I'm quite getting into it now. Can't go into specifics of course but I already see a lot of potential compared to PCARS 1 if we can get everything sorted. Livetrack is a pretty cool new feature, and in practically all other areas of the game (graphics, weather, sounds, physics, FFB, menu's.. you name it), I see many improvements too. Once you guys will be able to get your hands on a copy hopefully this year still, it will definitely feel like the next step up and a racing game that ticks all the boxes.
I haven't had this much fun racing in the wet in a long time for example, feels very intuitive on the right tyres.

Combine that with a gorgeous weather model with better skies overall + changing seasons and you get the picture.
These next months of seeing the game come together will be something to behold, and it's nice to have a front row seat for that.