Ummm, Famitsu is the publisher. Who wrote the article and pasted the "screen shots"? Oh, and Famitsu is not exactly the publisher of all things truthful and factual. Tons of speculation being fed to eager readers from those even more eager to be the first to break a story… even when it turns out it was largely fabricated.
I'm not talking about AC6 being 360 exclusive. I'm talking about it being on the 360 in general.
and yet you were quick to point out that no where did it say PS3
(making the article all the more suspicious), and then you go on to say
"I wouldn't be surprised if MS threw in some money to make it X360 exclusive"... sounds like you are talking about it possibly being a 360 exclusive.
Regardless, I never even said it was your notion that it would be an excusive title; I was referring to the article and some of the published reaction of others to it.
Besides, making it multiplatform makes perfect sense. You increase your userbase from 2 million to 12 million.
Couldn't agree with you more... but then why is this "story" only in Japan… where instead of 10 million XB360 users, they have less than half a million users. I know, I know, it’s a Japanese developer, but no where in that "article" is there any indication this "news" is from anyone at Namco.
If, and that's a massive "if", Namco decides to make AC6 an exclusive XB360 title, this would be all over the news, not limited to a suspicous looking article in Japan where XB360 users represent less than 5% of the entire XB360 user base.