Presidential Election: 2012

  • Thread starter Omnis
Sadly, I'm surrounded by people who think the same thing.

Really the only way for a President to rule a country is by Dictatorship.
Obviously not something a country should strive for but it´s very effective for doing what you want.

Just read yesterday that Gaddafi was the richest man on the planet by far.
Carlos Slim aint got 🤬 on him ;)

It makes it so ironic to find him in a concrete hole praying for his life..
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Des Moins register Iowa poll.

Cain 23%, Romney 22%, Paul 12%, Bachmann 8%, Perry&Newt 7%, Santorum 5%.

Was hoping Paul would have been a bit higher, but it's not bad. Thought Santorum would have done better with his lagit tax plan.
I don't think he has a chance either. Yes he has plan with much more though put into it then Perry's for instance. A graduated one with reform, the numbers might add up and it is palettable for mainstream and moderates.
I think at this point in the game, the media is just trying to shuffle the attention around in a last ditch effort to deny that Ron Paul is in fact the only candidate on the R stage that has any chance of winning this. If they put Paul and Obama in a debate together, it will be a bloody gorefest of an event. Though Obama would likely talk circles around almost all of the other 'contenders'. They have to eventually accept that this is going to happen regardless of the hype they try to throw on some others.

The only real question for me is who RP will pick as running mate. Clearly it won't be any of the past or current media darlings. Sooo...... Huntsman, Johnson, or :nervous: Nader? Any one that i missed in that? I wouldn't think he would pick Rand to be his running mate.
Well, he(Paul) did grab 82% of The National Federeration of Republican Assemblies' straw poll. 👍

I have no idea who he would choose as his mate, I'd guess not Johnson and would Nadder even want to run?
Nader is old and crazy. I honestly have no idea who he would choose, but I imagine it would be somebody similar to himself, but more charismatic. Paul knows the main reason he doesn't appeal to everybody is because he's just too smart for his own good.
I guarantee Ron Paul will not win, but I think he would be the best president by far. He's the only one who is smart enough to realize that America is in debt and the best way to get out of debt is to STOP spending. All the other people I hear them talking about there new tax planes and views on boarder jumpers etc. Yes those are important but no one cares about that at all. There's no money and no jobs how is raising or changing the taxes going to solve it. People paying more money which they don't have won't solve anything. At least Ron mentioned bring back all the troops and use them as boarder control. Saves money and protects the boarders. We need a poll of this to see who's voting for who.
I guarantee Ron Paul will not win, but I think he would be the best president by far. He's the only one who is smart enough to realize that America is in debt and the best way to get out of debt is to STOP spending. All the other people I hear them talking about there new tax planes and views on boarder jumpers etc. Yes those are important but no one cares about that at all. There's no money and no jobs how is raising or changing the taxes going to solve it. People paying more money which they don't have won't solve anything. At least Ron mentioned bring back all the troops and use them as boarder control. Saves money and protects the boarders. We need a poll of this to see who's voting for who.

Agreed, however, any republican right now, yes even Romney, would be better than Obama, so we've really got nothing to loose given the fact that Obama is more than likely going to be one termer. Also, I very much like Newt Gingrich as well.
Agreed, however, any republican right now, yes even Romney, would be better than Obama, so we've really got nothing to loose given the fact that Obama is more than likely going to be one termer. Also, I very much like Newt Gingrich as well.

The current crop of Republicans would be just as bad as Obama I think, some even worse.

I think Herman Cain is unbelievably disconnected from real world America, so it actually frightens me that he's even in contention. I believe Ron Paul is not far behind him either. Bachman is just insane. Perry scares me too since any politician from Texas has a very odd sense of...well...everything.

I do like Jon Huntsman though, but I know he's not even close to being a consideration. Romney would be my second choice even though there's quite a few issues I don't agree with, but I highly doubt a Mormon would get voted in since Christians view them as some sort of cult, which I find sad.

As long as Obama doesn't do anything monumentally stupid he's got 2012 in the bag. Under his "leadership" Osama bin Ladin was apparently killed, Gadafhi is dead and out of power, troops are coming home from Iraq and the market has made a huge comeback (at least points wise). To the average American, that's some great accomplishments and will vote for him just on that.

Also if the minority groups and young people go out in force and vote then Obama really has this won.

I honestly wish we had a redo box on the ballot that wipes all the candidates out and we start over. I don't really feel that any of them are qualified to lead the country and listen to the American people over lobbyist contributions. Whoever gets elected will fall into the same cycle of endorsing policies that favour whoever has the biggest chequebook.
Is John huntsman the fatter guy with the white hair? Also how is Obama doing in this all I ever see is everyone except him in the polls.
Don't forget the Noble Peace Prize.

How come no one gives Obama credit for handling war without killing massive amounts people who shouldn't have died?

I think swiftly taking care of two major 🤬 without the useless killing of thousands of soldiers and civilians, like dub-ya did, is maybe not worth a nobel peace prize, but it worth at least a little bit of credit.
How come no one gives Obama credit for handling war without killing massive amounts people who shouldn't have died?

I think swiftly taking care of two major 🤬 without the useless killing of thousands of soldiers and civilians, like dub-ya did, is maybe not worth a nobel peace prize, but it worth at least a little bit of credit.

And what about an unconstitutional war in Libya? Troop surge in Afghanistan?
How come no one gives Obama credit for handling war without killing massive amounts people who shouldn't have died?

I think swiftly taking care of two major 🤬 without the useless killing of thousands of soldiers and civilians, like dub-ya did, is maybe not worth a nobel peace prize, but it worth at least a little bit of credit.

Ahah dub-ya. Osama was no threat he has been sick for years now and was out of commission. There's no real proof they even killed him. First of all why would you kill him he's an old man in his house like asleep and than dump his body in the sea. Really? The soldiers really thought dumping the body into the ocean would be a good idea. Seems sketchy to me. Plus what war. It's just US in all these places murdering who ever gets in there way. It came out years ago there were no weapons of mass destruction and Sadam was killed a long time ago what is the reason why they stayed what another 6yrs after for? US even has the balls to call these Iraq people terrorist. How is going to someone else's country and murdering there families and having the 12yr old boy in sandals upset and shoot randomly at US troops because he has nothing now classify him as a terrorist.
Ahah dub-ya. Osama was no threat he has been sick for years now and was out of commission. There's no real proof they even killed him. First of all why would you kill him he's an old man in his house like asleep and than dump his body in the sea. Really? The soldiers really thought dumping the body into the ocean would be a good idea. Seems sketchy to me. Plus what war. It's just US in all these places murdering who ever gets in there way. It came out years ago there were no weapons of mass destruction and Sadam was killed a long time ago what is the reason why they stayed what another 6yrs after for? US even has the balls to call these Iraq people terrorist. How is going to someone else's country and murdering there families and having the 12yr old boy in sandals upset and shoot randomly at US troops because he has nothing now classify him as a terrorist.

Exactly, and Obama aint no saint he has murdered just as many people, there are articles showing that Bush and Obama used Libya as a place for rendition on supposed terrorist. He didn't close down Gitmo, he boasted the troops in Afganistan, could have brought the troops home from Iraq awhile ago, didn't follow the consitution when going over to Libya, and now we have troops in Africa. I'm not going to clap for Bush either cause he's a big joke too for obvious reasons. However, to say Obama is good in any way is quite sad.
The problem is all these high up officials like Obama have lots of money invested into these private companies that make guns, etc. obviously if you want your stock in guns to raise is to make sure guns are going to be sold. What's the best way to make sure lots of guns are sold ie make you more money. WAR! Technically it's illegal because you have inside information. Martha Stuart went to jail because she sold her stocks just before the shares dropped the next day since she knew they would and it was classified as illegal. You think when one day they do bring the troops back and all the big wigs sell there stocks the day before since they knew Omaha would stop the war meaning no more guns sold and stocks drop you will see anyone go to jail. Nope.

Edit: forgot to mention

Now this Africa thing. Hmm what else to invest in that is guaranteed money. Gold! Who has tons of gold. Africa! What's a bi product of gold that is also valuable. Uranium! What can you do with that you say. You can make or more likely sell to other countries at a insanely high price to make nuclear power plants or nuclear bombs. Hmm Arab countries do not produce any or very little amounts of uranium and will have to buy it from someone. Do you think US who now will be the number one producer of uranium since they make tons and will now have Africa's supply who is one of the top countries to produce it will sell that uranium to the Arab places for power plants and than say they used it for nuclear bombs instead years from now and start this whole war thing again. Na, its not like something like that's happened before lol.
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It is not confined to gun sales, check out portfolio returns of congressmen, there is a reason fed gov was not ment to govern domestic affairs.

Yup, Ghastlydoff was liberating Africa, he had to go(although he was a bad man). Topple his regime and then move in for the real prize.

If those things piss you off, Paul is your only choice.
Whatever happens, I prefer Ron over Obama because I don't want another 4 years of spending billions of dollars to attempt make the economy better by giving money to companies that didn't deserve it in the first place. Obama only knows how to count in billions.:banghead:
Exactly, and Obama aint no saint he has murdered just as many people, there are articles showing that Bush and Obama used Libya as a place for rendition on supposed terrorist. He didn't close down Gitmo, he boasted the troops in Afganistan, could have brought the troops home from Iraq awhile ago, didn't follow the consitution when going over to Libya, and now we have troops in Africa. I'm not going to clap for Bush either cause he's a big joke too for obvious reasons. However, to say Obama is good in any way is quite sad.

No wars have been constitutional for a long time, and the constitution need completely reformed in my opinion anyway. Troops in Afghanistan... That is not Obama's war, he is trying to fix Bush's problem.

Two wars were started under bush, and they are still going on with people still dieing. Obama started a war and it is over and no Americans died. One guy did a much better job, bringing up other relative minute mistake Obama has done does not mitigate what he has done right.
No wars have been constitutional for a long time, and the constitution need completely reformed in my opinion anyway. Troops in Afghanistan... That is not Obama's war, he is trying to continue Bush's work.

Two wars were started under bush, and they are still going on with people still dieing. Obama started a war and it is over and no Americans died. One guy did a much better job, bringing up other relative minute mistake Obama has done does not mitigate what he has done right.

Fixed it for you,
Fixed it for you,

The Iraq war was a tricky one, I don't believe Obama was trying to continue it, I just think he was doing a poor job of fixing Bush's mess. The whole mess could have been fixed years back which would have helped control the debt. So while I believe Obama was doing the wrong thing, I don't think he was continuing the war for the sake of "freeing" the Iraqis.
Libya was much different, nato simply tipped the scale on an ongoing civil war.

And it was a largely French-led, British backed operation. The US had barely any involvement whatsoever. I have to say it came as startling news to me that Libya was Obama's war - Sarkozy might object.