WE are how dictators, terrorist groups and other groups arise that cause harm to the world generally come to power. Obama very well could have done exactly what you said and ended it on Day One. Of course there are logistics to work out so not everyone would just be magically whisked away back to their home states, but it certainly isn't like he had to wait for congress to back him.

Clearly they are uninvolved. What possible reason could there be that he could not do this? Because the region is "too unstable"? Check the past 3-4k years out and rethink that one, then come back and tell me why We MUST stay there one second longer.
The US isn't a dictator nation, you really need to look up what a dictator is. Sure we could be seen as a terrorist group, but that really would only be outside the Western World an even then I'm going to guess most countries don't see us that way at all.
And no Obama couldn't have ended it day one without a catastrophic backlash from war supporters in the US and out allies. Just opting out of a war that we started would basically be leaving an entire region in shambles and letting the people fend for themselves after we completely shook up there way of life. It would be similar to me coming into your house with you still living in it, destroy everything and then just tell you to deal with it as I leave.
And if you don't know why the Middle East region is important perhaps you should do some more investigating. The number one reason the Middle East is so important to the Western World is oil, they have and we need it. A close second is religious ties, the 3 or of the 5 biggest religions in the world have roots in the Middle East. You need to protect those interests whether you agree with it or not.
Yes, I would have preferred if we hadn't gone into Iraq a if we really wanted to get Saddam I think black and special ops would have been the way to go. But Bush wanted it his way and that's what Obama was stuck with when he took office. I do think Obama took two years to long to pull out of Iraq, we could have had everything in order by early 2010 and ready to end the war.
I hope you do know that they never should have went in the first place?
More people have died during the US era down there then when Saddam was ruling the place with an iron fist.
Sure he did some sick things but it´s no comparison to what the US did down there.
And it was all based on a lie...
Where did you get your information? I'm going to need a source that shows the US doing worse things to the Iraqi people then Saddam did. I agree there were a group of soldiers that did some pretty shameful things, but I heard nothing that was even close to what Saddam did.
And I don't believe it was based on a lie, it was based on bad information. There is a difference. It doesn't diminish the fact it wasn't a huge screw up but do you really think the President would lie to the citizens to go to war? Bush may have been an awful president and done quite a few bad things, but I don't believe lying was one of them.