Post a picture of you AND your girlfriend

Boy it sure did take your aging and rapidly declining body to type sucha poor rebuttle. Type any faster next time and you might snap a finger.
Well seeing as you are married how about you tend to your wife isntead of spending so much time with a machine and make something of your marriage than you going about trolling and if I really wanted to see naked people I can easily enough look at real porn if I wanted to yet for some reason you take my sentence as bible word word. How about you take your balding self away and think about the fact that most things posted ona internett forum especially one aimed at younger audiences is not to be taken serious.
Young warrior, you have posted nearly 1000 posts here in two month, at a rate of 17 per day, id hardly think hes the sad one conversing on a forum now would you;)

im 17 hes in his 30s. This forum is about video games and what is it to you anyway.
Young warrior, you have posted nearly 1000 posts here in two month, at a rate of 17 per day, id hardly think hes the sad one conversing on a forum now would you;)
Agreed! 👍
im 17 hes in his 30s. This forum is about video games and what is it to you anyway.

This is a forum about video games, and age doesnt really matter too much, you may be 17 but your dam immature..

And whats it too me? We are a ad part of it so live with it..
Theres a lot of older members like mid-late 20's and up on this site. It's a popular site and a respectable one so it attracts older people as well as younger becasue theres less flaming and language.
im 17 hes in his 30s. This forum is about video games and what is it to you anyway.
You really love pissing people off, don't you?

BTW, shouldn't you be off tending to your big muscles?
im 17 hes in his 30s. This forum is about video games and what is it to you anyway.
You’re 17 and you’re acting like a spoiled 12 year old. This isn’t your forum, this is for anybody – regardless of age – to enjoy and contribute.

So what if he’s 30? He is an intelligent and valued member of this community. You are acting like an immature idiot who thinks people can’t enjoy something because of their age.

You’re 17 and you’re acting like a spoiled 12 year old. This isn’t your forum, this is for anybody – regardless of age – to enjoy and contribute.

So what if he’s 30? He is an intelligent and valued member of this community. You are acting like an immature idiot who thinks people can’t enjoy something because of their age.

I’d be willing to bet money that you’ll still be playing video games in your 30s.

He told us he didn't play video games. :rolleyes:

On thread topic: No pics of of my friend for you. We're not dating, just still getting the, balls as teens say it here, to ask her.
Here's one of my girlfriend and me. We were both really drunk at the time so it's not the best picture.

*edit* Sorry, too late, I removed the picture.
Whoa you got eyebrows that could challenge the might of Fernando Alonso's!

Chick aint half bad either 👍 Good catch.

We had just woke up, and the cell phone camera doesn't help much either. But that's us. :)
one of the very few pics where my wife isn't blinking and I'm not making funny faces. Avoid the camel references... especially those that involve toes.

I was going to crack a joke about Bactrians and Dromedaries, but I won't now.
I was going to crack a joke about Bactrians and Dromedaries, but I won't now.

Wow, that's like the most obscure innuendo ever. Hahaha.
I'm afraid to post a pic of my gf, ever scince John got a hold of a pic of my ex. The thought that he still has it on his computer creeps me out. John creeps me out in the first place, him and his big cheese filled mullet.
Damn, I looked at the photo of my wife and I on Page 1 of this thread, and I relaized we look like midgets, the way our legs were cut off from the pic.
