Project CARS release date moves to May 2015

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What's the difference between a publisher and a distributor?
A publisher normally has some input/control of game development. A distuributor is just simply in charge of getting the game known and in stores.

Traditionally the publishers for a share of profits handle all the marketing and distribution.

Self publishing allows the devolpers more freedom.
Now that the game has been pushed after Xmas 2014 and Easter 2015, there's no need to rush except keeping promises. I expect them to push back the release on final time until autumn/holiday season 2015.

Your a brilliant example of the effect of dishonestly .

Dare I say "Pot - Kettle - Black" ;-)

.I suspect you and many others have been stung in the past few years, wether it be gran Turismo or a another AAA game. Because you drawn in; the marketing probably also gave false ideas, but no one tried to keep you grounded. As a result when we said " look we sorry for another delay, the games 99% there but we want to iron out as many of the bugs as possible." The community then becomes extremely cynical about an honest statement.

For give my cynicism but I do not believe this. For one thing you have already dropped 0.9% off of what was said to give the impression that there is more "polishing" needed. If it was a case of number rounding then you would have rounded to 100% and not 99%.

As I have called for in my other posts it would be nice if SMS actually treated us like adults and gave the honest, real reason for the 4th delay. And don't forget it is now a vague date as well so they also gain extra time to "polish" away a bit longer.

I do believe we have all been through game delays and lies about games before to know that if a mere 0.1% of "Polishing" would be a very minor DLC patch on day one release. No, there is some major issue going on here that most probably involves one or more of the consoles involved. As I have surmised from rumour and innuendo it is because the XBone is problematic in running 60fps 1080P. Also this would lead to the "wall of silence" we currently have regarding this for SMS doesn't want to name and shame M$.

Please correct me if I am wrong? ;-)
Please correct me if I am wrong? ;-)

I'm fairly certain you're wrong. I keep track of the new dev posts and read the patch notes over at WMD multiple times a day and all I see at this point is bug fixes, optimizations, and polish. Really the only thing that SMS might be keeping close to the chest and could possibly be the reason for the delay is license negotiations for unannounced cars (but I doubt that, as that would most likely be DLC anyway).

As for console troubles, there seems nothing peculiar in the patch notes about consoles so I doubt it's anything major going on there, just business as usual.

I don't have reason to doubt SMS as I've been with the project near enough from the beginning and they have been nothing but honest and open that whole time.
Dare I say "Pot - Kettle - Black" ;-)

For give my cynicism but I do not believe this. For one thing you have already dropped 0.9% off of what was said to give the impression that there is more "polishing" needed. If it was a case of number rounding then you would have rounded to 100% and not 99%.

As I have called for in my other posts it would be nice if SMS actually treated us like adults and gave the honest, real reason for the 4th delay. And don't forget it is now a vague date as well so they also gain extra time to "polish" away a bit longer.

I do believe we have all been through game delays and lies about games before to know that if a mere 0.1% of "Polishing" would be a very minor DLC patch on day one release. No, there is some major issue going on here that most probably involves one or more of the consoles involved. As I have surmised from rumour and innuendo it is because the XBone is problematic in running 60fps 1080P. Also this would lead to the "wall of silence" we currently have regarding this for SMS doesn't want to name and shame M$.

Please correct me if I am wrong? ;-)
Firstly SMS have not been dishonest. Why because If they were WMD would be the first to attack them.
The real reason and I have no reason to believe why it wouldn't be is to polish the game. Polishing the game improves the experience for the player and can lead to small Gaines in performance.

I believe it was FLX who summed up the reason for 99.9% brilliantly.
Basically if the game had 100,000 assets and had 0.1 percent buggy you would have 100 bugs. But many games now have way more Than 100,000 assets when we include Info from the tyre model as well driver inputs, dynamic lighting, weather etc. 0.1 % could be a substantial amount.

The reason for the vague release period is probably to prevent further backlash at more missed dead lines.

When it comes to choosing to delay a highly anticipated game your in a no win situation.
OK seriously, what else would the delay be for? Obviously they what the game to come out so they can make money and pay back the people who need paid. If the reasoning is that the game isn't completely done and needs polish, how is that a difficult thing to comprehend?
Why are people hung up on this 0.1%/99.9% thing? Does anyone seriously believe it was meant literally? As in they counted up all the bugs, then divided that number into whatever you would divide it into, and came up with exactly 99.9%?

It's a figure of speech fellas, meant to say that the game is almost complete and we're just tidying up the last bit of code to polish off the game. It's not meant to be taken literally.:irked:
Why are people hung up on this 0.1%/99.9% thing? Does anyone seriously believe it was meant literally? As in they counted up all the bugs, then divided that number into whatever you would divide it into, and came up with exactly 99.9%?

It's a figure of speech fellas, meant to say that the game is almost complete and we're just tidying up the last bit of code to polish off the game. It's not meant to be taken literally.:irked:

I am hung up on the 99.9% thing because games like GT6 were released at barely 50%! Even at 95% the game is finished and ready for launch. As I keep saying we all expect day one DLC and patch files so there is nothing new there.

Holding a release back at 0.1% does not make sense *to me*. That is why I am "hung up" about it and suspect some ulterior motive.

I fully understand the first delay and they gave themselves 4 months to "polish" away but these last two I am having problems with and am highly suspicious of because it does not make sense to me. Especially when you benchmark it against GT6 which is still buggy and incomplete 16 months after launch.
I am hung up on the 99.9% thing because games like GT6 were released at barely 50%! Even at 95% the game is finished and ready for launch. As I keep saying we all expect day one DLC and patch files so there is nothing new there.

Holding a release back at 0.1% does not make sense *to me*. That is why I am "hung up" about it and suspect some ulterior motive.

I fully understand the first delay and they gave themselves 4 months to "polish" away but these last two I am having problems with and am highly suspicious of because it does not make sense to me. Especially when you benchmark it against GT6 which is still buggy and incomplete 16 months after launch.
I suggest not taking it literally then and just that, as the interview just posted above suggests, the game is not ready to be released, and it's in everyone's best interest to release the game when it's ready and not relying on patches to bring it up to speed. Andy is basically saying that he wants to avoid what is quickly becoming the standard in gaming, of releasing games that aren't quite ready just to get them out there, and patch them up later..maybe.

Now maybe he's full of crap, the game is crap, and they're holding it back because it's crap, and this whole thing has just been one giant delusion/scam to swindle us out of a quic $50 only to find out it's NFS Shift 2.1. If you think that's a possibility, I suggest waiting for a few days after release to purchase.
...Holding a release back at 0.1% does not make sense *to me*. That is why I am "hung up" about it and suspect some ulterior motive....
What was that again... A grand experiment in subliminal reverse/inverse/round-the-corner psychological marketing? :P

As Johnnypenso said, it doesn't mean "one tenth of one percent", it means there's "a tiny bit left" to do ;)

Edit: Ninja'd by Johnny san!
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SMS, slightly mad studios... What did we expect?!
It's like waiting for a perfect game from MISE, mental ill software experts. ...the company that I will found in the near future. :D

:spoiler: Just to make it clear: it's a joke. It just came to my mind. I can't wait for Pcars and I love SMS and their work!!! Leave your torches and pitchforks at home plz. ;) :/spoiler:
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Stop "looking for a black cat in a dark room". The game is not ready. Yes, all the features are there pretty much, but there are some annoying bugs. Now there are two ways to go about it. Release the game now, and then have people complain about it and blame SMS. Another way is to hold on for a bit and take a hit now, but then have the game in a much better shape without too many game breaking bugs (of course no software is completely bug free nowadays). That's pretty much it.
Stop "looking for a black cat in a dark room". The game is not ready. Yes, all the features are there pretty much, but there are some annoying bugs. Now there are two ways to go about it. Release the game now, and then have people complain about it and blame SMS. Another way is to hold on for a bit and take a hit now, but then have the game in a much better shape without too many game breaking bugs (of course no software is completely bug free nowadays). That's pretty much it.
I really can't argue with that.
Stop "looking for a black cat in a dark room". The game is not ready. Yes, all the features are there pretty much, but there are some annoying bugs. Now there are two ways to go about it. Release the game now, and then have people complain about it and blame SMS. Another way is to hold on for a bit and take a hit now, but then have the game in a much better shape without too many game breaking bugs (of course no software is completely bug free nowadays). That's pretty much it.

I am not concerned about the game not "being ready" I am concerned about SMS announcing release dates and then reneging. Which leads me to conclude there is something a little more sinister afoot ;-)

You also mention "game breaking bugs". So why announce release dates when said bugs are in the game? Surely the PC based Beta version would have thrown these up pre-release announcement(s)? Again, I surmise it is probably a console issue and not one with the PS4.

So I ask you (or anyone else) that plays the Beta PC game, what are these bugs that are being polished? How bad is the PC Beta version? What in your opinion is holding it back from being released on PS4/XBone then?
I am not concerned about the game not "being ready" I am concerned about SMS announcing release dates and then reneging. Which leads me to conclude there is something a little more sinister afoot ;-)

You also mention "game breaking bugs". So why announce release dates when said bugs are in the game? Surely the PC based Beta version would have thrown these up pre-release announcement(s)? Again, I surmise it is probably a console issue and not one with the PS4.

So I ask you (or anyone else) that plays the Beta PC game, what are these bugs that are being polished? How bad is the PC Beta version? What in your opinion is holding it back from being released on PS4/XBone then?
There are bugs in different areas of the game. I'm sure if you dig deep enough you can find bugs in any game, even those released and not updated anymore.

Why announce release dates? They thought they'll fix it in time, I guess they ran out of time. That's my best guess.

Honestly, no point in speculating now, nothing's going to come out of it, unless you can get one of the devs to reveal the reason, which will never happen. Personally, I'm done talking about this topic.

Now back to bug reporting and testing the game.
What is everyone else playing to help pass the time? :) I'm waiting for Battlefield Hardline to come out on Tuesday and F1 2015 but am currently playing Driveclub and Battlefield 4.
I am not concerned about the game not "being ready" I am concerned about SMS announcing release dates and then reneging. Which leads me to conclude there is something a little more sinister afoot ;-)

I know from experience that deadlines sometimes need to be set even if somewhere deep inside you know that they're unlikely to be met. It's a kind of self-regulation, where to get to the end you need act as if the end is nigh.
Well at least if it does come out mid-May it should be after my finals and summer break beginning. #CollegeLife

What is everyone else playing to help pass the time? :) I'm waiting for Battlefield Hardline to come out on Tuesday and F1 2015 but am currently playing Driveclub and Battlefield 4.
War Thunder and GT5 arcade mode. But I may buy Driveclub as a "just in case" for PS4. Any word on F1 2015's release?
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What is everyone else playing to help pass the time? :) I'm waiting for Battlefield Hardline to come out on Tuesday and F1 2015 but am currently playing Driveclub and Battlefield 4.

I'm paying the game I bought after they announced the first delay: Assetto Corsa (am I allowed to say that here?). Everything else I wanted to play in 2015 was also delayed, so...
Well at least if it does come out mid-May it should be after my finals and summer break beginning.

War Thunder and GT5 arcade mode. But I may buy Driveclub as a "just in case" for PS4. Any word on F1 2015's release?
People over on the Codies forums are speculating on a late May to June release date. Nothing is official though.
What is everyone else playing to help pass the time? :) I'm waiting for Battlefield Hardline to come out on Tuesday and F1 2015 but am currently playing Driveclub and Battlefield 4.

Im gona get back into DRIVECLUB, i hear wheel settings are coming soon, so may have to buy lambo DLC :)
I don't see too many negative posts from people playing the PC based Beta version.
That's because the PC version is in a good state. :)

Now maybe he's full of crap, the game is crap, and they're holding it back because it's crap, and this whole thing has just been one giant delusion/scam to swindle us out of a quic $50 only to find out it's NFS Shift 2.1. If you think that's a possibility, I suggest waiting for a few days after release to purchase.
I can honestly (and with me several more WMD members) say the PC version of the game is far from being crap. Quite the opposite. :cheers:

So why announce release dates when said bugs are in the game?
Because they took longer to fix than anticipated? Because new ones popped up in the mean time? Issues on the console platform that are unknown to us like licensing/platform owners being cheeky/other issues? Other unforeseen issues? Plenty of possible reasons.

So I ask you (or anyone else) that plays the Beta PC game, what are these bugs that are being polished? How bad is the PC Beta version? What in your opinion is holding it back from being released on PS4/XBone then?
As stated before, none of us are able to comment on the console version, because none of us actually tested those or know the issues there might or might not be on those platforms.

As for the PC version, in my personal opinion it's in a state where it would have been released if it was a different developer/publisher. ;) I can't go into any specific details obviously. But let's reverse it: if the game was a crashing bugfest, surely that would reflect in the majority of YT vids/forum comments? The fact that it doesn't says enough, no?