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I counted 6 in the video?There's 8 cars now.
I counted 6 in the video?There's 8 cars now.
I counted 6 in the video?
Suzukawhat track was that in the end of the video (the air view of the straight)?
8 Elises on an image from the link above:
There is only 6 cars shown in the video. and i'm pissed. If they're not showing it now, its most probably because they can't... (and its not a selling point anymore) and it sucks...
I mean come on...
So far...
No Custom Liveries on cars
No Custom Paints
No Custom body kits on cars (i don't care about rice or not, FM2 does it and its awesome).
No word on what the multiplayer will be (they only say its "fully online ready?" or whatever).
But apparently, in the not so good first portion of the game, we can in-cockpit view, which i'm not too thrilled about... i already have a wheel... don't need to see two.
Because that'd be logical in this position. By the Time GT5 is released, FM3 will be half-way done. And right now, what PD showed from GT5 (Prologue/whatever) is absolutely nothing.
E3 is not about having fun and showing stupid ****, its about selling a product and making good publicity about it.
There is absolutly no reason not to show something that's gonna be released soon, unless you can't show it because its not there.
Oh and what about [supposedly] Volumetric Fog and Real-time Rain effects from PGR4?
GT4 had 1 map with something resembling rain and it sucked bad.
Ok, by that logic, I'm going to assume Killswitch, Halo 3, PGR4, and every other game isn't going to have promised items just because I didn't see it in their first trailers?
Trailers are made to tease the fans. It builds a thing called, "Hype". And so far, Polyphony accomplished what it wanted to as we are commenting on how it blew the doors off Forza 2 in terms of graphics. Building hype leads to a fanbase that will buy the game.
If they showed every single thing now, every other company would know how to beat them. Showing everything now also kills release sells. You show everything a game has to offer 6 months from release, and people will expect nothing in the final game believeing, "Meh, I saw all the cool stuff at E3. No need to buy it now".
Polyphony have no reason to show you everything, or anything you want to see. That's what the next few months are for.
Why do you think Rockstar is so secretive about GTA:IV footage?
P.S. GT5isn't going to be released for another 4 months at least, so the definition of it coming "soon" doesn't apply.
That's the EXACT clip that was on at the E3. The other ones on the net are waaay different and don't show as much of some scenes like the F430 one as an example.