Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
Danoff, you have already proven your inability to understand basic mathematics, obviously something with words or a graph in it is impossible for you to get.

Like i already stated, what I am saying can't logically be argued against, there is the proof. :lol:
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Must be true then.

Sounds legit.


Danoff, you have already proven your inability to understand basic mathematics, obviously something with words or a graph in it is impossible for you to get.

Like i already stated, what I am saying can't logically be argued against, there is the proof. :lol:

^ :lol: You're proof is a random Wikipedia link, which from your post can't really explain 1/4 of what is there. Not to count the fact you already have a biased chip on your shoulder by clearly calling out the the dems haven't done anything to also hurt the economy and market...I mean Clinton and NAFTA hasn't really made things all that great. How about acutal proof and then you wont have posters making you look like some kid that got his U.S. history book today from your High School bookstore.
^ :lol: You're proof is a random Wikipedia link, which from your post can't really explain 1/4 of what is there. Not to count the fact you already have a biased chip on your shoulder by clearly calling out the the dems haven't done anything to also hurt the economy and market...I mean Clinton and NAFTA hasn't really made things all that great. How about acutal proof and then you wont have posters making you look like some kid that got his U.S. history book today from your High School bookstore.

Here is more proof what I said won't be logically challenged...

Taxes, banking regulations and wealth distribution all started changing in a couple years, yet no one can understand one is a result of the other two. :indiff:

Oh, homonyms...
Here is more proof what I said won't be logically challenged...

Taxes, banking regulations and wealth distribution all started changing in a couple years, yet no one can understand one is a result of the other two. :indiff:

Oh, homonyms...

That's not proof. It's similar to saying that wealth distribution (whatever that means) has changed in the past couple years b/c the tree outside my house has grown the past couple years.

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc

In addition, the banking industry is one of the most highly regulated industries in the country. To even work as a low-tier analyst on Wall St. you need a degree, a masters, a CFA, and you need to complete a host of testing for certification. It can take someone 2 years to fulfill all of the requirements to become a stock broker.

..ya, those regulations really help don't they?

The regulation your talking about was a repeal of a provision of the Glass-Stegall act and was signed by Bill Clinton. That had more to do with mergers and acquisitions than anything else.

Wealth distribution means little in a vacuum. What's important are purchasing power and the standard of living. Socialism destroys both of those.

All these problems can be traced back to big government and its spending. Pretty soon, you run out of millionaires to steal from and the Gov't comes after you. According to Obama, you're a "millionaire" if you own a business that has $200,000 in receipts. Married couples earning $250k/yr? Millionaires.

The gov't has no right to redistribute wealth as it sees fit nor should it punish those who are successful. In addition, it should not be giving tax breaks to Hollywood while creating bogymen out of small business owners.
Dapper how about you readjust and shift the blame to both parties and use actual facts like legislation that was actually passed. BrotherSuperior did a good job of this, which I was able to cross check online and see that he's not full of you know what. Quit pandering to one party, that is why I'm an independent because both sides are so asinine in their own ways and they have their base i.e. you trying to defend tooth and nail something to the point of a dogma. It's like saying Pepsi is just so much better than Coke...yet they both taste like Cola and at times taste the same.
Dapper how about you readjust and shift the blame to both parties and use actual facts like legislation that was actually passed.

I posted a link to an article that explains all the legislation in chronological order. And I am against republican ideology, but I never said republicans are solely responsible. So, I did.

But republicans will end the world.
Democracy is the road to socialism.- Karl Marx :lol:

America loves socialism, even Tea Party mugs like social security and medicare.
Democracy is the road to socialism.- Karl Marx :lol:

America loves socialism, even Tea Party mugs like social security and medicare.
At the end of the debate, it was decided that democratic elements of our newly founded governmental system would be strictly limited by the founding document. Despite wide-ranging views, the most of those old men knew that pure democracy is a crazy idea.

As for the Tea Party, I don't like the Tea Party. I'll take the votes where I can get them, but I still think half of them are idiots.
Remember this is just the Democrat party, the group of people that denounces science, booed soldiers (Code Pink), and then applauded ACORN and the unnecessary death of a millions of unborn children through gov't funded abortion. This group of morally destitute people only accounts for 1/4 of the population. :D


Here's a link explaining the EPA & Obama admin don't give a damn about 'science' and care more about their agenda; LINK

Nothing gets in the way when bureaucrats & a socialist president want more of your money.

How much money are we talking? Try $23 billion.

That doesn't take into account how much it'll cost businesses and taxpayers to adhere to the new 'rules' nor does it take into account how every gov't program & agency consistently go beyond their budget.

Awesome huh? No science, just politics & a president that wants to steal more of YOUR money. Hope 'n Change!
I posted a link to an article that explains all the legislation in chronological order. And I am against republican ideology, but I never said republicans are solely responsible. So, I did.

But republicans will end the world.

Let's be rational both parties are guilty of beating American citizens into the dirt and grandstanding infront of us all like they've got our best interest at heart. Both parties will destroy the world...

Why would you comment from Communist...they're no better.
Take your pick Authoritarianism Right/Fascism or the Socialistic Left/Communism. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD the two party system is crap, has brought us the idea of the lesser of two evils, evil is evil at the end of the day. You want to parade around and play party politics just like the actual Political figures and at the end of the day not get anything done. BrotherSuperior I wouldn't bother trying we've brought all this info up earlier, you, me and others yet the sheep want to be sheep.
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As for the Tea Party, I don't like the Tea Party. I'll take the votes where I can get them, but I still think half of them are idiots.
Agreed so deeply. :lol: The majority of them have no clue whatsoever and will follow blindly, just like the hardcore D&R's do. It's a shame that independent thought isn't more common in people. They are just like the Obama'ers from the last election that voted for the words 'hope' and 'change'.

Democracy is the road to socialism.- Karl Marx :lol:

America loves socialism, even Tea Party mugs like social security and medicare.
That I actually agree with. The mob rule aspect of democracy does go a long way towards making the lower classes seek equality. You can only crap on someone for so long before they tire of it. Too bad a Utopian society is just fantasy at this point, as TRUE Communism(utopia)-(not Socialism) will likely never exist except in fictional writings due to man's inherent desire to get one up on someone else. I don't agree with the practice of wealth redistribution, but in principle, there is no reason that anyone who contributes to society should be made to go without. To me, the clerk at the gas station is just as important as the policeman or pilot. All of these jobs are needed, so there is no reason one should starve and scrimp by while the other dines and lives extravagantly. I am on quite the opposite side of the argument from you, but I do acknowledge the intent and thinking. The mixed capitalist/socialist/oligarchy that we have in this country ensures that neither side (Lib or Com) will prevail or have the chance to prove itself any time soon. Socialism is something that has always interested me in that way, I feel the theory is strong but the true application will never be seen.

Let's be rational both parties are guilty of beating American citizens into the dirt and grandstanding in front of us all like they've got our best interest at heart. Both parties will destroy the world...

Why would you comment from Communist...they're no better.
Take your pick Authoritarianism Right/Fascism or the Socialistic Left/Communism. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD the two party system is crap, has brought us the idea of the lesser of two evils, evil is evil at the end of the day. You want to parade around and play party politics just like the actual Political figures and at the end of the day not get anything done. BrotherSuperior I wouldn't bother trying we've brought all this info up earlier, you, me and others yet the sheep want to be sheep.

This. This is the heart of everything that is wrong with our system. Nothing ever changes because it isn't designed to. Both gangs are guilty of not giving a crap about anyone but themselves, and only doing what is necessary to prolong their rule while excluding any newcomers from the scene. We were warned by the founders about this as well, and now here we are drowning in our own political bile while they continue to put on the charade and take donations. The soundbite has replaced the carefully written speech with fluff and slogans, which is fine. American's don't seem to have the comprehension skills necessary to process more complex forms of information anymore anyway.
I can't argue the current topic so I make up stupid comments so I have something to reply to.
FTFY :rolleyes:
Let's be rational...
Right, you haven't responded to the facts. And I'll tell you again, I am not pro democrat.

That I actually agree with. The mob rule aspect of democracy does go a long way towards making the lower classes seek equality. You can only crap on someone for so long before they tire of it. Too bad a Utopian society is just fantasy at this point, as TRUE Communism(utopia)-(not Socialism) will likely never exist except in fictional writings due to man's inherent desire to get one up on someone else. I don't agree with the practice of wealth redistribution, but in principle, there is no reason that anyone who contributes to society should be made to go without. To me, the clerk at the gas station is just as important as the policeman or pilot. All of these jobs are needed, so there is no reason one should starve and scrimp by while the other dines and lives extravagantly. I am on quite the opposite side of the argument from you, but I do acknowledge the intent and thinking. The mixed capitalist/socialist/oligarchy that we have in this country ensures that neither side (Lib or Com) will prevail or have the chance to prove itself any time soon. Socialism is something that has always interested me in that way, I feel the theory is strong but the true application will never be seen.

I agree, dude. :dopey: My point initially was the bottom started getting crapped on more starting around 30 years ago, well, that is only if one thinks highly of statistics and empirical evidence.

Also, from wiki, "Republicans emphasize the role of free markets and individual achievement...," this is basic republican economic ideology aka trickle down economics, which is a proven myth. In my opinion, based on things posted, and yet to be logically debated evidence, is why the country is in it's current economic state, which, for clarification, is freaking awesome if one is rich and barely survivable for everyone else. For contrast, "Historically, the party has favored farmers, laborers, labor unions...," this is wiki's democrat ideology.
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FTFY :rolleyes:

I agree, dude. :dopey: My point initially was the bottom started getting crapped on more starting around 30 years ago, well, that is only if one thinks highly of statistics and empirical evidence. tation.aspx?PubId=6695

I’ve never read any states that support your claim however it does reflect what I’ve seen and experienced
Historically, the Democrat party has had socialist tendencies on occasion. They tend to promote individual liberties, or at least not attack them directly, though they also believe the privileged citizens of the country should be forced to help the less privileged. They also tend to support high taxes which fund wide ranging government-run welfare services.

Basically, love and peace and do what you want, but if you're rich you must give up what you have earned to help everybody else.

Historically, the Republican party has had authoritarian tendencies. They also tend to support civil liberties, unless a particular freedom violates some untenable sense of morality, such as drug use in one's own home, and they attack that supposed immoral behavior ferociously with legislation and criminal penalties. Though they are less for civil liberty than Democrats, they are more for economic liberty, with lower taxes and less focus on welfare programs.

Basically, you're free to work hard and make money and get rich, but if we catching you doing anything naughty like smoking pot or slapping your wife, well asshole, you're going to jail because we're the government and we say so.

Both parties have slightly different platforms historically, but in the end they're both ruinous. A purely Democratic platform would eventually destroy society by implementing socialism, and a purely Republican platform would eventually implement fascism. As we all know, neither of these systems has ever been successful. We also know that, so far, every attempt at a system anything like our republic has eventually fallen from its founding principles into some form of oligarchic society, which failed miserably. Fact is, a system like our republic has never failed in and of its own - it has only devolved through rampant carelessness into an inferior type of society, which struggled and eventually failed spectacularly.

A libertarian platform wouldn't implement anything, because the federal government wouldn't be allowed to do anything not explicitly stated in the Constitution, which isn't much, and decisions would be made on a local basis by citizens with more thorough representation at the State level. For an example of why representation would be more localized, take the House of Representatives for example. Instead of having, say, 3-15 representatives at the Federal level based on a state's population, you would have one representative in the state's House for each district of that state, of which there may be 50 or more.
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...yet to be logically debated evidence, is why the country is in it's current economic state...

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to go entirely off the gold standard, and Nixon did it. We can now reach the orbit of Pluto merely by printing stacks of money.

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to deregulate business and reduce the unions, and Reagan did it.

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to invent exotic, unconventional financial instruments like derivatives & CDS's, and Wall Street and government regulators swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to indulge in virtually unchecked speculation and leveraging debt, and virtually everybody in the world jumped in it.

- Collectively, we decided that cheating on school tests was okay, so naturally we cheated on mortgage loan applications with the full assistance of the brokerages and banks.

Bottom line, I blame it all on the business cycle, bad luck and the current sitting President.:dopey:

Respectfully submitted,

Note: by the term "Milton Friedman" I mean not just the man himself, but also the University of Chicago and all those academic acolytes of Friedman who so enthusiastically swallowed his Kool-Aid.
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Note: by the term "Milton Friedman" I mean not just the man himself, but also the University of Chicago and all those academic acolytes of Friedman who so enthusiastically swallowed his Kool-Aid.
You already know which other of our favorite politicians are from Chicago...
- Milton Friedman said it was okay to go entirely off the gold standard, and Nixon did it. We can now reach the orbit of Pluto merely by printing stacks of money.

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to deregulate business and reduce the unions, and Reagan did it.

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to invent exotic, unconventional financial instruments like derivatives & CDS's, and Wall Street and government regulators swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

- Milton Friedman said it was okay to indulge in virtually unchecked speculation and leveraging debt, and virtually everybody in the world jumped in it.

- Collectively, we decided that cheating on school tests was okay, so naturally we cheated on mortgage loan applications with the full assistance of the brokerages and banks.

Bottom line, I blame it all on the business cycle, bad luck and the current sitting President.:dopey:

Respectfully submitted,

Note: by the term "Milton Friedman" I mean not just the man himself, but also the University of Chicago and all those academic acolytes of Friedman who so enthusiastically swallowed his Kool-Aid.

Did Keef edit in your conclusion? :lol:
(a bunch of true banking stuff) I blame it on the business cycle....
I'll just add imo greed from all sectors exaggerates the highs and lows. Government interference that attempts to stabilize or minimize negative impacts only prolongs and expands on downsides.
Care to explain about luxemburg
Google Rosa Luxemburg reform or revolution. It's a 50 page document arguing revolt over social reform in a capitalist Germany.
Right, you haven't responded to the facts. And I'll tell you again, I am not pro democrat.

What facts? That you post a wikipedia link and tell us to read that...yeah I responded to that. Also others did alot more fact giving than you did that you haven't responded all that well to, so what exactly do I have to say that they haven't? So what are you then, cause when you bash the Republicans and don't share the blame it tends to make you seem Liberal or Democrat. See a middle of the road person would blame both parties and show facts why both sides don't have the best interest of the people.
You mean deregulation of fractional reserve banking... all conjured up by republicans.

What facts? That you post a wikipedia link and tell us to read that...yeah I responded to that. Also others did alot more fact giving than you did that you haven't responded all that well to, so what exactly do I have to say that they haven't? So what are you then, cause when you bash the Republicans and don't share the blame it tends to make you seem Liberal or Democrat. See a middle of the road person would blame both parties and show facts why both sides don't have the best interest of the people.

You aren't very respectful. That was my first response in regards to banking regulations. And alot is not a word.
You aren't very respectful. That was my first response in regards to banking regulations. And alot is not a word.

Now you're going to focus on my grammar and not the issues? That's also fine if you find me that way, the others on this thread don't seem to have the same feelings, but you're entitled to that feeling of me. Next time I'll try not to type so fast when responding to post on the thread just for you :).

Also I responded to that by saying how you should talk both sides screwing up the economy. It's obvious the republicans screwed up and still are, hence why I'm not a republican. However, I'm not a democrat cause they're just as guilty!
Now you're going to focus on my grammar and not the issues? That's also fine if you find me that way, the others on this thread don't seem to have the same feelings, but you're entitled to that feeling of me. Next time I'll try not to type so fast when responding to post on the thread just for you :).

Because you agree with them. :ouch:
You asked for legislation, but my initial response to anything banking was an article that was all about legislation. Feel free to go and read that at your leisure.
Because you agree with them. :ouch:
You asked for legislation, but my initial response to anything banking was an article that was all about legislation. Feel free to go and read that at your leisure.

I don't fully agree with them, hell I recall us agreeing about a few things, but how quickly you forget. My issue with your post right now is that you seem to be pro democrat yet they haven't done adequate work either to get praise from anyone if the correct homework is done. I looked at your article then and now, I'm fine with it and I've been telling you what gets me :dunce:.

Now you said you're not pro democrat and I must take your word for that at the moment.