the real killers anyway, in most parts of the game the performance difference on my computer between low/medium AA+AF and max AA+AF is in the order of 60-100fps.

(Tropic Thunder is awesome :lol: )
360 version.

Sorry for the delayed response. Wasnt able to get to the PC yesterday.

I beat Portal 1 in 2 hours without a guide, without asking anyone for help. Most of Portal 1 was not that difficult to figure out at all especially if you like puzzle solving games....with that said I already have over 4-5 hours into Portal 2 single player about 5 hours in the co-op campaign...

For the co-op we are on the 4th main chapter where they introduce the air tubes that carry you around the map.
For the single player I am several levels after the introduction of the propulsion gel.

So far the game is just amazing and it is indeed at least 3x longer than the first game and much better in every single way. I dont think I have a single complaint. I am guessing the single player campaign is at least 7-8 hours long and the co-op campaign is about 5-6 hours long at minimum. Some of the puzzles are insane especially for the co-op campaign. You REALLY need to use your head to solve some of these things. So far the co-op is much more difficult than the single player by a longshot. In a good way. The co-op online also runs very smooth which was my main concern. We rented 2 copies and have had a lot of fun so far.

BUT The question is, how much replay value will this game have once its finished? The ONLY way to even think of playing the co-op online is if someone has a headset. Headset is a MUST. So playing co-op would suck unless the other player has a headset. So if you dont have friends, you will probably be stuck mainly with the campaign. If you could find it for $30.00 ish I would say go for it but hopefully you have friends playing the game so you can do the co-op.
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At the moment, not much unless you consider going for the achievements. However there will be DLC and the Steam store page states that modding tools will become available at some point, so once Valve releases those the game theoretically has infinite replay value. Can't wait to see the sorts of things people can come up with :)

I expect a mode similar to the challenge chambers from the first game to make an appearance via DLC at some point, so that'll help the replayability too.
We rented the 360 versions so really the only way its worth buying is for the PC or PS3. But I really have been loving this game, just cant justify the purchase.
Who has got this game and finished it?
Who needs help on a level?

I will be planning to make a full video walk through of each level and their is alot of them.

And if you finished the game do you think their will be a portal 3?

P.S I hope you saw that thing right at the end.
Well let's begin with the spoilers then...

Which thing right at the end? You mean Wheatley in space? That's the last thing I remember.

Anyway, there will most likely be a 3rd one. The game was quite successful and valve won't stop making them until they can milk the last dime out of it.
There might be a 3rd because I saw the co op ending

They both find a bunch of people locked up in cell like things and GLaDOS blows them up (hard to explain)
Well let's begin with the spoilers then...

Which thing right at the end? You mean Wheatley in space? That's the last thing I remember.

Anyway, there will most likely be a 3rd one. The game was quite successful and valve won't stop making them until they can milk the last dime out of it.

I am talking about when the door slams behind you and you turn around to see that thing come out as well

Talking about the Compainion Cube(Burned)
Merged threads.

Anyway, oh my god some of the people I've played Co-op with are SO STUPID. I haven't gotten past level 8 because people either exit the game or are just so retarded that they make me want to kill myself and I disconnect instead.
Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call

Video is in full HD and about 16 minutes long, it covers the first chapter.

Merged threads.

Anyway, oh my god some of the people I've played Co-op with are SO STUPID. I haven't gotten past level 8 because people either exit the game or are just so retarded that they make me want to kill myself and I disconnect instead.

If you want help i will be happy to help out, never played Co-Op mode but it shouldn't be that hard.
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Chapter 2 uploaded, working on Chapter 3.

I also added annotations to the videos so if you need pointers you have them.
I´ve played through the whole game now. Man what a cool game!
You can almost see Portal as sort of a beta or test build whereas this was the full fledged Portal.
One of the few games that actually makes you smarter.

Although i keep wondering where the hell Episode 3 went!? FFS i´ve been waiting for 3 years on that ****!
I am toward the end of chapter 7 or early 8 and I am finding the campaign to be a grind at this point. Fun at first but just not into the campaign now.

However the co-op campaign is a BLAST!!! I went through the co-op campaign almost 2 full times this weekend and started a 3rd time with a 3rd friend. One of the most impressive innovative features is the PIP (picture in picture - hold Y button) to see the other players screen. I cant say enough how helpful that feature is in this game. The co-op campaign is just pure fun. 👍
Wow your not even halfway through lol :)
When you get to 19 or so then your about 20-25% left i think. ;)

It´s a grind for sure, sometimes i stood and watched for an hour wondering how the hell i was supposed to do stuff etc. But once that is over it just starts to get epic!
Wow your not even halfway through lol :)
When you get to 19 or so then your about 20-25% left i think. ;)

It´s a grind for sure, sometimes i stood and watched for an hour wondering how the hell i was supposed to do stuff etc. But once that is over it just starts to get epic!
No you are off by quite a bit. I beat the first 21/21 test chambers levels within 2 and a half hours 3 hours. Thats just a basic tutorial to the game and that was fun. Thats classified as chapter 4 and there are 9 total "chapters". That is less than the halfway point. Then the game changes and the chapters are very strange. I am getting closer to the end of the game. I have about 7 or 8 total hours into the game now and have been using the blue, orange and other colored gels.

*Edit: Yes there are 9 total "chapters" I am at the end of Chapter 7 early chapter 8. The part you are talking about is only chapter 4.
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Just rented it this afternoon and have progressed already to the end of Chap 7. Apart from a handful of obstacles, I really haven't found it all that challenging I guess. Most of the effort seems to involve planning how you're gonna generate enough momentum to fly from one section to another. Still a very enjoyable game, but not quite as amazing as I was anticipating.

On the plus side it looks like the PS3 copy I rented still has an intact PC access code :D. So once the PSN is up and running I'm looking forward to trying it out on my Win7 rig.

Now to the dialogue... that is pretty dang special at times. Probably my favorite GlaDOS quote so far: "Let's look at the test results... You are a horrible person. That's what it says- a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."
My favorite quote from the game but it was in co-op. I actually found the co-op dialog a lot more funny than the single player campaign.

"Did you know humans do not like weight variants? Tell a human their weight variant is higher or lower than normal and they will be very angry" :lol:
Kills Co-Op mate with metal spikes

Well i think Orange has lernt a very valueble lesson in trust.

Blue is awarded 14 Scicnce points.
My favorite quote from the game but it was in co-op. I actually found the co-op dialog a lot more funny than the single player campaign.

"Did you know humans do not like weight variants? Tell a human their weight variant is higher or lower than normal and they will be very angry" :lol:

There are too many good ones to post, but in summation, I'll leave a few of them here:

"I'm getting your test results back. You're a horrible person. That's what it says. We weren't even testing for that." - GLaDOS

"I know $60 is a giant windfall for you people, so don't go spending it all on... I don't know. Caroline, what do these people buy? Tattered hats? Beard dirt?" - Cave Johnson

Also, anything said by the personality cores.
Just finished the SP and although a very good, albeit short, game I just don't see where all the 10's are coming from. The dialogue/voice acting is probably close to perfect but the game overall... I really think they could/should have done better in the puzzle variety department.

From the few levels of co-op that I've played, seems to me the test chamber quality and variety is actually higher in that mode.