-Project Cars Memes Thread- (No profanity.)


I'd remove the sweary one @LogiForce

Edit: Oh. Too late.

I meant literally pooing in his nappy :P, but I guess since human/animal excrements are used as a curse word in English it can't be helped. Oh well... at least it isn't Dutch language where we end up cursing with horrible diseases as some in English use the F-word (i.e. it's common to do so). ;)

Mod interception accepted. :)

Funny how this pCARS meme thread (started after the 2nd delay) turned ínto a no wheels on PS4/XB1 thread :D

Didn't you read correctly? Fanatec is NOW compatible with the PS4 and XB1.
Which only leaves Logitech as not compatible, but with Fanatec and Thrustmaster being compatible it means 2/3's of the big players are compatible. Which is a huge improvement over just Thrustmaster.

It does make Logitech's security chip story in relation to their wheels a bit doubtful, as non of the Fanatec wheels have a chip from Sony in them. :boggled:

In any case this has become a "Project CARS / Project CARS Wheel Compatibility Meme thread" in my opinion, since the announcement was Fanatec and Project CARS related. :P

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