I wrote a rough response while preoccupied with my younger kid, so pick away if it makes no sense
You're not really listening to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that ignoring what the rest of the world is doing is not going to keep us safe or solve problems.
I agree with that(I'm not ignoring you). We need to clean up our unfair practices, thus eliminating the majority of said problems.
Ron Paul seems to think that we should just ignore our past treaties and let countries like Iran or North Korea acquire nuclear weapons (that they committed not to acquire) and that some how this will be better in the long run since we're leaving them alone.
We should conduct ourselves better on the world stage, maybe then not needing all these treaties. In case you somehow missed it, I am very conservative

Because of that I want to see the U.S. self sufficient, or at least as much as reasonably possible. I agree with you that treaties in place should be upheld or ammended or desolved of properly. I believe we will be better off in the long run the less we engage with, or meddle with, other countries period.
I think that's incredibly arrogant and naive. These are not exactly parts of the world that recognize human rights. They cause enough problems without nuclear weapons.
Arrogant/naive in thinking we are not touchable by simply leaving everyone alone, I agree but I don't think that is what he is saying. The fact these countries do not recognize human rights is very troubling to say the least, and probably does indicate a more willingness to wage war. I don't have the answers in changing how they treat their citizens but don't believe it's the U.S. Gov's place to say. We don't do a very good job either if you think about it and it's getting worse. I would like to think leading our country better and being better people ourselves can have an infuence(now that is nieve

Torching the NPT (as Ron Paul seems to want) will not only greatly increase the likelihood that one of these nukes will actually get used, but will weaken all active US treaties and undermine future foreign policy as well.
Perhaps, but the way we go about 'preventing' war is not that great atm. I would like the U.S. to pull out of all global organizations like the U.N. etc etc, so you know I'm way on the other side. Banding with others in the words of 'we are globel police and know what is best' is obserd to me. I'm afraid we are loosing our souvrenty and at the same time turning into the enemy we claim to fight. It's deffinatly true that we can't just say "we were only joking to see if you'd go for it, now carry on." You have to take a closer look at these countries motives and our forign policy track record.
The one thing I would never want to see is the U.S. Federal Gov reduce national defense, key word being defense, not all the other crap we keep pulling. I'm not with you guys on that part, stop pointless wars, stop funding the u.n., stop fighting for n.a.t.o, stop all of that, but don't weaken our military. It's the one thing the Fed is actually designed for ffs.