Project CARS 2 Patch and Update Discussion

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Anyone else have a Playstation 5.01 update after installing pc2 3.01? It said in order to use network features of the game it was recommended to be installed. Wondering if it's a coincidental PS monthly update or if it's intended to make PC2 online more stable. Guess I'll find out soon. It appears to be from Oct, wtf
Decided to check out the Escorts. Did notice the shift times(on XBONE controller) are quicker. The cars also accelerate much quicker as well. I didn't use them much because they didn't feel the same as in PC1.
I can't get rid of the overhead rearview mirror in the HUD other than going to "Light" which I don't want either. Hitting pause in game and going into the HUD menu will only let me choose the bottom two choices. I think they're Save and Reset To Default but even then hitting A on either one of them doesn't do anything.
Snow is really tough under braking. Tried ABS on all settings, off, low, and high. Lowered brake pressure to 80%. Still locking up a lot. Tips?
The only problem with this patch is that it highlights other problems
I can't get rid of the overhead rearview mirror in the HUD other than going to "Light" which I don't want either. Hitting pause in game and going into the HUD menu will only let me choose the bottom two choices. I think they're Save and Reset To Default but even then hitting A on either one of them doesn't do anything.

You have to use a controller with a right analog stick and move the cursor over it and disable. Can't say I've personally had a problem disabling it. I know in patch 2 I would enable it and it wouldn't work so not dismissing this as not a glitch...
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Just to share few points on critical issues for players interested only in career mode:

Good patch overall:
- formula rookie and formula c tyres now get warm fast and easy. Just won formula rookie at 80% difficulty with pole in every race on slick tyres.
- Clio Cup tyres too and Clio is a blast to drive with wheel and nervous set-up. Super fun. Won First two races amazing.
- ai with dry tyres in wet is now slower making variable weather more enjoyable. However in long races ai pits way earlier anticipating the incoming weather slot. I suggest for races to use automatic by weather as tyre choice as you will be automatically provided with wet tyres even if the actual weather is dry but it will rain within a lap or two.
- in multi-class series now the standings are correct
- snow removed in many series
- unplayable invitationals events fixed (e.g. lightweight British under heavy Rain now is fantastic)
-set-ups load properly
- all Cars selectble now like the nissan in group a.

However penalty system is just frustating so i strongly suggest to play with rules off. Despite that there is a new bug, you get random DQ when entering pits. I got 12 AI Cars DQs with rules off.
However penalty system is just frustating so i strongly suggest to play with rules off. Despite that there is a new bug, you get random DQ when entering pits. I got 12 AI Cars DQs with rules off.
Agree. I play with rules off now.
The only problem with this patch is that it highlights other problems

You have to use a controller with a right analog stick and move the cursor over it and disable. Can't say I've personally had a problem disabling it. I know in patch 2 I would enable it and it wouldn't work so not dismissing this as not a glitch...

You mean move the cursor up over the actual mirror itself and disable it?

I tried once before to use a controller because that was the only thing that would allow me to go up and try and cycle through the HUD choices but even that didn't work. But I would disconnect the wheel then connect the controller when attempting that. Do I still leave the wheel connected and then connect the controller and try it? Because I thought you had to have one or the other connected at a time and not both.
You mean move the cursor up over the actual mirror itself and disable it?

Probably. I know when I was playing on triple monitors I had to move the mouse to some arbitrary spot on one of the side monitors to access the controls for the virtual mirror which was on the center monitor. Really bizarre, I've never really been able to get much in the HUD editor to work, and right now it's pretty screwed in VR so I've been having to run with the HUD off.
you need to have a ps4 pro or xbox 1x+update 3.01 to see it under options then look inside the visual fx tab. it is at the very top iirc :)
Nice... Regular PS4 gets shafted...

And why can't consoles have lobby names and text chat? I've asked @IanBell multiple times and frankly in very respectful ways but I don't even get a vague response. Nothing...
For PC sims it happens all the time with AC, AMS, R3E, rF2, and iRacing. I've had direct interactions with devs from AC, AMS, and R3E several times.
I see, that's cool. Still, that's PC and a much smaller community. I doubt anyone "outcommunicates" Ian and SMS team, even including PC sims.
Probably. I know when I was playing on triple monitors I had to move the mouse to some arbitrary spot on one of the side monitors to access the controls for the virtual mirror which was on the center monitor. Really bizarre, I've never really been able to get much in the HUD editor to work, and right now it's pretty screwed in VR so I've been having to run with the HUD off.

I think I'm going to try it first with just the controller connected to see if that gets rid of it before trying it with both the controller and wheel connected. But when I used the controller only before I could cycle between Light, Full, Cockpit, Telemetry, and Off but the choice just wouldn't stick.

The Radicals seem even quieter than before the patch if that's possible. It would be great to have them turned up a little.

I don't know if they audio changes they made were just how certain sounds are replicated because I can't tell that overall volume has increased any. The game in general is still too quiet IMHO.
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I'm still not understanding these "too quiet" problems... What are you playing the audio out of that doesn't have it's own volume setting to simply raise higher?

I have audio going into a stereo receiver and then out some very large speakers. My volume knob goes from 0-80 and I keep it around 25-30 for most games. If I need it louder I go up to 40, maybe 50. I have room to increase. Problem solved.
I'm still not understanding these "too quiet" problems... What are you playing the audio out of that doesn't have it's own volume setting to simply raise higher?

I have audio going into a stereo receiver and then out some very large speakers. My volume knob goes from 0-80 and I keep it around 25-30 for most games. If I need it louder I go up to 40, maybe 50. I have room to increase. Problem solved.
Well I use the usb player while I drive and even on the lowest setting sometimes the tunes are still to loud and I cant hear the revs on all other titles and pc1 the level would be about halfway so "problem unsolved"
I'm still not understanding these "too quiet" problems... What are you playing the audio out of that doesn't have it's own volume setting to simply raise higher?

I have audio going into a stereo receiver and then out some very large speakers. My volume knob goes from 0-80 and I keep it around 25-30 for most games. If I need it louder I go up to 40, maybe 50. I have room to increase. Problem solved.

Me too. My receiver volume display works on the attenuation model, 0 being full volume, minus being less than full volume and plus being overdriven.
GT Sport runs at -22dB and Pcars 2 at -12dB. Problem solved. Pressing + on the remote volume control fixes it every time!
I have been informed that some people play on headphones that don't allow for an external control of audio. They're limited to what the volume control on the headphones themselves and the volume control in the PS4 menu. The only thing I can think of off-hand is to use a stereo receiver and plug the headphones into there with a 1/8" to 1/4" adapter. Then use the USB to power the mic? Would that work?