Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
Weird, I didn't get a number when I voted.

I was there right when they opened and I was 5th in line though.
Are you in a potential battle ground or does the voting traditionally pull in one direction?

Michigan typically is a Democrat sided state, but Oakland County is a Republican county. So it's not really a swing state, but it is Romney's home state/home county.

Forgive me, but when will we actually find out the result of the election?

Here's a list of poll closing times by time. Note all times are Eastern Time.

7:00 pm: GA, IN, KY, SC, VT, VA
7:30 pm: NC, OH, WV
8:00 pm: AL, CT, DE, DC, FL, IL, ME, MD, MA, MS, MO, NH, NJ, OK, PA, RI, TN
8:30 pm: AR
9:00 pm: AZ, CO, KS, LA, MI, MN, NE, NM, NY, ND, SD, TX, WI, WY
10:00 pm: IA, MT, NV, UT
11:00 pm: CA, HI, ID, OR, WA
1:00 am: AK

Results for each state will not really start coming in until polls are close.
Just got back from voting; I hope all eligible GTP'ers will be doing the same. 👍
The rich run the government (through whatever party), the government screws people over. You've been screwed by rich people, we all have, even fellow rich people.
You must be talking about rich leftists and bureaucrats, because nearly two-thirds of the U.S. budget is domestic spending and debt service. You know, Socialist Insecurity, government payroll, food stamps, welfare, grants, our debt bill and so on. I don't see too many rich people at the end of that line getting our wealth redistributed to them.

This can't continue, because America will go belly up. We've already had TWO national credit rating downgrades due to our current president's policies, or lack thereof. If he gets re-elected, this whole planet, thanks to a GLOBAL debt problem, is hosed, because he's clearly not interested in even HAVING a budget to limit him.

I suggest voting for the VIABLE candidate and then sort out the issues later in Congress, because Congress has the power to make or break this country. Remember, they sat on their collective hands and let the financial crisis of 2008 happen. And guess who was in power then?

Well, gotta go vote and hope I'm a part of handing him his walking papers.
Republican old guy at the polls circled my "REP" registration on my receipt and gave me a big wink. "I love getting these," he said.

I winked back and said, "Too bad Mitt Romney is their guy," and walked away. Secret Libertarian element ftw.
I voted at 2:30pm and I was voter #244 in the voting location. I voted for the very first time today too.
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What's the general turn-out percentage in the States? It's been pretty low in the UK in recent elections but I think a lot of that is down to the choices being just too similar.
I voted, wrote in Ironman.

The superhero, or the billionaire playboy philanthropist genius? :)

Voted on Friday (30 minute wait at poll opening). My wife endured a 3 hour wait the following day at the same polling location. Good thing I was home to watch the kids.

Remember: "If you don't vote, you can't bitch."
I think around here voter turnout will be decent, I haven't seen many adults without "I Voted Today" stickers on, and I'm sure some trashed them that did vote as well :lol:.

I would guess active military can vote, I would doubt that those with dual citizenship in other places could vote but I'm not sure.
Going to watch some of this on TV for a bit. Obama fans and Romney haters will probably laugh. I laugh anyway.

Also to bring some light humour (language warning)...

The superhero, or the billionaire playboy philanthropist genius? :)

Voted on Friday (30 minute wait at poll opening). My wife endured a 3 hour wait the following day at the same polling location. Good thing I was home to watch the kids.

Remember: "If you don't vote, you can't bitch."

I think you wait longer these days if you don't procrastinate. I wrote myself in for congress. New district and everything.
Just voted, there weren't any lines thankfully, probably helped that it was 3:30 and there are 2 polling stations a block apart.

Was also the first time I voted.👍
Is it possible for us citizens outside the u.s. to vote? The german news channel im following right now said 160000 us citizen in germany could vote

Yes, any US citizen over the age of 18 and not a felon or has had their right to vote revoked by a court can vote, overseas or not. You'll most likely have to register at your local embassy, who will then check to make sure you are indeed eligible. Contact the US Embassy for more details.
Quick question which has probably been answered;

When will the first EC votes be declared?
Anyone seen Gabriel Iglesias' stand-up act? I remember his idea to elect the President through an American Idol style TV show (I think he wanted to call it "Who's Gonna Run This 🤬") and it gave me a good laugh :lol:.
I just saw the 2008 picture for Virginia, and laughed at how red it was, except for probably a total of 8 blue counties around Virginia Beach and DC.

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