FOX News...? Look, as voters, you've got to weigh-up all the options and pick the choice who most closely represents your feelings and/or views (or not vote for any of them). The truth is, none of them are perfect, and a good few of them seem to not quite be in touch with "ground-zero". So, whatever reasons you have for voting for Ron Paul (in this case) have obviously been thought about a bit. But, the "Reality check" video has a number of, quite major, faults and is a good reason why one would hope you use much more than FOX News to ascertain your worldview...
Fox News? Keep talking and keep proving that your assessment of the video is based on not watching, or writing it off before you did watch it.
A quick Google search of Ben Swann will lead anyone to discover that Ben Swann's Reality Check is a feature on Cincinnati's channel 19, WXIX. Of course, you shouldn't have need to go that far because the anchor even says it is WXIX at the end of the video.
Before trying to talk down to me pay attention to what you are actually talking about, and maybe realize that for eight years I worked at a media research company. AND on top of all that, pay a bit of attention to this thread and you will see that all the Ron Paul supporters accuse Fox News, with the exception of two commentators, of writing off Ron Paul more than anyone else.
1. It only deals with ONE aspect of the various issues that Ron Paul's papers contained: racism. It's the big issue, but even THAT is not properly dealt with in the video.
Are we watching the same video? He doesn't make it about if the statements are racist. He even runs down a list of the content. The video was about who wrote the statements and the poor reporting of the people who made the initial reports. The scanned copies that were put online had no by line and had a section of a page missing. Another reporter does admit they have no by line, except for one, but never says who is listed on that by line.
And in my above Googling I did find a follow up report after the reporter finally responds to his questions about the by line.
AND while you are looking at that, maybe you can actually see the FOX 19 (not Fox News) logo in the background at the end.
2. It only documents what Ron Paul has said in recent times. His recollection on the whole fiasco
Allow me to quote from your own link:
He told the Texas Monthly in the October 2001 edition that “I could never say this in the campaign, but those words weren’t really written by me.” The reporter noted, “until this surprising volte-face in our interview, he had never shared this secret.”
Now, I am aware that this doesn't directly address the defending the statements in 1996 and then in 2008 saying he was unaware of them until about 10 years before, when it first came up. But that timeline presented by him would suggest that the interview from 1996 may be what he is referring to.
And to stay on that Think Progress (about as balanced as Fox News, by the way) article for just a second: Despite their claims, Ron Paul has no record of a racist ideology. Voting against issuing a Congressional Gold Medal to Rosa Parks?
I guess Think Progress missed this interview in all their research:
As for the Civil Rights Act, I agree with him.
3. There are multiple people who dispute his claims that he "Knew not what was written"
here and
Two, two people. The Washington Post also quotes people saying differently. So, should we vote based on he said/she said fights? Or are we all to truly believe that an actual supporter of Ron Paul's called up the paper to break this damning exclusive? Or is the other person, who admits to not supporting Ron Paul, a trustworthy witness?
Seriously, it has been nearly 20 years since this first came up and the best anyone can do to actually prove he approved them is some he said/she said from former employers?
I don't know if he really IS a racist. Or, if he was, he may well not be NOW. looks at some of his past and has a video, not produced by the Ron Paul campaign, from a black man relating the story of how Ron Paul helped his white, pregnant wife when no one else would.
And here is an article that has a by line with Ron Paul's name, and even his picture attached to it from 2002.
But you have to admit this doesn't look good... It's about integrity now as much as racism and bigotry.
So, saying that because it did go out under his name and that whether he did or did not write them or did or did not approve them for publishing that he takes full responsibility for them shows no integrity to you?
For over a decade, I have publicly taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.
CBS News
I will admit, it all does raise questions and even he takes responsibility for allowing those statements to go out under his name. At best, it shows that he can make a bad call when allowing someone else to take control of something he does. But his legislative career has no record of action to match these statements. If we are to take statements made on the campaign trail more seriously than a legislative record, when one exists, then that means that Mitt Romney is opposed to government run health plans and has always been pro-life, Rick Santorum completely opposes Medicare in all ways, and Newt Gingrich is a non-hypocritical ideal example of a good and caring family man. Or, as Ben Swann points out in the video I posted above, all the candidates are racists, including Obama.
FOX News reporting...
"Here's a picture of some pieces of paper with Ron Paul's name on it, with text you can't discern. We assure you there are TONS of racist comments in here. Just take our word for it, because we won't give you a single example of one."
For Christ's sake, people! Does no one actually know the difference between a network and an affiliate?
Better yet, the difference between a 24-hour cable news channel and an affiliate of a broadcast network that does not even run a national evening news program? I know this amazingly new technology from 1980 is hard to understand, but the man living in your tiny box is actually in Cincinnati, and the other people in your tiny box with the magical, floating Fox News logo and ticker under them at all times (did you not notice it was missing?) are in New York City. They are NOT the same people.
I correct the local affiliate vs Fox News cable channel repeatedly. I get it, I'm the only person here with a degree in telecommunications, so I shouldn't expect people to know the difference between news agencies in their own town and ones from across the country, but I have pointed out the difference enough times in this thread alone that even my daughter would get it by now.
And for the record, as he explains, the images of the newsletters he had on screen were taken from the sites that were reporting on them. If you find them suspect then talk to the people claiming Ron Paul is racist.
They are the ones who released them.