Pre-release GT5:Prologue Thread Firmware 2.17 mandatory for GT5:P? (and Pictures)

  • Thread starter amar212
There is only 6 cars shown in the video. and i'm pissed. If they're not showing it now, its most probably because they can't... (and its not a selling point anymore) and it sucks...

I mean come on...
Maybe it varies depending on the type of race. Say all make races are 8 cars others are 6. Maybe each race will vary on the amount of cars in it.
There is only 6 cars shown in the video. and i'm pissed. If they're not showing it now, its most probably because they can't... (and its not a selling point anymore) and it sucks...

I mean come on...

If they have shown 8 Elise's in that photo, my guess is that there will be 8 on the grid, maybe 10, but who knows... they cant just have 6, its total BS if it is, but i highly doubt it.
So far...

No Custom Liveries on cars
No Custom Paints
No Custom body kits on cars (i don't care about rice or not, FM2 does it and its awesome).
No word on what the multiplayer will be (they only say its "fully online ready?" or whatever).

But apparently, in the not so good first portion of the game, we can in-cockpit view, which i'm not too thrilled about... i already have a wheel... don't need to see two.
Oh yeah, on a positive note... the sounds seem to be awesome. the Ferrari really sounds like a Ferrari... fingers crossed!
So far...

No Custom Liveries on cars
No Custom Paints
No Custom body kits on cars (i don't care about rice or not, FM2 does it and its awesome).
No word on what the multiplayer will be (they only say its "fully online ready?" or whatever).

But apparently, in the not so good first portion of the game, we can in-cockpit view, which i'm not too thrilled about... i already have a wheel... don't need to see two.

Why in the hell do people assume everything is going to be shown off in the very first trailer?
Because that'd be logical in this position. By the Time GT5 is released, FM3 will be half-way done. And right now, what PD showed from GT5 (Prologue/whatever) is absolutely nothing.

E3 is not about having fun and showing stupid ****, its about selling a product and making good publicity about it.

There is absolutly no reason not to show something that's gonna be released soon, unless you can't show it because its not there.
Oh and what about [supposedly] Volumetric Fog and Real-time Rain effects from PGR4?

GT4 had 1 map with something resembling rain and it sucked bad.

At this point, i guess my point is that PD is far behind and its time they catch up. If all they have is cockpit view, its not gonna cut it. There's a time when you must go "All in"... and that time is now for them.
Well, Sony and/or PD don't have to show footage that directly competes with Forza. They just have to show footage to make people want to buy GT.

*offtopic* when you want to add something you forgot in your last post, you should edit instad of make a new one.
its amazing how some people can assume what the whole game will be with a first trailer that shows about one minute of the game. and there is a reason why PD is not showing everything on E3, why? because they like being asked for more, they like when people want more of it. what is the point if they show you everything about the game when the release date is so far away?
Because that'd be logical in this position. By the Time GT5 is released, FM3 will be half-way done. And right now, what PD showed from GT5 (Prologue/whatever) is absolutely nothing.

E3 is not about having fun and showing stupid ****, its about selling a product and making good publicity about it.

There is absolutly no reason not to show something that's gonna be released soon, unless you can't show it because its not there.

Ok, by that logic, I'm going to assume Killswitch, Halo 3, PGR4, and every other game isn't going to have promised items just because I didn't see it in their first trailers?

Trailers are made to tease the fans. It builds a thing called, "Hype". And so far, Polyphony accomplished what it wanted to as we are commenting on how it blew the doors off Forza 2 in terms of graphics. Building hype leads to a fanbase that will buy the game.

If they showed every single thing now, every other company would know how to beat them. Showing everything now also kills release sells. You show everything a game has to offer 6 months from release, and people will expect nothing in the final game believeing, "Meh, I saw all the cool stuff at E3. No need to buy it now".

Polyphony have no reason to show you everything, or anything you want to see. That's what the next few months are for.

Why do you think Rockstar is so secretive about GTA:IV footage?

P.S. GT5:P isn't going to be released for another 4 months at least, so the definition of it coming "soon" doesn't apply.
Oh and what about [supposedly] Volumetric Fog and Real-time Rain effects from PGR4?

GT4 had 1 map with something resembling rain and it sucked bad.

Oh wow. Let's compare a brand new 2007 game running on new technology to a 2005 game running on a platform that easily restricts it. PGR4 would never have been able to accomplish all its features on the PS2.
Ok, by that logic, I'm going to assume Killswitch, Halo 3, PGR4, and every other game isn't going to have promised items just because I didn't see it in their first trailers?

Trailers are made to tease the fans. It builds a thing called, "Hype". And so far, Polyphony accomplished what it wanted to as we are commenting on how it blew the doors off Forza 2 in terms of graphics. Building hype leads to a fanbase that will buy the game.

If they showed every single thing now, every other company would know how to beat them. Showing everything now also kills release sells. You show everything a game has to offer 6 months from release, and people will expect nothing in the final game believeing, "Meh, I saw all the cool stuff at E3. No need to buy it now".

Polyphony have no reason to show you everything, or anything you want to see. That's what the next few months are for.

Why do you think Rockstar is so secretive about GTA:IV footage?

P.S. GT5:P isn't going to be released for another 4 months at least, so the definition of it coming "soon" doesn't apply.

Pretty good example you bring up:

Lets go with Killzone2. from the trailer i see:

Strong story telling elements through scripted dialogues.
Strong new physics engine with real-time environment deformations.
Multiple AIs shown at the same time ( i could 9 in one shot, which is pretty impressive).
Strong Artistic Direction shown in a consistent degree throughout the whole trailer.

Those are all new to the franchise.

Now lets go with PGR4

Introduction of Motorbikes.
Introduction of Real weather effects
Mention of 10 locations (potentially 4 new from PGR3)
Mention of a cool "share your replays online at will".

Halo 3 i'll skip in the interest of time.

Now lets go back to GT5 [prologue]

Ferrari License (we knew about it but hey, its new).
[Seems] to be new and more realistic sounds.

Did i forget something? Oh and before we go on about the stupid pit crew, that wasn't in-game. Its clearly something we see in an introduction video (just like GT4's crew and people walking with flags).

I feel that instead of bashing someone else as if that person (in the occurence, me) doesn't know jack **** about this industry.

Now tell me i'm wrong in that little list i just made up off your example.
I'm not asking for the moon, i'm asking for something from PD. Last year they showed GT4HD (vision at the time) showcasing 20+ cars on the god damn track and mentions of a Multiplayer version...

This year... they show nice car models (a whole 6 of them) and still say "there will be multiplayer".

Come on.

8 Cars On The Track
Please edit your posts, don't doublepost. It's not really a burden, is it?

Anyway ... Sony or PD don't have to do anything. They've shown us this little teaser, and the majority of GT fans already is running hot again. It may not have shown the things you'd love to see, but it certainly did what it was supposed to.
I think this guy just needs something to complain about. Just stop responding to him and he will quietly disappear. The teaser did its job for me. I can't wait to see what other features they will show at the TGS. ......Its kind of funny seeing just how many times one must repeat themselves. This pattern is going absolutely no where (Where's the 24 cars, paint shop, and online features? Why didnt they show EVERY SINGLE CAR and track they had?) The answer: Its a teaser. Have you ever seen a preview show a whole movie? No and the same applies here. I will say it one last time. ITS A TEASER. See isnt thinking fun?!!!:)
Let's not forget this video is something PD probably cooked up real quick for Sony so they could show something about GT5 at E3.

It's a teaser at best. Teasers are meant to show you very little. They are meant to excite you, not spoil anything. No reason to look for or expect new features in a 60 second teaser

Yes, it's dissapointing there is only 6-8 cars on track, but doesnt Forza 2 only have 8 cars on track at once?

It's still dissapointing that in GT5 'FINAL' there may indeed be just 6-8 cars on track. Nothing is perfect, unfortunatly.

But you can always look forward to patches etc that were impossible on PS2 that can do things like improve AI, add damage, etc
I saw well over 6 cars. I know we had Vision GT which had a huge number of cars running on GT4 technology. I thought I almost saw nine. Maybe more. My gut feeling is that PD is still working on getting as many cars on the track as possible. The AI issue may be much more important than all the visuals and such we're seeing, but it's still great to see a little progress. We'll still need to see some more in order to see what this package is truly all about. On the car front, I'm glad to see the F430 at long last. I'm sure we'll probably see some of more of the stuff most people want to see... especially damage. I'm sure PD will make like most other companies and try to wreck and bang up cars while listening to some of the worst rock music known to man.

It may sound repetitive and redundant, but I'm sure PD is still working on making this package better. I'm aware most people have completely lost patience with Polyphony Digital and their somewhat slow progress on GT5. But look at those who are still fans of the game and still supportive that this game will blow minds when on store shelves. Like me. I'm still part of the "don't rush" crowd. We all remember what GT3 was like. GT3 was a prettier GT2 with somewhat better execution. But again- do we REALLY know what we're getting at this point? The answer right now is no. We're going to have to keep following the process of this game in some other meetings as well as this year's Tokyo Game Show in September(?). We didn't learn too much on potential new tracks and perhaps some newer features as well. The issue on AI and such still isn't real rectified. We'll have to see this deal in future builds.
Well that was boring and completely uninspiring.
They only did what they did with GT4 and fake the sounds in the opening movie and the gameplay sounds were nothing like it.
I love how the fans here just say "PD doesn't have to show anything" etc or "if they do then everyone else will know how to beat them".
Everyone else on PC and consoles ALREADY know how to beat them, that's why the are selling good.
Only six cars? please, unless a patch appears to upgrade to minimum 24 then this will be the final GT as far as i'm concerned and it won't even tempt me to buy a PS3, not even a little bit.
Looks like the PD camp are still making really pretty graphics take center stage to once again distract from a lack of anything else.
Like others said more will be known in a few days.
I was more hyped by the other Playstation news than this, and that is not good.
Like a poster mentioned, where is the GTHD vision with at least 18-20 cars?
The pit crew moving around doing tire changes etc?
No customization, liveries etc?
Also if this 8 cars on track is all it gets then it looks like us offline folk get scewed again.
Hopefully the next show will up everything as ye PD DO HAVE to show features off as they are so far behind, even if they showed off everything the above poster mentioned it would only be catching up, not bringing anything NEW to supposed sim racing.
Boy it sure LOOKED PRETTY, and those sounds were overlayed awesomely as well.