PS3 General Discussion

If, and that's a massive "if", Namco decides to make AC6 an exclusive XB360 title, this would be all over the news, not limited to a suspicous looking article in Japan where XB360 users represent less than 5% of the entire XB360 user base.
True. Then again, the DMC4 news is probably stealing its thunder.

But anyway, I'll agree to disagree and wait until the AC6 website launches (and of course wait for it to be released ;)). 👍
And controlling Ace Combat on the DualShock 2 was so hard.
I have to partially side with Duck's sarcasm here, as I personally wouldn't even want to use the motion sensor to fly the plane. The joystick, like a real fighter plane control, gives much better control, IMO at least.

Now what could be an interesting added feature is the ability to use the SIXAXIS motion sensor to steer specific types of missiles and bombs to their targets! This way you can be steering both the plane and the missiles simultaneously... now that would be very nice! 👍

EDIT: Here's direct scans of the AC6 Famitsu article:
I'm sorry, but those pics look no better than AC5, which came out over two years ago... on the PS2 no less. They certainly do not look anything like what the PS3 is capable of doing, even an XB360 version should look a lot better than those pics.

Of course, this also shows how nice AC5 looked even back then, and on the PS2. AC4 & AC5 have really stood up to the test of time! I still go back and play them on occasions.

But anyway, I'll agree to disagree and wait until the AC6 website launches (and of course wait for it to be released ;))

I'm sure we will soon find out just how accurate the Famitsu article was, how accurate those that jumped to the conclusion that it was going to be an XB360 exclusive were, and whether or not those shots were in fact really from AC6. I'm guessing they all turn out to be less than accurate... but I’ll continue to wait until there is an official announcement.

It always has been. Tradition, I suppose.

Releasing AC6 on 360 in Japan would be dismal. There are just not enough to 360s to support a game like this. I don't see AC6 as a system seller either.
Now what could be an interesting added feature is the ability to use the SIXAXIS motion sensor to steer specific types of missiles and bombs to their targets! This way you can be steering both the plane and the missiles simultaneously... now that would be very nice! 👍
I hadn't thought of that, great idea. 👍

I'm sorry, but those pics look no better than AC5, which came out over two years ago... on the PS2 no less. They certainly do not look anything like what the PS3 is capable of doing, even an XB360 version should look a lot better than those pics.
Really? Even though the last AC I played was 4, the lighting looks better and the plane models look more detailed. :indiff:

Releasing AC6 on 360 in Japan would be dismal. There are just not enough to 360s to support a game like this. I don't see AC6 as a system seller either.
If the whole world was Japan, you'd have a point... but there's 10,000,000+ American and European X360 owners out there. And I'm sure a decent percentage of that want a good air combat game.
If the whole world was Japan, you'd have a point... but there's 10,000,000+ American and European X360 owners out there. And I'm sure a decent percentage of that want a good air combat game.

True, that's why I said Japan, period.
You can get $10 for the adapter, and $8 per memory card. Getting $18 is more valuable than having some memory cards sitting around collecting dust as "back ups" when you can do it easier (and cheaper) other ways.
I doubt if they want a memory card adaptor that they don't already have a memory card.
Viper Zero
It always has been. Tradition, I suppose.
So was Ridge Racer until 2000.
I dont see what the fuss is about with AC6 going to the 360 nore DMC for that matter, as long as the make the PS3 version first and do a really Sh**ty port for the 360 I will be happy. And im in total agreement that AC5 looked just as good as those supposed shots from AC6. At least we still have Shadow Of Colossos 2 dont we? :nervous:
I dont see what the fuss is about with AC6 going to the 360 nore DMC for that matter, as long as the make the PS3 version first and do a really Sh**ty port for the 360 I will be happy.
Fanboyism much?

They (Capcom) are using their own engine that's optimized for porting, plus both versions come out the same day.
Fanboyism much?

They (Capcom) are using their own engine that's optimized for porting, plus both versions come out the same day.

I tell you this wait has totally made me a fanboy, Im not usually like this I have played the 360 and love some of the games on it, but it just pains me to see ports from the 360 that have been badley done, EA games have been the main problem here. Dont get me wrong Ive not got anything against the 360, in fact im glad its there so the PS3 has some competition or I would be paying £800 for the ps3 and £80 per game.

TBH I havent played AC since the original and never played more than one level of DMC so im not too fussed, the big thing for me was the Resident evil franchise (love the games) other than that I dont think I have played any other capcom game in years.

BTW I am a fanboy of sorts because I love gaming who cares what platform as long as the games are good it should not matter. I dont own a 360 yet as im waiting for them to release one with the HDMI and built in HD-DVD player for bigger and better games.
BTW I am a fanboy of sorts because I love gaming who cares what platform as long as the games are good it should not matter. I dont own a 360 yet as im waiting for them to release one with the HDMI and built in HD-DVD player for bigger and better games.
Don't count on HD-DVD (I'll take DVD and cheaper costs over a failing format any day), but Microsoft will be releasing a 360 with HDMI and a 120GB HDD next month.
but Microsoft will be releasing a 360 with HDMI and a 120GB HDD next month.

They are? well, so this is their "real", "second edition", or "360+180" Xbox 360. I will be really pissed off if i am one of those 360 owners out there, especially if this thing cost the same Xbox 360.

Wtf, I am confused, so which one is Xbox 360?:crazy: :sly:


I posted a quote from PS3 forum earlier saying that we can play games while downloading, but this is what I got from IGN:

While you won't be able to play a game while downloads work in the background, you will be able to watch video, view images, listen to music and browse the web at the same time.

I don't know, may be we have to wait and see, it's only two days away anyway.:guilty:
They are? well, so this is their "real", "second edition", or "360+180" Xbox 360. I will be really pissed off if i am one of those 360 owners out there, especially if this thing cost the same Xbox 360.
It will cost $479.99 and be in limited quantities (like 100,000~). And it'll be black.
It will cost $479.99 and be in limited quantities (like 100,000~). And it'll be black.

I love it. MS gives you 6 times the hard drive space, a cooler running 360, and HDMI (and a cooler black casing) for $80....yet charges $50 for a 512MB Memory unit, and $99 for a 20GB HDD? Fricking hilarious.

Also, I'm confused, as SCEE says you can play games while downloading, yet others say you can't (SCEA).

Firmware Version 1.60 also delivers a more convenient process for downloading content to the PS3 from the PLAYSTATION Store. Up to 6 pieces of content from the PlayStation store can be queued up for download while the user enjoys other functions of the PS3 system, including playing games, browsing the web, using media functions including photo browsing, video and music playback. Progress of downloads can be easily tracked under a new Download Management menu under the XMB’s Network icon(2).
so the question is still left somewhat unanswered, as Duck pointed out, emulation has the advantage of possibly rendering the games in 1080i, so when this emulation become available will it also be available on ps3s with EE? I would like to have the option to play my older games with the option of 1080i on some of them.
I tell you this wait has totally made me a fanboy, Im not usually like this I have played the 360 and love some of the games on it, but it just pains me to see ports from the 360 that have been badley done, EA games have been the main problem here. Dont get me wrong Ive not got anything against the 360, in fact im glad its there so the PS3 has some competition or I would be paying £800 for the ps3 and £80 per game.

TBH I havent played AC since the original and never played more than one level of DMC so im not too fussed, the big thing for me was the Resident evil franchise (love the games) other than that I dont think I have played any other capcom game in years.

BTW I am a fanboy of sorts because I love gaming who cares what platform as long as the games are good it should not matter. I dont own a 360 yet as im waiting for them to release one with the HDMI and built in HD-DVD player for bigger and better games.

I kind of agree aswell, im not a super Sony fanboy but I do support the system and if more exclusives go to 360 then im worried about the end quality of the games because developers may take the easy route and make the 360 version first then port a rubbish one across to PS3 not taking full advantages of the hardware (which is its major selling point as supposedly a reasoning behind its price!)..... as Sprite pointed out EA seem to LOVE doing this! This then put doubts in peoples minds why they should be the more expensive console for the same games! most people buy on what games they like and they will see most on the 360 as on the ps3, its cheaper so they will take it..... another loss for sony...

Oh plus the endless bashing from 360 owners...

If MGS4 goes then man Sony is shooting themselves in the head....
(which is its [PS3's] major selling point as supposedly a reasoning behind its price!)
Supposedly? Cell Processor, Blu-ray, 60GB HDD, WiFi, HDMI 1.3, Card Reader, etc. these all cost money. The Blu-ray player alone was worth the price, as the CHEAPEST Blu-ray player when the PS3 came out was $1,000 - and even now, the cheapest Blu-ray player currently available sells for $500, (over $1,000 in the UK) and that's the less then impressive 1st gen Samsung player which doesn't perform nearly as well as the PS3 as a player.

..... as Sprite pointed out EA seem to LOVE doing this [dumbing down XB360 ports for the PS3]!
I agree, that if that's the case, then we would suffer. On the other hand, although he didn't mean to do it, Duck's screen shots showed that the PS3 version of Def Jam: Icon looks much better then the XB360 version:

Duck's Screenshot of XB360 Version

Duck's Screenshot of PS3 Version


So like I said then, if this is what people consider terrible ports for the PS3, then sign me up. I'll take higher contrast, better sharpness, less blooming, and more detail any day of the week. :)

I love it. MS gives you 6 times the hard drive space, a cooler running 360, and HDMI (and a cooler black casing) for $80....yet charges $50 for a 512MB Memory unit, and $99 for a 20GB HDD? Fricking hilarious.
It also uses a better DVD drive from Samsung as well.

What's worse for the current XB360 owners is that Microsoft could have, and should have released the XB360 from the beginning with a digital output, specifically HDMI.

However, even this version of the XB360 looks dubious as well. Anyone who thinks Microsoft isn't going to release a future version of the XB360 without support of high capacity games isn't paying attention to what is going on now in regards to game development, and is not aware that every year for the last ten years, games are coming out needing more and more disc space, and some have already surpassed the limits of SD DVD, as used in the XB360.
OK, so I'm now finally watching the LittleBigPlanet demos, and let me get something straight: you create levels, you share them, and you play levels others have created, right?
EDIT: Here's direct scans of the AC6 Famitsu article:
I'm sorry, but those pics look no better than AC5, which came out over two years ago... on the PS2 no less. They certainly do not look anything like what the PS3 is capable of doing, even an XB360 version should look a lot better than those pics.
Really? Even though the last AC I played was 4, the lighting looks better and the plane models look more detailed. :indiff:
Is this like when you said the PS3 version of Def Jam: Icon had worse lighting? ;)

I started a separate thread on Ace Combat 6 and posted more comparison shots there, but here are some examples that clearly show that not only does AC5, and frankly, even AC4 looks better then 'those' shots, more importantly, the shots in that article are clearly conceptual drawings, and could have come from any number of sources:








That was years ago for God's sake.
5 Days ago to be specific.. and you've yet to even admit that the lighting is clearly superior on the PS3, and no response to your comment regarding how you said the lighting looks better and the plane models look more detailed as seen in the AC6 "shots".

I suggest you take your own advice and quit making gross exaggerations yourself.
What gross exaggeration? Although I see you made yet another one just now... "years ago" ;)
I'm talking about Ace Combat 4, silly. ;)

Ace Combat 4 :

(click to enlarge)

Not in game of course, but neither are any of those shots that you think look better than AC4... a five year old game... made for the PS2.

However, anyone who's played both AC4 & AC5 knows that graphically they were very similar, as AC5 was limited to the graphic capability of the PS2.

One thing I'm confident of it that when AC6 comes out, it will look MUCH better than any of those "shots" in that article, and will look better than any Ace Combat game previosuly released.
I know you guys don't like 1up very much over here but they reviewed Oblivion for the PS3. Apparently it's pretty good. 👍

Hmm, the main reason they gave it a lower score than 360 version is because of the lack of access to Silvering Isles expansion pack? Didn't Bethesda say that they'll make this expansion pack available to all platforms? and did they 1up review 360 version with any access to silvering Isles? Man, 1Up is a bunch of MS fanboys:crazy:

In another news, ladies and Gentlemen, look like we have final conlusion about whether or not we'll ba able to play a game while downloading:

UPDATE: We've received word from Sony that you will indeed be able to play games while downloading content in the background. Similar to how downloads on the Xbox 360 works, you'll be able to play games offline while downloads work in the background, and if you hop online your queue will simply pause until you disconnect.
Hmm, the main reason they gave it a lower score than 360 version is because of the lack of access to Silvering Isles expansion pack? Didn't Bethesda say that they'll make this expansion pack available to all platforms? and did they 1up review 360 version with any access to silvering Isles? Man, 1Up is a bunch of MS fanboys:crazy:

Please actually read the reviews before making judgments. The PS3 version got a 9.5 (8.9 is the user rating). The X360 version got a 9.0 (9.1 user rating).
I didn't read it but did they mention the mandatory 4GB save file? It installs the game to the hdd to give it very fast load times.
I didn't read it but did they mention the mandatory 4GB save file? It installs the game to the hdd to give it very fast load times.
It doesn't mention this 4GB save file, but it does say it loads faster than the X360 version.