Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Video showing in detail the new Ginetta G40 Junior (WIP), that has been added in the build 663. The video also includes a lap at the new Oulton Park circuit, which has just been exported to the game and is still in the first phase of construction.

Video showing in detail the new Ginetta G40 Junior (WIP), that has been added in the build 663. The video also includes a lap at the new Oulton Park circuit, which has just been exported to the game and is still in the first phase of construction.

Is Oulton Park one of the laser scanned ones? I remember 4 or 5 circuits from the UK were going to be laser scanned.
Is Oulton Park one of the laser scanned ones? I remember 4 or 5 circuits from the UK were going to be laser scanned.

Yes. Along with Brands, Cadwell and Snetterton.

The G40 ride height ist not properly set yet, the car uses placeholder physics since its the very first export. From the build notes:

- Ginetta G40 Junior: No placeholder LODs yet, Ride height is too high (issue of the placeholder physics)
I noticed that the first official trailer was out. Anyone got any footage from xbox one? I will probably be getting my copy for Xbone. Will have to compete with forza 5 in my tray though.
I noticed that the first official trailer was out. Anyone got any footage from xbox one? I will probably be getting my copy for Xbone. Will have to compete with forza 5 in my tray though.

Even though its referred as official it's still 'just' a community trailer by JonZ. An amazing one though may I add :)

No footage of console versions is available.
Question; is it me or do the headlights of your own car not work in PCARS? Seeing this night racing video it seemed the guy was driving around without it, or maybe SMS did not implement headlights yet? :

Yes, they are aware of it, still a WIP.

I have been VERY impressed with the pCARS progress lately. I have to admit, was getting inpatient/tired of the one-step-back, one-step-forward development but lately it has been one-step-backward, five-steps-forward! Graphics, sound, features, performance, physics, assets, it's all coming together! It also feels like I have popped in a new graphics card - running very smooth for the most part. In my opinion, this one sim on track to impress. There will be those with preference to a particular sim and will not give credit where credit is due (or coming soon!). Still some inconsistencies but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
That P30-6 would look spectacular screaming down the Mulsanne straight. :drool:
I suppose with visuals this advanced, we start to notice things like the fact that there are impossible reflections. As in, the panels that show trees that would have been blocked by other panels. But of course it's more down to the lack of the car's reflection on itself.
I love bog standard racers.

I had to laugh when I saw the pic that happened to end up directly beneath your comment. The word antithesis comes to mind.

Congratulations on the subforum PCARS.
Group A touring cars = Day one purchase for me.
Group A touring cars + BMW M1 Procar + rain and night racing + some roadcars including the McLaren F1 + at least a couple open roads + available on Wii U + possibility of rally content/expansion/spinoff = I can't wait for "day one"! :cheers:

Speaking of the cars, does anyone have an answer for the question I asked a couple weeks ago?
Are all of the cars that are already listed (such as those under "Work in Progress" in the OP) as close to "confirmed" as can be, given the state of things? Or do they only expect to finish "most" of the list?

Thank you to those with inside access for the info you've been giving us. :) 👍
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If they are listed as work in progress, then you can be sure that they will be in the release game. Dont think they will hold back any finished content, also I dont think the members would be cool with that.

Oh yeah and hooray for the own subforum! :gtpflag: