Post a picture of you AND your girlfriend

I haven't been banned. What gives you that idea? I have an infraction, and 2 warnings thats it.

EDIT: Look at the other account viewing this thread, see my name?
Ooops, thought you were someone else. :dunce: My bad. Still, you abandoned an account because others didn't like you.
Come on guys give me something interesting to watch. It's my Bday.


Still, at least he's not dating Tiffany Teen...

That's who I couldn't remember. That was truly an awesome thread.

Anyway, the point of creating a whole new account for yourself, CNG/TuneRVision was...? Because you thought people had a downer on anything you posted because it was you that posted it. It's nice to see that it didn't even last a week. And do you know why it didn't even last a week? It's because you didn't change anything else about how you post at GTPlanet, just your name.

Now you've involved real people too. So I think you're left with two choices - put up or shut up. Don't thrash about in this thread asking facile "Why would I?" questions. In fact don't post in any thread, because no-one will let you forget about it, wherever you are. Just say nothing at all and then post the pictures. Do you seriously not have any photos of you and your girlfriend together in all the time you've been an item?

Or admit you made it up.
CGN, I would just try admitting that;

1) She isn't your girlfriend:grumpy:
2) You don't have loads of other girlfriends like you state:nervous:
3) You didn't go out with your girlfriends sister:dunce:

or just post your 'proof' quick and shut us all up.
So anyway...

Long distance for me unfortunately...never get into one >.o it may be worth it when you're together but when it gets strained the pain's massive.


Anyway, 1 year anniversary September 20th, will be over there seeing her for a month, though we're currently on a break..a lot of crap going on at her end that's effecting us right now.

So yeah...say what you will...though the below picture is the likely response for anything negative said XD...and the asterisk...well...people always tell you to censor swearing with them

edit - For Diego's late benefit, no that birds not aimed at me lol
so ummm.... things aren't at their best right now between you two, you're taking a break, and she sends you this pic and you think everything's peachy?

Alright :lol:
lol, that wasn't actually aimed at *me*, didn't think anyone would assume so. Inside joke...I'm actually not sure what that convo was about no I think about it
These are from my honeymoon back in 03. It's as close as I could get to when she was still my girlfriend.;)

How many pounds ago was this?

Hey, I got married in 2003 too! Awesome!

I should totally take offense to that! Are you saying that I'm fat now! So what If I have packed on 30 lbs in last 4 years of being married! So shoot me not hitting the gym like I used to It's not like I have the time anymore like I did when I was single. I'd like to see you coach your kid’s sports 5 days a week, remodel your basement, spend time with your family, take out the garbage and put down the toilet seat and some how still be the Adonis that I once was. :guilty:[/rant]
hmmm... I'd probably shed some pounds through all that... that's a lot of work :P

I've put about 25 kilos since I got married too, so we're on the same boat :D
hmmm... I'd probably shed some pounds through all that... that's a lot of work :P

I keep thinking the same thing. The being able to eat healthy food quickly is where I am going wrong. It's the whole eat some prepackaged food that doesn't take any time to prepare that has been my downfall.

edit: Damn those 7-eleven taquitos!