They did announce the
T80 RS a little while ago, and now there's also the
T80 Driveclub Edition.
However, and there's a big two party part HOWEVER here, they seem to be identical except for the badge, and the biggest of the howevers is that they have, and I quote:
Now, to me the "Exclusive Bungee Cord Technology®©™" sounds like no FFB and, well, a plain old rubber band instead

Are they taking the piss? Not exactly what we were hoping for...
Some company has to step up and deliver the goods here (either new wheel or drivers/SDKs for existing products), or we'll be left with a ridiculous scenario of ass-backward regression in console racing.
So, come on "Some Company" - there's money to be made from existing and new products!
Ah yeah, I forgot that one right away because of exactly what you quote there. My bad.
To be honest, I find that using rubber bands as (non-)feedback mechanisms is really a big NO!-NO! in this day and age.
I only owned one such wheel in my entire life, that being a Dexxa wheel. This was back in the old gameport days! So those ports that were on Soundblaster cards for a long time.
After that I got my first FFB wheel, the Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP. One which I still do own to this day and is still in fine working order. Actually I think the FFB feels better on it than on the G25. Less slack in between the gears (so less to no float feeling in games) and no firmware forced deadzone.
Anyways... this was the Dexxa Steering Wheel... with a sequential shifter.

It sadly died on me with calibration errors. There were two sliders (linear potmeters) on the bottom for X and Y axis. When I got the Logitech all was gone with it being USB... digital and properly 'Plug&Play' (not every piece of hardware was yet Plug&Play (as it was officially called) in those days... I still have IRQ nightmares

But yeah, I don't consider the T80 a wheel contender. Not because it isn't a wheel, it is clearly. Its just that selling ancient tech as something exclusive and new rubs off of me in the wrong manner. I don't like it and I don't like the tech either.
I mean... it's like going back to selling ball mice now that we are used to optical and laser technologies in mice. And saying it's new awesome exclusief ball technology on top of it. Right... I think everyone will get my point here.
To get back on topic of pCARS. I do think we will need some piece of decent kit on consoles one way or another or else it will definitely impact sales. After all, people without a gaming PC and owning just a console, and are used to a wheel. They will say 'all or nothing'. They will desire a wheel with their game or else rather decide not to buy it instead simply because 'it's not as much fun with a pad as with a wheel', or any other valid reason.
This generation of console has been nothing but a let down for me since the very introduction. Hardware on par with my 3-4 year old PC and having to buy new wheels and such. It's just not fun anymore, at least not for those who like racing games.
Just think about the people who invested much money in buying stuff like a CSR Elite or CSW. Only to now hear that they will have to invest all over again in something new. I am sure some of them had all sorts of thoughts or emotional outbursts while reading that.
Anyway, let's hope indeed that "Some Company" will pick up the tab and cook us up a nice wheel for the new generation. Cause racing without a wheel is even more frustrating (in my opinion) than the fact that you have to buy something new, as than you can't even buy a thing even if you'd want to do so.