Post a picture of you AND your girlfriend

I'm 13 so I got 7 more years to go?

**** that.:grumpy:
hey im 14, but that doesn't there's a set limit! she could walk round the corner tomorrow!
Something like, he wasn't nice in that way...

I noticed it when the love simbols and stuff dissapeared out of here nickname...

:lol: She won't talk to me now anyway, typical.



If you want to do a swap any time, I could talk her into it, if I can get her to talk.
Not on Msn, which means no where at the moment because it's the summer holidays and she lives 5 miles away and I doubt she'll phone me.
Me and my girl barely get to talk because of her parents. (I guess they think I'm a bad influence) Pisses me off bad, but once school starts again, we have quite a few classes the same 👍. maybe ill get a pic up here soon.

I was about to make a thread for this... Heres one of my GF's. If I posted some other pictures I have of her, I would be banned... :)
I wasn't aware that this thread was titled "Post whoreish myspace pictures of your girlfriend"

I think the operative word is you and your girlfriend.
I think I can read than you very much.

I will now make ANOTHER thread because of your reply. You rather me make more threads than to revive an old one?

EDIT: And now one of my girls is whorish?
Heres one of my GF's.
And now one of my girls is whorish?
You have multiple girlfriends?

Anyway. A really old one, before we were even together, and we were possibly a little drunk..

..but I like it because it reminds me of the whole giggling teenager stage. :P


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er.... Tunervision, or CNG, whatever you want to call yourself, the point of the thread is to post pictures of YOURSELF with YOUR GIRLFRIEND, not pictures of YOUR GIRLFRIEND ALONE! For all we know, those could be just MySpace pics of someone you just browsed around.

And they do indeed look whorish. If you'll notice the pics people have posted about (and Jimmy Enslashay's one is a perfect example), they're pics of the couple having fun, being together, and whatnot. The pictures you posted of your "girlfriend" look like they're taken from a dating service.

And the fact that you're 17 and claim this girl to be "one of your girlfriends" doesn't help your cause.
er.... Tunervision, or CNG, whatever you want to call yourself, the point of the thread is to post pictures of YOURSELF with YOUR GIRLFRIEND, not pictures of YOUR GIRLFRIEND ALONE! For all we know, those could be just MySpace pics of someone you just browsed around.

And they do indeed look whorish. If you'll notice the pics people have posted about (and Jimmy Enslashay's one is a perfect example), they're pics of the couple having fun, being together, and whatnot. The pictures you posted of your "girlfriend" look like they're taken from a dating service.

And the fact that you're 17 and claim this girl to be "one of your girlfriends" doesn't help your cause.

Do I really need proof that Sarah Morse is one of my GF's? I'll give you her MSN, her phone number, and more.

And what type of low life bastard would get fake pictures and state that is thier girl?
Dude, just post pics of you AND your girlfriend, like the thread states... not pics of your girlfriend in suggestive pics WITHOUT YOU

Thank you

And what type of low life bastard would get fake pictures and state that is thier girl?

You'd be amazed

I'm sorry, but do you think of yourself as some kind of pimp, CNG, by saying one of your girlfriends?

Are you not at the point where you can make a commitment to one girl?

Wow, this thread is getting some attention.
Do I really need proof that Sarah Morse is one of my GF's? I'll give you her MSN, her phone number, and more

Ill take that number! might be scraping the bottom of the barrell but you never know when you might find yourself alone one evening :lol:

And what type of low life bastard would get fake pictures and state that is thier girl?

Never underestimate people on the internets!

Wow, this thread is getting some attention.

he he... I was checking the past posts to find people who'd posted pics of other girls claiming they were their gfs and the list of people viewing it just got longer and longer... of course, one of them was Dunc, and that always makes you thing different.

Ill take that number! might be scraping the bottom of the barrell but you never know when you might find yourself alone one evening

You've really taken a liking to jail bait lately... respeck!
If I said I can read, then why are you implying that I should add pictures with me in them? I think I know that it said pictures of you and "you" girlfriend. :rolleyes:

So I should start another girl thread, or just post a picture of her here?
I even said I knew that it said you and you girlfriend.

Wierd, people flame me for making a thread, but also flame me for using the search function. :odd:

I'm not blind like this guy. =|> :cool:

I don't just enter a thread and post without reading the title, so what you just got some girl pictures without me in them, do you really want me there ruining the pictures? Most of the pictures we were both in had something negative in them, mainly because of me.The most appropiate picture saved here with both of us is me grabbing her ass, which is still not appropiate enough.

I understand what you are saying -Diego-. But no one answered my question, do you want an old thread brought up or a new one created? That is all I'm saying, I don't want to argue. No one ever sees my side of the story. I'm treated like a bag of doo-doo.:(

And plus, she doesn't ALWAYS want to be in pictures on the internet.
always use the search function and of course, rather revive an old thread than create a new one. That's the bottom line.

But whether the thread's title has a grammar issue or not, the point is that you should post a picture with your girlfriend, not of your girlfriend alone, since that can lead to people making outrageous claims. Get my drift?
Do I really need proof that Sarah Morse is one of my GF's? I'll give you her MSN, her phone number, and more.

If she was your girlfriend, then you wouldn't give those out.
And what type of low life bastard would get fake pictures and state that is thier girl?
Trust me, it's been done... I've had the pleasure of rumbling the same person twice in this very thread... without naming any names, this fella posted a picture of his mate's girlfriend claiming she was his wife and that she was now pregnant with his child... :rolleyes:

Beware the power of Google, that's all I have to say ;)

edit: Sidenote - I even had the pleasure of rumbling a guy who claimed a girl was his 'girlfriend' in real life, but it turned out to be less than true - the only reason I found out is because the girl he claimed he was seeing (who he met on holiday in Prague) just happened to work in the same office as me, and infact she sat just a few desks away...
he he... I was checking the past posts to find people who'd posted pics of other girls claiming they were their gfs and the list of people viewing it just got longer and longer... of course, one of them was Dunc, and that always makes you thing different.


What now?
And what type of low life bastard would get fake pictures and state that is thier girl?
Believe me it happens. About 4 years ago I had pics of my daughter on my website. She used to hang out in the MSN chat rooms back when they were still around, one day she was chatting to this girl and looked at the profile picture and it was a picture of my daughter taken from my website. Funny thing was this girl wouldnt admit it wasn't her.

Anyway back to posting pictures of your girlfriend, does she know you are doing it. Personally I am against anyone posting pictures of anyone else other than themselves (that is of course unless its me posting embarrassing photos of my son) same goes for posting any information about a third party.
I always have the same, expressionless face in pictures.

yeah, you do... you're just as expressive as a brick wall... kinda balances out with your gf, though

but I like it because it reminds me of the whole giggling teenager stage

It's kinda sad when you refer to your teenage years as the past, while you're still a teenager