Project CARS release date moves to May 2015

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That's because the PC version is in a good state. :)

As stated before, none of us are able to comment on the console version, because none of us actually tested those or know the issues there might or might not be on those platforms.

As for the PC version, in my personal opinion it's in a state where it would have been released if it was a different developer/publisher. ;) I can't go into any specific details obviously. But let's reverse it: if the game was a crashing bugfest, surely that would reflect in the majority of YT vids/forum comments? The fact that it doesn't says enough, no?

So you are basically confirming what I have said "the hold up is console related" .
So you are basically confirming what I have said "the hold up is console related" .
Nope, I'm not confirming anything. Quite the opposite actually. Short summary: PC version is in good state (note: explicitly not using the words 'ready for release'), console version(s) are unknown.
What is everyone else playing to help pass the time? :) I'm waiting for Battlefield Hardline to come out on Tuesday and F1 2015 but am currently playing Driveclub and Battlefield 4.
been playing Alien Isolation, almost at the end, it's a great game! some Driveclub just to keep the wheel in use (love driving the Caterham SP/300) and have The Evil Within to play next before Bloodborne consumes me on the 27th. seriously, i'm actually feeling glad pCARS was delayed again so i can dedicate myself to Bloodborne exclusively :)
I don't see too many negative posts from people playing the PC based Beta version.

So again, it leads me to surmise it is a console related issue. And since we have seen lots of videos for months about PS4 that leads me to suspect it is an XBone issue.

I've heard it's a problem with the game not running well on the latest PS4 2.5 FW, well that's just a guess actually, because that's all we can do really, guess and make ourselves sound stupid
I've heard it's a problem with the game not running well on the latest PS4 2.5 FW, well that's just a guess actually, because that's all we can do really, guess and make ourselves sound stupid

Don't know where you've heard that because that's definitely not something that would be mentioned internally by one of the devs. They'd be hamstrung by NDAs, sounds like something a GT or AC fanboi has come up with....
Don't know where you've heard that because that's definitely not something that would be mentioned internally by one of the devs. They'd be hamstrung by NDAs, sounds like something a GT or AC fanboi has come up with....
i think he was joking
Don't know where you've heard that because that's definitely not something that would be mentioned internally by one of the devs. They'd be hamstrung by NDAs, sounds like something a GT or AC fanboi has come up with....

Ha sorry Silva, it's not true. I just made up it to show that anyone can make a guess at what caused the delays
Dare I say "Pot - Kettle - Black" ;-)

No, there is some major issue going on here that most probably involves one or more of the consoles involved. As I have surmised from rumour and innuendo it is because the XBone is problematic in running 60fps 1080P. Also this would lead to the "wall of silence" we currently have regarding this for SMS doesn't want to name and shame M$.

Please correct me if I am wrong? ;-)

My thoughts exactly
I've heard it's a problem with the game not running well on the latest PS4 2.5 FW, well that's just a guess actually, because that's all we can do really, guess and make ourselves sound stupid

I heard are delaying pCars until GT6 Course Maker is released, and despite Course Maker being 99.9% complete, the remaining 0.1% attending to small trees and shrubs has been tricky to arborate.
You also mention "game breaking bugs". So why announce release dates when said bugs are in the game? Surely the PC based Beta version would have thrown these up pre-release announcement(s)?

I m just taking one point out of your countless assumptions, speculations etc, as you seem to enjoy twisting what we WMD members are writing: If you fix a bug, you change code that in a project as complex as pcars can influence a million other things. So the fix may cause several other new bugs. So you think you re on a good way and then somebody finds a new bug that was caused by the fix for the first bug. Plus Bugs mostly dont get discovered right away, unless they are severely gamebraking. They may still be gamebreaking in a certain rare situation. It is a ll much more complex than you seem to think.
If you fix a bug, you change code that in a project as complex as pcars can influence a million other things. So the fix may cause several other new bugs. So you think you re on a good way and then somebody finds a new bug that was caused by the fix for the first bug. Plus Bugs mostly dont get discovered right away, unless they are severely gamebraking. They may still be gamebreaking in a certain rare situation. It is a ll much more complex than you seem to think.
See, but that's the point. Fixing bugs these days seems to be like playing Whac-A-Mole. You sort one bug and another one appears some place else.
In my opinion, SMS's constant delays created two groups of doubters. One group thinks SMS is thriving for the impossible goal of perfection. This group sees the delays as unnecessary and would rather have SMS release the game with minor bugs and fix them on the fly post-release.
The other group believes the PC version is almost bug free and ready to go, but at least one console version is causing major problems and SMS aren't open about it, instead they are hiding behind this polishing narrative.
There really is some bears with soar heads on here at the moment.
I could guarantee the ones moaning it's not being released would be the first to moan if it got released and some little things were wrong with it.
Judt get over it. I was mighty annoyed after just buying a T300 but at the end of the day if they say it's not ready to be released and they want to having a working game on the shelf from the word go instead of having to waste months on countless patches good for them and I wish more developers would do the bloody same with the garbage being released on day one these days.

Bravo sms in having pride in your work
I was mighty annoyed after just buying a T300 but at the end of the day if they say it's not ready to be released and they want to having a working game on the shelf from the word go instead of having to waste months on countless patches good for them and I wish more developers would do the bloody same with the garbage being released on day one these days.
I'm in the same boat, as I've bought the T300 specifically for this game, although I'm much less annoyed than I am concerned. I've no doubt that the PC version is great. If it was subpar we would've found out by now, considering the amount of people that have early access.
But the lack of info on the PS4 version, combined with the quite obvious problems almost all developers seem to have with current gen hardware (just look at the amount of AAA titles that get delayed/released bug-infested), is worrying me a bit, to be honest. The sooner reviewers get their hands on the almost finished, full console versions, the better.
Whether someone takes "99.9%" literally or accepts it as "almost done," it is difficult to understand the reasoning because of what FLX1981 and talkin_2_me have mentioned. A new line of code to "polish" something may create another issues that requires more code/polishing. And the cycle continues. It's impossible to replicate the real world in a game. As the saying goes, "perfection is the enemy of good enough."

And I don't understand why a small dev team with a small budget wants to create a game for so many platforms. The Wii??
I'm in the same boat, as I've bought the T300 specifically for this game, although I'm much less annoyed than I am concerned. I've no doubt that the PC version is great. If it was subpar we would've found out by now, considering the amount of people that have early access.
But the lack of info on the PS4 version, combined with the quite obvious problems almost all developers seem to have with current gen hardware (just look at the amount of AAA titles that get delayed/released bug-infested), is worrying me a bit, to be honest. The sooner reviewers get their hands on the almost finished, full console versions, the better.

Now I feel totaly the opposite I'm not concerned at all even how the PS4 version will turn out Im very confident it will be the dogs danglies. You only have to look at the PS4 vids and read comments Like "how the devs are amazed at how the PS4 is copping with the game so far" Xbox I would be concerned but as I don't plan on using one its not an issue to me.

I am annoyed like a lot of folk about constant delays and I fully understand hindsight but they should never have given out solid dates after the first date in 2014 was postponed. They should give release date when its gone gold.
I am annoyed like a lot of folk about constant delays and I fully understand hindsight but they should never have given out solid dates after the first date in 2014 was postponed. They should give release date when its gone gold.
We're all a bit annoyed, SMS included. It was unavoidable due to <reasons>, else it would have been avoided... In the end it will lead to less annoyance where it matters; in the game. AFAIK, you have to set an actual date at some point,before you go gold, because the distributor/distribution-network needs it and because scheduling production slots needs it.
What makes it even more annoying is that I am a regular N4G visitor, and almost every day I have to put up with eye candy shots, or videos of this game being posted on there. SMS should be ashamed of themselves.
What is everyone else playing to help pass the time? :) I'm waiting for Battlefield Hardline to come out on Tuesday and F1 2015 but am currently playing Driveclub and Battlefield 4.

I re-subscribed for iRacing last Thursday for 3 months, with a 3 months for 1 promocode for returning members. This should tie me over to mid-June for my GT3 and LMP fix.

Other than that, I recently started with FarCry4, and I have a couple of other PS4 games that I'll pick up occasionally.
See, but that's the point. Fixing bugs these days seems to be like playing Whac-A-Mole. You sort one bug and another one appears some place else.

99 little bugs in the code.
99 little bugs in the code.
Take one down, patch it around.
127 little bugs in the code.

I agree with what you're saying, btw. That's why I hate it when game devs delay a game and say they're "polishing it". I appreciate devs that give a straight answer so we're not all left here speculating on what's broken for another month. Eagle Dynamics and others that work on Digital Combat Simulator (for example) are great at that... they have lots of delays but we're always in the loop.
We're all a bit annoyed, SMS included. It was unavoidable due to <reasons>, else it would have been avoided... In the end it will lead to less annoyance where it matters; in the game. AFAIK, you have to set an actual date at some point,before you go gold, because the distributor/distribution-network needs it and because scheduling production slots needs it.

I wont be cancelling my pre-order though and im aware it will be a polished game Unlike the Crew that is passing my time away. Now that game is very addictive but Ive never ever been on a game so far broken like it is and Ubisoft will never get another penny from me there customer services are appalling.
I agree with what you're saying, btw. That's why I hate it when game devs delay a game and say they're "polishing it". I appreciate devs that give a straight answer so we're not all left here speculating on what's broken for another month. Eagle Dynamics and others that work on Digital Combat Simulator (for example) are great at that... they have lots of delays but we're always in the loop.

Just read the build notes and you know what they are working on.
I m just taking one point out of your countless assumptions, speculations etc, .

**IF** SMS would **ACTUALLY** state what the **REAL** reasons are then my assumptions would be unnecessary, wouldn't they? ;-)

as you seem to enjoy twisting what we WMD members are writing: .

No, I am reading between the lines and trying to glean some more information. Sometimes it is what people don't say is more revealing than what they do say ;-)

If you fix a bug, you change code that in a project as complex as pcars can influence a million other things. So the fix may cause several other new bugs. So you think you re on a good way and then somebody finds a new bug that was caused by the fix for the first bug. Plus Bugs mostly dont get discovered right away, unless they are severely gamebraking. They may still be gamebreaking in a certain rare situation. It is a ll much more complex than you seem to think.

Oh I do understand how complex it is, what I don't understand is how SMS can make these wild guesses at release dates. They seem to have less of an idea at how complex it is than you or I ;-)

So let's try this again and see how I go for twisting what people are saying. Everyone is saying how the PC Beta version is very good and ready to ship as is. We have had 3 delays. There are several videos floating around about how well the PS4 copes with the game. So far I have only seen one for the XBone (and it was only recently). It would appear to me the delays are console based and in particular the XBone. Possibly the Wii but I know of no one that even cares.

How am I going so far "for twisting" what people say? ;-)

So why can't SMS actually come out and say what the problem is? Or do what everyone else does and have someone leak the official reason or have some exec. during a press conference spill the beans.

At the end of the day it would be nice to just know what is actually happening. Just remember it is not me making these wild guesses at release dates either, I am just commenting on them and trying to figure out *WHY* SMS is getting it sooooo wrong.