Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
Another game breaking bug when online. Rolling starts (controlled by the AI) can give you DT (Drive-through) if they collide with each other. Honestly, I can't quite believe how this has been overlooked.

I hadn't even been given control of my car yet and I already had a DT!!!

That and being on pole yet when you go to start the race (rolling start) you see the 2nd car passing you before the green lights and you start side by side with the 3rd. It happens only in some tracks but it happens.
@IanBell @The_American Love PC2, bedst game.

Still not possible to make a restart race in multiplayer.

Still not possible to skip session in multiplayer.

Still not possible to vote to next session in multiplayer.

The dedicated server shown here, where is it placed?

You can´t change the car class when the server is created, in to lobby in multiplayer, so if you start the server in GT3 class and you agree in the chat, that we'd rather play gt4 then you will need to create a brand new server.

It´s not possible to see how many laps the race is in qualifying. That makes it hard to plan a pit strategy if you have not seen it when logged on to the server as well as fuel consumption.

When you make a 5 min or 60 min race it is not possible to choose mandetory pit.

Ai is too different, from track to track
I think they tried VERY hard to be the first game available this fall. They succeeded... but at the cost of overlooked/unnoticed bugs.

This game is solid at its core, but needs much work. Slightly Mad ARE good at fixing stuff. We just gotta wait a bit ;(
They also should start realistic counting of bugs, not overlooking amount and say "5 major and 20 other".
I can count totally different numbers from this thread, overlooking these problems isn't helping on PR side, I'm having personally this game on my shopping list, just waiting IF developer get it ready for actual use or not, current PR from dev is kinda 50:50 should I even buy this if they're seeing only 5+20 bugs and keeping rest flaws as features of game.
Snetterton 300
British GT3 Championship
I seem to have lots of black/grey square and opaque funny shaded areas on the tarmac of the back straight and a few other places . They wasn't there in practice and disappear as you drive through them
Im on ps4. I have a t500rs. I seem to be suddenly losing revs and speed on straights and slight bends (whilst on the racing line). Its like im letting go of the throttle or braking slightly and ua really annoying. Other people dont seem to he having this issue as they are flying straight past. Any ideas please? Im not sure whether this is a bug, car setup or me wheel etc..
On PS4 Pro, digital deluxe copy with DS4 controller.


I've been trying to do a full 200-lap Indy Car race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway multiple times in career mode but with no luck, I have damage set to 'off', mechanical failure set to 'off'.

1. Once I crashed pretty badly with some back markers (with some flips and landed back on wheels touching ground), I can't reset my car (due to cars keep running close by maybe?), throttle input is not responding (no throttle input even when I pressed R2 trigger button to the bottom).

2. Exiting pit lane after pit stops:
I tried both manual pit stops and AI controlled pit stops, the car was stopped at the pit lane exit with no throttle response, then it was teleported back to the pit lane entrance, parked there and ghosted. I have no control over the car besides switching camera views. AI cars keep passing by and I can do nothing but quit game.

3. Tuning setups of cars are loaded under different names:
For example, the default setup for Indy Car (Honda, Road version) was loaded as Formula Renault 3.5 (although setup name and descriptions can be edited in-game, setup file from the PS4 storage is named as Formula Renault 3.5). Some other cars were having the same setup name (Formula Renault 3.5) by default and when I upload the setup file to PS+ online storage, setups got mixed up and overwritten.

Well, this example is just an idea of car setups getting mixed up, it's not exactly the setup for the above mentioned cars, as I didn't capture the screen. I hope you can get what I mean.

Edit: Point 1&2 happened during the Indy 500 race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
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Im on ps4. I have a t500rs. I seem to be suddenly losing revs and speed on straights and slight bends (whilst on the racing line). Its like im letting go of the throttle or braking slightly and ua really annoying. Other people dont seem to he having this issue as they are flying straight past. Any ideas please? Im not sure whether this is a bug, car setup or me wheel etc..

I'm wondering if it could be related to your Gameplay Options "Authenticity". (Steering Assistance, Braking Assistance, Driving Assists etc.). Depending on the options you choose or not could have an impact. Check this out for more info:
Yeah but patience runs thin when basic things like tuning/setups, something very crucial to racing, are proving too difficult to set as they should be and thereby brings on the frustration.

Agree - I've done the same as you...waiting for fixes to car setups before going back to career mode.

Unfortunate this has happened, underlying game seems pretty epic. I just keep thinking that we are where we are and there must be more to it than we are aware of (SMS/Sony/Bandai) choice but to wait for patches.

Still - I'd much rather games and devs like this exist. PD has been pumping out the same tripe with GT for years...where seemingly all effort has gone into overalls, helmets and car colours...

Actually gt legends has both beat....except for graphics and game chat....too bad it's not for PS4.

One of the best racing games ever.

Has anyone mentioned that there is no indication for the headlights being on or off......or have i missed that option somewhere ?
In PC1 the dash would light up when the lights were on as an indication, or it was highlighted on the PC dash App
Anyone having the throttle issuse where if u start the racr rolling start or standing the throttle downst work car doesn’t move and you have to restart to see if it will work the next time. Also when im driving along the throttle just goes away no power. Im also on the controller and its really really annoying. I can only do standing starts which I prefer but still its doesnt work sometimes and even in the pits to go out to practice at times it doenst work!! ALSO WHEN WILL A GAME OTHER THAN FORZA INCLUDE ROAD ATLANTA, VIR, and other good road courses!!!
Has anyone mentioned that there is no indication for the headlights being on or off......or have i missed that option somewhere ?
In PC1 the dash would light up when the lights were on as an indication, or it was highlighted on the PC dash App
I'm on PS4 and the dash light come on when I have my headlights on, as you can see in the video below.

Anyone having the throttle issuse where if u start the racr rolling start or standing the throttle downst work car doesn’t move and you have to restart to see if it will work the next time. Also when im driving along the throttle just goes away no power. Im also on the controller and its really really annoying. I can only do standing starts which I prefer but still its doesnt work sometimes and even in the pits to go out to practice at times it doenst work
That sounds like you are stalling the car.

I can really say for a controller, but on my rig I have to dip the clutch pedal (if the real car would have one) and depress the throttle to restart it.

Effectively if the car had a manual or sequential (not paddle shift) then not using the clutch at a standing start or if you come to a halt can stall it.

I believe you can switch it off in options.
I'm on PS4 and the dash light come on when I have my headlights on, as you can see in the video below.

That sounds like you are stalling the car.

I can really say for a controller, but on my rig I have to dip the clutch pedal (if the real car would have one) and depress the throttle to restart it.

Effectively if the car had a manual or sequential (not paddle shift) then not using the clutch at a standing start or if you come to a halt can stall it.

I believe you can switch it off in options.
But im using an automatic trans right now until i get a fill for the game
I'm on PS4 and the dash light come on when I have my headlights on, as you can see in the video below.
My original question wasnt as well worded as it could have been....i use bumper view (sorry to all the purists !) and the gauge in the HUD use to light up...doesnt seem to now.
Man I was such a supporter when this came out a few weeks ago..... now this is just getting to be painfully slow. I'm not into yelling and screaming but it's taking a large amount of time to load and when I do finally get into the game there's only a handful of cars it seems not suffering from the tire grip issue. My patience is waning.

Man I was such a supporter when this came out a few weeks ago..... now this is just getting to be painfully slow. I'm not into yelling and screaming but it's taking a large amount of time to load and when I do finally get into the game there's only a handful of cars it seems not suffering from the tire grip issue. My patience is waning.

I had the exact same loading times, people on the forums were saying to delete setups and that helped a lot! It used to take me 23-25 seconds just to try load into the setup screen now with all the setups gone (80% were just fuel pressures and wings that I did a couple laps and haven’t driven that car since) it now takes me 1-3 seconds. I’m guessing you are on the PS4? If so go to storage management and delete the setups which come up individually you don’t want, I have 5 saved setups at the moment.
I had the exact same loading times, people on the forums were saying to delete setups and that helped a lot! It used to take me 23-25 seconds just to try load into the setup screen now with all the setups gone (80% were just fuel pressures and wings that I did a couple laps and haven’t driven that car since) it now takes me 1-3 seconds. I’m guessing you are on the PS4? If so go to storage management and delete the setups which come up individually you don’t want, I have 5 saved setups at the moment.

Yeah I'm on a PS4 PRO. So I just go into storage management in game or in the XMB menu? I don't want to delete my career (what little there is) progress.
1) Fuel tuning.
I'll set my fuel at 30L, when the race starts I'll have 90L or some random amount.

Noticed that and could replicated it many times!
Only way I was able to solve that was to save the setup into a new slot (and not chosing "same at same existing slot" option).
Once saved in a new slot, it worked fine!
Yeah I'm on a PS4 PRO. So I just go into storage management in game or in the XMB menu? I don't want to delete my career (what little there is) progress.

Quit the game, go to storage management in the XMB, delete all the setup saved files for project cars 2 and viola the menu lag will be gone. The save files are clearly marked career, tuning setup etc. etc. so just delete anything that says tuning setup.

This needs a fix as I'm dying to dive into some proper tuning of various cars on various tracks...but no point if I have to delete them just to be able to navigate the menus
Quit the game, go to storage management in the XMB, delete all the setup saved files for project cars 2 and viola the menu lag will be gone. The save files are clearly marked career, tuning setup etc. etc. so just delete anything that says tuning setup.

This needs a fix as I'm dying to dive into some proper tuning of various cars on various tracks...but no point if I have to delete them just to be able to navigate the menus

Thanks , just tried this and it works perfectly
@IanBell @The_American After putting 15hrs into Career mode my Career mode save progress has vanished with the option to Manage drivers not being available the game was running ok up until then but to lose 15hrs progress with the stats still showing its been done is really not what i wanted to see second time this has happened on my Xbox one with the first time luckily only after i had put roughly an hours work into the game
Man I was such a supporter when this came out a few weeks ago..... now this is just getting to be painfully slow. I'm not into yelling and screaming but it's taking a large amount of time to load and when I do finally get into the game there's only a handful of cars it seems not suffering from the tire grip issue. My patience is waning.
For anyone who tries deleting the car setups like @Jason Wilko suggested, I suggest driving some cars without any tweaks to see if it improves any tire or handling issues you had. I believe setups are currently susceptible to getting scrambled with other cars, with the consequence of incorrect tire behaviors and suspension settings.
For anyone who tries deleting the car setups like @Jason Wilko suggested, I suggest driving some cars without any tweaks to see if it improves any tire or handling issues you had. I believe setups are currently susceptible to getting scrambled with other cars, with the consequence of incorrect tire behaviors and suspension settings.

I think that is it absolutely! After getting out of an indy car (in single race)I jumped into a formula rookie (career) and when I went to drive it the gearing was that of the indy car! lol all the gearing was in the readline and top speed a blistering 86 MHP! So what I might try is deleting the set up data and I guess just drive the cars without tuning? :confused:
So what I might try is deleting the set up data and I guess just drive the cars without tuning? :confused:
Maybe no good for career mode, but you can manipulate custom races to suit your chosen car and its default setup and tires. It made a significant difference for me, like a whole new game again. 👍
Just to report that i wrote on the official forum to verify if the tyres temps issue (affecting for example Ginetta gt5) is a known bug and the answer is Yes.

I thank the moderator that promplty answered.

Hope It gets fixed soon.

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