Project cars DLC

  • Thread starter SK8RBOI
Looks like you have no idea how critical it is to connect both tracks w/o significant performance hit. But, oh well...
There's a difference between appreciating how hard developers work to make content and how valuable or useful that content actually is. I completely understand that they "achieved the impossible," but the pack doesn't give me enough incentive to spend $5. So, sadly, I will be missing out on this pack, but that's a decision I can live with.
And thats perfectly fine. Its just the 'recylced' that triggered me ;) As for the track itself, it was the most requested track in a poll on the official forum, so you cant blame SMS for releasing this exact track instead of Sebring or COTA or whatever :)
And thats perfectly fine. Its just the 'recylced' that triggered me ;) As for the track itself, it was the most requested track in a poll on the official forum, so you cant blame SMS for releasing this exact track instead of Sebring or COTA or whatever :)
I guess you're right about that one! I wonder if they'll bring the VLN layout to the release of PCars 2 though...
Do they have a positive reputation?
Allow me to throw in my 2 cents worth.
Their reputation is not positive enough to get me to preorder PCars2, their track record of buggy software is now fairly well known. Definitely a wait and see attitude for any purchases of future titles by SMS.
I also think it's worth mentioning that Codemasters have set the bar high with the release of an absolutely mint title with Dirt Rally, a real pleasure to play such a bug free, high quality game at release. I preordered after a lot of research and my confidence was rewarded. If all developers did the same we would all be very happy. I can't say the same for their F1 team though, their games are far from bug free.
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Allow me to throw in my 2 cents worth.
Their reputation is not positive enough to get me to preorder PCars2, their track record of buggy software is now fairly well known. Definitely a wait and see attitude for any purchases of future titles by SMS.
I also think it's worth mentioning that Codemasters have set the bar high with the release of an absolutely mint title with Dirt Rally, a real pleasure to play such a bug free, high quality game at release. I preordered after a lot of research and my confidence was rewarded. If all developers did the same we would all be very happy. I can't say the same for their F1 team though, their games are far from bug free.

I completley agree with you ,altho i do love the feeling I get at the wheel when playing pCars ,over half the races i do are ruined by a landmine or something else thats tedius that should have been tested and addressed at launch ,I think this has made me doubt their abilities or willingness to deliver a decent product that will be pCars2 .So like you i will not pre-order pCars2

I am a big beleiver that every peice of software should be completley finished and stable at launch then enhanced through DLC not 90% finished then patched over and over and then tested by the consumer as a work in progress in the hope the Software studio will get it to a satisfactory standard 6-12 months down the line

Why are we gamers putting up with this? You would not buy anything else with this sort of attitude towards the consumer and its not just the software studio`s who are at fault in my opinion ,publishers should be saying to the studios this isnt finished or stable we are not releasing it untill it is

Also consider the following when thinking about SMS reputation things that should have been included via DLC like Ovals that were promised at launch ,now if Ovals are announced next week and they are going to sell us a few tracks ,i am going to have to buy 2 DLC`s one for the Ovals and one DLC for the pack that included the Nascar
@TheBull fixing the game might not make money, but not fixing also makes them lose money, i will be buying a used copy of pc2 if i even get it at all.

Im in the same boat ,for me its wait and see what pCars2 reviews are like rather than pre ordering it
Do they have a positive reputation?
Not exactly, when it comes to bug fixing and such they have a long way to go. What I meant was your reputation would of course improve if you put right the many issues still present. People seeing that may go back to the game and enjoy it more than ever and are then more likely to purchase the sequel. Leave it buggy and, like the comments above, you can see people will stay away from what they believe is not worth their money.

So many game companies over the years have fallen into this obvious trap.
Agreed. Actually I'm probably not even gonna get PCARS2.

So even if PC2 somehow becomes a highly critically acclaimed game you will just deny yourself the pleasure of a good game because of the first game in the series? Take Witcher 1 and 2 as an example, I did not like them a bit but the third game in the series. WOW, what a game...

Seems odd thing to say and do, just as odd as pre ordering a game without even seeing/playing it.
So even if PC2 somehow becomes a highly critically acclaimed game you will just deny yourself the pleasure of a good game because of the first game in the series? Take Witcher 1 and 2 as an example, I did not like them a bit but the third game in the series. WOW, what a game...

Seems odd thing to say and do, just as odd as pre ordering a game without even seeing/playing it.
PCARS 1 was a blessing because PS4 had no serious racers. By the time PCARS 2 comes out they'll be much better things. I personally am not really impressed by SMS and Namco, and therefor am glad that the racing market has finally picked up the pace.

If I had had a gaming PC, I wouldn't probably have bothered with PCARS. This game has served me well and I'll continue to play it, but I'm not interested in another SMS made game.
PCARS 1 was a blessing because PS4 had no serious racers. By the time PCARS 2 comes out they'll be much better things. I personally am not really impressed by SMS and Namco, and therefor am glad that the racing market has finally picked up the pace.

If I had had a gaming PC, I wouldn't probably have bothered with PCARS. This game has served me well and I'll continue to play it, but I'm not interested in another SMS made game.

What the hell?
I also think it's worth mentioning that Codemasters have set the bar high with the release of an absolutely mint title with Dirt Rally, a real pleasure to play such a bug free, high quality game at release. I preordered after a lot of research and my confidence was rewarded. If all developers did the same we would all be very happy. I can't say the same for their F1 team though, their games are far from bug free.

To be fair, their F1 team is completely new (Not the same guys that did the games from 2010 to 2014) and F1 2015 was their first game AND on next Gen. From what the people that were invited to the Codemasters HQ were saying, they have made the Fan requests a high priority so it seems they are on the way to a better game and now with the good folks from evolution joining, they look to only get better.

PCARS 1 was a blessing because PS4 had no serious racers. By the time PCARS 2 comes out they'll be much better things. I personally am not really impressed by SMS and Namco, and therefor am glad that the racing market has finally picked up the pace.

Namco is only the publisher, SMS made the game. Also,

PCARS 1 was a blessing

Translation: "Finally, a console game with the Aston Martin GT3 Vantage" :lol: Admit it, that's what it actually was ;):P
Has anyone been able to stop the Mercedes AMG GT3 from bottoming out in high compression areas?

Through Eau Rouge, the Esses at Watkins Glen, the long left hand sweeter at Sonoma...I can't get this car to stop bottoming out and causingn massive loss of control. I've tried running the ride Hight as tall as it will go, tried up to 30mm bump stops, and tried running really stiff springs....nothing stops the bottoming out. Any suggestions?
Has anyone been able to stop the Mercedes AMG GT3 from bottoming out in high compression areas?

Through Eau Rouge, the Esses at Watkins Glen, the long left hand sweeter at Sonoma...I can't get this car to stop bottoming out and causingn massive loss of control. I've tried running the ride Hight as tall as it will go, tried up to 30mm bump stops, and tried running really stiff springs....nothing stops the bottoming out. Any suggestions?

Rear might be too stiff, and you definitely don't want 30mm of bump stops. Try max ride height, softer rear, and no bump stops.
PCars is easily the best console sim of all time (some might say gt6 or forza 6 but theyd be wrong) yet it sounds like from alot of people on here that its truly awful....i just dont get it especially since the insane praise Driveclub gets from the GTP community.

Sometimes i think were playing 2 totally different games or if these people are playing on the dreaded dual shock.
PCars is easily the best console sim of all time (some might say gt6 or forza 6 but theyd be wrong) yet it sounds like from alot of people on here that its truly awful....i just dont get it especially since the insane praise Driveclub gets from the GTP community.

Sometimes i think were playing 2 totally different games or if these people are playing on the dreaded dual shock.
I disagree completely, Project CARS is good but not great and from my experience, Driveclub is severely overrated. Project CARS is missing so many things that create a great online community, being able to change your car during practice is just one of the many missing features.
PCars is easily the best console sim of all time (some might say gt6 or forza 6 but theyd be wrong) yet it sounds like from alot of people on here that its truly awful....i just dont get it especially since the insane praise Driveclub gets from the GTP community.

Sometimes i think were playing 2 totally different games or if these people are playing on the dreaded dual shock.

I don't think the controller you use has anything to do with repeated glitches, especially online where cars are almost always bouncing all over the place (or randomly appearing out of nowhere)before the green flag even drops. I'm not sure its the best when at times you can't start a race without either cars disappearing or mysteriously hitting things that aren't even visible. Maybe you're the lucky one not seeing these but there are countless videos that show how beyond buggy this game is, which is ridiculous considering this has been in development for 4-5 years. Great in terms of content and other things but The best? Not even close.
I don't think the controller you use has anything to do with repeated glitches, especially online where cars are almost always bouncing all over the place (or randomly appering out of nowhere)before the green flag even drops. I'm not sure its the best when you can't start a race without either cars disappearing or mysteriously hitting things that aren't even visible. Maybe you're the lucky one not seeing these but there are countless videos that show how beyond buggy this game is, which is ridiculous considering this has been in development for 4-5 years. Great in terms of content and other things but The best? Not even close.
Pcars has its issues, but it's most certainly possible to start a race without either of those things happening. I know because the vast majority of the ones I start don't encounter either.

As such it would be an idea if both sides could keep the hyperbole to a minimum.
I don't mean to make any hyperbole if that is what it sounds like, I'm simply basing this off my actual experience and sadly, its been as difficult as I described so to see someone declare the game "The best of all time" just baffles me. I still have that replay where I'm leading a race, there is nothing but clean racetrack and yet I've managed to crash into something on the front straight that I can't even see.
I don't mean to make any hyperbole if that is what it sounds like, I'm simply basing this off my actual experience and sadly, its been as difficult as I described so to see someone declare the game "The best of all time" just baffles me. I still have that replay where I'm leading a race, there is nothing but clean racetrack and yet I've managed to crash into something on the front straight that I can't even see.

Landmines, the curse that plagued some pcars copy it seems, some may say never have it, some may say it happened a few times, some may say it happened many times. One of the bugs that behaves like the crashes on PS4, some say never have it, some say it happened a few times in their hundreds hour of play, some keep having it after a few hours of play ... :( Some sort of luck involved here for console version :confused:

I may get Pcars later when I got PS4 Neo, hope NEO will suppress these landmines and crash bugs for good.
I don't mean to make any hyperbole if that is what it sounds like, I'm simply basing this off my actual experience and sadly, its been as difficult as I described so to see someone declare the game "The best of all time" just baffles me. I still have that replay where I'm leading a race, there is nothing but clean racetrack and yet I've managed to crash into something on the front straight that I can't even see.
Which is why I asked both sides to stop with the hyperbole.