In fairness, some of us like the
other 'whole other' world of photo mode as well as the standard one of driving/racing the same tracks with the cars you have

I know a few can be obsessive about that on occasion but it does have its fans, especially now that the graphics level has reached that zone of almost photo-realistic possibility.
There are also a few of us who are terrible at racing but pretty handy with photo mode, though in retrospect, pretty much all of those I know who are keen photo mode aficionados are very, very good at maybe that's just me.
In essence though, whilst it might not be such an important thing for some, once you've been bitten by that bug you do tend to see a game's potential through the eyes of its photo mode and graphical presentation.
PS I'm not talking about this game by the way, as I haven't yet put more than a morning into it in total.