^^^ I agree with you Choas on everything you just said. I looked at Newt and his Neo-Con colors were like hi beams in the night.
Here is my review of the debate, I decided to take notes and see if Wolf Blitzer would be fair and give everyone equal ground. From the tally I made for who got how many questions, Newt was asked the least amount of times. Then you have Santorum and Cain with the same but second to last. Bachman and Huntsman were third to least, with Paul being asked the most next. Mitt was asked more than the rest of them, and finally Perry was asked the most questions and given more chances to defend. He defended against Romney, Paul and Bachman. Now Bachman and Paul got many chances to talk but there were three times Romney and Perry debated alone on subjects and had longer durations to talk with out being cutt off. I must also remind people that many political analyst have Romney and Perry taking the fight all the way to the RNC primary where the Republican canidate is finally picked. I find this asinine considering that we're 13 1/2 to 14 months away from that. Guliani was running at the top around this time and didn't make it very far last time, so I don't understand how the media can blow up Perry.
Now the next part I took notes from all the canidates and will give my opinion on their performance.
So if you disagree that's fine but please don't use my opinion as an absolute and do some research like I have. Thanks
Newt: Newt was asked questions on national security and mainly sticking to talking about the Middle east or to be correct, West Asia. He did talk about Social Security but agreed with most and said it needed a rehaul and quoted Obama's state of the union, claiming he said they wouldn't be able to pay out checks(I plan to look into this). He let everyone know that we didn't do enough with North Korea. Turkey should be watched closely along with Egypt (which I don't understand) and finally Iran. Turkey I don't understand what advancements they've made to warrant our watch, unless he believes in the fight the Kurds bring to the Turkish gov't. N. Korea, not sure how we could have stopped them from backing out of the NPT they left and gave the necessary amount of time to leave and were invited to return even, but declined. I understand the fears of Iran, but many should realize that Israel seems to want us to fight Iran with them which any American should watch out for. Newt tonight seemed like a Chenney figure and I retract any liking I had to him.
Santorum: Asked mainly the same questions as everyone else, he also had a little scuff with Ron Paul. The foreign policy with Santorum is to bring home troops from Afganistan. He was angry with Paul for having on his website, blame toward America for 9.11.01, which got many cheers. To me Santorum seems like a classic puppet and really seems to mirror Newt becuase they've worked together and if you watch the debates they actually quote each other exclusively about certain legislation they've worked on with each other. However, when it came to the fight with Paul that's where I really despised Santorum. The facts are certain memos didn't make their way to the right people like John O'Neill, or how Barbara Bodine shut down and black balled the investigation of the USS Cole in Yemen which could have led to info about 9/11 due to have the suspects needed in Yemen jails. They were released after the FBI left Yemen. The NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake is another person who comes to mind. Now at the time the NSA were tracking three of the hijackers and had a program that could help break down the info to help the agency understand. Problem was a more expensive and lackluster program was wanted and never started up when the cheaper and more effective program named Thin Thread could have been used in January 2001. Then you had the Phoenix FBI memo about flight schools and never got to John O'Neill cause they didn't want him to have more info on Al Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden. He knew the most about OBL in the world at that time.
Thomas Drake
Ali Soufan
I show this because it helps break down Santorum and his highly Nationalist views.
Ron Paul: Great guy and stuck to what he believes, but didn't have the passion like other debates until challenged by Santorum. He told viewers about the U.S. being in 130 countries and 900 bases around the world (info that I plan to look into and see if factual). Paul told Santorum that the reason we were attacked was becasue like the Terrorist said themselves, the fact that America had bases on home soil in Saudi Arabia and followed closely what Israel did with out holding them accountable is the reasons why we were hit. This is the reason Paul thinks we have no business policing the world. Santorum thinks we are the voice of the world. Paul also went after Perry about rasing taxes as well and was asked other questions like those on Social Security and probably a tricky moment the health care system saying that Gov't healthcare shouldn't be used and that people were still being taken care of in a good fashion before Medicaid and Medicare. Paul also explained what would be best way to start fixing the economy and he said the Trillions that were lost due to the wars is the first step, but still more would need to be done.
Rick Perry: Stuck to his guns as well and let everyone know that he believed he was right about making sure girls in his state go the HPV vaccine. He seemed to back track or detail what he meant by saying the Social Security was a "Ponzi Scheme". His claim was that people 30 and younger should be told the truth that unless SS is fixed they will never get to be paid when their retirement comes up. He also talked about Job creation and had alot more fight this time than last weeks. Bachman fought Perry about the HPV saying that a health mandate isn't right and isn't freedom. Perry told her and everyone else that they made it easily ready for young women so they could have a chance, and that an opt out was always on the table. If Bachman is right about her numbers and claim, Perry only did this because he got paid contributions by the company who made the medicine. Perry admits to contributions but only 5000 dollars and says it was not a pay out and he finds it sad that people might think he could be paid off with five thousand dollars.
Michelle Bachman: She did alot of number throwing and stuck to Perry about a few things first was the Social Security saying that it should be taken away but fixed. Healthcare was another issue that she was asked about along with others and said "Obamacare" would be dismantled if she was elected, as well as Dodd Frank. She also went against Perry about HPV and claimed that it wasn't right and girls should choose. She seems to not trust the corps. that manufacture medicine. Another issue was the immigration issue, which she thought it was wrong for Perry to allow kids of illegal immigrants to have funding to go to college. She also disagreed with Huntsman for allowing illegal aliens to have a temp driving license, but he claimed was not allowed to be used for anything other than a license and not a form of ID. The number throwing went out to Obama about his health care system and claiming he took $500 Billion from medicare to start Obamacare and another $105 billion that I don't have a specific location from.
Mitt Romney: Talked alot about the same things everyone else did, and more about his private sector job growth. He said that SS should be revamped but not removed and the idea of taking it apart was just crazy. He and Perry and a few scuffles through out the night, about the Border, Social Security and health. He was calm and kept a straight face during uneasy times. He also made it aware to Perry, that texas enjoys things that most states don't and that is oil legislation, but also told him that his predecessors had good job ratings before Perry came in.
Herman Cain: He kept up with his idea of the 999 plan, which is 9% tax for state, federal, and income and would like to re-write the tax code. He also got much praise from his fellow republicans for he talk about the Border. He talked further in Social Security as well...and criticized all the politics in D.C. seperating himself as the only non-politician. He let everyone know that his experience working as head of fast food chains gave him an idea of how to create jobs.
Jon Huntsman: He too was calm and well spoken, but got flak from his fellow republicans and audience for his stance on allowing licenses but not ID for illegal immigrants. Now he did say he agreed the border should have more agents, and national guard as well as a bigger fence. Perry said to all those that the idea of a fence from Galvaston to the California Coast (paraphrasing him) is crazy and not likely to work. He talked about foreign policy and that he understood job growth better than any of them thanks to Utah being number one.
There is obviously more that I missed but a general synopsis. Another note is Newt probably did the most Attacking of Obama next to Santorum and Bachman. So hopefully you enjoy...