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350Z Amuse :D

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr

350Z Amuse oleh BayuYellow46, di Flickr​
All unedited





Giulietta73, Thaxnx!:) I'm glad you like those, I poured my heart into that Benz.

GT-R, I cannot thank you enough, you always keep it 100%!!!:)👍
Nice pictures Hawk and Bayu

Many thanks Giulietta and GT-R glad you like it.

Congrats Gary, nice nice first try, very much better than mine, grey sky is the best way to reach the realistic path :) The SLS pic is softly and nicely edited.
I am humbled by your kind thoughts GT-R, Thank you so much.:) I'm trying to be original on a site full of highly talented artists.

Splendid views gentlemen! Keep it going!!!👍👍👍
Great work as usual Hervé, Superb composition on your last F40 pic Nicolas, beautiful toning & lightning on the second one Croow, splendid SLS pic Momo & really great pic Sergey 👍

NB, I ripped my eyeballs out so I could stare at those photos while I'm at work!:drool:👍 They are beautiful.

You are my freaking hero sir. I salute you!!!:)👍