Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
On Saturday I accused the PS4 version of the game of being a hot mess, and promised I'd follow up with specific examples. I feel examples are necessary, otherwise a statement like "hot mess" is just inflammatory and subjective. I played online for about six hours Friday night/Saturday morning.
I've given the PS4 game a good ONLINE shakeout over the past two nights. I'm guessing I've given it about seven hours total now. I've stressed online because that is the majority of my game-play in real life. The game is a hot mess. And believe me, I'm probably what would be considered a "fan boy" of Project Cars. This game is just laughable at how incomplete it is. It's very late now, and I'm quite disappointed, so I'm just going to bed. I promise I will follow this up within 24 hours with details of why I feel this game is a hot mess on PS4. Currently, the only game better than Project Cars 2, in my opinion, is Project Cars. Kinda like kissing your sister, huh?

My first race was a 45 minute race at COTA in the GT3 Lamborghini (one make). We started with a full grid. I qualified 14th, intentionally in the back of the pack. This was technically my first real race of the game (The night prior I'd done one five lap race at Laguna Seca just to try the game out) and the track is completely new to me . After about 30 minutes of racing, I was happy to be fighting for eighth place with another very clean and courteous racer. Side by side, zero contact, trading places, lap after lap. My tires were fading, I was down about 3 seconds per lap, and my opponent was beginning to make small mistakes due to his own tire wear. I decided to gamble and take a pit stop for fresh rubber. Placed the call, race engineer confirmed, and I got the yellow letters confirming pit request on the screen. Pulled into the pits, saw my pit crew waiting for me, stopped in my pit box, and nothing happened. Pulled a little more forward, nothing, a little back, nothing, further back, nothing, further forward, nothing. No matter what I did, the crew would not work on the car. By now, I'm in last place as I've been in the pits for about a full minute trying everything to get the crew to start work. So I pull out of the pits with no new tires and decide since I've already lost the race I'll try the pits again on the next lap. Repeat the procedure, asking my friends if I'm doing anything wrong, and I'm being reassured that I'm doing everything correctly. Same thing happens on my next attempt. So manual pit stops not only don't work on my first try, but they cost me a 45 minute long race. Pretty frustrating experience for my first real race.

* The save tune procedure is just cumbersome and confusing. Create new, overwrite, overwrite what? Overwrite the factory tune? Overwrite a tune for another car? I just don't get it. Why can't we have a nice list of all our saved tunes that we can scroll through, select, delete, etc.?

* I'm afraid to start saving tunes, because ultimately this is going to start bogging down the menu screens. So currently I'm just hitting overwrite for every tune adjustment I make. I don't know if I'm creating new files or not. But regardless, I'm not willing to waste a lot of time putting detailed tuning setups into cars, because I'm just going to have to delete them anyway. So I'm not able to experience the true potential of any of the cars yet.

* The graphics are disappointingly grainy. Project Cars had a more polished and smooth appearance. I enjoy the look of Project Cars more.

* No keyboard mapping. This is the most annoying issue of all for me. With so many options available, and so few buttons on wheels, this feature is basically a requirement (in my opinion). Especially since the predecessor game had this option. Project Cars was such an immersive and enjoyable experience that I was able to justify spending $180 on a button box. To have that button box staring at me, unusable, is a big bummer.

* Joined a couple races that had rolling starts. I didn't even have control of my car and received a drive through penalty for overtaking the car in front of me prior to the start! This happened on two separate tracks, Brands Hatch was one, but I forget the other.

* Tried driving the Ferrari F50 GT1. Don't know if this is problem or not, but the wheel has only 10% of the weight compared to every other vehicle I drove. Tested on a couple different tracks. There is FFB, and it is progressive, but it feels like there's a problem because it's like a wet noodle compared to all other cars I've driven.

* The volume level in my headsets is much lower than Project Cars, and compared to all other games I own. With volume maxed out, it's still not as loud as I prefer. I'm using both Sony Gold and Logitech G933 Artemis wireless headsets.

* No UDP/3rd party app availability. Project Cars Dash and Crew Chief were a couple more options that made Project Cars so amazing. I have a useless button box mounted to one side of my wheel and a useless tablet mounted to the other side of the wheel. Just another bummer for now. I will say however, that the new spotting feature of the in game crew chief is great; So the Crew Chief app isn't missed quite as much, however, I will still eventually use it for the gross profanity... because at heart I'm still a twelve year old.

* Several times when trying to join an online lobby, after waiting for the track to load, I'd end up in some "Waiting" screen indefinitely. The screen would have a list of other players and their chosen cars, a "Waiting" icon on top, and an "Exit" icon on the bottom. Forced to exit because no matter how long I'd wait, the race would start before I could access my car.

So these are the issues that left me wanting more after giving the game a thorough run down. I was very anxiously anticipating the release of this game because I loved Project Cars. Project Cars 2 has the potential to be a PHENOMENAL racing game/sim. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming patches because I think they'll certainly put this title on top of the market. So much of the game has been done right, but these issues caught me completely off guard. I never thought the second version of the game would lack features contained in the first. That's going backwards, and we're not allowed to go backwards when racing (at least not for more than 9 seconds). And I understand that many of these issues are already known, and being addressed, but I feel people still on the fence about purchasing the game should be aware of the PS4 issues that can be frustrating.

Hopefully the fixes come soon. We've heard "Days," but that's a pretty ambiguous timeline. Days turn to weeks, months, years, and they're still "days." Mostly, I think the greatest frustrations are because of how great we all know Project Cars 2 is going to be. Knowing we're going to have something so cool (I should say cooler, because it's already cool) undoubtedly makes us all a bit impatient at times.
Was that TLDR rant really necessary 20 pages into a thread that has all of those things already listed?

I get it, people are disappointingly frustrated. I've been doing other things in game without major issues and having a blast. Give a try maybe?
Am I the only one that can’t hear the pit crew? I have everything turned on, I even put the subtitles on, so I know he’s speaking. But nothing comes out the speakers, or headphones. I’m on PS4 by the way
Was that TLDR rant really necessary 20 pages into a thread that has all of those things already listed?

I get it, people are disappointingly frustrated. I've been doing other things in game without major issues and having a blast. Give a try maybe?
Hardly a rant. I think it was pretty respectful actually. Your choice to read it or not. What wasn't necessary was your question - but given your history it's not surprising.
Encouraging to hear there is a patch with Sony. I only hope it rectifies the PS4 Pro constantly crashing bug - assuming this is one of the five major issues. I haven't managed to complete a lap in the last 5 days without locking and hard resets.
Same PS4 issues as already mentioned in this thread...

Found an issue when car damage is disabled, an impact to the front of the car still results in (radiator damage?) the engine temp increasing until it blows...

@GTsimms @The_American

I may not be responding much in the threads, but I'm very active behind the scenes at the Project CARS official forum, busy at the WMD2 Dev forum, and keeping an eye over here at the gtplanet!
Sorry if this has been posted anywhere.

I'm on Xbox with a TX. After a few laps I've been losing FFB. This hasn't happened with any other game so I don't thinks it's the wheel.

I may not be responding much in the threads, but I'm very active behind the scenes at the Project CARS official forum, busy at the WMD2 Dev forum, and keeping an eye over here at the gtplanet!
Thanks,,, hope a fix is on the way soon. .
* The graphics are disappointingly grainy. Project Cars had a more polished and smooth appearance. I enjoy the look of Project Cars more.

* The volume level in my headsets is much lower than Project Cars, and compared to all other games I own. With volume maxed out, it's still not as loud as I prefer. I'm using both Sony Gold and Logitech G933 Artemis wireless headsets.

Thanks man! Great post! I noticed and experienced all the issues you mentioned!

Yet I wanted to highlight in my quote here the 2 above statements, as they are a bit more of an opinion. These are subjective rather than objective since many people disagree.
I mentioned those many times and it seems a lot of people don't agree!

For comparison purposes, since I have that other game, and since both are considered as best sims on console:
- To my surprise and shock, AC looks better than PC2 on PS4 pro! And I can prove that! Yes it doesn't have same weather/graphical effects or colors "punchiness" but those are not graphics, those are effects! Graphics look grainy, unclear and lots of rendering and artifacts going on! I hope and expect it to get a bit better with time and patches!
- I play AC on mid-level on my headphones and it nearly blows my ears! On same sound level, going back to back from AC to PC2, same car and same track and same cockpit (not helmet) cam, I had to turn the sound to max and still couldn't hear it as clearly or loudly or boldly as AC! Something seems wrong there! It's tooo quiet!
Hey Guys,

2 Graphic errors

PS4 Pro, Lydden Hill, wet private test session an Loheac, cloudy private test session, both with mini car



I only saw these mistakes in the first round, they were not reproducible.
Hey Guys,

2 Graphic errors

PS4 Pro, Lydden Hill, wet private test session an Loheac, cloudy private test session, both with mini car



I only saw these mistakes in the first round, they were not reproducible.

Thanks also in post #116
Maybe no good for career mode, but you can manipulate custom races to suit your chosen car and its default setup and tires. It made a significant difference for me, like a whole new game again. 👍

Thanks guys for helping out, it still took me a bit to find the specific files to delete and not the whole game data :irked: but it got me back racing. When I was explaining to my wife what was going on even she said "that's too much work, didn't you buy a console because it would be easy to operate?" lol. So career mode will be on hold until I can make car set up changes. But man was it nice to get rippin' on some AI last night all the same... again thank you guys for the help.:gtpflag:

Sorry if this has been posted anywhere.

I'm on Xbox with a TX. After a few laps I've been losing FFB. This hasn't happened with any other game so I don't thinks it's the wheel.

Is your tx firmware up to date? Do you have forced cooling enabled ? If no, update firmware and enable forced cooling mode. Do you still have the issue?
I know this isn't really a bug but I have a weird controller configuration... I use L1 on PS4 to change down a gear as per normal but instead of R1 to shift up a gear I use the X (Cross) button. The problem comes when I pause then when I want to resume a race I press X (Cross) to do so but that also changes up a gear when I do un-pause. I know it's a strange one and the GT Sport Beta had the same issue but some other racing games don't, I'd like it so that pressing a button in the menu doesn't affect anything to do in the race. Love the game otherwise! :)
I know this isn't really a bug but I have a weird controller configuration... I use L1 on PS4 to change down a gear as per normal but instead of R1 to shift up a gear I use the X (Cross) button. The problem comes when I pause then when I want to resume a race I press X (Cross) to do so but that also changes up a gear when I do un-pause. I know it's a strange one and the GT Sport Beta had the same issue but some other racing games don't, I'd like it so that pressing a button in the menu doesn't affect anything to do in the race. Love the game otherwise! :)

Can second this, I had this same issue.
(As a temporary workaround, I’ve mapped shift up to a different key for now.)
Am I the only one that can’t hear the pit crew? I have everything turned on, I even put the subtitles on, so I know he’s speaking. But nothing comes out the speakers, or headphones. I’m on PS4 by the way
is it through the controller? Sometimes that happens to me and it’s very low.

is it through the controller? Sometimes that happens to me and it’s very low.

Hmm. The controller audio should be turned off. But now that you mention it. I haven’t checked if somehow it’s gotten turned back on
I know this isn't really a bug but I have a weird controller configuration... I use L1 on PS4 to change down a gear as per normal but instead of R1 to shift up a gear I use the X (Cross) button. The problem comes when I pause then when I want to resume a race I press X (Cross) to do so but that also changes up a gear when I do un-pause. I know it's a strange one and the GT Sport Beta had the same issue but some other racing games don't, I'd like it so that pressing a button in the menu doesn't affect anything to do in the race. Love the game otherwise! :)

Since you're using L1 to shift down gear, R1 may be the more logical button to assign to shift up....Leaving X otherwise for selection etc. My opinion of course.
Another night of endless battling to join a race online. 7 attempts so far... Last night after 8 disconnections in a championship lobby I gave up.

Hopefully v1.04 solves the PS4 connection issues because it is seriously frustrating.

EDIT We have a new record of 12 attempts at different lobbies and 2 game crashes tonight.

Other games are working fine online just incase there are any suggestions...
Last edited:
Another night of endless battling to join a race online. 7 attempts so far... Last night after 8 disconnections in a championship lobby I gave up.

Hopefully v1.04 solves the PS4 connection issues because it is seriously frustrating.

EDIT Make that 9 attempts and 2 game crashes tonight.

Are you sure it wasn't due to either less than adequate internet speed or perhaps the lobby admin/s rejected your attempt to join the online lobby?
Are you sure it wasn't due to either less than adequate internet speed or perhaps the lobby admin/s rejected your attempt to join the online lobby?
My broadband is 200mb and the chances of getting rejected from 12 different lobbies, which I didn't mention above I admit, is pretty slim.
My broadband is 200mb and the chances of getting rejected from 12 different lobbies, which I didn't mention above I admit, is pretty slim.

Oh. My bad. And yeah, 200mb is way plenty speed.. Plus being rejected by 12 different lobbies is either suspeckish or very bad luck.
I know this isn't really a bug but I have a weird controller configuration... I use L1 on PS4 to change down a gear as per normal but instead of R1 to shift up a gear I use the X (Cross) button. The problem comes when I pause then when I want to resume a race I press X (Cross) to do so but that also changes up a gear when I do un-pause. I know it's a strange one and the GT Sport Beta had the same issue but some other racing games don't, I'd like it so that pressing a button in the menu doesn't affect anything to do in the race. Love the game otherwise! :)

Can second this, I had this same issue.
(As a temporary workaround, I’ve mapped shift up to a different key for now.)

Do you have anything mapped to Circle? You can use that to leave the pause menu too.

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