Prize cars?

I think having special cars that you cant buy unless you win a race is how it should be, I mean, without something like that it's like telling people the ending of a GTA (or any other story driven) game, ruins it, you build up till the climax gaining more and more till the end. But there are those who want it all and want it now, so they use the cheats, and go around just shooting people mindlessly, which is so much more boring than going through the story and they dont realise what they are missing out on.

But whatever, I dont think its gonna change. Its GT, one of the games that has stayed close to its roots the most (except FIFA, that **** never changes). And I got hooked to it the way it was and always has been. We are all GT SERIES enthusiasts are we not?
USNF 97 sounds like a good game.

I think the only real debate between us is of whether a free mode would take away the reason to play career mode for offline gamers, and effectively turn it into a 'drive around a bit, change the disc for something else' kind of game for them.

Offline players are a broad category. Some of them won't care about progression. GT4 was offline and I had the same opinion for that game.

For the people who like GT Mode with unlockables, I don't see the issue. Posts in this thread indicate that they feel that GT Mode is exciting and rewarding. I don't see how that is consistent with temptations to go the unlock route and get bored. Especially when, if that happens, they can simply change their mind and stop playing free mode.

There are cases where you can't please both sides, but as hard as I try, I can't fit this debate into that group. When you need to be forced into doing what you like, something is wrong.

I think having special cars that you cant buy unless you win a race is how it should be, I mean, without something like that it's like telling people the ending of a GTA (or any other story driven)
What does story have to do with unlocks? How would having all the cars and guns in GTA spoil the story? Would you not have to complete all the missions to find out any of the story at all? The answer is yes. In GT, you would still need to race all the events to complete them.

game, ruins it, you build up till the climax gaining more and more till the end.
I've always found GTA to be an interesting game, but I don't know the story of any of the games, because I never bothered to look into it since every story related portion of the games I've seen has been terrible. I just drove around a massive a city with a rocket launcher in my pocket. And a cell phone that could spawn helicopters. That's the only way I've ever found GTA to be enjoyable.

But there are those who want it all and want it now, so they use the cheats, and go around just shooting people mindlessly, which is so much more boring than going through the story and they dont realise what they are missing out on.
I do. A boring story and repetitive missions that aren't nearly as fun as just going around and shooting people mindlessly. Give me one good reason that playing the story is de facto better than blowing up the city for no reason at all. One objective reason that makes your point no longer an inflated opinion pushed on other people, but a fact.

Right now no one is missing out on anything, because the story is not better than goofing off.

But whatever, I dont think its gonna change. Its GT, one of the games that has stayed close to its roots the most (except FIFA, that **** never changes). And I got hooked to it the way it was and always has been. We are all GT SERIES enthusiasts are we not?
Yes, and enthusiasts will point out the flaws in the game and tear them down so the game gets better.
To the OP, I remember you making threads about being able to buy prize cars back in 2010.

You are still the only one that cares.
I do. A boring story and repetitive missions that aren't nearly as fun as just going around and shooting people mindlessly. Give me one good reason that playing the story is de facto better than blowing up the city for no reason at all. One objective reason that makes your point no longer an inflated opinion pushed on other people, but a fact.

Right now no one is missing out on anything, because the story is not better than goofing off.

I suppose its all down to opinions, I have always found the cut scenes to be humorous, the characters interesting and the story to be in many cases touching. Especially in The Lost and Damned, it was a depressing and dark story about a way of life that is dying out in a present day environment. And its these undertones and important points in video games are another thing that I enjoy about them. Many people do miss these points, I remember the Far Cry 3 writer got somewhat upset that people completely missed the point of the story. And its kind of obvious by what you say here "no one is missing out on anything, because the story is not better than goofing off" that you are not the kind of person who enjoys a story.

And I meant that in nearly every game you unlock the bigger more powerful assets as you progress through the story, unless you use cheats and have everything available to you from the start. Much like how in GT you win race series and win these unique cars unavailable to the player at the beginning. Thus giving an incentive to either progress through the story (which games companies spend a lot of time, effort and money in creating, but many people skip completely) or complete these races with special prizes. And so having a racing game with everything available at the start is much like having a open world (or indeed any other game normally story driven) without a progressive story line. 👎
And its kind of obvious by what you say here "no one is missing out on anything, because the story is not better than goofing off" that you are not the kind of person who enjoys a story.
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm deeply disappointed with the quality of many single player games because I love good stories.

And I meant that in nearly every game you unlock the bigger more powerful assets as you progress through the story, unless you use cheats and have everything available to you from the start.
That doesn't mean this is the best way to do something.

Much like how in GT you win race series and win these unique cars unavailable to the player at the beginning. Thus giving an incentive to either progress through the story (which games companies spend a lot of time, effort and money in creating, but many people skip completely) or complete these races with special prizes. And so having a racing game with everything available at the start is much like having a open world (or indeed any other game normally story driven) without a progressive story line. 👎
Time and effort does not make a good story or career or whatever. And forcing people to play it won't make them like it. It will probably make them like it less. I don't need incentives to enjoy myself, so anyone who tries coming up with incentives to make me have fun is wasting their time.

I'm sure that modeling and physics also take lots of time and effort, and it's shame that a lot of that is lost some players who can't try out everything because there is a silly unlock system in place.

Having a racing game without unlocks is nothing like a game without a story, I don't see how those two are similar at all.
A boring story and repetitive missions that aren't nearly as fun as just going around and shooting people mindlessly. Give me one good reason that playing the story is de facto better than blowing up the city for no reason at all.

yep, same.

I don't need incentives to enjoy myself.

I'm sure that modeling and physics also take lots of time and effort, and it's shame that a lot of that is lost some players who can't try out everything because there is a silly unlock system in place.

Again, yep.
Exclusive prize cars are a plague on racing games.

They should only exist if there is a separate mode where you can own them with no effort, and race them on/offline whenever you want.

Agreed. At most, borrow from FM4's unicorn system, and just use variants of other cars that are already available. In FM4, the people who really care about having every car get to have a goal to shoot for and participate in the community more. The people who don't care still get to have a similar(and in some cases better) car normally available for purchase.

Ex: E46 M3 & M3 GTR can be bought in the dealership. The M3 CSL is a rare prize car or something.

Ex2: C4 Corvette ZR-1 can be bought in the dealership. The C4 Grand Sport is a rare prize car.

In the case of GT6, players have added motivation to complete events. If they don't feel like it, or it's too difficult, then at least they have something fairly similar that they can use.

Something along those lines. That's if there's a need to really make certain cars rare in the first place. If this is done, then I think it also goes without saying that we need to be able to reset races and do them again so that we can win additional cars.

What? He did it that many times? Wow.

Anyway, I think exclusive prize cars would be interesting, but only if it was some special edition car or something.

On another note, I do hope the stupid level system that GT5 have is gone for GT6.
IMHO exclusive prize cars make sense if they are a surprise. Which means: if you don't know which car you are getting from a certain race, and if you didn't know that such car was in the game. Since as for 2013 we would know exactly: all the cars that will be in the game and all the prize cars for each a-spec race since months before the game is released, the prizes would not really have the same taste they had in the first GTs, no matter if they're available or not at the car dealer. So, since we live in a massive information overflow era, this surprise effect can no longer exist because, want it or not, the sooner or later it's due to be spoiled. Further, the game structure has radically changed with the introduction of online racing, and while there are people (like me) that couldn't care less about online racing, there are others who couldn't care less about a-spec, but still may want to drive a certain car. And what about b-spec prizes? I wouldn't play b-spec if you paid me, and having to win a 30 laps b-spec race in order to get the car I like would sincerely piss me off.
So, indeed: all in all, I think it's a good thing GT5 had all the cars available at the dealer, and I hope GT6 will be the same for what concerns this matter.
IMHO exclusive prize cars make sense if they are a surprise. Which means: if you don't know which car you are getting from a certain race, and if you didn't know that such car was in the game. Since as for 2013 we would know exactly: all the cars that will be in the game and all the prize cars for each a-spec race since months before the game is released, the prizes would not really have the same taste they had in the first GTs, no matter if they're available or not at the car dealer. So, since we live in a massive information overflow era, this surprise effect can no longer exist because, want it or not, the sooner or later it's due to be spoiled. Further, the game structure has radically changed with the introduction of online racing, and while there are people (like me) that couldn't care less about online racing, there are others who couldn't care less about a-spec, but still may want to drive a certain car. And what about b-spec prizes? I wouldn't play b-spec if you paid me, and having to win a 30 laps b-spec race in order to get the car I like would sincerely piss me off.
So, indeed: all in all, I think it's a good thing GT5 had all the cars available at the dealer, and I hope GT6 will be the same for what concerns this matter.

What does the information age have to do with surprises being included in any game, GT or not?
The only way to find what prize cars will be available where is to either ask other people or to look at a walkthrough, both methods being available since the very first GT was released.
As for online racing, that is no excuse. Plenty of other cars would still be available to purchase in the dealerships. There is always plenty of room left for prize exclusive cars.
As for online racing, that is no excuse.
Why not? Again, some people take no pleasure at all from doing what in many cases amounts to an obstacle course now that they can play against real opponents, and (again) who are you to say they should?

Plenty of other cars would still be available to purchase in the dealerships.
But not all of them, which is the point, which you have yet to actually explain why is such a horrible thing.

There is always plenty of room left for prize exclusive cars.
Unless you think GT5's system was fine as it was; terrible prize car selection and inability to re-win them besides. In which case there is no reason to believe that there should be prize-exclusive cars.
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Why not? Again, some people take no pleasure at all from doing what in many cases amounts to an obstacle course now that they can play against real opponents, and (again) who are you to say they should?

Who are you to say they shouldn't?
It's still an obstacle course and depending on the MO of the so called "real opponents", you maybe much worse off for the experience.

But not all of them, which is the point, which you have yet to actually explain why is such a horrible thing.

Horrible is not the the fitting descriptive.
Oxymoron or paradox would be more in line.
A "prize car" is a unique or one of a kind car, aquired only through a game accomplishment, not at a car lot.

Perhaps you could explain why that concept is such a horrible thing?
Who are you to say they shouldn't?
This argument makes no sense. He's the one saying that people who don't enjoy racing offline should, in order to justify why exclusive prize cars are a necessity. No one is saying that the people who do enjoy racing offline should not.

It's still an obstacle course
Nope. When you're racing against actual opponents (as opposed to a bunch of rolling roadblocks like in the Seasonals, the licence tests or some of the GT Life events), or even the handful of really competitive A-Spec races, it's a race.

and depending on the MO of the so called "real opponents", you maybe much worse off for the experience.
The appearance of trolls in online racing is irrelevant, because they don't prevent the ability to have good races. With better online hosting tools, they would barely have any effect at all.

Horrible is not the the fitting descriptive.
No, horrible is a perfect description; considering he's been complaining nonstop for years about how GT5's prize car system in no uncertain terms ruined the game; and conflating the fact that he's complained multiple times over multiple threads he's created about the issue with their being a large sentiment about the issue in his favor.

Oxymoron or paradox would be more in line.
A "prize car" is a unique or one of a kind car, aquired only through a game accomplishment, not at a car lot.
There has never been a GT game where all of the prize cars awarded in the game were exclusive. Even GT2 rewarded you with many cars that were straight from the used car dealership; and that game was (with almost every individual race rewarding you with a prize) by far the closest the series ever got to doing such a thing. GT1 rewarded you largely with special versions of cars you could already buy (special wheels and colors and slightly higher power). GT3 largely rewarded you with special versions of cars you could buy (special colors and slightly higher power). GT4 largely rewarded you with special versions of cars you could buy (special colors, but I'm pretty sure normal power; and to a lesser extent than GT1 and GT3). GT5 rewarded you entirely with cars you could buy normally with only 3 or 4 exceptions.

There should have been some effort towards making the prize car versions special in some way (as they had in GT3), but with the arrival of the ability to paint your cars I'm not surprised that they didn't bother.

Perhaps you could explain why that concept is such a horrible thing?
Read almost every post in this thread not by the OP.
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I really like how GT2 system of car prizes.
See, every race you completed you'd win a car, and mostly a exclusive car which was not buyable in any dealer.
This was a really good thing, it'd actually make me want to complete all the events to win these goodies.
Also GT3 4-car rotation was pretty neat, and I think it should be used for all the championships/series of the game, while normal races give you cars.
Also as said here, every car after being won should become available in the dealership to be re-bought. In fact they all should be there but with a N/A price tag, and the real price show up after you unlock it for the first time.
For the lazy people who actually want to have all these cars buyable from Day 1, I suggest PD making a DLC pack to unlock these cars in the dealer.
I really like how GT2 system of car prizes.
See, every race you completed you'd win a car, and mostly a exclusive car which was not buyable in any dealer.
This was a really good thing, it'd actually make me want to complete all the events to win these goodies.
Also GT3 4-car rotation was pretty neat, and I think it should be used for all the championships/series of the game, while normal races give you cars.
Also as said here, every car after being won should become available in the dealership to be re-bought. In fact they all should be there but with a N/A price tag, and the real price show up after you unlock it for the first time.
For the lazy people who actually want to have all these cars buyable from Day 1, I suggest PD making a DLC pack to unlock these cars in the dealer.

Great idea 👍
Great idea 👍

Paying for something twice is a terrible idea.

The cars should be available from the beginning. If people only want them after winning racing, make it an option for them to turn on.
Paying for something twice is a terrible idea.

The cars should be available from the beginning. If people only want them after winning racing, make it an option for them to turn on.
You're not paying for the car itself, you're paying for the early access, if you want it for free, work your way to get it, start out with a cheap car, win better cars and then reach the cars you want. It's how it should work, it been this way in GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 and I sure enjoyed to 'fight' for the cars I wanted instead of farming cash and getting one in the dealer.
After all they can make the pack costing only 2$.
You're not paying for the car itself, you're paying for the early access, if you want it for free, work your way to get it, start out with a cheap car, win better cars and then reach the cars you want. It's how it should work, it been this way in GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 and I sure enjoyed to 'fight' for the cars I wanted instead of farming cash and getting one in the dealer.
After all they can make the pack costing only 2$.

An even worse idea than paying for one use paint chips, because at least in that case you were paying for something.
Cars in the game, all cars free to use - no effort

Hiding cars away, adding prize animations, deciding what cars go where, designing the economics of the game - effort and time spent by the devs

How about releasing a game and then add DLC for people who want to unlock cars. Makes more sense.
An even worse idea than paying for one use paint chips, because at least in that case you were paying for something.
How so? You can have these cars for free if you want to, but if you don't wanna spend time to unlock them, simply pay for the unlock.
Need for speed most wanted have that, no one is forced to buy it, since the content is right there for you unlock, but you can have it with no effort if you actually buy the game to not play the career.

This is one of the things I miss in games, the fact you had to play the game to unlock things, instead of just sit and have it there all the way.
Cars in the game, all cars free to use - no effort

Hiding cars away, adding prize animations, deciding what cars go where, designing the economics of the game - effort and time spent by the devs
Some effort is needed to have good things.
Either in game or as in the game producing, if they make no effort we wouldn't even have a GT6, since we can just play GT5, why have some effort.

Your logic fails.
Because you're paying for it twice. There is absolutely no reason to have to go through hoops to have content.

the fact you had to play the game to unlock things, instead of just sit and have it there all the way.

Means tons of wasted time.

And the two aren't even mutually exclusive, so again there is no reason why someone needs to bother with unlocking things.

Some effort is needed to have good things.
This means nothing.

No effort is needed to have in game content.

if they make no effort we wouldn't even have a GT6, since we can just play GT5
This makes no sense. If you want 'effort', delete your GT5 save and play GT5 forever, you don't need a new game. As for me, I'd like new content and physics, so yes I have a reason to want a new game, and a reason to not want to bother with boring game design like credits or unlocks.
Because you're paying for it twice. There is absolutely no reason to have to go through hoops to have content.
Means tons of wasted time.
And the two aren't even mutually exclusive, so again there is no reason why someone needs to bother with unlocking things.
Again you're not paying for the car, you're paying for the unlocking.
The car can be yours if you do the events, totally free.
If you don't want to waste time why don't you just play a MMO like Simraceway, all cars are unlocked there to be bought, why? Because there is an online game, and not a game with a career.
GT is a game with a career, there is GT Life for you to play, not as an extra the game is about that, the online is an extra.
But still if you wanna just save time, you can buy the "time saver pack" and get all your cars on dealer.

On a second note, you said about 'hiding' cars, and as I said on my first post, they shouldn't be hidden but be in the dealer with a N/A tag, which would become the real price tag after you unlock it.

No effort is needed to have in game content.
I don't know about you, but I really like playing my career mode instead of jumping into the dealer, buying up my 800HP R34 and go kick ass online.
This game is more than online, it should be great offline and online, it should have things that make people want to keep playing the offline career too, and exclusive prize cars would be the thing.

This makes no sense. If you want 'effort', delete your GT5 save and play GT5 forever, you don't need a new game. As for me, I'd like new content and physics, so yes I have a reason to want a new game, and a reason to not want to bother with boring game design like credits or unlocks.
You'd be surprised how many times I started over with my old GT games, but that is not the point, the point. The effort is needed, by what you said on the post before 'why spend time making this this and that' well why spend time making new cars then? When they can just copy paste GT5 cars, effort is not needed.
Well no, they should do the best to make GT6 a great online and offline game, even if that takes effort put into small things.
How so? You can have these cars for free if you want to, but if you don't wanna spend time to unlock them, simply pay for the unlock.
Need for speed most wanted have that, no one is forced to buy it, since the content is right there for you unlock, but you can have it with no effort if you actually buy the game to not play the career.
I'd certainly hope that PD wouldn't go down the road of doing one of the most hated aspects of modern EA games.
I'd hope a prize car in GT Life would get me to the next event. makes no sense to win a car based off an event I just won. winning the FT86 in the FR event was a slap in the face. winning the XJ13 after an estimated combined 14 hours of play in totally different events to what I can use it in, just didn't sit well.

the prize car wouldn't matter to me if it was a Polo GTi. what would set it apart would be random parts it came with. maybe my prize car came with different aftermarket alloys. maybe yours came with a body kit and stripes. even if cars were won bone stock like now, they should be given to advance you in the game. Not scattered about as they are now, after the fact you won the event you needed it for.

As for exclusive prize cars. that word "exclusive" is a bad choice of words. PD offered the Purple SS Camaro to a select location. it would be like offering a 2-tone Monaro but, only if you purchase a Holden keyring at a SuperCheap Auto store. I'd rather have cars like that as DLC if I cant possibly get them anyway else.
Paying for something twice is a terrible idea.

The cars should be available from the beginning. If people only want them after winning racing, make it an option for them to turn on.

Well the last part about buying DLC isn't but having to win cars you can't buy is. And winning a car for each race like GT2.
Id actually want all cars unlocked first time booting the game up allowing me to buy them when i please just like GT5.
Put a poll and the questions should be...
GT5 System
GT3 System
GT4 System
New System

getting confused on what people really think of the idea, a poll would make it much easier.