I probably should have mentioned that I recently purchased a PS3. It was sometime last week. I traded in my 360, PS2, and all that went with them. I was tired of having to worry about the 360 constantly going KABLAMO. It does not have to deal with the customer support or swiftness of service, as both times I sent my 360 in, both were very, very good. It also did not have to do with the gaming experience, as the gaming was great on the 360. I just did not feel like having to ship my 360 off every three to six months.
I traded in the 360, PS2, and all the accessories and games I have for both, save GT4, MGS2, and MGS3, and got $440 of trade-in value for it all at GameStop. It also helped that I knew one of the workers there and him giving me a couple coupons to help my trade-in value.
Oh what a year makes... you'll have to submit an epitaph to your
X360 thread.
I am sorry to hear about your problems with your X360, but I think you'll really enjoy your PS3. 👍
Sony still has a ways to go to exceed the XBL experience, but they are certainly moving in the right direction, and in some ways, like how you pay for things, and of course the fact that the service is free for everyone, already exceeds those elements of XBL. 👍
Also, while it is true that in XBL it is very easy and quick to join your friends in a game, if you know what to do, it can also be relatively easy and quick to do the same in PSN.
For instance, when ever you are logged in, it will show you a list of all your friends. At the top of the list will be the friends that are also currently logged in. It will also tell you if your friends are currently playing a game or running F@H. If they are running F@H then you'll know they are not actually available. For those that show they are online but have no activity listed under them, then they could be browsing, chatting, shopping, or may have simply left and forgot to turn off their PS3.
However, if you want to quickly start a game with friends and that particular game doesn't have a "Send Invite to Play Game" feature built-in, all you have to do is send them an IM through the PS3 and ask them if they are interested in a game. Unless they have turned off the "Message Alert" option, they will be alerted of your IM even during a game. Once you have your "crew" you can all meet in a decided upon "room". One person can then create the game and invite only those you all wish to play with you.
While I was at it, I traded in some books and DVDs to Hastings and got a little over $100 for them. With that, I bought RFoM, F1:CE, and a memory card adapter. Now I need to take the PS2 memory card and memory card adapter and trade them in and get whatever I can for them.
Finally, I just need to think of a PSN-ID so I can start gaming with everyone and downloading stuff of the PSN.
I tried out RFOM, and while it looks impressive, it just isn't my kind of game, but who knows one of these days I may just have to give it a shot. I'm certainly not board of the games I currently have so it may be a while.
F1:CE on the other hand I simply cannot recommend enough! Brilliant choice on a brilliant game! 👍👍
Finally, I just need to think of a PSN-ID so I can start gaming with everyone and downloading stuff of the PSN.
Well it says you like Golf in your profile and you obviously like speed and "driving"
so how about: