Thanks for confirming that about the seat and having added cushioning...
Shift 2 Early Audio Impression
Had a quick go with Shift 2 last night, The MAX setting for general audio has a major problem. The games intros and XP award/achievement screens have loads of bass while the ingame engines required me to really up the BASS on the amplifer. I set the General audio setting lower which seemed to helped with engine and other audio in the settings to MAX. So I was able to get decent tarmac and off track effects but the other cars seem to lack any real tactile when passing or in front.
Too early to judge, as only did a few quick races in the Focus ST.
Although it looks like in ways this will be better than GT5 audio/tactile but in other ways Shift 2 will be better than GT5. Both it seems will just have their good/bad factors.
Like many games the intro video just sends the Buttkicker crazy with it being far too loud. I wish PS3 had some form of audio normalizer, that balanced all audio output to a set level.
Cockpit Audio/Tactile
You can if you want compare this back to the old ideas on (Page 15)
Been doing some diagrams again of the speaker and tactile layouts. If counting all tactile, speakers and subs this looks like being:
21x Channels for the cockpit setup or if being more technical a 18.3 configuration. This is going to be a fun job working out all the wiring/cables not to mention the amount of power plugs for all the equipment. I dread to think how much electricty this will all use as well.
4x Left
4x Right
3x Centre
2x Left Surround
2x Right Surround
1x Back Surround (Mono)
1x Back Left Surround
1x Back Right Surround
3x LFE
To Give An Idea On Updated Layout:
I may have an issue like you jswilli that the Sony 1200ES may disable its own amplification when using PRE OUT.
So if thats the case then I may need to buy a 3rd Sony 1200ES. Using 2 for amplification and 1 only as a glorified 7.1 decoder.Then taking multiple connections from its PRE OUTS for the other amplifers to power the various tactile/subs and speakers. If doing this though I will not need to use the PS3 multi audio out feature. Importantly that allows me to keep the full 7.1 decoding to the highest quality rather than rely on using 5.1 upscaling via the amplifers DSP PL IIx.
From past experience it seems "Multichannel" inputs on amplifers do not allow any tuning of the sound, even bass or added DSP.
It seems to be just a direct to amplification "audible format" input of whatever the multichannel source is. Therefore the "Equalisation" or channels that will use EQ will do this between the "Multichannel Output of the original 7.1 from the PS3" and before the "Multichannel Input" of the seperate amplifers having the audio already adjusted/tweaked.
Additionally the Behringer EQs should allow me to split the "Low Sub Bass" for the L/C/R speaker channels. They include both standard and sub audio out. Im thinking this will let the smallish speakers I have act like satellite speakers and have their "midrange and low bass" go to the L/C/R subwoofers. It should give good control of the source audio sound and achieve a desired effect for each individual game if needed.
6x Behringer 3102 EQs are sitting waiting to be used.
Latest idea is to have every audio channel for the speakers having EQ control now, no compromise like before.
Also importantly control over the 3x TST209 Clarke Tactile units and the two Mini Buttkicker LFE under the seat for the L/R tactile.
This will ensure the Clarke 209s can balance with the speakers audio but give the desired tactile response and that the Mini LFE under the seat do not create too strong of an effect with some games which would be annoying as directly under my legs/knees.
6x Dual Channel Behringer EQs = 12 Inputs
7x Spk + 3x T209 + 2x Mini LFE = 12 Channels for EQ
Well Sorted!
If that doesnt quite seem like too much already.
Control of the LFE channel for the Dual 12" subs and the BKA 300 Buttkicker can be done via 2x Behringer Ultra Bass Pro - Sub Harmonic Processors.
Basically this means that the only audio/tactile components out of the 21x Channels that will not allow "User Set Control" will be the 3x L/C/R Aura Pro Tactile for the front of the cockpit.
Nothing too complicated then, lol.
Seems like a suitable plan, what you think lads?