Post a pic of your real car

  • Thread starter Sparxxx
Heheh, you caught yourself. ;) I got some closer pictures on my computer. A couple underhood shots, a good side view, and one from right behind. It was pretty much just parked there the whole meet.
Time for another picture of the beast.

I just found this pic of when I had different rims on the car, a week after that pic the very friend who sold the wheels/tires to me hit a curb going about 15mph at probably a 45deg. angle:grumpy: :grumpy: since they don't make that style any more I have yet to see any compensation. With friends like that who needs enemies!! At least the car wasn't hurt even though the rim was destroyed
I think if you look it up the beating that followed was recorded in numerous history books. When i looked out the window afterwards I saw the wheel wobbling back and forth on its axis!! Now I have 3 good rims and one trashed with a good tire, and my current wheels will not accept those tires...
I should go to bed, but instead i'm just gonna post some retarded posts ok.

I needed to go and pickup my car from the garage that had just done my timing belt. Normally I would have picked a nearer garage, but these guys were doing discounts for mr2 club members and the fact that they only work on mr2's and have a great reputation in the mr2 'scene' so I drove the measily 70 miles to drop my car off. Also I thought it would be a good idea to put mr2 in the sentence 3 times to tell you I drive an mr2, also mr2.

My friend Rick drove me back to pick my car up, here is a glorious shot. Half GM/OPEL/Vauxhall Astra Estate interior, half M25.

In this picture, the roadsalt on the windscreen represents the working mans plight. Which is to be sprayed with antifreeze and only partially wiped off with worn out windscreen wipers that represent worn out windscreen wipers.

Also I spotted this helicopter, well I wouldn't say spotted because it was pretty big. So I would say this helicopter was forced upon my visual field and I took crappy pictures of it with my camera which I would describe as pretty ****e.


Pretty sure it's not a civilian one, but I can't remember if it had any markings on it. Also the truck, no sorry lorry god damnit Americans making the term 'Lorry' sound completely retarded to me a born and bread (50% Indian 50% Irish) Englishman.

Ok so I got my car back and retardedly left the camera in the side compartment in Ricks car when I got to the garage. Mainly because I couldn't fit the camera, my satnav (which I never used because the battery was flat and to be honest I don't know why I bothered because I already knew how to get there) and my phone all in one pocket. I know I have two pockets but I am serious nothing goes in my left pocket apart from my keys and my wallet I am serious about that. So you are going to miss out of pictures of a Blue TRD kitted mr2, a couple of nice looking turbos and some insanely ugly kitted silver turbo which they were working on that had the most ugly gigantic center mounted exaust.

So you will have to imagine all that ok?

Anyway so I got my car back, but horror of horrors they said they also had to replace the idler bearings which they told me beforehand that they might need replacing. So now! My car! Doesn't have! That funny rattling noise! At idle! Anymore!

On that note I decided to head back home, all was good and I had my car back. But all was not well because now Ricks car didn't seem to want to drive in a straight line. So I think back to a couple of days ago when I thought it would be a good idea to point out a chineese takeaway to him while he was driving. Unfortunately my superior pointing skills distracted Rick to the point of running over a raised curb in the middle of the road with one of those odd bollard sign dealies that are meant to mean something. My guess is that they mean 'do not drive onto these curbs when your friend points out a chineese takeaway that might be good' actually it's one of these things I forget what the hell they are meant to be, I used to like kicking them over when I was 13 years old. So I guess they might be usefull for 13 year olds to kick.

Anyway back to the interesting story, we jacked up that side to check for any play in the wheel and looked for any damage. Everything checked out fine apart from the tyre was a few mm away from the legal limit and the other one wasn't.

So fast forward to the current day, I take him to the protyre that I used to use untill they started acting all arsey to me and try to tell me that the toyo t1r is a trackday tyre (hint: It's not, it's an allright summer tyre, not the greatest though. Toyo R888's now those are trackday tyres). Inane ramblings aside, they do a decent allignment, rick decides to get some new front tyres and goes for firestones. I get bored of watching the guys put those lazer dealies on his wheels and take some pictures of my dirty car.



So my car is covered in roadsalt and mud
What of it?
Also if you notice I have the high downforce mode enabled, most people call it the trunk goddamnit boot not trunk BOOT. But anyway yeah most people mistake it for a boot, even though there is a boot like compartment below the high downforce struts, I think I know what Toyota had in mind when they designed the high downforce mode.

Well I decided to wash and wax it after that anyway.




I hope you enjoyed reading this incredibly long post that doesn't have much of a point as much as I have typing it. Which is to be honest not very much.
Gorgeous car! That's a very clean example.
Edit: Found some old pictures. Like I said before, I never take pictures, so these are all old and none taken by me. Enjoy the timeline!
Here's one of maybe 3 pictures ever taken of my second car: '74 Chevelle, 2 bolt main 350 with pistons and bolt ons. 375ish HP. This is a little over 3 years old.

My next toy after that, '91 bone stock turbo 5spd nothing special, but very enjoyable. This was a little over 2 years ago.

Picking up my new wheels in my old beater (about a year ago):

To replace these, which were as chipped and faded as they were dated:

New wheels, wash, and wax, and it cleaned up nicely (56K, why are you even online?):

There were a bunch more from that batch, but it's just more of the same, really. I'll spare you guys the load times.
Thats a real nice MR-2, nice colour too. :)

Here are a few random pics of my Skyline GTS-4 (bluey grey) and my brothers GTS-25 (gunmetal).

Gomigod, my cars gonna tip over!

Both wearing stock rims, exhausts - believe it or not - are not factory (4" tip on mine, 4 1/2" on the 25).

My 4;

This kinda looks like the car is photoshopped into that location.

You can see the front spoiler has been lowered for this shot (i think the car looks better with it down).

Nice Central Otago scenery (at the Clutha Dam for those in the know).

Only reason i took these pics was because of the clouds and the blue sky. :)


And my brothers' 25;

VERY windy this day.

This is one of the best angles to take pics of R32's.

Back at the lake.

Back at the river.


Siklyne is a clever muddle up of Skyline as done by the former (boy racer) owners.

Will hopefully get more pics of our cars together one day, his is the facelift model (1992, mine is 1990) so he has front spotlights, different rear lights, bigger badges on the back and more.

Off topic, i FINALLY drove up the worlds steepest street (Baldwin Street, Dunedin - Wikipedia it) yesterday, in my car. For years i've been putting it off due to the sheer steepness and intimidation factor of the hill in fear that the car i take up it wouldn't make it and i'd have to reverse down.

Well that was a load of bollocks.

While travelling up the street in first gear you experience the same feeling as if you are boosting it along the road, yet you're only doing about 10-20 km/h. :scared: At the steepest part (you can EASILY tell what part is it while going up) it honestly feels like the car is going to tip over backwards.

So, just to test how the car would do, when i'd just got on the steepest part i planted it... and the car just easily flew up the hill almost like on flat ground! Geez man, it can probably make it up in second and third as well.

When i get access to a camera with video and sound capabilities i'll film myself going up and down it for ya'll to see. :)
Not entierly sure what that is, but i don't think so. It didn't go up the hill quite as quick as it would on the straight, but it wasn't exactly going slowly. :)
Not entierly sure what that is, but i don't think so. It didn't go up the hill quite as quick as it would on the straight, but it wasn't exactly going slowly. :)

Compressor surge sounds like a fluttering, airy sound. Look up videos of big turbo cars at the drag strip (Supras should be easiest to find). When they finish their burnouts, you'll hear this fluttering noise, that's compressor surge, and you can hear it a little bit when boosting uphill.
It happens when air pressure downstream> air pressure the compressor is making. It happens when you have no BOV or an improperly-sized BOV, that's why you hear it when abig turbo car is staging. They have high boost BOV's that are designed to open for their 40+psi runs, but the spring is too stiff to open for the 1-2 PSI they make doing a burnout, so it surges.
It happens when air pressure downstream> air pressure the compressor is making. It happens when you have no BOV or an improperly-sized BOV, that's why you hear it when abig turbo car is staging. They have high boost BOV's that are designed to open for their 40+psi runs, but the spring is too stiff to open for the 1-2 PSI they make doing a burnout, so it surges.

Cool man, I didn't know that. Thanks :)
Ah, i've heard that sound plenty before but not in my car. My Skyline is automatic but it does have a factory blow off valve which you can hear sometimes. :)
It happens when air pressure downstream> air pressure the compressor is making. It happens when you have no BOV or an improperly-sized BOV, that's why you hear it when abig turbo car is staging. They have high boost BOV's that are designed to open for their 40+psi runs, but the spring is too stiff to open for the 1-2 PSI they make doing a burnout, so it surges.

But what has this (compressor surging from incorrect pressure release BOV, off-throttle) got to do with Skylineobsession driving on-throttle up a hill?
But what has this (compressor surging from incorrect pressure release BOV, off-throttle) got to do with Skylineobsession driving on-throttle up a hill?

I meant to say it ALSO happens from an insufficient BOV. Turbos built boost according to load. For example, in 1st gear, even if you floored it and had traction the whole way, you may not reach your peak boost because the boost wouldn't build fast enough (before you had to shift to 2nd), but in 5th or 6th gear, if you're cruising at 15% throttle, you can mash the gas and have boost very quickly because of the high load due to a taller gear. When driving uphill, you get a tad bit of surge from building boost super fast.
When driving uphill, you get a tad bit of surge from building boost super fast.

You can get a tad bit of surge yes due to the wastegate not being able to initially being able to cope, but you never mentioned the wastegate. You went on to describe about blow off valves.
04 Mazdaspeed MX5:

Stock at the moment since I've only had it a few months, but I've got a GReddy PRofec B waiting to be installed; just need to go buy the intake, blow off valve, and boost controller to do them all at once. Once it gets warmer, I'll install a full exhaust & adjustable coilovers.
Derrict: VERY, VERY, VERY nice. I'm jealous. :( I was pretty close to getting one of those after driving one. Keep us updated (prolly in the general car chat forum) once you get the stuff installed. I'm interested to see what it puts out!