Guys, please

Amount of work, resources and attention to details that PD is spending on GT fanchise is uncomparble to all other developers. I have a great feels about all other driving games, I like lots of them, because I grown up in time when GT was non-existant. But then came GT and everything changed.
It is a complete package that no other driving game can't even come close. I fell sorry for all those guys who are talking about physics of GT series and spaek about it as non-simulational (does this word even exist in English laguage?).
From the first GT game there were "simulation" tyres. They were even free to purchase - if you want them. But, guess what - nobody ever drove on them. Why? It was freaking hard. Same was repeated with all other GT games. All who say GT4 has no simulation feel can go and try to drive with the wheel on N3 tyres. And after that please feel to comply.
Foer damage, damage of tyres is there from the first game. GT2 had axle damage as an option in arcade mode ,but it was frustrating. Why? Slightest touch messed up your wheels. As in real life. Nobody used it again. In GT3 PD came with advanced tyre damage system. If you hit the wall or another car, or drive off-the-track, tyre wear was faster. In GT4 it went even further. Tyr damage was separated, car wear feature was added. Best feature ever in driving games when "damage" comes to the point. Some like it, some didn't even notice.
As for number of the cars on track, I see no point of having many cars. Yes, 24Hous of Nurburgring or Spa (as seen in respectful GTR games) hs 52 cars on track. Great. If you want that, go and play GTR game. It's simple. You'll get 52 cars, but there is lots of thing you will not get. It's just matter of likes/dislikes.
As for rain, GT3 had wet surface that was fairly fine simulated on simulation tyres. Tsukuba in GT4 come even closer to the right feeling. And GT4 offered a complete package that no other game ever offered in one package: wet, snow, dirt, ice and allmighty combination on one track - Chamonis. It remains my favourite track in terms of "How much time did I spend on it to gold it" in whole series.
Some games has something, other has something else. There will never be one-game-to-rule-them-all. But it is very noticable to all that can open their eyes and be objective that GT is series that come closest to offer such amount of content in one package.
Besides, one thing always is forgoten: GT series is game that has it's philosophy made for people who love the cars as phenomena. People who like watching cars, knowing cars, admiring cars. That's the main reason why GT has always had "car wash" feature, and "mainteinance" sections. Oil change and overal wear (introduced in GT4) were great step in idea of ownership. And that reason, as well as other stated above - and dozens more I didn't mention - are the reasons why I prefere GT over all other racing games that I also play.
And this trailer was amazing to me from all it's aspects. I know what to expect form GT game, and I know what I will get. Every bonus or surprise will just make the whole pacage even more sastisfing.