But those are for poor people. You know, the ones that can't help it. The example was a guy with a good job who just chose to not be covered. We are talking about someone who would get none of the programs you just mentioned (I recognize Goodwill is a charity..oh wait...and not a program, but this gentleman in question could be assumed to be like everyone in his situation and not shop at Goodwill, unless he's a hipster, but then if a hipster dies and nobody cares does it matter?).
There goes your single-minded, blame whatever named group I can find mentality again. You act like you don't realize that Democrats were in control of most branches of government for the majority of the last 60 years.
Here is my question to you, if Republicans and their capitalist ways are the problem then explain why a bank bailout was done under the Democratically controlled Congress, why the then Senator and now President Democrat Obama voted for it. Explain how the stimulus package pushed through by a Democratic president and Congress had all sorts of backroom deals to businesses which had ties to the Democrat President Obama. Or explain how it is that the head of GE, who found a way to not pay billions in corporate taxes, and in fact received billion in tax benefits, and king of outsourcing, has been appointed to head the Democrat President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness after using a program that a Democrat controlled Congress, and voted on by then Democrat Senator Obama, and supported by now Democrat President Obama, to shut down factories in the US and send all the jobs overseas.
Drop the party rhetoric. Democrats and Republicans are both rotten pieces of dog poo that has dried to a white crustiness, got eaten by another dog, and puked back up. Plain and simple, there is nothing you can say about Republicans that isn't also true about Democrats.
I don't see how people fail to see that, but people cheer on their party of choice with more ignorant blindness than sports fans. "YAY! GO CORRUPTION, CHEATING, AND LIES! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TEAM!"