Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Thanks @FLX1981! I was curious because several of the cars I'm looking forward to driving are marked as "Not Yet Started". Between interesting historic cars like the BMW 320 Turbo and BMW 328 (1940), and a decent collection of roadcars, I think SMS have made some nice choices to get the most out of the licenses they have.

I'm crossing my fingers that Subaru could join the party if or when rally racing comes along, but BMW and RUF/Porsche are my other top faves. 👍
Not sure at this point if I should invest some of my time, or just pull out of the project.
Last time I tested it was months ago.
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I'm not really into parsing 180+ forum pages. So I ask for your clemency in advance.

I have a couple of questions for those of you that got the chance to play one of this game's development builds. I know the graphics are pretty sweet and accurate and the sounds are awesome, but what I'm interested to know is:

- How are the physics, compared to (what else?) GT6? I know it uses a modified NFS Shift engine so it's... interesting.
- How are the tracks? As far as I can see from the trailers, they're not laser scanned. Am I right?

Note that I'm not willing to start a "CARS vs. GT6" debate. I know this game won't be ready for at least a few months and what I've seen so far is not a finished product. I also note that I'll most probably acquire this game regardless of your replies.

I'm just curious.

The OP covers all your questions - and more. ;)

@ DustDriver: Its actually good to take a break every now and then, I do that too. Keeps from getting weary of the game and its content during the development. It had some very nice improvements in physics, track quality and sound in the last months, so I d suggest giving it another shot. Besides, pulling out something that is almost guaranteed to bring you some profits doesnt sound like a very good idea... :D
OK, so if I got this right:
- the physics will be even more sim-oriented than they are in GT;
- there's only one laser-scanned track for the moment.

OK, so if I got this right:
- the physics will be even more sim-oriented than they are in GT;
- there's only one laser-scanned track for the moment.

1st Question: Yes.
2nd Question: Currently they have 7 licensed tracks: Brands Hatch, Oulton Park, Snetterton, Cadwell Park, Silverstone, Imola and Dubai.
1st Question: Yes.
2nd Question: Currently they have 7 licensed tracks: Brands Hatch, Oulton Park, Snetterton, Cadwell Park, Silverstone, Imola and Dubai.

Yes, but as far as I can see from the list, the only one with the "laser scanned" mention is Brands Hatch.
No, if you scroll down the OP, you may also find that Oulton Park, Cadwell Park and Snetterton are also laser scanned. Oulton is now playable since last week, by the way. Great fun, that little track. :)
Besides, pulling out something that is almost guaranteed to bring you some profits doesnt sound like a very good idea... :D

You don't get a return if you don't invest time in the development phase.
I sure hope pcars gives gt a swift kick in the arse ! Gt has owned the Sim market its about time someone else competes against the gt series. Maybe PD will get off their lazy butts and Start putting out some updates .
Well uhm, there are people who invested 1000+ Euros and thousands of hours over the last 2.5 years, so I guess some of us are interested in a return and thats only fair, aint it?! ;)
I noticed that the first official trailer was out. Anyone got any footage from xbox one? I will probably be getting my copy for Xbone. Will have to compete with forza 5 in my tray though.
The Xbox Ones architecture is harder to develop for than the PS4 so it will take longer for any Xbox footage to come out, however it should be 1080p/60fps the console is more than capable of doing it with the updated SDK from Microsoft.
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it should be 1080p/60fps the console is more than capable of doing it.
We'll see. If a game like Titanfall, which doesn't look any special and runs on a modified Source engine has to be made 792p (yes, 792) to maintain 60 fps (and not entirely solid in the Beta), I'm not too optimistic.

SMS still has some time though, so maybe the dev tools will make it easier to hit 1080p60 in the future.
Nothing's fix about Titanfall yet (900p is still too low for such a "bad" looking game) and you don't have to PM me anything. I'm well aware about what both consoles are capable of and I am not saying 1080p60 is impossible, I just wouldn't count on it. Theres also a reason why MGS: Ground Zeroes is 720p on the One, while it's 1080p on the PS4.
I simply hope we'll have a proper pCARS version for each platform, not just a port from the weakest system.
Theres also a reason why MGS: Ground Zeroes is 720p on the One, while it's 1080p on the PS4.

Because they chose to use the limited horsepower available on eye candy at the sacrifice of resolution.

Few games would sacrifice eye candy for resolution and frame rate, but racing games are right at the top of the list of getting bang for buck out of res/frame rate. I wouldn't be horribly surprised if it's 1080/60 on all systems, but with differing levels of graphical quality instead.
Because they chose to use the limited horsepower available on eye candy at the sacrifice of resolution.

Few games would sacrifice eye candy for resolution and frame rate, but racing games are right at the top of the list of getting bang for buck out of res/frame rate. I wouldn't be horribly surprised if it's 1080/60 on all systems, but with differing levels of graphical quality instead.
The eye candy is a huge selling point for pCARS though, so the question is, how much will they have to dial back the graphics for 1080p60 (same on the PS4 compared to PC of course). We'll see, fortunately I don't have to care about the console versions anymore.
I found JonZ's trailer being used to promote "Console Gameplay" I believe that footage is all from the PC version? Also yay Radical
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Yes, it is. The console builds are not available for anybody outside SMS to test yet. And even if they will make them available for testing, you ll need a dev kit console to play them before release day.

So everything you saw of the game so far is the PC version.
Project CARS is quickly becoming my most anticipated game of the year, because honestly, this could very well be the racing game that has it all, in my opinion. However, I have a few concerns regarding licensing, especially cars.

The list of cars is shaping up nicely but I have a feeling a lot of good manufacturers will be missed out because there is simply not enough time (or funds for that matter) to secure deals and create models. The game is due on November of this year and I just don't see them being able to increase the list much more than they already have. I'm not expecting a list of several hundred cars and I like the fact that they're choosing wisely and limiting their selection to an absolute maximum of 9 per manufacturer. That being said: Audi, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Jaguar, Nissan, Toyota, Chevrolet, Dodge/SRT, Peugeot, Lotus (modern, not classic), are all examples of manufacturers that could give great cars for this game and sadly, most likely, won't be present, save maybe one or two of them. That's my primary concern with this project. I will keep watching and maybe I'll proven wrong.

As a secondary concern, we have track licensing. Will they be able to license all those tracks in time for release? Another concern I hope isn't founded.