Pre-release GT5:Prologue Thread Firmware 2.17 mandatory for GT5:P? (and Pictures)

  • Thread starter amar212
Come on! Where have you been? :sly:

We've known about having more than 6 cars on-track for at least a few months.




I played GT:HD just a bit so far and correct me if i'm wrong but what you highlighted in that GT:HD screeny is the number of LAPS he has driven.:)
You'll probably don't know that "car wash" function has something serious to do with the car performance.

When your car gets "dirty", it's aerodynamics are getting worse by small percent. After it gets totally matte, it's aerondynamics fall by some serious percentage, guess for up to 10%. When you wash it, aerodynamics gets back as they originaly were.

never affected performance or asthetics in any car in gt series.Strictly reserved for top speed 200mph + stuff and then only margin advantage gained in real life ( otherwise airplanes and stuff would b getting waxed every time!!!) .anyways my brother (im Macedonian, living in Australia) lets hope its optional (as in not having to forcefully do it) in GT5, just to keep me and you happy:)
Of course it is not that way in real life, but it was basic gameplay idea of Kaz to force you keeping attention in maintating the state of your car from the first game. It's affecting asthetics since your car is getting from shiny to matte, and it is affecting performance as well.

I hope it will strongly be incorporated in the game, as it was in all past games :).
never affected performance or asthetics in any car in gt series.Strictly reserved for top speed 200mph + stuff and then only margin advantage gained in real life ( otherwise airplanes and stuff would b getting waxed every time!!!) .anyways my brother (im Macedonian, living in Australia) lets hope its optional (as in not having to forcefully do it) in GT5, just to keep me and you happy:)
Never affected? Have you ever taken a look at the cars when dirty and after a wash? Or do you just need stronger glasses? Yes, that last thing was sarcasm, don't take too seriously... :) but it definitely has an effect on the looks of the car.

And about waxing the aircraft, you probably didn't know this but the top scoring German night fighter ace of World War II regularly had his plane waxed as it increased the top speed by as much as 20 km/h compared to a standard finish.

- R -
There are two new courses shown in the E3 trailer.

Someone suggested the waterfront one was Hong Kong, but the waterfront building is not the HK Convention and Exhibition building and the tower in the rear of it is not the same tower in HK.

Does anyone recognise this building?


The other tree-line course looks like no other GT course, so either it is also brand new or Trial Mountain's tree canopy has been reworked like never before. Whatever course it is, it is stunning!



I once bought a playstation to play Granturismo as a main reason. Then came GT2... PS2 and GT3, Prologue, GT4 and I bought them all.

But now, I'll have to by the new game, the new console and a brand new FullHD Tv... :scared: but I WILL DO SO... I'm shure it will be worth it.

And about the "no damage" issue: PLAY BURNOUT. There's a series of them out, it's great, loads of damage and fun, and there is even a new one coming out called Burnout Paradise. :)
you know what? that upper picture reminds me somehow of Special Stage route 11!
Someone else suggested that, too, but if the building can be identified, that would confirm whether it is or not. 👍

Whatever city it is, the building is relatively new and the one on the top left makes it look less like SSR from past games.


The first picture I believe is Hong Kong. THe second picture definately looks like the "tree covered path" photo area in GT4, whose name I cannot remember.
For those of you who have not seen the latest screens and videos yet, I've posted them here and here. Exciting stuff! :)
Burnout's overrated. Yeah, play it for the damage. Outside of that, play a REAL racing game once you're done. I had respect for the series with Burnout 2 and even thought Burnout: Dominator was pretty fun. But I've matured as a racing gamer and just lost the allure of the series. It's basically a "fanboy" title that some people use as a basis of telling companies like Polyphony Digital that cars aren't indestructible. In fact, the game promotes damage and lives on it. So I've easily lost respect once people said this series is the best of all-time.

I don't want automotive savagery for GT5, but I am interested in how much PD is willing to put into car damage. I'm sure some NASCAR-happy fan will want to come up with some GTPlanet gallery of wrecked cars much like the GTPlanet gallery of Tourist Trophy pictures of people getting knocked off of their bikes (one even has a picture as an avatar on here). Still like to see what's planned for GT5. So keep us posted, GTP insiders!
Well guys, I can truly say that GT5P looks great, without a dobt a stunning looking game, just hope it plays well, but im sure it will.

I have a 1080p version of the video that is converted for PS3, but I have no way of sharing it with you guys, if someone can point me in the direction of a free host that allows 150mb uploads then I will.
Well, it's official... The only thing haters can do at this point is hope that video wasn't actually representitive of the game to come.

(allowing my fanboyism to come out...)
That video was awesome.
The in-car view looked great and environments were awesome as well. 👍
One thing that bothers me... The lack of cars on the track. I thought we were supposed to be running 16 cars at a time but now I get the feeling that the number of cars on the track will be based on the race.
Something like the JGTC may have 16 or more while the standard supercar series will only allow something like 8.
Even though that would be something of a let down, I can totally understand since it is far more accurate (I can't recall the last time I saw a street car race with more than 6 or 8 participants).

Any way, thanks for the upload Jordan.
Looked great and sounded great as well.
(although my media player didn't do well with the video and my divX player didn't do well with the sound... Just watched it twice to get the full experience) :P
Burnout's overrated. Yeah, play it for the damage. Outside of that, play a REAL racing game once you're done.

Like GT5 :).

I was being sarcastic, I mean is lack of damage does not weigh enough against it to make me have even a shadow of a doubt that it will be the best driving game ever.

Seriously now, I agree and think it should be some kind of damage in GT Mode (optional in Arcade) but...

- Hardware has limits. I think GT5 will use everything PS3 has to give, and PS3 is expensive enough as it is, without going for more powerfull components.
- Software development takes time. And a new damage engine, on top of all the new car rendering, phisics engine, tracks, etc, would have GT being launched in 2015.

So, having to choose between (even) more expensive hardware, longer release time, or no damage, I'll take it with no damage, thank you very much.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ouch:
Question so I can be clear on this one thing: is this realtime? Or is it CG?

I'd guess CGI. Not only does it look a tad nicer than even GT5:P in-game footage looked like, but during the driving, he wasn't shifting.
The first picture I believe is Hong Kong.
Not that I can prove. The Promenade's guardrail is totally different and the layout of the waterfront and tall buildings is all wrong in comparison. The closest building in Hong Kong (the Convention and Exhibition building) to the one in the picture doesn't resemble this one at all.

Although I am not 100% convinced this is a view of a waterfront, I've checked Hong Kong, Tokyo, Miami, Los Angeles, Detroit and San Francisco, so far.

THe second picture definately looks like the "tree covered path" photo area in GT4, whose name I cannot remember.
It is quite possible that PD made some major changes to Trial Mountain (after all, it is a fantasy track), but I don't think they would have gone this far. It looks like a new course, too.


Not that I can prove. The Promenade's guardrail is totally different and the layout of the waterfront and tall buildings is all wrong in comparison. The closest building in Hong Kong (the Convention and Exhibition building) to the one in the picture doesn't resemble this one at all.

I agree, that doesnt look like any part of Hong Kong I have ever seen, we don't actually know if that is a waterfront scene but If I was to guess I would say it is Singapore, maybe the same circuit the night GP is going to be held on, but thats just a guess, it may even be a fictional SS route 11 type thing, maybe LA, I hope there are lots of night tracks and I hope the actual HK track ends up looking like that. Looks amazing with the burning glow of the neon lights, you could maybe even have fireworks going off in the distance and reflecting off the car and also lightning!

Seeing the pics and trailers for GT5P has restrored my faith in the PS3 and now I really want the console again...I have never seen such realism ever! also Killzone blew me away! Can't wait!

- Hardware has limits. I think GT5 will use everything PS3 has to give, and PS3 is expensive enough as it is, without going for more powerfull components.
That I seriously doubt, even with PDs track record of (visual at least) extracting a huge amount out of a Sony platform, they have always bettered themselves with a second outing on the same platform (GT Vs GT2 and GT3 Vs GT4). So would argue that they even pushed the PS2 a bit too far to gain the visuals in GT4, at the expense of other areas.

- Software development takes time. And a new damage engine, on top of all the new car rendering, phisics engine, tracks, etc, would have GT being launched in 2015.
And that is the exact reason why I don't agree with your first point above, even with PDs close relationship with Sony they are not going to have the time to learn to push the hardware to the max for GT5.


The first picture I believe is Hong Kong. THe second picture definately looks like the "tree covered path" photo area in GT4, whose name I cannot remember.

That's what I thought it was. I'm not getting my hopes up for SSR11, though I would love to have it.
Never affected? Have you ever taken a look at the cars when dirty and after a wash? Or do you just need stronger glasses? Yes, that last thing was sarcasm, don't take too seriously... :) but it definitely has an effect on the looks of the car.

And about waxing the aircraft, you probably didn't know this but the top scoring German night fighter ace of World War II regularly had his plane waxed as it increased the top speed by as much as 20 km/h compared to a standard finish.

- R -

ye you guys are right, my white Cizeta want from full shiney to a slightly less shiney white after the 2000 races I competed in it because of all the rubber being flickup following other cars/bug splatter/road grime etc and at the end of the day lost me 20kph in the top speed test.............I too know if washing cars in a game is your thing, thats ok, I prefer to race!!!!!
...they are not going to have the time to learn to push the hardware to the max for GT5.

Maybe not to the max. But you do agree a damage system would force them to make something else less good, and delay even further the release right?
Maybe not to the max. But you do agree a damage system would force them to make something else less good, and delay even further the release right?

You would hope by now, that PD have enough internal teams to work on individual aspects of the game as necessary.
In the past this hasnt always been the case, also in the past features were often left out more because the hardware couldnt handle it, so developement on certain areas would cease once it was realised that the main game would have to take too much of a hit to accomodate, with The PS3 platform PD should not be able to use that excuse anytime soon.

The graphical enhancements weve seen thus far will hardly break the back of the mighty powerfull PS3! visual damage might make the PS3 work a little harder, It Is the processing physics engine that would calculate all the values for physical damage and mechanical that will hit the PS3 hardest, lets hope they can manage to program it all to lock on to rock solid 60fps visual, and what ever speed they have the physics engine running at locked, to give a fluid feel.
Well with the way that PD has been talking, I seriously doubt that they are going to have damage in GT5. It doesnt seem like something that they have been working on, and its certainly unlike PD just to do something at the last minute, and half-ass it. Although, they do have a lot of time to work on it, it would take PD forever to perfect it, as they do everything else.
So far...

No Custom Liveries on cars
No Custom Paints
No Custom body kits on cars (i don't care about rice or not, FM2 does it and its awesome).
No word on what the multiplayer will be (they only say its "fully online ready?" or whatever).

But apparently, in the not so good first portion of the game, we can in-cockpit view, which i'm not too thrilled about... i already have a wheel... don't need to see two.
Forza 2 demo:

No Custom Liveries on cars
No Custom Paints
No Custom body kits on cars
No (or little) word on what the multiplayer will be

Sound familiar? ;)

Kaz-dono has said that GT5 will have virtually everything you could ask for in a racing game, including all that and Race Event generator, Tournamet creator... all sorts of things. Before some of you start whining, keep in mind that the FM2 demo came out a few weeks before the game itself was shipped, and GT5 is many moons away.
Maybe not to the max. But you do agree a damage system would force them to make something else less good, and delay even further the release right?

Change would to 'may' and I might agree with you, but lets be honest outside of PD we don't know the project timetable for GT5. If damage has been worked on from day 1 (and they simply have not confirmed it) then it would have little or no impact on the release date.

We simply do not have enough information to make statements of this nature.

