PS3 General Discussion

Since I'm bored and come upon news like a fly on poop, I'll post this:

North America and Japan lose PS2 Emotion Engine

Added on 16/03/2007.
Japanese and North American PS3 units will follow the changes in the European models announced last month. Starting this April or May, Sony will be shipping the revised PlayStation 3 version to Japan and North America.

This altered version loses the PlayStation 2 Emotion Engine, just like the new PlayStation 3s which will launch in Europe on March 23rd. All the emulation for PS2 titles will be done through software in the new PlayStation 3s.

On March 23rd, the PlayStation 3 in Europe will be able to play around 1,200 PlayStation 2 titles. Sony will update this number regularly through firmware updates.

A bonus for these revised PlayStation 3s is that they will be able to upscale selected PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 games to a 720p or 1080i resolution.

Sony has not released a finalised list of software-emulation compatible titles, but this should be available on March 23rd.

Now, I wonder if the 1.6 update will let you upscale games that are normally emulated...
I could care less about anything else. All I care about on my PS3 right now are:

1) Get me back my force feedback on wheels.

2) I want messeging in game. I could care less about anything else.

3) Some standard features? PLEASE? FRIENDS LIST IN GAME SONY.

That is all.
I could care less about anything else. All I care about on my PS3 right now are:

1) Get me back my force feedback on wheels.

2) I want messeging in game. I could care less about anything else.

3) Some standard features? PLEASE? FRIENDS LIST IN GAME SONY.

That is all.
110% agreed.
few questions...
what will blu ray movies display on my 720p/1080i tv right now?
will all this emulation stuff become available for all our EE ps3s as well so we can choose which one works out better?
and I was still wondering about the extra HDD I now have...
few questions...
what will blu ray movies display on my 720p/1080i tv right now?

If your TV does not support 1080p, Blu Ray movies will downscale to 1080i. If your TV doesn not support 1080i, it will go down to 480p.

will all this emulation stuff become available for all our EE ps3s as well so we can choose which one works out better?

I doubt it. Why would you want to use software emulation when you have the hardware built in?

and I was still wondering about the extra HDD I now have...

Install it in your PS3?
Anyone picking up any new games this week. I may get Oblivon and Virtua Tennis 3?
You just pulled a TVR_Fan. :lol:

In all seriousness, I'm really not getting anything soon (except for Calling All Cars). Virtua Tennis 3 on the PS3 lacks online play (unlike the 360 version), and if I was interested in Oblivion I'd get it on the 360 as well for the Shivering Isles expansion. :indiff:

June 12th can't come soon enough.
EDIT: Ace Combat 6 has now lost exclusivity as well:
While certainly not unexpected, a lot of people in that link are jumping to a lot of conclusions based on very little information.

I'm particularly confused over all the comments about how "awesome" it looks based on those pics. They look only marginally better than Ace Combat 4... which came out over five years ago. Maybe they have never played Ace Combat before. :)

Some are even suggesting that AC6 is going to be exclusive to XB360.... "Allllrighty then." ;)

More evidence not to believe everything you read on the internet from anonymous sources.

All I know is that I have been a big fan of this series since AC3 and have been patiently waiting for details on AC6. If rumors are true, Namco will unveil the official website in less than a week.
..... I dont play my 360 much at all and if you've noticed I'm almost never online. And Oblivion allows me to play it without takin my pc with me or worring about crashes. I have Gears of War but I think i just made it to the end of act 1 :D. No 360 game plans in the future(Not even Forza2) as multiplatorm games go to PS3 since I have dedicated myself to it(or rather paid for it). Plus I think my 360 is dying, the disc drive wont open all the way and it gives me a dirty disc msg when the same disc's been in there for 2 months. Plus the dead batteries annoy me when i cant even play the thing until i recharge em.

Edit: I may also get Test Drive for PSP.
I hope Sony don't allow people with US and Asian PS3's to get the free Casino Royale, which is aimed at the European PS3 network, which is meant for people with European PS3's.

You just pulled a TVR_Fan. :lol:

In all seriousness, I'm really not getting anything soon (except for Calling All Cars). Virtua Tennis 3 on the PS3 lacks online play (unlike the 360 version), and if I was interested in Oblivion I'd get it on the 360 as well for the Shivering Isles expansion. :indiff:

June 12th can't come soon enough.
Beg you pardon, he does not seem to be acting like me. However the only way he can act like me is if he unlocked the TVR&FF code.
I hope Sony don't allow people with US and Asian PS3's to get the free Casino Royale, which is aimed at the European PS3 network, which is meant for people with European PS3's.

Beg you pardon, he does not seem to be acting like me. However the only way he can act like me is if he unlocked the TVR&FF code.
I already bought mine last week, and enjoying the heck out of it, so you don't have to worry about me. :)
While certainly not unexpected, a lot of people in that link are jumping to a lot of conclusions based on very little information.
This is Famitsu we're talking about, not some no-name blog.

Some are even suggesting that AC6 is going to be exclusive to XB360.... "Allllrighty then." ;)
Well, when you don't see any mention of the PS3 version you have to wonder...

Nonetheless, playing online to Top Gun-like music will be awesome. 👍
Looks like there's isn't much you can do while downloading stuff from PSN:

Firmware Version 1.60 also delivers a more convenient process for downloading content to the PS3 from the PLAYSTATION Store. Up to 6 pieces of content from the PlayStation store can be queued up for download while the user enjoys other functions of the PS3 system, including playing games, browsing the web, using media functions including photo browsing, video and music playback. Progress of downloads can be easily tracked under a new Download Management menu under the XMB’s Network icon(2).
This is Famitsu we're talking about, not some no-name blog.
The National Enquirer has a well known name to, doesn’t mean you should believe what they say, especially from anonymous posts with no said affiliation with Namco.

Well, when you don't see any mention of the PS3 version you have to wonder...
And who wrote that article and cut and pasted the screen shots? Again, a lot of jumping to conclusions based on very little information.

I also find it rather peculiar that this "article" is only coming from Japan... where XB360 consoles & games have barely made a dent in the marketplace. It certainly looks suspicious. Regardless, the notion that Namco would make Ace Combat an exclusive XB360 title sort of makes the whole thing appear dubious at best.

Nonetheless, playing online to Top Gun-like music will be awesome. 👍
Agreed... well at least the first part. I'm not a big fan of background music while playing games. I always turn them off in the menu settings. Even if I did like having music in the background, I am also not a fan of Kenny Loggins' music. :)
The National Enquirer has a well known name to, doesn’t mean you should believe what they say, especially from anonymous posts with no said affiliation with Namco.

And who wrote that article and cut and pasted the screen shots? Again, a lot of jumping to conclusions based on very little information.
Umm, Famitsu.

I also find it rather peculiar that this "article" is only coming from japan... where XB360 consoles & games have barely made a dent in the marketplace. It certainly looks suspicious. Regardless, the notion that Namco would make Ace Combat an exclusive XB360 title sort of makes the whole thing appear dubious at best.
I'm not talking about AC6 being 360 exclusive. I'm talking about it being on the 360 in general.

Besides, making it multiplatform makes perfect sense. You increase your userbase from 2 million to 12 million.

...However, I wouldn't be surprised if MS threw in some money to make it X360 exclusive.

Agreed... well at least the first part. I'm not a big fan of background music while playing games. I always turn them off in the menu settings. Even if I did like having music in the background, I am also not a fan of Kenny Loggins' music. :)

Meh. :lol:
Umm, Famitsu.
Ummm, Famitsu is the publisher. Who wrote the article and pasted the "screen shots"? Oh, and Famitsu is not exactly the publisher of all things truthful and factual. Tons of speculation being fed to eager readers from those even more eager to be the first to break a story… even when it turns out it was largely fabricated.

I'm not talking about AC6 being 360 exclusive. I'm talking about it being on the 360 in general.
and yet you were quick to point out that no where did it say PS3 (making the article all the more suspicious), and then you go on to say "I wouldn't be surprised if MS threw in some money to make it X360 exclusive"... sounds like you are talking about it possibly being a 360 exclusive. :)

Regardless, I never even said it was your notion that it would be an excusive title; I was referring to the article and some of the published reaction of others to it.

Besides, making it multiplatform makes perfect sense. You increase your userbase from 2 million to 12 million.
Couldn't agree with you more... but then why is this "story" only in Japan… where instead of 10 million XB360 users, they have less than half a million users. I know, I know, it’s a Japanese developer, but no where in that "article" is there any indication this "news" is from anyone at Namco.

If, and that's a massive "if", Namco decides to make AC6 an exclusive XB360 title, this would be all over the news, not limited to a suspicous looking article in Japan where XB360 users represent less than 5% of the entire XB360 user base.