Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
The PS4 version will be the same as the PC version on high, so no ultra reflections, environment map or AA but same content, same physics depth, same 60 fps.

Dont think an open beta is planned on consoles, they are working with professional QA here. No idea about a demo. Those kind of things cost money too and SMS is on a very limited budget compared to PD or Turn10.
The PS4 version will be the same as the PC version on high, so no ultra reflections, environment map or AA but same content, same physics depth, same 60 fps.

Dont think an open beta is planned on consoles, they are working with professional QA here. No idea about a demo. Those kind of things cost money too and SMS is on a very limited budget compared to PD or Turn10.

Good to know. I was most concerned about the fidelity of the physics compared to the PC version, though things like screen tear can detract from the experience just as badly. I guess this is the reason why PS4 sacrifices the ultra graphics to be able to cope? Or is PS4 just not capable in general? I don't like to draw comparisons to drive club but when we are purely talking about visuals is Pcars expected to surpass or fall short? Is there a trade off for more realistic physics and number of cars for Example? I always struggle to wrap my head around how resources are used in the hardware and what to Expect. Not that it matters ultimately if the experience is solid. Is there a multilayer portion of the PC build out there already? How is that performing?
pcars is due to fall short to DC graphically because of 60fps vs 30 fps and because of much more cars on the track. And because pcars isnt a first party exclusive release, but multiplatform, so they get less support from Sony and they cant optimize the game for only one platform as thoroughly. And lastly, pcars on ultra graphics brings high end gaming PCs near their limit, so its no wonder that the PS4 cant handle those. Physics is handled by the cpu, not the gpu, by the way. So they have no impact on graphics performance or detail.

The PC multiplayer is live since the better part of 2 years, IIRC. There is a whole task force of organized WMD members who are hunting for multiplayer bugs and who race in a leage twice a week. I ve had some good races in the past already, while there were of course times when it didnt work so well... Which is totally normal during development. I hear that lately, things are improving in the same manner as the game, as a whole. Dedicated servers are coming soon, as well.
Good to know. I was most concerned about the fidelity of the physics compared to the PC version, though things like screen tear can detract from the experience just as badly. I guess this is the reason why PS4 sacrifices the ultra graphics to be able to cope? Or is PS4 just not capable in general? I don't like to draw comparisons to drive club but when we are purely talking about visuals is Pcars expected to surpass or fall short? Is there a trade off for more realistic physics and number of cars for Example? I always struggle to wrap my head around how resources are used in the hardware and what to Expect. Not that it matters ultimately if the experience is solid. Is there a multilayer portion of the PC build out there already? How is that performing?

Drive Club is 1080p@30 and thus has a lot more power in reserve to calculate better graphics. So it might fall a bit short, but the overal visuals will be smoother. Which is nicer to the eye and to keep up with your surrounds, especially in a forest track like the Nordschleife where stuff flies on and off the screen fast during cornering. At 30 fps that would just become a green haze of bad motion blur.

Than of course comes our tyre model which also eats enough CPU. I don't know how advanced Drive Club is on the Physics end, but I reckon Project CARS is easily more advanced and thus more resource hungry.


Ninja'd... darn you, Felix! :lol:
But yeah... what he said. :)
So... if I were to walk into PC world (other PC shops are available) today and buy a machine that was powerful enough to run pCARS at top spec, how much is it going to cost?
DriveClub still has brightness & contrast issues with some displays (my 50" Pioneer KURO plasma). They can easily fix this by adding a brightness adjustment. Bright sky with a dark track like at dusk, dawn, sudden shadows from the sun being hidden, or the sun being directly in your face cause the track to become BLACK, making the game unplayable. When watching videos on my phone the game looks great, even my own PS4 Shares, it looks like I was drunk!!! The road is clearly visible. In reality, I could not see where I was going.

I'm sure Evo Studios are working with current generation cutting edge displays. GT6 had a couple of tracks that were overly dark, like Ascari and Williow. Being able to adjust the brightness from the pause menu helps with this, and I think PD dealt with some headlights being too dim.

I pray pCARS doesn't suffer from the same brightness & contrast thst DC does. I can't afford a new state of the art 65" TV just to have better picture quality in a video game.
DriveClub still has brightness & contrast issues with some displays (my 50" Pioneer KURO plasma). They can easily fix this by adding a brightness adjustment. Bright sky with a dark track like at dusk, dawn, sudden shadows from the sun being hidden, or the sun being directly in your face cause the track to become BLACK, making the game unplayable. When watching videos on my phone the game looks great, even my own PS4 Shares, it looks like I was drunk!!! The road is clearly visible. In reality, I could not see where I was going.

I'm sure Evo Studios are working with current generation cutting edge displays. GT6 had a couple of tracks that were overly dark, like Ascari and Williow. Being able to adjust the brightness from the pause menu helps with this, and I think PD dealt with some headlights being too dim.

I pray pCARS doesn't suffer from the same brightness & contrast thst DC does. I can't afford a new state of the art 65" TV just to have better picture quality in a video game.

Sounds like a recalibration of your tv's settings might help if your replays viewed on another screen (phone) are that different from your on screen experience. I too have the game but haven't had anything that bad happen with the lighting. Lower the contrast or see if the tv has a game mode which removes a lot of the screen processing/adjustment.
Game Mode (even TORCH or "Dynamic" as it is officially called" does help a bit. BUT, it also brightens the bright stuff.

I do know some plasma displays, when they encounter a majority of white or brightness, they dull it down to preserve the life of the TV. I noticed this when I was shopping for a new TV back in '08. When there was an all white screen for a commercial or something, the plasmas were all a soft white or bright gray. They stood out like a sore thumb compared to the LCD panels.

To get DC to be playable, my eyes burn because of the brightness. I do kinda need a new TV anyway. When I play BluRay movies, I have to adjust the lipsync by around 75 milliseconds. Plus, 4k displays are becoming affordable, depending on how you look at it.
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Game Mode (even TORCH or "Dynamic" as it is officially called" does help a bit. BUT, it also brightens the bright stuff.

I do know some plasma displays, when they encounter a majority of white or brightness, they dull it down to preserve the life of the TV. I noticed this when I was shopping for a new TV back in '08. When there was an all white screen for a commercial or something, the plasmas were all a soft white or bright gray. They stood out like a sore thumb compared to the LCD panels.

To get DC to be playable, my eyes burn because of the brightness. I do kinda need a new TV anyway. When I play BluRay movies, I have to adjust the lipsync by around 75 milliseconds. Plus, 4k displays are becoming affordable, depending on how you look at it.

I would still try lowering the contrast and you could also turn off any white or black enhancers. My Sony has both of those and they just lose detail in highlights and shadows. Start with turning all "enhancers' off. Ps3 and ps4 games mostly look better without artificially boosting colours/contrast and other auto settings. A bit of cloud highlights in Driveclub isn't going to hurt your tellybox.

Driveclub is trying to mimic what happens in certain lighting conditions though. Only thing is I think it is mimicking what happens with a camera rather than the human eye. Cameras only capture half the stops of light that the human eye is capable of seeing.
Driveclub is trying to mimic what happens in certain lighting conditions though. Only thing is I think it is mimicking what happens with a camera rather than the human eye. Cameras only capture half the stops of light that the human eye is capable of seeing.

I would go with what saidur is suggesting though; don't ever go to PC world, as their knowledge is dreadful and markup huge. Go to an online retailer, the one above or, and pick one from there. You will get far more for your money.
Alright I absolutely need a racing game in my life. I have a ps4, and Xbox 360. I traded in forza 4 and horizon, someone give me a good idea of a game to get or should I just get forza 4 again to hold me off till march. Maybe drive club?
Alright I absolutely need a racing game in my life. I have a ps4, and Xbox 360. I traded in forza 4 and horizon, someone give me a good idea of a game to get or should I just get forza 4 again to hold me off till march. Maybe drive club?
The graphics are dated as it's already an old game, but the physics are very good and the opposition strong, so if that interests you pick up race pro from simbin. Available for less than a tenner in a bargain shelve near you.
The graphics are dated as it's already an old game, but the physics are very good and the opposition strong, so if that interests you pick up race pro from simbin. Available for less than a tenner in a bargain shelve near you.

Having tried all the simbin games on PC I second this. If I had a 360 I would definitely try Racepro.

The simbin games are miles better than GT5 or GT6 as the physics and quality of AI in single player mode are so much better. It's probably the closest you'll get to Project Cars on a console before March.

Having said that Driveclub is entertaining and has an excellent photomode. Probably the best photomode I've seen in any game. Get them both?

Classic Game Room HD - RACE PRO for Xbox 360 revi…:
Alright I absolutely need a racing game in my life. I have a ps4, and Xbox 360. I traded in forza 4 and horizon, someone give me a good idea of a game to get or should I just get forza 4 again to hold me off till march. Maybe drive club?

GTA5, The Crew, & DriveClub is all we have right now, until pCARS gets here.
So has anyone here tried project cars with a controller? I won't be able to get a wheel for ps4 so just wondering what the controller is like using on cars?

This may help:

I got to play Project CARS in person at MCM Comic Con London this weekend.
They had the PS4 version on display and yes, it was running on a PS4 console (most likely a Dev kit) and not a PC+pad.

Graphically it looked pretty good; lots of detail and the lighting was impressive.
There were some instances of slight blurriness, probably added to keep the framerate fresh.
You had several camera options to choose from, including 3 types of cockpit view.

The Demos on display were GTs at Silverstone, LMPs at Silverstone and LMPs at Dubai.
All Demo rigs had AI on Easy and all Assists locked on.

Despite being reined in by Assists, I had a good impression of how the controller felt.
Triggers in particular were very responsive and the steering was acceptable.

The AI, (ignoring difficulty) clearly needs refining as it would bunch up a lot on slower corners and not really be aware of you on track.

In terms of handling, the game felt good. Obviously I couldn't get a true impression because of Assists but from what I played it felt solid.

Overall this game reminded me a lot of Forza 4 in terms of how it felt to drive and race.
I'm pleased to see how the game is coming along and come March it should be a decent package.

One last note was that the Demos were still showing "November 2014" as the release date, which would mean the build was at least 2 weeks old.
Build 871 (11/12/14)
* BMW 2002 Turbo: Prepared for first export
* Mercedes CLK-LM: Added CPIT display + HUD Motec
* Mercedes CLK-LM: Added CPIT windscreen banner for official liveries
* Audi A1 Quattro : rim LODs, tire skinning fix and disc misalignment fix
Full weekly build report.
Build 867 (08/12/14)
* Tweaks to RUF GT3 levels for both player car and AI
* Added muted category display when tracking audio metrics
* Adjustments to Defending Position time gap trigger and Overtake Strategy time gap trigger
* XB1: WMD-1412: Set the id of the XB1 controller and default wheel control screens correctly
* XB1: WMD-3533: Changed XB1 controller name from Xbox One Controller to Xbox One Wireless Controller
* PS4: Adds shader 'update' rather than 'set'. This stops a context roll if the shader shares the same register setup.
* XB1: Fix for Resolve EQAA GPU coherency (forward post blur uses Fast Semantics, so a manual CB and Meta-data flush is required) : marting
* Fix missing pre-requisite on ForwardPostBlur for bonnet capture
* Swap order of rain panel and post filter to fix issue with rain panel not fading
* Trackmaps: New trackmaps for HTM
* Fixed tutorial voice hookups - WMD-3211
* Added missing applinks for engine details
* Fix close button on login screen - WMD-3099
* Fixes save icon dialog animation - WMD-3482
* Player Interact instance fix on ingame lobby
* Added missing applinks for vehicle info - WMD-3031
* Disable garage quick menu access during install - WMD-3449
* Fixes anims not resetting object overrides after closing dialogs - WMD-3482
* Track logos: Added missing logos for Eifelwald, HTM & Silverstone variations
* Track naming & data: Glencairn, Cadwell, Summerton, Cali Highway - TRD & Text database fixes
* Added UI sound triggering for when launching race, advancing sessions and quitting race (in a new category so they're audible in the transitions). Data updated to allow for different sounds for each type (will be tweaked). Includes fix for missing UI sounds after racing.
* Fix to handle invitations from app start
* WMD-3461 - Fix for crash when exiting from a JIP session
* Removed push location on AI->HD vehicle during rolling starts
* Season progression social media messages
* Process Hazards Lat Decision: various mini fixes
* 2D Geometry Avoidance Test: Reduce by half the cumulative steering away value
* Process Hazards Lat Decision: fix the side by side offroad car squeeze exception
* 2D Geometry Avoidance Test: Lengthen the lateral tests forward to help reduce top side to back side corner contacts
* 2D Geometry Avoidance Test: Reduce by half the width of these lateral test boxes to reduce the need to swerve away from side by side cars
* McLaren 12C: Moved driver eyepoint slightly down and back for better view of the road
* McLaren P1: Moved driver eyepoint slightly up and back for better view of the road, polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: Windscreen reflections dds texture. Turned down brightness and contrast. Especially in front of driver, moved driver eyepoint slightly up and back for better view of the road
* Tires: L49 default to 1967 R2
* Pagani Huayra: Increased aero drag
* Pagani Zonda R: Set traction control slip base
* McLaren P1: Diff adjustments to help fish-tailing, Reduced aero drag
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: Calibrated ABS, Fixed radiator so the engine doesn't overheat
* Fixed setup pose of wheel collision shapes of (query) actor for open wheel vehicles.
* McLaren 12C: Fixed rear wing animation to key off new physics setup, Made rear wing fully automatic (no manual adjustment), Adjusted radiator, Calibrated ABS
* Mclaren MP4 12C, Mclaren P1, Mclaren MP4 GT3: Adjusted Caster down by removing the built in caster from the suspension geometry and leaving the setup settings . Ther was a sort od double caster going on here. It was Responsible on the GT3 car for the dead sort of understeery corner entry. More nimble feeling on entry now. Adjusted the FFB back to suit (cool how this works so well).
* Ford Focus RS, Renault Megane RS: Completely new Suspensin geometries for both cars (front and rear). Fixes the lift oversteer from a complete rotaion to a predicatable line correcter. Now when you lift to correct understeer they come around predictably and gradually diminishes as the car approaches straight. Some changes to the swaybars on both cars to balance. FFB was also retuned. Noticably different feeling now with this. You can feel traction loss and other details more clearly.
* Azure Circuit: Improved canopy texture.
* Dubai Kartdrome: Manager adverts added.
* Sakitto: Textures modified, several assets from viewer in the several versions
* Laguna Seca: Fix levitate crowds, trees, cars...added ao and emm map for red building

Build 868 (09/12/14)
* Adding reduced file size basic GUI sounds
* Improvements to race finished volume levels
* Updating GUI 'launch' sounds to improve transitions between menu and trackload and also between sessions in race and exit back to men; reducing size of basic GUI sounds for smaller overall FSB.
* XB1: GenerateMipMap coherency fix + fix for missing meta data flush on StretchRect.
* XB1: Fix for "XB1 - Graphics - Azure Coast - Black patches appear in random during gameplay in ?Azure Coast?" (WMD-1982)
* Cloud rendering param change.
* DX11: Fix un-paired PIX markers
* Added support for reduced env map cloud rendering.
* GUIRenderer: Fix various missing renderThread params
* Fix for cloud popping issue. Clouds now allso culling is now using bounding box data.
* DX11MT/XB1: Fix for the various scene (common constant buffers) setting functions not dirtying the scene data.
* Fix/work around for bug in foggy and heavy fog where there were 2 suns. Reported on WMD, no existing jira task.
* Fix for missing dependency on forwardblurcommand + bad use of SetReady() in CPostForwardBlurBuildCommandThread.
* Fix for jira bug COM-436: Basically if the suns intensity is 0 the god rays use the moons position .. which was not what the artist expected.
* Fixed PC string using PSN terminology.
* Fix HUD yellow flags crash if missing map (WMD-3581).
* Fix some tutorial audio/text values being out by one (WMD-3196).
* HUD telemetry: Color codes now use Green=Go for tires and brakes on all HUD modes
Dedicated server integration (WIP):
* Handle new player details and player removal
* Fire callbacks from DS protocol handler back to game manager
* Changed "allocate server" API to also pass the initial joinability flag value.
* Added server-side API to set session's joinability and hooked it up from game-side call.
* With these changes "create mp game on dedicated server" flow now fully works, and the played will get kicked off the server after a while because of no messages being received by the DS. This kick is also handled and the player leaves the lobby.
* Replay Cameras: New real-world-style set for Monza (both layouts)
* Replay Cameras: New real-world-style set for Laguna Seca
Flags & Penalties:
* Now applying DQ for false-start on tracks which don't have any pit lane
* Social Media fix for WMD-3473
* Fix for simulated motorsports not allocating teams for initial participants [WMD-3321]
* BMW 1M Coupe: Set up texture swap for tire options
* Mercedes A45 AMG: Set up texture swap for tire options
* Renault Megane RS: Set up texture swap for tire options
* Mitsubishi Lancer FQ400: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Ford Focus RS: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup, set up texture swap for tire options
* Tested and updated Cockpit exposure. WTC files, update for CPIT exposure, trying to minimise the environment brightness differences on cockpit/helmet/chase views.
* Mercedes A45 AMG: Calibrated ABS for final tires
* Renault Megane RS: Calibrated ABS for final tires
* Mclaren 12C GT3: Slight adjustment to the FFB strength
* Set correct ID for debug info up for viewed participant
* Mitsubishi Lancer FQ400: Changed default tire, Calibrated ABS strength
* Tires: Three compound options for 'normal' steet cars under Masculin branding.
* BMW 1M: Changed default tire, Calibrated ABS strength, polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Ford Focus RS: Fuel tank size, Calibrated ABS, Drivetrain efficiency, Increased radiator efficiency
* LMP 2, LMP1: Removed caster from suspension geometry, let garage settings do the amount. A450- reset eyepoint back fro better road view.
* Formula C: Lessend the cold drop off on the R24_DA tire a bit per some WMD feedback. Fixed spindle position relative to ball joint pivots. Was causing some scrub.
* BAC Mono: Removed caster from the suspension geometry to let the garage setting handle it. Decresed the spindle weight, increased spindle inertia's. Helps how hard the FFB was hitting the curb rumbles.
* All Cars: Second round of suspension cleanup removing any built in caster to let the garage setting only handle it. No suspension geometry changes. Check weights and inertias for all components and adjust if needed. Lastly tweak the FFB forces.
* Radical SR3, Radical SR8: New setups. Shortened the bump stop. The fronts were bottoming under light braking and heavy cornering. Very slight bumpsteer adjustments to the front. Re adjusted the setup on both cars for the freerer front ends. TheSR3 had some bad exit oversteer thats now fixed. Adjusted the AI speeds on both cars.
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Cleaned up the suspension geoemetry for bump steer and A-Arm angle. removed some Anti-dive which was a bit too much and causing alot of caster gain in bump giving this car muted heavy feel. Raised the rear inner pickup points to get the lower arm closer to paralell to the ground. Agian removed some of the anti-squat, causing some toein bump steer that was hard to remove otherwise. Readjusted the setup a bit for these changes as the car turned in noticably better.
* BMW 320 Group 5, Ford Capri Group 5: Both cars got similar treatment. Sorted through the chassis' using too much built in bumpstop combined with soft spring. They drove OK, but my new CSW V2 was immediately telling me the supensions were bottoming when the FFB went flat in the dips at Lakeville.. AI was having trouble too with the bottoming becuase they only use the springs which were on the soft side. Anyways, reduced the bumpstops so they are just preventing bottoming. Then re-sprung the cars with stiffer springs. The cars actually feel a bit softer, because it was using so much of the bumpstop before. Tweaked the setup and FFB to suit. Moved the eyepoint back on the Capri for better road and mirror view.
* Dubai Autodrome: Crowds placement update
* Chesterfield: Fixed bug WMD-2522 collisions
* Watkins Glen: Adjusted crowds to new fencing, crowd placement update
* Eifelwald: Updated tree placement to fill up gaps against the low-res treewalls.
* Azure Circuit: Lightmap update, texturemaps paths fixed and moved to trackfolder.
* Summerton: Variations added, fixed gaps, lod popus, new Nat/Sprint variations prepared
* Oschers GP: Fixed cut track not triggering in the Chicane. JIRA:WMD 1034. Other corner, cut track and corridor edits
* Laguna Seca: Added floodlights around the pit area, fix levitate assets, improve emmap and ao map for redb building, fix fences...
* Lakeville: New AIW racelines and corridor tweaking. Great fun these tracks are if you haven't tried them yet, or lately, give them a go. There is some problems with the AI starts (slow , lots of grass jumping) for Chris to look at.
* California Horse Theif Mile: New complete AIW. Has a decent raceline, but this track is really crazy. It has some bad triangles in the hairpins that cause the AI and the human car to practiclly bounce off the track. Needs the track team to do more work on it. Also fixes JIRA WMD 3577

Build 869/870 (10/12/14)
* Improved marble sounds.
* Balancing updates to Oreca 03
* Another round of fine tuning pit to car radio broadcasts: defending positions now triggered at 0.7 seconds or closer; changes to the reporting of blue flags, penalty warnings and startline messages
* XB1: Fix for missing ColourCube processing
* PS4: Added NP Session/Invitation status text for lock states
* XB1: Improvements to handling invitation accepted while in another online session
* Changing cloud culling tests to sphere tests.
* Corrected initial computation of camera spline length - avoids camera shaking/wrong moving at the end of the spline
* Impose 16 char limit on names
* Missing race timer on pause menu
* Practice mode now disables opponent settings
* Set time in 'current time' selection - WMD-992
* Apply profanity filter to career names - WMD-2494
* WMD-3480 - Change button used for MP location select.
* Fix WMD-2267: Added cancel handling to password dialog code
* WMD-3339 Ensure the player hasn't actually finished racing when popping up the pit stop menu, Also ensure it doesn't popup in a replay
* WMD-2645 - 'syncing' message while waiting for AWOL players at start of MP race and game paused while displaying it so rolling start doesn't have vehicles drive off before everyone arrives.
* Corrected behavior of camera zoom drien by spline values.
* WMD-3409 Implemented online-checking test for HeresJohnny, was previously obtainable in SP
* Further update to WMD-3665 - client time was incorrectly reset when using my previous CL. Now correct for host/client.
* WMD-3410 Fixed the game setup details not internally updatating the participant grid position after a qualification session
* WMD-3665 Fix for incorrect session remaining time when transitioning to next session when a player JIP's during previous session
Dedicated Server Integration (WIP):
* Added API to ping DS when no other messaging is happening, updated the client to ping the server regularly
* Added API to notify about admin migration, implemented admin migration on the dedicated server and notification handling in the game
* Re-added PitStrategy entries to fix WMD-3297 issue
* Faster steering reactions when cars are in traffic ( 0.04 to 0.08 )
* ProcessHazards : Side obstacles trigger less forwards and remain front obstacles longer
* Decrease the offroading speed penalty ( up to 40% decreased speed down from 80% speed decrease over 10 lateral meters instead of 5 ).
* ProcessHazards : Update dangerous obstacle avoidance to keep track of the road limits more and stay more often in the road if possible
* 2D Geometry box is now much more forwards and slightly larger ( 0.75 from 0.5 width and 5 meters from 0.5 meters ). This should greatly stimulate steering away from obstacles in events when front to back contact might happen.
* Modified code that tended to cap speed when behind other cars and would often prevent cars from passing when right behind another car. Cars now push their speed and rely on lat based obstacle avoidance rather then forced slowdowns, unless no free corridors are found which would re route to the forced slowdown.
* Karts: Fixed floating kart on all LODs, fixed missing cockpit damage
* Formula C: Disabled experimental push-to-pass system
* Formula B: Disabled backfire effect when using Push-to-Pass
* Tires: Tweaks to vintage tires, and added GT40 to 1968 tire
* Caterham SP300R: Disabled backfire effect when using Push-to-Pass
* Audi R8 LMS Ultra: Increased radiator efficiency to reduce overheating
* Aston Martin Vantage GT3: Increased radiator efficiency to prevent overheating
* Renault Megane RS: Reduced fuel consumption to normal levels. About 8mpg in hard track use.
* Added some longitudinal bite and larger inflation shape to the Extreme Summer tires for Casey to test.
* RUF CTR3: AI balancing to player. Removed caster from suspension geometry for garage setting to handle. Slight setup changes. FFB adjusted to suit.
* Silverstone: New export
* Mount Panorama: Removed floating cone
* Dubai Autodrome: Floating pillows fixed
* Imola: Fixed brake markers around whole track
* Sakitto: Foliage changed, new textures, change in foliage, removed crowd file
* Azure Circuit: WIP export - materials cleanup and fixed path issues, removed unused stuff from scene, merged updated shared foliage, merged nightspotlights, fix for some missing nightlighting materials, merged shared foliage and removed unused ones, merged nightspotlights and removed unused ones, files for new tree planters.
* Monza GP: Feedback fixes, gravel traps remapped, vertex painted, added gravel sprays and gravel blends, green asphalt mapped properly with new broad texture, outer asphalt mapped properly with new borad texture, kerbs brightness fix, missing tyrestacks added, csm updated, fixed issues with the fences, more new 3D armco, tyrestacks added and shifted with some assets, textures update

Build 871 (11/12/14)
* updated surface audio balance.
* PS4 - fix for gpu buffer reuse, using the same fence value.
* Xbox One: Fixed title not displaying error message when disconnecting uplink cable while searching for an online session.
* Xbox One: Fixed error message text when disconneted from service while in a lobby.
* Xbox One: Fixed crash when creating online session after sign-in change, fixed occasional Quick Random crash when system notifications were being triggered in the wrong order when finding a match
* Modified weight of cones and bollards to be lighter
* Added padding on autograss struct to stop issue on 64 bit
* Grass gather now does raycast directly
* New quit confirm description for pause menu
* Case change of 'Players' to 'PLAYERS' on Lobby screen
* Readded 'Default' string to PitStrategy as per JIRA issue WMD-2884
Dedicated Server Integration (WIP):
* Updated the server to set its "running and available" and "running and being used" state to Steam server tags.
- Only "available" dedicated servers are considered when browsing for servers.
- Updated the game code to set server id to Steam lobby attributes so it's known to browser and invites.
- Properly set session properties from browser and invites when the server id is known.
- Implemented join flow via browser and invites.
- If a session member leaves the Steam lobby in server-hosted session, the admin member will now ask the server to remove the leaving member.
- Bumped the protocol version.
* F1pitcrew: updates to animations / CHM changed steady location, now starts near LFWheel
* F1 pitcrew: whm added "wheel_visibility" trigger
* Set AI levels for the three modes to 50/70/90
* fix Hazards in pits triggering for cars in their specific pits causing AI to stop in the middle of pitlanes
* Kart 250cc Superkart - Fixed floating tire bug
* Ginetta G55 GT3 - Fixed brake bias, removed caster built in suspension geometry. Adjusted camber causing the car to step out in the rear. Tuned FFB. Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* BMW Z4 GT3 - More to do here. Removed the built in caster from the suspension and set the garage to the proper setting. Setup adjustements. Dropped the slow bump damping a bit. Tuned the FFB. Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* BMW M3 GT - Slight FFB adjustment. Minor braking adjustments. Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Aston Martin Vantage GT3 - New suspension setup. Softer springing. Shock pacakge adjusted. Set FFB . Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Aston Martin Vantage GT4 - New suspension setup, Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Aston Martin Rapide Hybrid - Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Mercedes CLK-LM: Added CPIT display + HUD Motec
* Mercedes CLK-LM: Added CPIT windscreen banner for official liveries
* Audi A1 Quattro : rim LODs, tire skinning fix and disc misalignment fix
* GT3 & GT4 tires: calibrated wear rates. Pirelli/Faretti/Masculin tires:Increased stiffness a bit to match with inflation_shape change
* New stiffer tires carcass' for the RUF CTR3 SMS-R.
* RUF RGT8 - GT3 - Removed caster from suspension geometry to let garage settings handle it. re-adjusted FFB. Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* RUF RGT 8 - Reduced inertia, lower CG 25mm. Removed caster from suspesion geoemtery. Increased inertia of spindles. Tweaked setup and FFB
* RUF CTR3 - adjusted FFB down slightly, dropped some grip from the AI tires
* RUF CTR3 SMS-R removed caster from suspension geometry and increased the inertia on the spindles. This car was a bloody handfull on the tires that were there fishtialing and what-not.. Built stiffer carcass tires to handle the 1000nm load. Used the same rubber compound (GT3 medium) added some longitudinal bite.. Re-adjusted the setup to work best with the changes. Balanced the AI speed and handling against the player car. Much more predicable. Still will bite your head off is you get ruf with it though : douga
* Mercedes SLS GT3: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* McLaren 12C GT3: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* BMW 2002 Turbo: Prepared for first export
* Audi R8 LMS Ultra: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Hockenheim GP - corridors moved to block off leagal entrance roads at various parts of track.
* Chesterfield - added missing tracklight xml file
* Milan - instances, statics and ligths update, pit building textures update
* Sakitto - new textures(high res versions), racelines updated
* Azure Coast Reverse - fix for WMD 392
* Bathurst - Correct location for manager logo updates, Manager Adverts Added to Walls
* WMD-3534 Added Driver Network Profile checks into the "Selfie" achievement

Build 872 (12/12/14)
* Adding LaunchQuit sound to transition back to loadscreen loop and then back to menu music
* Adds final SFX transition (LaunchQuit) to transition on race exit to trackload and back to menu music.
* PS4: Re-worked trophy/awards to use async api
* XB1: Updated localisation XML with latest version.
* PS4: Correct case for 'left/right stick' on PS4 WMD-3384
* Adjusts autograss distances to remain within cache.
* Adjusts tile creation to be able to fill cache in one hit.
* Fix for the Static Envmap crash when a peer or host leaves an MP race.
* Finalize is now automonous to generate autograss, this removes all the delay between the two stages.
* Exclusion map is now tested before raycasting. This dramatically cuts down on the number of raycasts.
* Updated strings for new Lobby
* Fix WMD-2645 - fix sync of countdown timer.
* Unneeded tutorial layers/pages removed from file
* Added more missing SP vehicle applinks - WMD-3709
* Fixed overlapping text on Quick Access menu WMD-2245
* WMD-3287 Changed false start to a drive-through penalty
* Fix WMD-3558 - set player ghost name from text db string
* Greenwood: Location data update for Greenwood Karting Circuit
* Fix WMD-3682 disable setup and pit strategy after player is disqualified.
* Different message to players in comunity events when they decide to take a break
* Fix for"Text ?United States of America? is displayed out of the provided box in ?All Locations? option WMD-3599
* Corrected inconsistent local player usage for penalties. As the HUD messaging is now checked internally for the local player, and the pit penalty event ensures it will be processed for, and by the right clients- there is no longer a need for this check. Note: This change is related to Jira WMD-3423, but is not directly a fix for that.
* Wheels Props meshes - shadow parameters adjusted
* Tracking camera FOV driven by spline corrected, now manual zoom processing is ignored when spline is in control, unless AutoZoom is enabled, then spline zoom values are ignored
Dedicated Server Integration (WIP):
* Various tweaks and fixes to make sure basic "create, join and send data" works.
* Implemented game datagram rebroadcasting to the server protocol and game - all gameplay data are now sent via the server in DS mode
* Verify server tags when browsing servers, skip servers that are not available for create (not started yet or already running a session).
* WMD-3665 - Another fix for host/client time issues when players join mid-session
* WMD-2716 WMD-641 Hookup in-game lobby applink so invite is only enabled when players can join
* WMD-2716 WMD-641 Add code for applink to disable invite during race or whenever you can't join
* Added new pit strategy board strings
* Tweaks to AI driving into pit spot from pit lane
* Changed benign assert in AIW FindCorridors to logging
* Fixed problem with date not always being reset when swapping between career saves [WMD-2255]
* Removed year from date being used by invitation emails, to avoid season confusion [WMD-2263 partial]
* Correct race position logic for the timed career races, as crossing the finish line first isn't important, rather who is furthest ahead when the cross the finish line after the time is up [WMD-2096]
* BMW M3 GT4: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* Aston Martin Vantage GT4: Fixed cockpit gauge calibrations
* Renault Clio Cup: Fixed windscreen banner UVs, various minor fixes
* Ford Mustang Boss 302R1: Polished cockpit vibration animation setup
* 250cc SuperKart: Removed unused FFB tweaker. Defaults come from CDF now
* Formula A, BAC Mono: AI damper work for lfoaty suspension on the BAC. The FA is a test for consoles stabilty.
* 125CC Shifter Kart: Removed caster from suspension geometry, set garage @ 13 deg. This seemed about right for predictable corner balance. The previous double caster was over 20deg. Adjusted down the rear chassis stiffness for balance. Adjusted the AI handling balance and speed to the player. Lowered AI rolling resistance to match player top speeds.
* Formula C: Per Nick - Tuned the FFB to get the center tighter once rolling. Added SoP differential (vertical) equal to Fz to expose more of Mz(self aligning torque) Thanks To Jake Spade here on WMD for that information. Also dropped Fx to soften some of the rattling. Re tuned the AI tire grip to match player performance on the R24_DA tires. Some AI damper work to fix the floaty looking supension.
* BAC Mono: Changes for drivabilty. Moved aero CoP back 70mm. New tire. Better inflation shape numbers to fit the pressure used (which is correct). Slightly stiffer carcass. Cut cold dropoff in half. Less adhesive grip, more tear grip (for when sliding). Makes for a more predicatible, more convincing (for what this car is) ride. Also moved the eyepoint back just a bit to see more of the mirrors. Enjoy.
* Spotlight rigs with different coloured lens flares (static assets)
* Fixed flare check positions for Eifelwald, Azure circuit, Watkins Glen, Eifelwald Gp
* Sakitto: New top wall textures, new texture maps, 1st commit
* Chesterfield: Fixed pop up issues, added 3d trees, crwod position tweaked
* Laguna Seca: Added 3d tyres, added txt for new tyre covers, added 3d tyres around the track
* Mount Panorama: Skyring extended closed bottom for rain-envmap-issues, longgrass csm optimized...dynamic logo panels created and added
* LeMans: Added first set of 3darmcos, poles , closed bugatti circuit access from Le mans circuit, closed lemans circuit acces from Bugatti access closer to RL reference, startied optimizing selection set to avoid having unseen elements from each of the track variations
* Azure Circuit: Added dimitry manager logo to overheads + tyre walls, tweaked sign to more plastic look. Textures for Forecourt building Blue018. trianglecount reduced for groundmeshes 18000triangles, unseen stuff removed from scene, new startlight added, updated skyring-ocean, startlight textures
* California Raceway: Fixed popping, reduced cranes, Wet track setup for both layouts , added tyres to Main , added tyre CSM to both , skybox fix for white gaps , fixed floating turn pipes on Main , fixed racing line z-fighting , updated main CSM to fit with tyres on both , reflection tagging, microbumps on Short. changed TRD flags to true for reflection tagging , updated reflection flags for instances , crowds etc.. , placed tyres on the Main track.
I really like reading all the work going in to setting up each car perfectly. This isn't something that happens in a game like Gran Turismo because of the bloated car count. I also like that one of the guys doing these refinements is testing using a CSWv2 so I know that when I'm racing I'll be feeling it the way it was designed.