Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Is it just me or does the E30 M3 look slightly less realistic compared to most other cars I've seen?
Not to the extend it bothers though, just an observation I seem to have which could be wrong.
Is it just me or does the E30 M3 look slightly less realistic compared to most other cars I've seen?
Not to the extend it bothers though, just an observation I seem to have which could be wrong.

It's not as finished as the others. If you look at the OP each car goes through stages and the closer it gets to complete the better it will look. Adding ambient occlusion will make it look a lot better, same for other cars that look a bit 'flat' at the moment.
It's basically only because how the camera is set up atm that the 3rd person view vids look mostly weird (there's some things you can adjust to make it a bit better though) They're working on the whole cam system so hopefully in the end the cameras don't hide the great physics as they now often do. Sure the pad inputs have their part in it also.
Yes, I noticed that the camera setup plays a huge role as well. It definitely need to be more...dynamic(?). Hopefully they find a solution for it. The game looks great and shaping up to be an amazing one - besides this.
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Sorry guys, I know alot of you are going to come to the defense of PCars on this, but that's not the camera causing that. This is exactly what I was affraid of with this game. That it was going to be amazing on PC and for wheel users, but it was going to end up with the same absolutely redculous handling characteristics as SHIFT2 when played with a controller. I call it "sloshing". It's like your car is filled with water inside sloshing around as you go around corners.

I wish the devs didn't have a kinda Elite PC attitude durring development, basically just perfecting it for PC (or wheel users), and making forums private to investors (who were only PC racers obviously). Since I heard about this game I wanted to go on their forum and beg them to also take their investment program to PSN, letting people invest like $10 of their PSN funds, and have PlayStation's GT gamers, who know how a racing sim should handle with a controller better than any other gaming demographic.......and use their feedback to hone how the game handles with a controller, which was the major issue with SHIFT2.

I really want this game to be as good as possible on console since that';s the platform I'll be playing on. Every single thing about the game get's my racing juices flowing. But my god.........people on this forum assured me PCars would handle far less like SHIFT2, and far more like GT when it comes to using a much as I want and plan to support this game, if it handles anything like SHIFT2 with my PlayStation controller I am absolutely not interested. And let's be honest, that video looks EXACTLY like SHIFT2's water filled cars sloshing around in the bends.

If anyone from SMS comes here...listen up, just make it handle exactly like Gran Turismo when played with a controller, and you'll make alot of money. And really......all the investors have a stake in this since they get a piece of the profits as I understand it, and they need to know that the real money on game sales is on consoles, so it needs to handle perfectly with a controller. Since you people are the investors, can't you all make your voices heard and say "Hey SMS.....we want to make some money here, so make it handle like Gran Turismo when played with a controller. No excuses.....get it done, SMS. It can't be that hard since PD has been doing it better than SHIFT2 since oh, say....1997."? That's what I'd be saying if I could get on those forums.
I got this one.

http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/34312778.jpg​

pCARS feels nothing like GT5 or Shift; the physics are improved and constantly evolving and at this point making pCARS handle like GT5 with a controller or wheel would be a major step backwards. Yes it's that much better. The 3rd person camera on the other hand needs to be re-worked and sooner or later it will be.
Second If SMS could have allowed PS3/and 360 users to be in on development they would have, that has more to do with Sony & Microsoft not SMS.

Also SMS are already going to make a lot from "real money from sales for consoles", because pCARS has amazing Eye candy. And console gamers love eye candy :sly:
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No need for the pompous Captain Picard image. I didn't say anything about the physics being good or bad. All I said is I'm CLEARLY seeing the same "sloshing" around in the corners that ruined SHIFT2, and someone else mentioned that video was made playing with a controller. So regardless of you SAYING "it doesn't handle like SHIFT2....which i'm sure it doesn't with a wheel from what I've seen and heard.....from that video it looks like it just may indeed handle like SHIFT2 when played with a controller.

I don't care what you say....if that's the case....that is BAD. And while I know damn well it's not GT, the fact is, if when played with a controller a realistic style racing game/sim isn't handling like Gran isn't right. Car's can't be sloshing around for some reason in corners when it should be smooth, and they also can't just be spinning out for no reason....nor should walls have some strange magnetic attraction. And it seems like all other "sim" racing games do have some strange handling characteristics along those lines. GT is the only one that doesn't have some weird characteristic like that, that's why it's the best.

That's all I'm saying. I want the game to be fun to play, and actually good....not just "eye candy". It looks from that video to handle like SHIFT2 with a controller, and if it does that needs to be nipped in the bud.

If sim racing fans were only after eye candy why doesn't Forza sell even a fraction of GT5 when the last few have looked better than GT5? Even SHIFT2 looked better than GT5, yet it's made fun of by fans of "sim" racing. Don't sell us short. For sim racing fans, even on consoles, good handling is #1, physics and graphics can battle it out for #2 all they want just as long as the game handles well. Which I'm sorry if this offends you, but imo that means handling like GT when it comes to playing with a controller.
Well that's kind of throwing all console players into one bucket but it's true that the majority of initial sales will be from those types of players.

They'll be able to keep people coming back with good DLC and multi-player support.

Honestly, most of those same guys looking for graphics alone won't care how it drives as long as you can get around the track fairly well enough with driving aids.

Most of the guys crying foul at the physics online probably only represent around.0.5% of their potential market anyway. They're doing their best to make it handle in a respectable way, they don't necessarily need to go after the typical difficulty that comes with established sims when it comes down it. I think it's the smart way to go.

There's absolutely no need to freak out about this. The Focus is brand new into the game, a raw alpha build, it doesn't have the physics built up for it yet, takes time.

People have to remind themselves this thing's still being devloped hard right now.
I wish the devs didn't have a kinda Elite PC attitude durring development, basically just perfecting it for PC (or wheel users), and making forums private to investors (who were only PC racers obviously)

I wish you didn't go about generalising a whole forum when there are people like me who aren't Wheel only, elitist PC racers. Infact, I'm a controller using Console player like you and I'm one of those investors on that forum.
Car's can't be sloshing around for some reason in corners when it should be smooth, and they also can't just be spinning out for no reason....

Could be driver error, going around corners constantly giving full throttle mid corner with a controller then backing off.

Well that's kind of throwing all console players into one bucket ....
It was harsh, but it was the first thing I though of when thinking of consoles.
I wish you didn't go about generalising a whole forum when there are people like me who aren't Wheel only, elitist PC racers. Infact, I'm a controller using Console player like you and I'm one of those investors on that forum.

I knew it wouldn't be long before someone would take that quote out of context even as I typed it, but how much longer was I supposed to make an already long post just to further explain one sentance. I know MANY GT players who invested into PCars. I'm not saying only PC gamers invested into and play PCars, I was saying that anyone who is an investor and is playing PCars is doing so on PC, and is more than likely doing so with a wheel.

Just to clear that up.

I'm just worried about how much feedback are they getting.....if any.....on how the game should handle with a controller. Something we already know this developer didn't put a whole lot of effort into getting right in their previous offerings

Is that fair enough to say? I don't feel like I'm off-base on anything I'm saying here.
To answer your concern, There is a whole sub section on the pCARS forum dedicated just to Gamepad Discussion. (Its bigger than the Console & PC Gaming section here on GTP)
Where we give feedback and voice concerns about controllers and wheels - Devs read it and make improvements, but it takes time.
Could be driver error, going around corners constantly giving full throttle mid corner with a controller then backing off.

I 100% agree. I could be just driver error, fair enough. I'm just woriied because in GT5, if a car is behaving that way, I know it's driver error. When I play SHIFT2, when a car is behaving like that in the corner, I know it's development/programming error. Same issue, same dev. Perhaps it's just coincidence, but I don't really believe in coincidence. I do hope it's driver error and that you're right and I'm wrong. But when I smell smoke, I start looking for fire, and there's plenty of time to fix things if there is an issue.
pCar's transparency with content that being actively developed is a mixed blessing. While it's awesome that we can see everything as it's popping into the builds, people not in the know can only go by what they see, and there's no telling what the state of the car/track/content in what they see is at, so people do the regular thing and just assume, and that's the downside.

Just wait until they get closer to release, when they release official videos of cars that are pretty much finished, then you can look closely and make final impressions before actually getting to try it. You're stressing yourself out for no reason.

The thing with gamepads is that when you have a driving sim, you have to run an input filter to smooth out the steering when using a little stick with a fraction of the degree range of a wheel, this is just basic. The feel of the sim when driving with a pad all comes down to that. You talk about it like it's inherent to the pad itself, which isn't the case. You can jerry rig your gamepad to work on iRacing, which has no filter atm, and try it out, it feels like using a wheel with 100 degrees of lock and no ffb. Sensitivity is all in your thumb.

Forza 4, for a while, messed up by not fully turning off their pad input filter for wheel users, which made things feel very awkward until they finally removed the "hidden assist." but their gamepad control/gameplay is better than GT5's imo, and pad users can more commonly compete with wheel users in Forza on an even level compared to GT.

But anyway, you won't have to worry, again, because, as you pointed out yourself, no one has access to the console builds of pCars or the gamepad input filter that they're creating for it iirc, so just wait and see. That makes me think... I wonder if there'll be a demo for consoles, would be a smart move for them.
I'm pretty sure there will be a demo, cant see any harm in it :) Also it is needed that all the doubtfulls after the shift games will be able to try first hand and see that the game is a totally different beast.

No need to worry the pad filters/inputs, after all the game's sales will be ~90-95% consoles so you can be sure for that alone there will be much effort put in to get the pad handling just right.
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For sure.

I'm just glad we don't have to worry about using our wheels for once. :D
That much is sure yeah :)

Also about the Ford RS - it really is an entirely new thing as it's a first try/pass on FWD physics, and while for sure there's room to improve it already has all the basic charastericstics of a FWD.
Well it's because of me that this discussion started and let's be honest that guy was using assists, maybe that's why it gave that "shift feeling" or because the car is using placeholder physics.
Well it's because of me that this discussion started and let's be honest that guy was using assists, maybe that's why it gave that "shift feeling" or because the car is using placeholder physics.
It's definitely related to the fact that he used a pad and there has yet to be an input filter implemented by SMS. This doesn't seem to be a problem for wheel users, although I might be wrong.
All I said is I'm CLEARLY seeing the same "sloshing" around in the corners that ruined SHIFT2, and someone else mentioned that video was made playing with a controller.

Before this all goes too far, let me just point out how simple this is. The reason you see "sloshing" is because the Focus is on it's first pass of physics and it has an extreme case of lift of over steer if you're not smooth with your inputs (which is nearly impossible with a controller) causing the rear end to step out quite easily each corner. That in itself isn't a problem (as that is a characteristic of the car, it is just exaggerated ATM), what the problem is, is because the Focus is FWD you can just slam the gas and under steer out of it, causing the "sloshing" effect.

So basically, the reason for the sloshing is this:

-exaggerated lift-off over steer due to first pass of physics
-driver not used to the car, so isn't being careful enough on the brakes (controller doesn't help)
-powers out of corners to save the slide (being FWD it just goes into under steer) causing the sloshing effect

Even with the controller, there is no sloshing on any of the other cars (I've played with the controller a few times in time trial when I was too lazy to set up my wheel).

nor should walls have some strange magnetic attraction.

That's a known issue (by the Devs I mean) if you're referring to the problem in pCARS.

GT is the only one that doesn't have some weird characteristic like that, that's why it's the best.

..On console. Not trying to sound PC elitist here, just the truth.

I'm not saying only PC gamers invested into and play PCars, I was saying that anyone who is an investor and is playing PCars is doing so on PC, and is more than likely doing so with a wheel.

To add to what others have said, I know of at least 10 people on the forum who use keyboards (I don't know their names by heart, I just recognize them when I see them), and one of them is faster than me with some cars (the ones he is used to).
If any of you fancy seeing me faff about in the SLS, here is a 10 minute (yeah yeah it's 9 minutes, close enough :D) video of clips of me drifting:

Nothing special but the car is loads of fun. Video is unlisted since it's a sort of just for fun video.

About 2:35-2:40 in there is a black screen for a couple of seconds, everything before it was using the car's default setup, everything after was a quick one I made for drifting.

Oh and ignore the tire temps in the telemetry as they're not working properly yet. The telemetry is up to show my pedal inputs.
Yeah, that since pCars is being built on PC first, there can't be any screwey filters that diminish the feel with a wheel like what happened with Forza, Codemasters' F1, Shift, etc.