Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
I just saw this story posted on FB about Perry and his rallies. It is truly terrifying to me to think what the world would be like if these "God-goons" manage to take control at this point in history. I don't have (much of) a problem with someone having some religious affiliation, but these fools are trying to directly make this country a theocracy, and the media is supporting it! The religious right in this country needs to be stopped before they make the world any worse, and sadly most people just hear the part that he is a x-tian and assume that he is a good guy without doing any research or having any independent thought on the matter.

NPR? Really?

NPR is a mouthpiece for the left wing & Obama apologists. If any political leaning shares similarities with a theocracy, it's the left. The best example are people who do not believe in the church of global warming and how their careers are put into jeopardy afterward. Look at how the left goes into a tizzy whenever someone suggests that man did not evolve from monkeys. And remember; it was a Catholic Priest who came up with the Big Bang Theory.

The rest of the hysteria in your post is the same drivel repeated over and over on all the lib-blogs. If someone said the same thing about muslims, they'd be labeled a racist. But to 'fear' Christians and talk about how 'they' want to institute a theocracy and damage this country...perfectly acceptable in the mind of a left winger.

How tolerant of you.
If approval ratings are the best way to determine who should or should not be President, W. Bush should have been out of there early on.

Observing the cluster funk that is GOP Primary, we're unlikely to see a reasonable, electable candidate emerge as long as the lunatics are in charge.

Not my point, though. I didn't say anything about an opinion on George Bush. Obama needs to go.
Not my point, though. I didn't say anything about an opinion on George Bush. Obama needs to go.

And unless things drastically change whoever is sitting in the office in '13 will need to do the same thing.

We don't need 1 person to get out of D.C. there are 533 minus a few that actually try to do their job that need to pack their things.
And remember; it was a Catholic Priest who came up with the Big Bang Theory.

Some understand that biblical scripture is not science, some do not. Any 🤬 that believes praying will make it rain shouldn't be president.
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Even though this video was made in 2008, it still holds true today, unsurprisingly:

The problem is that this isn't likely to happen without some kind of miracle occurring. Maybe I should pray for it?

Edit: Slight language in video.

Edit 2: There are valid criticisms of this video's ideas, but the system is clearly broken as it is now and there must be some way to fix it. I hate Rick Perry but my dad is voting for him to ensure Obama doesn't win. And I can't fault him for that decision, because it's not the kind of decision he should be forced to make.
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NPR? Really?

NPR is a mouthpiece for the left wing & Obama apologists. If any political leaning shares similarities with a theocracy, it's the left. The best example are people who do not believe in the church of global warming and how their careers are put into jeopardy afterward. Look at how the left goes into a tizzy whenever someone suggests that man did not evolve from monkeys. And remember; it was a Catholic Priest who came up with the Big Bang Theory.

The rest of the hysteria in your post is the same drivel repeated over and over on all the lib-blogs. If someone said the same thing about muslims, they'd be labeled a racist. But to 'fear' Christians and talk about how 'they' want to institute a theocracy and damage this country...perfectly acceptable in the mind of a left winger.

How tolerant of you.

:lol: Left wing... If you only had the slightest clue of who you were talking to. I'll be the first to point out that both parties are completely incapable of doing anything constructive and I don't support either one. They are the reason we are in this mess, it's a flawed system that we were warned against from the very beginning. And as far as Muslims, Christians, or any other religious sect, personally I would like to see them all erased from the pages of history. I can think of no better way to promote peace. I'm not exactly tolerant of other peoples' superstitions running my life regardless of who they are, thus the point of my posting that story. Tolerating stupidity doesn't help anyone and people need to wake up and see just how insane some of these people really are. Demons and spiritual warfare be damned. Our country would do far better to elect someone who is grounded in the physical world that surrounds us instead of the spiritual one that they believe in.
They are the reason we are in this mess

No, you're quite wrong. Instead of blaming parties or politics...go look in the mirror.

We have only ourselves to blame. If you think about how Obama became president, it's quite frightening. A majority of the American voters chose him to represent them, and the nation, in DC. A man with ZERO qualifications and ZERO accomplishments somehow won the hearts and minds of the American people.

How did the **** did that happen?

Is he the problem or is he a symptom? Are we as a country at the point where we are comfortable being bribed with our own money? Are we so stressed from trying to make a living (or keep your home) that we're too tired to care?

The parties are not the problem. Politics is politics and it's been a dirty business dating back thousands of years. That hasn't changed...but people have and much like voting for your Jr. High class president, local & federal elections becomes a popularity contest. People vote for who they "like" instead of who will do the right thing and leave people alone to live their lives.

If someone is nominated, to whatever party, and runs on the platform of getting government out of my life; I'd vote for them if they believe babies are really dropped off on doorsteps by storks. One side of the spectrum wants to make economic & moral decisions for everyone (libs). The other side (conservatism) says, in effect, that it's none of the government's business what I do in my home, how I spend my money, or how I make a living.

That's the differences in the ideologies.

Spiritual world/real world...doesn't matter. It's all show. Just like Obama sitting in his black church in Chicago to never attend a sermon again; it's all b/c elections are popularity contests. It's our own damn fault for that.
No, you're quite wrong. Instead of blaming parties or politics...go look in the mirror.
Um...Dude, once again, you don't know me in any way. Look in your own mirror if that's your thing. I am not making any laws that deprive you of anything. :dunce:
If you think about how Obama became president, it's quite frightening. A majority of the American voters chose him to represent them, and the nation, in DC. A man with ZERO qualifications and ZERO accomplishments somehow won the hearts and minds of the American people.
Agreed. Ignorance and stupidity run rampant among our voters. Did you read the article I posted? That was kind of a big point of it. :lol:
Is he the problem or is he a symptom?
Either/both. Depending on which aspect of complete failure you want to discuss.
The parties are not the problem. Politics is politics and it's been a dirty business dating back thousands of years.
Our founders warned against political parties. Clearly they were right. Nothing gets accomplished when the lawmakers are busy playing footsie under the table instead of working towards the common good and being held individually responsible for their own voting records.
People vote for who they "like" instead of who will do the right thing and leave people alone to live their lives.
Agreed. People will vote for Perry for the very reasons that I call him a fool.
If someone is nominated, to whatever party, and runs on the platform of getting government out of my life; I'd vote for them if they believe babies are really dropped off on doorsteps by storks.
Lucky for us Dr Paul knows where babies come from. He seems to be the candidate you are hoping for. Now just to work on the nomination part.
One side of the spectrum wants to make economic & moral decisions for everyone (libs). The other side (conservatism) says, in effect, that it's none of the government's business what I do in my home, how I spend my money, or how I make a living. That's the differences in the ideologies.
Sadly Ron Paul does not represent the average conservative though he does want to keep gov't out of our lives. I think you may be confused. He is a Conservative of old, not the current flavor that until lately has been completely dismissive of personal liberties almost entirely. "Conservatives" of late have eroded our freedoms under the guise of protection and worked towards the nanny state just as much as the libs that you hate so deeply.

Spiritual world/real world...doesn't matter. It's all show. Just like Obama sitting in his black church in Chicago to never attend a sermon again; it's all b/c elections are popularity contests. It's our own damn fault for that.
I assure you it does matter. Fantasy and Reality are simply not the same. The fantasy is that "This is America and well get through it regardless of what happens."
Reality is "This is America and we better wake the 🤬 up and pay attention."
I just saw this story posted on FB about Perry and his rallies. It is truly terrifying to me to think what the world would be like if these "God-goons" manage to take control at this point in history. I don't have (much of) a problem with someone having some religious affiliation, but these fools are trying to directly make this country a theocracy,
I would say that would never happen because it would be forbidden by the US Constitution, but then I remember we have been violating the Constitution for decades now.

That said, there is not the Congressional support to allow that to happen in the next term.

and the media is supporting it!
I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Huh?" Maybe Fox News. But I see no other media outlets helping to turn us into a protestant, Christian theocracy. Considering that the demographics of the main media centers in the country are primarily non-Protestant I would guess that the odds of them knowingly supporting a protestant theocracy is slim.

Also, you do know that you are sounding like the liberal version of these guys, right (not saying you are liberal)?

By the way, my brother lives in Union and you all would probably get along great.
The other side (conservatism) says, in effect, that it's none of the government's business what I do in my home, how I spend my money, or how I make a living.

IIRC, I believe it was Rick Santorum who said that sexual activity should be monitored back in something like '03-'04, when he put homosexuality on the same level as incest and p(a)edophilia.
If someone is nominated, to whatever party, and runs on the platform of getting government out of my life; I'd vote for them if they believe babies are really dropped off on doorsteps by storks. One side of the spectrum wants to make economic & moral decisions for everyone (libs). The other side (conservatism) says, in effect, that it's none of the government's business what I do in my home, how I spend my money, or how I make a living.
Republican ideology is why the economy is so bad... And this video shows how your perception of GOP ideology is askew(at least).

I can't fathom anyone voting for this ignoramus.
I would say that would never happen because it would be forbidden by the US Constitution, but then I remember we have been violating the Constitution for decades now.
That said, there is not the Congressional support to allow that to happen in the next term.
You are so right, the constitution hasn't been followed for quite some time now. I think I might have learned it in school for nothing. lol. I don't really mean we are heading towards a theocracy in the official sense where congress approves of it, but just that we are in danger of another Bush like presidency where the voice of god in our leader's head is the one that runs things. The Faith candidates truly terrify me. I've seen just too much of their fanaticism in my own life and I don't even want to think about the world if they had their way. :nervous:

I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Huh?" Maybe Fox News. But I see no other media outlets helping to turn us into a protestant, Christian theocracy. Considering that the demographics of the main media centers in the country are primarily non-Protestant I would guess that the odds of them knowingly supporting a protestant theocracy is slim.
Fair enough. I should have been more specific in my claim. You're right Fox is the major promoter but a quick Google search on the name Rick Perry popped up several stories where other outlets are playing along and lending him far more credit than he has ever deserved. It reminds me of how the talking heads kept mentioning him during the debates that he didn't bother to come to because he was off doing "spiritual warfare".
Also, you do know that you are sounding like the liberal version of these guys, right (not saying you are liberal)?
I've never been called liberal before in my life until it happened twice in this thread. :lol:
By the way, my brother lives in Union and you all would probably get along great.
Union is nice, I used to live out that way actually and delivered pizza for LaRosa's out there when I was in school. There's a chance I might already know him. lol.

I can't fathom anyone voting for this ignoramus.
Some understand that biblical scripture is not science, some do not. Any 🤬 that believes praying will make it rain shouldn't be president.

That last several presidents prayed in some religious practice or I agree many of them shouldn't have been president either but their dogma didn't seem to be a factor in running the nation. More so their financial affiliations determined that. Both sides are highly guilty
And as far as Muslims, Christians, or any other religious sect, personally I would like to see them all erased from the pages of history. I can think of no better way to promote peace. I'm not exactly tolerant of other peoples' superstitions running my life regardless of who they are, thus the point of my posting that story. Tolerating stupidity doesn't help anyone and people need to wake up and see just how insane some of these people really are in.

First off...religion seems to be used as a cover story to cover people going to other nations based on wanting to gain some kind of resource from their or sway their political ideology to have some further power in the future...? I don't practice religion but I mean if I saw a church of christians leave sunday mass and all go out in full out combat gear to fight the local muslims, then yeah I'd agree with you. The reality is that it doesn't happen, and there have been plenty of religious and non-religious people that have contributed to society so not sure how their stupid if they're not the other. Some of the people I agree are bat-🤬 crazy, but that turns out to be an extreme. Being a ap-atheist Bill Maher hasn't helped the world either.

Also people will be violent with or without the religion, there are people who just kill cause they want to. This notion that peace will just reign down once all religious is just as stupid of an idea, people will do that opposite in a world without religion and ask what if there is a god, instead of asking what if there is no god. However, I digress and will inform you there is a religious thread just for this type of great discussion. Back to the GOP side though I would lump a few of them in to the crazy religious pool or at least on the edge of it.
Not my point, though. I didn't say anything about an opinion on George Bush. Obama needs to go.

You understand the point I am attempting to make, correct? The shortsightedness of Americans in general is very troubling, and is the primary reason as to why opinion polls mean very little when it comes to the day-to-day operation of the government and the way in which our leaders are elected.

Although we all love to care about who is in the White House, unless there is a Congress capable of doing its job, nothing is going to get done.
You understand the point I am attempting to make, correct? The shortsightedness of Americans in general is very troubling, and is the primary reason as to why opinion polls mean very little when it comes to the day-to-day operation of the government and the way in which our leaders are elected.

Although we all love to care about who is in the White House, unless there is a Congress capable of doing its job, nothing is going to get done.

Correction nothing IS getting done
Our government at work

The EPA's budget last year was over $10 BILLION

That's a lot of cash to push people & businesses around. A lot of our cash anyway.

Now which candidate do you think would propose an increase in the budget & power of the EPA; Barak Obama or whatever candidate the GOP puts forward? Do you think these alphabet agencies actually perform their functions and benefit the economy/jobs/society or are they used as a tool for centralized planning of the economy/society by the government?

My guess, it's the latter.

The EPA? You mean the guys that are starting to not use Scientist for info on smog in several counties, and base policy with those that have less of a scientific bearing...

^ That is with the EPA...Coal ash that they suggest doesn't need regulations, yeah they're really doing a great job aren't they. Also Exxon had an oil spill this year, so not really seeing where you're going with this. There is alot of Political stuff that needs to change and it doesn't seem like it will this election or the next 5
Life without the EPA, eh?

This year's toxic blue-green algae outbreak in western lake Erie is a record-setter. The previous record was from 2009.

Environmental studies really started to take off in the 1950s with the advent of nuclear weapons. People began to realize the tremendous impact human actions can have on the world around them. Throughout the next two decades - before the EPA's reactionary institution - awareness and scientific research were advancing rapidly. Reacting to public perception of environmentalism (we need to clean up now!) the EPA finally came along.

So yeah, things were bad before the EPA came along and began enforcing environmentalism with the penalty of law, but actions had been taken to clean things up long before the that agency was ever thought of. Not just the 50s - an environmental movement was alive and well here in the States in the late 1800s with the advent of industrialization.

Basically, the EPA is a powergrab and nothing more. Uses scare tactics to make you think they're necessary. I can list at least 5 new safety and environmental implements at my work that do nothing to help the environment or my safety, and do everything to make sure I get less work done.
Also Exxon had an oil spill this year, so not really seeing where you're going with this.

Ok, Exxon has an oil spill so we should get rid of the EPA? :ouch:
If there was no governing body over pollution then we would be no different than China.
One thing I really dislike about WV is we don't have smog test for cars, just inspection of mechanical parts. When I lived in Arizona I was around way more cars and smelled a lot less hydrocarbons.
So yeah, things were bad before the EPA came along and began enforcing environmentalism with the penalty of law, but actions had been taken to clean things up long before the that agency was ever thought of. Not just the 50s - an environmental movement was alive and well here in the States in the late 1800s with the advent of industrialization.
A river in Ohio caught on fire in 1969, the EPA started in 1970, I haven't heard of a river on fire since.
Ok, Exxon has an oil spill so we should get rid of the EPA? :ouch:
If there was no governing body over pollution then we would be no different than China.
One thing I really dislike about WV is we don't have smog test for cars, just inspection of mechanical parts. When I lived in Arizona I was around way more cars and smelled a lot less hydrocarbons.

A river in Ohio caught on fire in 1969, the EPA started in 1970, I haven't heard of a river on fire since.

No one said that the EPA should go away. I didn't anyway and you replied to my post with the typical straw-man lib retort.

But answer this; who did you vote for on the EPA's board? No one, right? So why are they given the power to regulate, which is defacto legislation?

In addition, isn't it reasonable that their budgets, staff, and reach be cut? The US is out of money and needs to control big secret there. So why not roll back the 20-30% budget increase Obama gave that dept, and others, in addition to lowering their budgets even further?

The American public has less money & wealth than before. Wages are dropping, home values/equity is dropping even further, and many people are out of work b/c their companies downsized.

Why can't Federal & State bureaucracies downsize? They do too much and cost too much. The TSA has something like 25 paper pushers for every security guard molesting a passenger. These, like the other alphabet agencies, are very top-heavy and are very inefficient.

Do you think there's a correlation between air quality and the EPA's budget? Here's another example; look up the mission statement (or whatever they call it) for the Dept. of Energy and do your best not to laugh or cry. The Dept. of Energy is a slush fund to pay off political supporters before they commit bankruptcy fraud. Look at all the 'green energy' grants given to now defunct companies who never released a product or service. Look at the companies who were given grants & loans to create 'green jobs' to only restructure and take their manufacturing to China.

The Dept. of Energy is a joke. You can go down the line and find waste, fraud, and abuse. The EPA was just an example of gov't over reaching and being anything but a compassionate entity. That's just one example that happened today. You can bet your ass something equally as stupid happened yesterday and will happen tomorrow.

You think it's a good thing? You think these agencies need more money & more power?
Ok, Exxon has an oil spill so we should get rid of the EPA? :ouch:
If there was no governing body over pollution then we would be no different than China.
One thing I really dislike about WV is we don't have smog test for cars, just inspection of mechanical parts. When I lived in Arizona I was around way more cars and smelled a lot less hydrocarbons.

A river in Ohio caught on fire in 1969, the EPA started in 1970, I haven't heard of a river on fire since.

Did you not look into Coal ash after I showed you the image...just cause a river doesn't catch on fire the EPA is doing their job? Yeah cause toxic items in water that cause cancer or other sickness doesn't matter...Also I said all this cause I think the EPA should be doing a better job not to get rid of them...way to not read into my post. I've lived in Arizona all my life, if you look under my avatar you'll see that. Yuma County and other counties don't have smog testing or emission overhead, so not sure where you went on that tangent also Phoenix isn't the cleanest of air quality either.

Life without the EPA, eh?

This year's toxic blue-green algae outbreak in western lake Erie is a record-setter. The previous record was from 2009.

Environmental studies really started to take off in the 1950s with the advent of nuclear weapons. People began to realize the tremendous impact human actions can have on the world around them. Throughout the next two decades - before the EPA's reactionary institution - awareness and scientific research were advancing rapidly. Reacting to public perception of environmentalism (we need to clean up now!) the EPA finally came along.

So yeah, things were bad before the EPA came along and began enforcing environmentalism with the penalty of law, but actions had been taken to clean things up long before the that agency was ever thought of. Not just the 50s - an environmental movement was alive and well here in the States in the late 1800s with the advent of industrialization.

Basically, the EPA is a powergrab and nothing more. Uses scare tactics to make you think they're necessary. I can list at least 5 new safety and environmental implements at my work that do nothing to help the environment or my safety, and do everything to make sure I get less work done.

^ that right there is one of many reasons I say the EPA isn't doing their job and is more of a money drain than anything. There needs to be a real drive to clean up stuff and not pretend their doing the job. I don't see too many canidates and the incumbent talking about how they'll fix it. Who cares though right we should just keep spending money without results. I 100% Agree with Keef in his quote.
Did you not look into Coal ash after I showed you the image...just cause a river doesn't catch on fire the EPA is doing their job? Yeah cause toxic items in water that cause cancer or other sickness doesn't matter...
Why would I look into something I already know all about? The fact of the matter is without the EPA my home state wouldn't be livable because of coal. Granted it could be better, like properly taking care of coal ash disposal as you pointed out, but it is a fact that it would be a lot worse than it is now(because it use to be worse).

Also I said all this cause I think the EPA should be doing a better job not to get rid of them...way to not read into my post. I've lived in Arizona all my life, if you look under my avatar you'll see that. Yuma County and other counties don't have smog testing or emission overhead, so not sure where you went on that tangent also Phoenix isn't the cleanest of air quality either.
I am sorry I didn't read into your post, I just read it. I am glad we agree that the EPA is vital but could be run better. 👍 The Phoenix area, I lived in Glendale for 1 1/2 years, has more people inside the loop 101 than the entire state of West Virginia! There is more traffic on any street than the most populated parts of WV, yet because of smog the amount of nose burning exhaust fumes is drastically lower. This is important because it is a direct result of what good comes from having organizations like the EPA.

You think it's a good thing? You think these agencies need more money & more power?
I think the EPA is a great thing and I've outlined why above. You think the opposite of me, and that is just silly in my opinion. I am sorry one story about possibly illegal wood isn't enough to sway my opinion.
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Why would I look into something I already know all about? The fact of the matter is without the EPA my home state wouldn't be livable because of coal. Granted it could be better, like properly taking care of coal ash disposal as you pointed out, but it is a fact that it would be a lot worse than it is now(because it use to be worse).

I am sorry I didn't read into your post, I just read it. I am glad we agree that the EPA is vital but could be run better. 👍 The Phoenix area, I lived in Glendale for 1 1/2 years, has more people inside the loop 101 than the entire state of West Virginia! There is more traffic on any street than the most populated parts of WV, yet because of smog the amount of nose burning exhaust fumes is drastically lower. This is important because it is a direct result of what good comes from having organizations like the EPA.

No worries I'm quite aware since I lived in Glendale for 14 years. Yet I still believe the smog that you see cumilating at the horizon could be better fixed. Then again that might be me being more of an idealist than a realist.
I don't see too many canidates and the incumbent talking about how they'll fix it. Who cares though right we should just keep spending money without results. I 100% Agree with Keef in his quote.
They shouldn't necessarily be talking about it at all. I can already hear one particular old man saying something about the federal government not having the power to not only regulate these things, but not even form the agency and give them power to regulate, and that environmentalism is yet another thing that should be decided upon by State governments, or even privatized altogether.