Project CARS | What version do you plan to get?

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What version do you plan to get?

  • PC

    Votes: 142 27.9%
  • PS4

    Votes: 318 62.5%
  • Xbox One

    Votes: 40 7.9%
  • Wii U

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 2 0.4%

  • Total voters
Sony will regret it if the PS4 isn't compatible! :D

Haven't followed Nintendo for years, so to be honest i don't know anything about the Wii U, but i'm thinking a current gen kids console no? Is it powerful enough to handle PCARS?

I think the branding of a 'kids console' is kind of silly because video games themselves aren't exactly mature when the mature games are mostly played by children and the 'kids' games are favored by adults. According to SMS it is powerful enough to handle a version of pCARS, and that's enough for me. Even if there are sacrifices, I would still play my Wii U more times over than an xBox One or PS4 because I prefer the games on offer on the U anyway. I will only miss GT and....Uncharted, that's about it. Maybe, I will get a PS4/XBone later down the line.

In fact, even if I had to get a PS4 or Xbox One, I would just get a gaming PC. :lol:
I think the branding of a 'kids console' is kind of silly because video games themselves aren't exactly mature when the mature games are mostly played by children and the 'kids' games are favored by adults.
Quoted for truth.
Is it powerful enough to handle PCARS?
Who knows how many times Slightly Mad has been asked that question, but they've gone on record over and over to confirm it. They're committed to the platform:
Andy Tudor
There’s no realistic racing game on the Wii U currently yet, and we hear the fans crying out for one. Project CARS provides a Forza or Gran Turismo-like experience for those gamers and it’ll be something to really show off what the system is capable of.
The Wii U obviously doesn't stand shoulder to shoulder with the XBone or PS4, so the target is 30fps @ 720p, using the "brush tire model" instead of the "seta tire model" that is currently under development. On the other hand, if you're wondering, it's not a "last gen" console either.
PS4 vs. PC for me, still on the fence. I think it's awesome that Wii is getting such support, although the poll may not represent the wider global audience of course. Wii $$$$$ could be huge and it will only add to the development budget for the second game which is good for everyone:cheers:
Already have the PC version, definitely going to add the PS4 version as well and possibly the Xbone version, if my brother ends up buying it, since my close friend is planning on getting pCars for the Xbone.
XB1 version first b/c I run in a couple leagues on that console anyways, so that's easiest. If some other buddies get it for PS4, I'll get it for that as well.
Anyone knows if there will be any game play differences between PS4 and PC? I think PC for me.
No, gameplay wise they'll be indentical.

I have no inside knowledge myself but I have heard the same before - and that's a good thing. But, in my opinion a racing sim, one that is open to modification, is one game type that can really benefit from running on a PC. Take Shift 2 for one example, I had it PS3, 360, then the PC and in this case the community made it a much better game. F1 2013 is another I had on console and PC. Taking a browse through the RaceDepartment or NoGrip Racing forums, to name a couple, it's amazing what the community can contribute to a racing sim (FFB/controller mods, interface tweaks (HUD, telemetry,...), skins, track objects, sounds, cameras/FOV, career options,...
There a many games well suited to consoles where the PC versions don't have any noticeable benefit; pCARS, AC, rFactor, F1 201x, will become much better on the PC. Its all about options/tweaking, making something good better. I do enjoy console gaming but it depends on the game.

My $.02
SMS have said that they have no intention of supporting mods in any way.
My bad then, I "assumed" as most PC racing sims did allow modding. Well, at least my other sims will. I also want to run triple screen, that alone will make up my mind.

EDIT: Or are you talking "official" modifications? I wonder how many of the past/present PC racing sims "allowed" mods or was the community working around the limitations on their own. I don't think SMS "officially" supported Shift 2 mods but there was quite a few by the community.
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Unless I've missed it, there has been no final decision on modding. There will be none on consoles of course, but otherwise it's still up in the air AFAIK. If anybody knows for sure (DG_Silva?), please give a link to the relevant WMD posting(s).
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Already have the PC version, definitely going to add the PS4 version as well and possibly the Xbone version, if my brother ends up buying it, since my close friend is planning on getting pCars for the Xbone.
May I ask why you want to do this? Online with console friends or are there other reasons?
Most likely PS4 as I'm gonna buy that console eventually & my PC just isn't decent enough to run it properly. It really depends on what wheels are supported. After my disappointment with the direction that GT went I'm really hoping that this will be something special.
Most likely PS4 as I'm gonna buy that console eventually & my PC just isn't decent enough to run it properly. It really depends on what wheels are supported. After my disappointment with the direction that GT went I'm really hoping that this will be something special.
There is a thread about The Crew and a guy went to the studio to test the game. He stated that the dev crew had every wheel that's been made in the studio for testing. So I don't think you will have much to worry about as far as wheel compatibility goes. Im sure all game devs that are producing racing games are doing the same.
There is a thread about The Crew and a guy went to the studio to test the game. He stated that the dev crew had every wheel that's been made in the studio for testing. So I don't think you will have much to worry about as far as wheel compatibility goes. Im sure all game devs that are producing racing games are doing the same.

Thanks for that man, I really hope you're right
PC , even though the PS4 is the sensible way to go, for the simple reason that plugging in an FFB wheel into a PC's USB port, grants far far far better immersion than consoles. Though, I could be wrong with lack of experience on the PS4 which is infact a PC anyhow. Coupled with the fact that Sony just unleashed Gamecapture in PS4 with recent firmware... hmm..

but this trailer on pCars I saw this morning, just made my heart wave goodbye to GranTurismo, though I did get my time worth and more with it. The level of detail, and everything that went into pCars what is becoming of that, is simply breathtaking. of course, I'll be my own critic, and I really do think Kaz must be holding his head in his arms as the clock ticks to November.