Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
It's good that she caught up with the rest of the country. I'm pretty sure that she was the only one thinking she had even a chance at the nomination. She's probably backing Bachmann now though. lol
I don't think she ever thought she had a chance. I refuse to believe she's that stupid. I believe she was literally just trolling the entire country and screwing around because she could.


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I think it's funny because fattyboy got all resentful when presented a situation that sounds different, but is effectively the same.

I have a bad feeling that one of these days the government will be mandating diets. :indiff:

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Will Barack Hussein Obama absolutely crush his Republican opponent in a major landslide victory just like Bill Clinton crushed Bob Dole.

I certainly do not see the 2012 presidential elections being a repeat of the 1980 presidential elections where the Republican candidate just murders the Democratic candidate in a landslide victory.

...It's a lot more series than who will crush who, this isn't some boxing match.
The ones she mentions.

That seems better than what you had earlier it and helps show what you're trying to get at. That is all I was asking. It helps this debate move along. I don't agree with all she says but she has some good points.

I don't think she ever thought she had a chance. I refuse to believe she's that stupid. I believe she was literally just trolling the entire country and screwing around because she could.


Wow, we did what fatty wanted and look where it's gotten us. I'm sure he's probably double the size too since that vid.
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So, I'm under the impression some of you Paul supporters are of college age. Thoughts on his education loan stance?

I think he is right, mainly because the cost has become artlficially high imo, will it effect his voter base?
Ron Paul is the only one with a thing called common sense.
If he gets elected i´ll move to USA in the next 10 years easy.

What worries me though is that he won´t be able to do anything since the president of the united states has never run the country and never will run the country.
It´s just the face of USA.

And if he starts getting out of hand and really be a man of the people they will just assassinate him like they did with JFK. (CIA that is.)
Well cia? maybe(foil hat)

I can almost buy the jfk 'fed reserve' theory which ironicly could be a reason Paul is not electable.
So, I'm under the impression some of you Paul supporters are of college age. Thoughts on his education loan stance?
He plans a transitional period (whatever that is) that won't screw the people who need federal loans now or in the future. You can't just cut it for everybody right away because we have no been able to benefit from his changed economic policies for the 5 or more years it might require to see meaningful change. Without that support, maybe 100,000 kids would be forced to simply drop out of college by next semester, with no other immediate option, including myself.

But we understand that we should not be depending on the government. We also understand that it's by far the most practical and friendly way for us to get where we want.

Unlike some people, I don't get subsidized (no interest) loans. My government loans work just like loans from any other company, except that because they're government they're a little cheaper and have less strict repayment terms. My name is the only one on the loans - loans at any private institution require a cosigner in my situation.

So, we know we shouldn't be doing what we're doing, but in the current economic climate there simply isn't another practical option for many of us. A transitional period of at least 5 or more years needs to be done so the economy will have time to adjust to new, freer policies, and bring back competition for students loans to private banks instead of the government.

What worries me though is that he won´t be able to do anything since the president of the united states has never run the country and never will run the country.
It´s just the face of USA.
The President's traditional role is not simply as the face of the USA. His main role is as the Commander in Chief of our military.

And if he starts getting out of hand and really be a man of the people they will just assassinate him like they did with JFK. (CIA that is.)
I usually choose not to jump to conclusions when there is inconclusive evidence. There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't know", but blaming the CIA just makes you sound ridiculous.
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The President's traditional role is not simply as the face of the USA. His main role is as the Commander in Chief of our military.

His role really is to strap on some strings on his hands and feet so he can act like a puppet.
JFK wanted out of Vietnam, that went well considering he was the Commander in Chief of your military....

I usually choose not to jump to conclusions when there is inconclusive evidence. There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't know", but blaming the CIA just makes you sound ridiculous.

To each his own i guess.
His role really is to strap on some strings on his hands and feet so he can act like a puppet.
JFK wanted out of Vietnam, that went well considering he was the Commander in Chief of your military....
The President is indeed the final word on the actions of our military during a time of declared war. During that time, the military does what he tells them. What the President tells the public and what he tells the military may be two different things, but that's up to him.

Does he have final power over the military during an undeclared conflict? That I don't know, but I do know that Vietnam, and in fact every US military conflict since WW2, has been an unofficially declared conflict. The word war is actually capitalized in our Constitution, leading me to believe that it is a proper term whose usage depends on the official procedures dictating its usage, and therefore any conflict the US engages in that is not declared as War cannot actually be referred to as war within the US.

It could be argued that any undeclared conflict entered into by the President and our military is a treasonous offense committed by the President. By entering into the conflict, they are effectively waging war against their own country by enticing the "enemy" to fight back, which is a reaction any reasonable person should expect in such a situation. In that respect, the President is both planning for and causing war to be waged against his own country.

So I just demonstrated how easily President Obama could possibly be charged with treason. To convict him it would only take either a direct confession by him, or the statements of two or more witnesses against him (there are a few more than that out there), and that would lead to the punishment for treason stated in the Constitution, which is death.

Did I just make a reasonable argument for sentencing our current president to the death penalty? I believe I did. Feel free to call me crazy, but you should back it up with your own reasonable argument stating otherwise, but keep in mind that you all now understand why the Founders included specific instructions in the Constitution on how to properly declare a war. Because when you don't, things tend to get messy.
The President is indeed the final word on the actions of our military during a time of declared war. During that time, the military does what he tells them. What the President tells the public and what he tells the military may be two different things, but that's up to him.

Does he have final power over the military during an undeclared conflict? That I don't know, but I do know that Vietnam, and in fact every US military conflict since WW2, has been an unofficially declared conflict. The word war is actually capitalized in our Constitution, leading me to believe that it is a proper term whose usage depends on the official procedures dictating its usage, and therefore any conflict the US engages in that is not declared as War cannot actually be referred to as war within the US.

It could be argued that any undeclared conflict entered into by the President and our military is a treasonous offense committed by the President. By entering into the conflict, they are effectively waging war against their own country by enticing the "enemy" to fight back, which is a reaction any reasonable person should expect in such a situation. In that respect, the President is both planning for and causing war to be waged against his own country.

So I just demonstrated how easily President Obama could possibly be charged with treason. To convict him it would only take either a direct confession by him, or the statements of two or more witnesses against him (there are a few more than that out there), and that would lead to the punishment for treason stated in the Constitution, which is death.

Did I just make a reasonable argument for sentencing our current president to the death penalty? I believe I did. Feel free to call me crazy, but you should back it up with your own reasonable argument stating otherwise, but keep in mind that you all now understand why the Founders included specific instructions in the Constitution on how to properly declare a war. Because when you don't, things tend to get messy.

It seems to me that this argument could be used to try most every president we have had in recent times, certainly every one of them from my life time. I would also assume though, that black and covert ops missions if ever exposed(*cough* cia *cough*) would be in the same line of thinking as an undeclared war, since they are both in fact military ops taking place on foreign soil without congressional approval. Granted not every op is ok'ed personally by the president, but someone in the command chain should be responsible and subject to these same standards and consequences. Also the question of mercenary forces has to come into the debate at some point, since we are in the age of BlackWater and such where no clear command chain exists and the buck is passed around like the flu when poo hits the fan with them. I'd be very interested in seeing these treason standards enforced and I think there should be no immunity for anyone in these matters. This would also help create lots of open jobs in DC. :)
So, I'm under the impression some of you Paul supporters are of college age. Thoughts on his education loan stance?

I think he is right, mainly because the cost has become artlficially high imo, will it effect his voter base?

To be honest I liked his point about how Obama never made the federal wage $9 which he thought shoud have happend. I've already graduated with one degree through scholarships alone, and probably will need student loans if I don't go military. So far Obama (until today) hasn't talked heavily on how he is going to get a student money program going or what the guide lines are. Not everyone can get a Pell grant due to parent wages, which is funny cause if your parents make $90k combined a year (like mine) and don't have too many kids (including me have three) then you don't get a grant; even if your parents don't have the money and for me I'll have to wait till I'm 25. However, even if I were I still wouldn't get the amount I need to pay a full semester of classes and books. However, this is the way the world is.
The President is indeed the final word on the actions of our military during a time of declared war. During that time, the military does what he tells them. What the President tells the public and what he tells the military may be two different things, but that's up to him.

Does he have final power over the military during an undeclared conflict? That I don't know, but I do know that Vietnam, and in fact every US military conflict since WW2, has been an unofficially declared conflict. The word war is actually capitalized in our Constitution, leading me to believe that it is a proper term whose usage depends on the official procedures dictating its usage, and therefore any conflict the US engages in that is not declared as War cannot actually be referred to as war within the US.

It could be argued that any undeclared conflict entered into by the President and our military is a treasonous offense committed by the President. By entering into the conflict, they are effectively waging war against their own country by enticing the "enemy" to fight back, which is a reaction any reasonable person should expect in such a situation. In that respect, the President is both planning for and causing war to be waged against his own country.

So I just demonstrated how easily President Obama could possibly be charged with treason. To convict him it would only take either a direct confession by him, or the statements of two or more witnesses against him (there are a few more than that out there), and that would lead to the punishment for treason stated in the Constitution, which is death.

Did I just make a reasonable argument for sentencing our current president to the death penalty? I believe I did. Feel free to call me crazy, but you should back it up with your own reasonable argument stating otherwise, but keep in mind that you all now understand why the Founders included specific instructions in the Constitution on how to properly declare a war. Because when you don't, things tend to get messy.

It all sounds very nice but it´s really not his decision at all whether USA will go to war or if you will end a war.

He doesn´t do much, he takes care of basic stuff but he´s not the worlds most powerful man and never have been.
He´s the face of America and in some way the world (until China and India trades places with USA)

If Ron get´s elected, let´s see how long the troops stay in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Especially considering USA has spent alot of money building an embassy as big as the Vatican City.
They are not going anywhere and it´s the same story with Afghanistan. They have no business being in Afghanistan but i guess that when a country is producing 99% of the worlds opium there´s all of a sudden alot of money to be made.
And meanwhile you will be stuck with a drone killing, imigrant imprisoning, global banking cowtowing, liberty robbing candidate without challange.
Sorry LMS I should have been more clear. I was poking fun at Dapper because he is liberal and Obama will be the only democrat on the ballot.
Sorry LMS I should have been more clear. I was poking fun at Dapper because he is liberal and Obama will be the only democrat on the ballot.

Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention I just thought you were randomally throwing obvious info out their, but I had to ask to make sure.
He doesn´t do much, he takes care of basic stuff but he´s not the worlds most powerful man and never have been.
He´s the face of America and in some way the world (until China and India trades places with USA)

Article Two of the Constitution of the United States of America
Section 1, clause 1 [in part]: The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.

Section 1, clause 8: Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Section 2, clause 1 [in part]: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.
Those are the rules. By design, the branches of our constitutional republic are heavily intertwined so as to balance total power among them and make sure they all have tools to stop the other branches from overstepping their powers. The President has many powers most people don't know about, nearly all of them government-related, because Congress is typically the branch that deals most directly with the people and domestic issues.

Sadly, the rules are rarely followed anymore, but our system's design is in fact the finest the world has ever seen.
I was poking fun at Dapper because he is liberal...

Burn! :lol: Boy that one hurt. I poke fun at people like you because you have no grasp of history and how it really does predict the future. Free markets and supply side economics are a complete failure and it has been proven, well that is if one understands history.
Those are the rules. By design, the branches of our constitutional republic are heavily intertwined so as to balance total power among them and make sure they all have tools to stop the other branches from overstepping their powers. The President has many powers most people don't know about, nearly all of them government-related, because Congress is typically the branch that deals most directly with the people and domestic issues.

Sadly, the rules are rarely followed anymore, but our system's design is in fact the finest the world has ever seen.

they are just words, they have very little meaning in reality.

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