
  • Thread starter VBR
Man, I’d love to see some examples of this “slamming 100% throttle on corner exits no problem”. I’m clearly missing a lot of lap time not being smart enough to execute this move.:indiff:

I had a 90 minute endurance race at Suzuka in the GR4 Aston with BOP on on Saturday night. Exiting the hairpin at around 42-45 MPH in 1st gear you can slam the throttle wide open as soon as you can see the straight while the front wheels are still turned and it will stick, the car just has to be aimed straight enough so the on throttle push doesn't put you in the grass. Obviously this set up is not a HP beast but that was something you could never do pre-1.39

Maintenance tonight will not include a complete undo of the physics improvement.
Wouldn’t make sense.

That is very difficult to say, many of us here feel that 1.39 is not an improvement, rather it feels as if PD has introduced a "bug" with the update.
Prediction: physics model reverts to the previous version.

If there is a patch coming, I hope they do this.
It's on us driver to learn to adapt. That's what seperates the best from the good drivers. They can adapt quickly.

While I can't disagree with this, I'm curious what is the point they are trying to achieve when changing the physics ?
improve the realism ?
make it easier for all players to drive ?
reduce the gap between DS4 and Wheel users?

For each of these putative objectives, I can find changes that go in favor and against it. Maybe they should just communicate their intention...
I had a 90 minute endurance race at Suzuka in the GR4 Aston with BOP on on Saturday night. Exiting the hairpin at around 42-45 MPH in 1st gear you can slam the throttle wide open as soon as you can see the straight while the front wheels are still turned and it will stick, the car just has to be aimed straight enough so the on throttle push doesn't put you in the grass. Obviously this set up is not a HP beast but that was something you could never do pre-1.39

That is very difficult to say, many of us here feel that 1.39 is not an improvement, rather it feels as if PD has introduced a "bug" with the update.

I hear you.
The thing is the NSX (n300) was reacting like a purpose built drift car with 1000hp before.
It’s balance was excellent and I really wanted to use it at Tsukuba, but for me it wasn’t usable and I hate awd so I didn’t even play that race.
Braking before was essentially brainless on default. Just slam down with no lockup from 150 mph in default with the car in perfect balance.
Now it’s much more nuanced.
Gr 3 m6 vette Aston even Merc we’re all similar to NSX.
I mean using the throttle in certain situations was like adding nitrous.
Just because a certain input sequence was required before doesn’t mean it was better.
I mean that is my opinion only. Opinions are like &$$$$$$$&& so there’s that.
It still wonders me, if the all acoounts are the same after all. Made vid about the physics in last week qualy at brands
two mr and two fr cars, NO massive understeer and fr cars were tail happy.

Is it just me or has the game gone backwards on the physics? The tires feel very slippery again. I thought it was just the tune on my NSX Type R being rubbish, but I drove other cars and it's just crazy. I tried drifting with my Mustang and it feels very twitchy again, like you're driving on ice. And for some reason, my 330 P4 does wheelies on the final corner of de la Sarthe, preventing me from getting a Clean Race Bonus even before the race starts :irked:

EDIT: If I may add, as I was tuning said NSX Type R (full power, minimum weight, R:SS tires) I'm just baffled at how I have the LSD Accel set to around 55, go full throttle upon exiting a low-speed corner, and the car just doesn't oversteer :odd: this is a mid-engined car, mind you, the layout that's actually prone to this sort of stuff. :banghead:
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And for some reason, my 330 P4 does wheelies on the final corner of de la Sarthe, preventing me from getting a Clean Race Bonus even before the race starts :irked:

Wow - must say even thought im carefully optimistic of the physics, they have some serious work to fix all cars so they work right with the engine. I m still pretty confident they have used some funky code for weight distribution that just doesnt work with the new changes. That would be the only reason they wont let us change weight distripution / pallast since the beginning.

Changed my vote from "better" to "slightly better" as there is just to much bugs at the moment.
Is it just me or has the game gone backwards on the physics? The tires feel very slippery again. I thought it was just the tune on my NSX Type R being rubbish, but I drove other cars and it's just crazy. I tried drifting with my Mustang and it feels very twitchy again, like you're driving on ice. And for some reason, my 330 P4 does wheelies on the final corner of de la Sarthe, preventing me from getting a Clean Race Bonus even before the race starts :irked:

EDIT: If I may add, as I was tuning said NSX Type R (full power, minimum weight, R:SS tires) I'm just baffled at how I have the LSD Accel set to around 55, go full throttle upon exiting a low-speed corner, and the car just doesn't oversteer :odd: this is a mid-engined car, mind you, the layout that's actually prone to this sort of stuff. :banghead:

RSS on a road car?
I’m sure there’s a thread for that somewhere...
This update has definitely polarised the community! I cannot see PD backing out the physics changes though, maybe another tweak at some point to correct the cars that seem to be over done, but I still think that The new physics are overall an improvement and some of the cars I hated before handle in a more believable fashion now.
Prediction: physics model reverts to the previous version.


Maybe but I think thats unlikely.

PD should communicate better around what they're planning before they do it, physics changes especially, so people have a chance to understand and if its really dumb raise legitimate points rather than just post game update: "its feels worse". To me thats too subjective.

For the same reason I can't help but think that some of the negativity is knee jerk rather than based on understanding. How many people actually like random changes being imposed on them without forewarning? And how many people like them even once they do know. :lol:

At the end of the day its still a game, so whos it hurting really, and its their perogative to run it with little to no community engagement even though I completely disagree with that approach in this day and age.
I really want to back off on posting as it seems I am addicted to it right now.
So the last thing I want to say is that I think there’s so much room for personal expression in racing and in this game in terms of style. (Both liveries and driving)
I feel it’s best to think independently, study driving independently, select cars independently, and so on.
I used a Ross Bentley book when I got into this deal to give myself solid concepts from which to drive and to use as a fundamental basis for improvement in racing even beyond my lifetime of driving experience.
There’s so much to learn about it all and you shouldnt ever stop learning.
I suggest folks keep an open mind and remember that the folks who built this excellent game might possibly have a bit more knowledge about this topic than most of the player base. Maybe trust that they are doing things for a good reason, even if it’s not immediately apparent.
I’ve posted too much and need to desist.

Stay thirsty, my friends.
I really want to back off on posting as it seems I am addicted to it right now.
So the last thing I want to say is that I think there’s so much room for personal expression in racing and in this game in terms of style. (Both liveries and driving)
I feel it’s best to think independently, study driving independently, select cars independently, and so on.
I used a Ross Bentley book when I got into this deal to give myself solid concepts from which to drive and to use as a fundamental basis for improvement in racing even beyond my lifetime of driving experience.
There’s so much to learn about it all and you shouldnt ever stop learning.
I suggest folks keep an open mind and remember that the folks who built this excellent game might possibly have a bit more knowledge about this topic than most of the player base. Maybe trust that they are doing things for a good reason, even if it’s not immediately apparent.
I’ve posted too much and need to desist.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

I absolutely agree with you here. If this was a brand new game and I first drove with 1.39 physics I doubt that I could complain about the way the cars handle. The issue that I have is relative to earlier physics models I think this is a step backwards, of course that all depends on which cars with which tires you prefer and your input method. There are far too many unknowns for us to say 1.39 is an improvement or a step backwards. I dont think any of us really knows PD's reason for changing the physics model, was it to improve the feel of certain cars, all cars, all users, DS4 users, wheel users, comfort tire users, race tire users, etc.?????? All we can do is compare it to what we previously had and hope that PD is using these changes to gain info for the future.
Physics threads are always fun because the opinions can be so extreme on both sides that you might think they are playinv completely different games

"The car just feels dead its more arcade than ever"
"Way more realistic now"

As most of us have never driven whatever car in question on whatever track in question, most comments about perceived realism are therefore subjective. Even if we have driven a certain car on a certain track in real life, it's bordering on anecdotal if we try & apply that exact same experience to other cars. Yes, there are certain characteristics of certain types of cars which can generally be applied to other cars in the same or similar category, but only if we have driven a sufficiently high number of them & thus have a sound basis upon which to generalize. Calling something arcade just tends to be meant as an insult rather than a serious criticism of the actual realism of a physics model.
I will spend tonight checking out how the street car side of gts is hanging. Try to find a heavyish 200hp car and see if i can feel anything resembling my daily drives..
Wow - must say even thought im carefully optimistic of the physics, they have some serious work to fix all cars so they work right with the engine. I m still pretty confident they have used some funky code for weight distribution that just doesnt work with the new changes. That would be the only reason they wont let us change weight distripution / pallast since the beginning.

Changed my vote from "better" to "slightly better" as there is just to much bugs at the moment.

The physics are just all over the place right now. Have you tried drifting? Before the update your room for error was quite generous (you can swing cars around like a lunatic and still not spin on C:H tires), but now you have to be extra careful on transitions.

RSS on a road car?
I’m sure there’s a thread for that somewhere...

Say wut :confused:
The physics are just all over the place right now. Have you tried drifting? Before the update your room for error was quite generous (you can swing cars around like a lunatic and still not spin on C:H tires), but now you have to be extra careful on transitions.

Say wut :confused:

I agree with @Groundfish ,putting RSS on a relatively low powered road car isn’t going to be proof of anything. It would be extremely difficult to break rear traction. Also; the NSX being MR would only exacerbate the problem, as all the weight would be rearward under corner exit. The 911’s have this same problem too with racing tires, too much rear grip, all scrub up front.

You should repeat the ‘test’ with SS at most.
My theory: A few people at PD are always having disagreements on how the cars should drive, and like to sneak in changes to the update without the others knowing. "No!" One of them says, "GT-R should handle like this!" "No you toilet
, the GT-R handles like this, just ask Kazunori" So on and on they go. A bit like the two animators at Disney arguing over whether the dress in Sleeping Beauty should be red or blue. :lol: They've been at it since GT5 Prologue.
Cars feel like they lost simulation sensitivity, you feel understeer less, oversteer less. I like about the previous update the way you felt the tires flexing felt like you were able to sense when tires where going to lose grip. Cars feel really planted now lots of grip, feels like PS3 sim.
My theory: A few people at PD are always having disagreements on how the cars should drive, and like to sneak in changes to the update without the others knowing. "No!" One of them says, "GT-R should handle like this!" "No you toilet
, the GT-R handles like this, just ask Kazunori" So on and on they go. A bit like the two animators at Disney arguing over whether the dress in Sleeping Beauty should be red or blue. :lol: They've been at it since GT5 Prologue.

Considering you can do literal wheelies in half the cars now, sadly, this absurd theory is the most reasonable one.
I played around with some cars to get a feel for what had changed. I spent most of my time at Suzuka as that is one of my favorite tracks and I drove a Gr3 911 RSR, Gr3 Corvette, Gr3 Lexus all on race hard tires, I also drove a 911 GT3 RS (991) '16 using sport medium tires. I use ABS weak and no other aids at all.

I also drove some at Kyoto and Dragon Trail as well.

First off I have 1000's of lap around Suzuka and pretty well know what you can normally get away with where line wise and where cutting in the wrong spot or too much throttle is going to send you on a carnival ride.

Overall my consensus is they did not change the tire model to speak of but actually changed the grip level on the surfaces of the tracks and even the off road areas including the grass.

I actually spent time over driving the car on purpose and places that I knew the things I was doing used to be a no no now you could pull off and get away with. Hairpins no longer a worry really, I could get on the gas in ways coming out of the Casio triangle the last chicane at Suzuka that there was no way in hell you were going to pull off in the past.

The second right handed Degner curve going into the straight towards the hairpin if you tried to cut that tight to the inside and accelerate hard you pretty much were coming around, The S curves if you dropped a couple of wheels in the grass or the same on the outside of the degner curves you pretty much could count on coming around in the past, not anymore.

I think that this change was to lessen the crashes in sport mode not by changing the tires as much as eliminating the importance of being on the best racing line and if you screwed up the chances of staying pointed in the right direction are a lot higher.

Also going to promote more side by side racing I think because the racing groove in a lot of ways is more of the whole track. I did not find it hard to control the front end of the car with feathering the throttle, I did miss some of the steering with breaking the rears loose and although you could still do it it seems as most of the time you really had to be thrashing it to get that to happen.

I think like anything people will adjust, I do think it will make going to other titles seem harder when you are not superglued down in those titles. I do think as far as the racing incidents online it may actually help people not totally lose it as often which may make for better sport races overall.
I agree with @Groundfish ,putting RSS on a relatively low powered road car isn’t going to be proof of anything. It would be extremely difficult to break rear traction. Also; the NSX being MR would only exacerbate the problem, as all the weight would be rearward under corner exit. The 911’s have this same problem too with racing tires, too much rear grip, all scrub up front.

You should repeat the ‘test’ with SS at most.

This is what I was talking about. \/ \/ \/

The corner exit traction is far, far too extreme. I can promise everyone here that even a 700 HP drag car on anything less than an ideal surface will spin those huge rear slicks. When considering this we must remember that everything about a drag car is set up for maximum forward acceleration from large soft sidewalls, low air pressure in the range of 5-8 psi, very sticky tires, spring selection, front and rear shock adjustment, and suspension settings (antisquat that a road race car would never think about trying due to rear wheel chatter under braking) etc. There is just no way that a 500-600 HP car should be able to put the power down on corner exit like 1.39 especially with the front wheels turned and rear tires still being used for lateral grip, unless of course it is now common practice to load the track up with VHT.

In my case, I'm pretty sure that 440hp on a lightweight car (an and LSD Accel of higher than 40) would be enough to spin the slicks on low-speed corner exits, but nope. For some reason your car pushes forward when mashing the throttle on such exits, which is something you expect from an LSD Accel of around 20. The outside drive wheel just doesn't "bite", rather it's the inside drive that affects the car more and makes it push forward.

I tried the test using the Z32 and the Huayra, both cars that are capable of producing much more power than the NSX, and also because I had tunes for them (also using R:SS tires). My Z32 is around 630hp and 3,000 lbs, went around the same flat low-speed corner as the NSX, it pushes forward as well on full throttle :confused: tried the test again with the Huayra, this time I had 960hp and a mountain of torque (1,037 ft.lbs to be exact), went around the corner again. This time it spun, but not in the way I was expecting it.

I don't know if it was deliberate or a bug, but the LSD definitely doesn't work like it used to (well, in my point of view, at least).
Scheduled maintenance.
Isn't this just the regular scheduled Wednesday maintenance?
I see no notification on the website to suggest anything else.

Unless there is more information in-game, hopes for a roll-back of 1.39 or a BoP update seem a little unfounded to me.
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Sport mode race Daily B at Dragon Trail and using GR3 car can oversteer and throttle steer around those heavy braking slow corners nicely.

After 1.39 The sport mode races feel less stress in preparing and jumping in and driving intuitively rather than spending so much time practicing to hone the rhythm for full commitment braking points and throttle grip sensitivity. I experience much more clean battles going two or three wide into the corners and no incidents because all drivers have the ability to adjust , fake, and back off much more agile in 1.39. This is good for Sport mode. The old physics it would be a crash feast when I played dragon trail GR3 since drivers didn't want to give up their lines as before it seems more are employing good racecraft battles and easier to tuck back in slipstream and race when backing off . DR A and SR S, the new physics are making me play more sport mode without even spending much time practicing. Racecraft strategy is now more part of racing, before the optimal racing line and throttle management seemed to be the most important thing and this require finesse too but there it didn't feel to me like racing I was just enduring and driving a long race managing pace, it wasn't fun before might as well do time trials. It now feels intense throughout , back, mid pack, or top five.
Sport mode race Daily B at Dragon Trail and using GR3 car can oversteer and throttle steer around those heavy braking slow corners nicely.

After 1.39 The sport mode races feel less stress in preparing and jumping in and driving intuitively rather than spending so much time practicing to hone the rhythm for full commitment braking points and throttle grip sensitivity. I experience much more clean battles going two or three wide into the corners and no incidents because all drivers have the ability to adjust , fake, and back off much more agile in 1.39. This is good for Sport mode. The old physics it would be a crash feast when I played dragon trail GR3 since drivers didn't want to give up their lines as before it seems more are employing good racecraft battles and easier to tuck back in slipstream and race when backing off . DR A and SR S, the new physics are making me play more sport mode without even spending much time practicing. Racecraft strategy is now more part of racing, before the optimal racing line and throttle management seemed to be the most important thing and this require finesse too but there it didn't feel to me like racing I was just enduring and driving a long race managing pace, it wasn't fun before might as well do time trials. It now feels intense throughout , back, mid pack, or top five.

Only 46 votes for slightly better, better much better. 76 votes for the opposite.

The numbers show you're in the minority. Give it a rest, you've stated your opinion repeatedly...stop beating a dead horse and just enjoy it while it lasts.

Incoming! Physics v1.40, I guarantee.
Only 46 votes for slightly better, better much better. 76 votes for the opposite.

The numbers show you're in the minority. Give it a rest, you've stated your opinion repeatedly...stop beating a dead horse and just enjoy it while it lasts.

Incoming! Physics v1.40, I guarantee.

I think that there is just not enough voters in this site to really see how many GTS players likes or dislikes this update.
So maybe just chill down everybody. it's just a game :cheers:

Anyway, there will be update at some point for sure. But it will not revert to 1.38, I hope.
There are flaws in 1.39, but maybe the next one will correct those.
For the AMG GT3, yes, that thing is just stupid now. :lol: Maybe BOP will fix that thou.