Post a pic of your real car

  • Thread starter Sparxxx
With the mods I plan and from the dynos I've seen others do, it should do about 190-200 to the wheels, 240 at the crank (intake, full exhaust, increase boost from 7.5 to 10). Nothing extraordinary but the car only weighs ~ 2450 lbs. On street tires, it'll do about 13.2-13.5 in the quarter but I bought the car for the handling (I have a 97 MX5 as my daily driver / autoX vehicle). I just want to do a few bolt on mods to improve the air & exhaust flow (car is too quiet in stock form).

Others have installed a larger turbo, larger injectors, larger intercooler and standalone ECU and have gotten about 310 at the crank, 240 at the wheels. The faster Miatas are the early model ones that weigh ~ 2100 lbs and the owners have installed larger turbos, running mid 10s on drag radials. For me, anything more than 250-260 crank hp would kill the balance of the vehicle (traction problems in 1st & 2nd gear).
Can't. Stop. Drooling. Over. That. Camaro.
I also love that shape of MX-5 too, my favourite (new one isn't too bad, but i prefer the shape of your one).
:drool: :drool: that Camaro is to die for!

I wish i was old enough to drive,you guys have some great cars:tup:
1995 Audi S6 Avant




rovr powr! :lol: heres my hunk o junk cliche reflection shot yay!


I hear that those honda B series engines just go right in! Dooooo eeeet dooo eeet.

Also that has to be the least rusty rover 200 I have ever seen ever in my entire life of living.
I should go to bed, but instead i'm just gonna post some retarded posts ok.

I needed to go and pickup my car from the garage that had just done my timing belt. Normally I would have picked a nearer garage, but these guys were doing discounts for mr2 club members and the fact that they only work on mr2's and have a great reputation in the mr2 'scene' so I drove the measily 70 miles to drop my car off. Also I thought it would be a good idea to put mr2 in the sentence 3 times to tell you I drive an mr2, also mr2.

My friend Rick drove me back to pick my car up, here is a glorious shot. Half GM/OPEL/Vauxhall Astra Estate interior, half M25.

In this picture, the roadsalt on the windscreen represents the working mans plight. Which is to be sprayed with antifreeze and only partially wiped off with worn out windscreen wipers that represent worn out windscreen wipers.

Also I spotted this helicopter, well I wouldn't say spotted because it was pretty big. So I would say this helicopter was forced upon my visual field and I took crappy pictures of it with my camera which I would describe as pretty ****e.


Pretty sure it's not a civilian one, but I can't remember if it had any markings on it. Also the truck, no sorry lorry god damnit Americans making the term 'Lorry' sound completely retarded to me a born and bread (50% Indian 50% Irish) Englishman.

Ok so I got my car back and retardedly left the camera in the side compartment in Ricks car when I got to the garage. Mainly because I couldn't fit the camera, my satnav (which I never used because the battery was flat and to be honest I don't know why I bothered because I already knew how to get there) and my phone all in one pocket. I know I have two pockets but I am serious nothing goes in my left pocket apart from my keys and my wallet I am serious about that. So you are going to miss out of pictures of a Blue TRD kitted mr2, a couple of nice looking turbos and some insanely ugly kitted silver turbo which they were working on that had the most ugly gigantic center mounted exaust.

So you will have to imagine all that ok?

Anyway so I got my car back, but horror of horrors they said they also had to replace the idler bearings which they told me beforehand that they might need replacing. So now! My car! Doesn't have! That funny rattling noise! At idle! Anymore!

On that note I decided to head back home, all was good and I had my car back. But all was not well because now Ricks car didn't seem to want to drive in a straight line. So I think back to a couple of days ago when I thought it would be a good idea to point out a chineese takeaway to him while he was driving. Unfortunately my superior pointing skills distracted Rick to the point of running over a raised curb in the middle of the road with one of those odd bollard sign dealies that are meant to mean something. My guess is that they mean 'do not drive onto these curbs when your friend points out a chineese takeaway that might be good' actually it's one of these things I forget what the hell they are meant to be, I used to like kicking them over when I was 13 years old. So I guess they might be usefull for 13 year olds to kick.

Anyway back to the interesting story, we jacked up that side to check for any play in the wheel and looked for any damage. Everything checked out fine apart from the tyre was a few mm away from the legal limit and the other one wasn't.

So fast forward to the current day, I take him to the protyre that I used to use untill they started acting all arsey to me and try to tell me that the toyo t1r is a trackday tyre (hint: It's not, it's an allright summer tyre, not the greatest though. Toyo R888's now those are trackday tyres). Inane ramblings aside, they do a decent allignment, rick decides to get some new front tyres and goes for firestones. I get bored of watching the guys put those lazer dealies on his wheels and take some pictures of my dirty car.



So my car is covered in roadsalt and mud
What of it?
Also if you notice I have the high downforce mode enabled, most people call it the trunk goddamnit boot not trunk BOOT. But anyway yeah most people mistake it for a boot, even though there is a boot like compartment below the high downforce struts, I think I know what Toyota had in mind when they designed the high downforce mode.

Well I decided to wash and wax it after that anyway.




I hope you enjoyed reading this incredibly long post that doesn't have much of a point as much as I have typing it. Which is to be honest not very much.

hey there fella, what year is that, because i own a black one like it...but its a 1991...yours looks far newer:dopey:
I hear that those honda B series engines just go right in! Dooooo eeeet dooo eeet.
Also that has to be the least rusty rover 200 I have ever seen ever in my entire life of living.

hm thats an idea :lol: its a 214SLi 16v so its not too bad for the model :P could do with some more tho, i shall consider :D maybe later anyway, im 19 and it costs me a fortune insuring it as it is x_x
i do look after it well :D the only rust i have is under one of the wheel arches and some minor paint blisters
Hey smevy what are you actually paying yearly on that rover?, just trying to figure out whether insurance companys hate me or if its the car i drive :guilty:
just over £1600 third party, best i could find, and its only a ten month no claims accelerator (a years no claims in 10months :dopey:) fully comp i was lookin at over £2100 with most companies x_x
Ack! thats sooo much! i thought i was paying a lot when i was on my first year.
i payed £1421 for my first year on a 1.4 4 door astra, third party, £728 for my 2nd year and now £586 for my third, 2 years no claims is such a relief after paying nearly 3 times as much for the first year!

Dont know if you've already tried but check out, it trauls up quotes from many insurance companys and arranges them into a list in price order. im sure you could find it cheaper than £1600! :)

Im currently saving up for a new car, something that will be a bit more reliable than my old junker.
I'll post some pics as soon as ive made up my mind. :)
Ack! thats sooo much! i thought i was paying a lot when i was on my first year.
i payed £1421 for my first year on a 1.4 4 door astra, third party, £728 for my 2nd year and now £586 for my third, 2 years no claims is such a relief after paying nearly 3 times as much for the first year!

Dont know if you've already tried but check out, it trauls up quotes from many insurance companys and arranges them into a list in price order. im sure you could find it cheaper than £1600! :)

Im currently saving up for a new car, something that will be a bit more reliable than my old junker.
I'll post some pics as soon as ive made up my mind. :)

wow thats quite a drop i cant wait till june when my 10 months is up lol :D i will try that thing out later, id rather not be pestered about quotes right now >.< i wouldnt mind a new car, tho the trusty rover has been brilliant i want something quicker!
Put in new tyres all around and new brake discs.

Tyres are Falken something, 17". Discs are meh

Took the pic from work.

my first car, I had it for 2 years, but then it was time for something new:
Opel Corsa (B) 1.4i 8v (65HP)

so last August it was time for a more "up-to-date" car, and a bit faster ;)
Opel Corsa (C) 1.8 16v GSi (125HP)
So when is the MR conversion going to be started?

MR? as in mid-engine, rear wheel drive?

Dude, I just bought the tyres, discs and the front decal... all that set me back about 640&#8364;... I'm not really in much of a hurry to invest more on it. I have stuff to buy... like a new DS2.
Keeping with the MR2 theme..

Just finished painting and bolting on the spoiler I modified.


Now go and buy some watanabes for it!

Btw my car is a 96, for that guy who decided to quote that massive retarded post I made. I've got new discs and some fancy ceramic/kevlar pads going on after I get my suspension sorted out, I have a feeling that my front balljoints are gone although it might just be that the weights have fallen off the front wheels and the tyres have become unbalanced iono.
04 Mazdaspeed MX5:

Stock at the moment since I've only had it a few months, but I've got a GReddy PRofec B waiting to be installed; just need to go buy the intake, blow off valve, and boost controller to do them all at once. Once it gets warmer, I'll install a full exhaust & adjustable coilovers.

hell yeah! another msm owner!
My first car was my dad's 1986 Toyota Tercel Stationwagon. I LOVED that car. It could carry SOOO much stuff. My bro and I bought 2 cabinets from Ikea, and fit it in the back. That was AWESOME. My mom sold it when I moved out. I miss that car a lot.

My second car: 1988 Mazda RX7 TII 10th Anniversary





My current car: 1996 Nissan 240SX








That is truely the nicest P1 I have EVER seen. That is gorgeous! Was she running stock? Or had you tinkered with boost or in general?
Slightly modified. I fitted a Hayward & Scott downpipe, Blitz NUR Spec R exhaust,walbro fuel pump, then got an Andy Forrest
ecutek remap. This raised the boost on the VF28 from 1.1bar to 1.45bar. HP went from 280 up to 320. To keep an eye on things I fitted Defi BF gauges and a knocklink. Also fitted AP 330mm discs with Wilwood superlite racing calipers.