Project CARS car list

  • Thread starter FLX1981
Ok.. let's just forget physics shall we?
because up until now,I was sure that the heavier you are,the slower you'll go round a corner due to quicker loss of grip and therefore control..
But now I know that I was wrong,you can be as heavy or as light as you want and it won't count for anything when taking a corner as quickly as possible,thanks for enlightening me ^^
Yep,you're showing me a brick with wheels ^^
(ps: you're telling me that a nissan gt-r 35 would be a better track car than.. say an lmp1/2 car or let's be more realistic.. a radical sr8 for example? Prove me wrong ;) )
Nope, not faster than an purpose built race car, but much faster around a track than many of it's lighter contemporaries.
Well how do you argue that?
You're basically saying that a veyron's a great track car despite of its size and weight :/

Heavier, bigger, prettier and faster:

You're basically saying that a veyron's a great track car despite of its size and weight :/

No, I am not. We were discussing our opinions regarding LMP designs, and I still think that the current ones are ugly as hell. You said that a lighter car is always the best because is nimble, or something like that. I just repplied saying that this isn't a golden rule: there are lots of exceptions on roads and race tracks.

And, until now, I don't know how did you got to the conclusion that I said that a Veyron is a best racing car than a racing car. Seriously, this is beyond me. :odd:
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Heavier, bigger, prettier and faster:

No, I am not. We were discussing our opinions regarding LMP designs, and I still think that the current ones are ugly as hell. You said that a lighter car is always the best because is nimble, or something like that. I just repplied saying that this isn't a golden rule: there are lots of exceptions on roads and race tracks.

And, until now, I don't know how did you got to the conclusion that I said that a Veyron is a best racing car than a racing car. Seriously, this is beyond me. :odd:
I agree that the 908 is definitely a beautiful car however, weighing a little over 900kg, you cannot say that this is a heavy car or even a big one as you would know when you're up close to one.. (compared to an every day car and not a gt40 :P).
I wouldn't say it was faster either (even though it still holds the world record round the circuit de la Sarthe for fastest lap). I would say it would have a hard time racing along side the lmp1's of today if it entered (regardless of the new rules).
I agree that the 908 is definitely a beautiful car however, weighing a little over 900kg, you cannot say that this is a heavy car or even a big one
It's heavier than the others, which is what we are saying without you trying to make out people are saying a car needs to be stupidly heavy. You're taking what people are saying way out if context.
It's heavier than the others, which is what we are saying without you trying to make out people are saying a car needs to be stupidly heavy. You're taking what people are saying way out if context.
Well if you think that 30kg makes a huge difference,i'm wrong once again.. but I think even you can understand that that's not huge..
I agree that the 908 is definitely a beautiful car however, weighing a little over 900kg, you cannot say that this is a heavy car...

It is heavier than the current ones, which are the point we are discussing.

... or even a big one as you would know when you're up close to one.. (compared to an every day car and not a gt40 :P).

How come? It is both heavier and bigger and I'm not allowed to say that it is? Why?

I wouldn't say it was faster either (even though it still holds the world record round the circuit de la Sarthe for fastest lap)

So, let me get this straight: you wouldn't say that it is faster, but it is and you are saying just that. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well if you think that 30kg makes a huge difference,i'm wrong once again.. but I think even you can understand that that's not huge..

If 30 kg doesn't make difference in top notch racing, I don't know what does.
It's still heavier. Like I said, it's all about not blowing what people saying out of proportion ;)

@FLX1981 you are right, sorry
So, let me get this straight: you wouldn't say that it is faster, but it is and you are saying just that. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Pointless dicussion is pointless. Could you not all just give it a rest, please?

It is pointless arguing with you if you won't consider what i'm saying,30 kg doesn't change much and that's that! as for the speed,they are pretty much equally matched thanks to what the electric motors have to offer on the more recent lmp1's
what we all agree on is that the 908 among others are still brilliant cars that should one day rejoin the track and others would also agree that the newer p1's are just as amazing.
Let's just leave it at that because we've gone way off track and aren't even really talking about the actual game anymore...
There really really needs to be more Japanese tuners like Skylines and supras and those sorts of cars!!! And the drifting needs to be good!! These are a must...
Not for most of us I don't think.
Is a comment like this necessary?

Nevermind that technically speaking, judging from Gran Turismo's success, the prevalence of drifting in online racing communities, and the limited reach of hardcore motorsports simulators, @TUBZ37 probably does represent the majority.
Is a comment like this necessary?

Nevermind that technically speaking, judging from Gran Turismo's success, the prevalence of drifting in online racing communities, and the limited reach of hardcore motorsports simulators, @TUBZ37 probably does represent the majority.
i'm glad there's no drifting in pCARS. i never liked it in any game and found it annoying when a game forced you to complete drift events. if SMS ever add it in as DLC that's fine of course, and if there's a large group who want it then fair play if they do, but i'd much rather do my racing with my car pointing forwards :sly:
Is a comment like this necessary?

Nevermind that technically speaking, judging from Gran Turismo's success, the prevalence of drifting in online racing communities, and the limited reach of hardcore motorsports simulators, @TUBZ37 probably does represent the majority.

The "us" I'm referring to are the posters to this sub-forum over the last 6 months or so of observation. That wasn't made explicitly clear I'm afraid.

Though I'd hope that the type of player that would off-handedly write-off a game based on the lack of drift modes or Japanese Import Street cars would not be in the majority.
very happy to see it not be a part of this game
It depends what you're referring to with "drifting"

You mean the class and events? obviously that's not in.

But actual "drifting", physically sliding the cars around, will be a natural part of the physics, and I'm admittedly looking forward to just hooning around in some of the cars.

Just making it clear to all the folks about what we mean by no "drifting" ;)
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@bleeder @OneBadHuskerFan -- Sorry, but you can expect to scroll past multiplayer lobbies dedicated to drifting, because drifting is naturally possible in any worthwhile simulator, as was just said above. In any case, TUBZ37 didn't say anything about drift events.
The "us" I'm referring to are the posters to this sub-forum over the last 6 months or so of observation.
So I've noticed. That still doesn't explain why it's necessary for you all to jump on someone whenever they come here requesting or asking about anything that conflicts with your definition of what Project CARS is "meant" to be (my own observation).

It's especially strange considering Slightly Mad Studios has explicitly named GT/Forza as their target and has already included "street" racing (with roadcars/supercars and public roads) as one of the available racing disciplines. If anyone wants, they can drift a Lancer Evolution X in a tuner-style livery up and down a twisty coastal highway. It seems to me like SMS has their own opinions on the scope of the game (and its future), and they aren't necessarily as closed-minded as the vibe that persists in this subforum.

In the end, why not just direct members like TUBZ37 to the wishlist thread? He's literally brand new here, maybe help him out instead of arguing against the validity of his personal preferences.
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@bleeder @OneBadHuskerFan -- Sorry, but you can expect to scroll past multiplayer lobbies dedicated to drifting, because drifting is naturally possible in any worthwhile simulator, as was just said above. In any case, TUBZ37 didn't say anything about drift events.

So I've noticed. That still doesn't explain why it's necessary for you all to jump on someone whenever they come here requesting or asking about anything that conflicts with your definition of what Project CARS is "meant" to be (my own observation).

It's especially strange considering Slightly Mad Studios has explicitly named GT/Forza as their target and has already included "street" racing (with roadcars/supercars and public roads) as one of the available racing disciplines. If anyone wants, they can drift a Lancer Evolution X in a tuner-style livery up and down a twisty coastal highway. It seems to me like SMS has their own opinions on the scope of the game (and its future), and they aren't necessarily as closed-minded as the vibe that persists in this subforum.

In the end, why not just direct members like TUBZ37 to the wishlist thread? He's literally brand new here, maybe help him out instead of arguing against the validity of his personal preferences.
When most of the people here say no drifting, they do mean no drift events. And I'm fine with that. They aren't that fun IMO. Just drifting is what is fun, and that will be possible.
When most of the people here say no drifting, they do mean no drift events. And I'm fine with that. They aren't that fun IMO. Just drifting is what is fun, and that will be possible.
I even mentioned drift events. and that I'm glad there's none in this game. if someone wants to do some drifting in a race then I'm all for it, I'll be watching the sideways driving in my mirrors lol :D
I'm a new poster too and I regret if it seems I jumped on TUBZ37. But all I did was disagree with him, it was even phrased as my own opinion, not fact. I was succint, but neither tetchy nor offensive. I've seen some back and forths on here already that I'd be dread to get involved in.

I even built on the point about what type of Japanese cars I'd like to see myself.

Hell I'm not even bothered if we get more street cars, Lancers and Skylines were my cars of choice in GTs. A large portion of the game already seems set up as road circuits and race cars, and that's good enough for me. I only disagreed that the drift and street need to be integral parts of the game for it to be worthwhile.

Perhaps I've spent too much time on 4chan recently but it wasn't my intention to be nasty.

EDIT: TUBZ37 come back and you can 1v1 me into the dirt on some touge drift event in May. :^)
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Perhaps I've spent too much time on 4chan recently but it wasn't my intention to be nasty.

I don't believe anybody here was being "nasty". People have opinions that agree or disagree with others. Some people just need to relax a bit.

As far as people creating drift lobbies, I'm fine with that. My main issue would have been if we would have been steered towards drifting in the career mode or needing to complete drifting events as part of the main part of the game. I don't look at Project CARS as that type of game. That's my opinion. If somebody gets their feelings hurt over that then they should just chill.