PS3 General Discussion

That would be why I bought Q-Bert, Twisted Metal 2, and Lemmings from the PSN and why GT4 sits beside my Warhawk disc unshelved for easy access?

I think the importantce of BC is purely based on the individual. For some people space is limited, or wives/parents play a factor in having multiple systems stacking up.

Wait, so if i bought a game for my 40gb on the PSN, like Crash Bandicoot, i couldn't play it? I thought the no-backwards-compatibility deal only applied to discs. D:
Wait, so if i bought a game for my 40gb on the PSN, like Crash Bandicoot, i couldn't play it? I thought the no-backwards-compatibility deal only applied to discs. D:

No, those work. I was just pointing out that if backwards compatibility didn't matter old games wouldn't be selling on XBL and PSN.

It also brings up a question about why backwards compatibility is suddenly not an interest to any of the big three consoles, but they are offering up downloadable old games for a price. Is backwards compatibility old hat now or is it preventing getting money on old games again and again?
I noticed the L and R 2 buttons are very slippery.
Am i the only one who thinks this?

I tried out motorstorm and slipped off the r2 button once or twice.

That's probably because instead of curving in it curves out.

I wish I could use the 360 controller for the PS3. After getting used to that the left analog stick feels awkward. I'll probably use the d-pad for GT5.
Do we have a guide anywhere around here for that [replacing HDD]? I'm aware that the physical steps are covered in the manual - just as the physical steps for LANing GT4 are in its manual - but I'd like to see some tips'n'tricks from people who've already done it.

I've heard tell that some 2.5" SATA drives are physically too big (tall) to fit the PS3. Is this true and, assuming it to be so, what's the maximum dimensions of a drive to fit the bay?
As far as I have heard, and have seen, all 2.5" SATA drives will fit just fine in the PS3, as I believe they have to follow a strict industry standard.

Now I have heard different opinions as to the ideal choice in terms of RPMs. Some say the higher RPM drives might cause to much heat, and offer no significant performance advantage. I decided to pay it safe and just use a 5400RPM drive.

With what would people recommend backing up the existing PS3 drive?

HERE is a detailed post I made with links and info on using the PS3 backup Utility, my experience with backing up and restoring the data from the old HDD to the new one, as well as using external USB hard drives, advantages & disadvantages.

I used an external 2½" 80Gb USB2 harddrive for backup. Works like a charm...

Only thing is, it needs to be formatted with Fat32 - And XP / Vista doesn't really want to do that to something bigger than 32Gb.. So I found a small app called - Tadaaaaa - Fat32Format, which will basically Fat32 anything...
Interesting. I have heard people having problems with Vista and formatting, but I use XP and I have not had any problems so far formatting a large hard drive for FAT32, and the two back-up files I made for my PS3 were both over 40 GB (42GB & 47GB)

Also, you'll find many popular drives, like many of Western Digital's My Book series of drives come pre-formatted for FAT32.

Any way, Famine, hope these links help answer some of your questions. 👍
I'd really like to see some reviews on this product! It would be great for those first person shooters, in my opinion.

That won't work because the analog control is a direction input, whereas a mouse is a position input.

When you move the mouse, it will only go in the direction you pushed it as fast as the analog stick would.

That would work actually - And probably quite well.. Using your left thumb to move around and using your right for aiming as you would on the PC. I can not, emphasize, NOT, figure out how to aim with a thumbstick, which is the sole reason I've only played R:FoM for around 30 minutes.

Of course, the "thing" will most likely only be worth the money in FPS'..
I'd really like to see some reviews on this product! It would be great for those first person shooters, in my opinion.

Ask an ye shall receive :

IGN Review


IGN Hands on Review

on the Fragchuck positioned just above the two relocated L1 and L2 shoulder buttons. Dubbed the Flash or Frag button, when depressed it progressively desensitizes the mouse in accordance with the button's degree of depression. We immediately understood its usefulness for taking quick aim with the mouse at full speed and then slowing the movement down to put someone's forehead right in the crosshairs and hold it there.
I have GOT to me one of those...
No, those work. I was just pointing out that if backwards compatibility didn't matter old games wouldn't be selling on XBL and PSN.

It also brings up a question about why backwards compatibility is suddenly not an interest to any of the big three consoles, but they are offering up downloadable old games for a price. Is backwards compatibility old hat now or is it preventing getting money on old games again and again?

I'm pretty sure it's an interest to Nintendo and Microsoft...the Wii is fully backwards compatible with Gamecube games, and the 360 is being updated periodically and is backwards compatible with most the Xbox's games.

Hmm I didn't know swapping out the PS3 HDD was actually supported by Sony, that is a big plus in my books...if only the 40gb had backwards compatibility. :(
Playstation UK magazine gave away these trigger caps a few months ago to help make them easier to use... don't know if you can get them now though..


I personally haven't had any problems the way they are stock.

I'm pretty sure it's an interest to Nintendo and Microsoft...the Wii is fully backwards compatible with Gamecube games, and the 360 is being updated periodically and is backwards compatible with most the Xbox's games.
Yet they both are also selling other older games online. Since the 360 just started this with XBox games I do have to wonder how much BC support in updates will continue down the road. As for VC games on the Wii, they are all overpriced and many of the non-Nintendo games can be bought in collections, making each game only a fraction of the cost.

Actually, I am hoping that the lack of BC on the 40gb model will mean PS2 games being made available for download as there are some I would like but are hard to find sometimes. Or in the case of the older lightgun games, like Time Crisis, have them redesigned to work with the Guncon 3, since the Guncon 1 and 2 don't work with many HD and projection screens.

By the way, reading the review on that mouse controller combo makes em want one. If anyone gets one let me know if it is worth it. And if it works in Warhawk.
Yet they both are also selling other older games online. Since the 360 just started this with XBox games I do have to wonder how much BC support in updates will continue down the road. As for VC games on the Wii, they are all overpriced and many of the non-Nintendo games can be bought in collections, making each game only a fraction of the cost.

Oh I think I misunderstood your original post, I thought you meant backwards compatible as in with the previous system. I was talking about how you can play your old physical gamecube games in the Wii and (most of) your Xbox games in the 360 - and not having to repurchase them.
That would be why I bought Q-Bert, Twisted Metal 2, and Lemmings from the PSN and why GT4 sits beside my Warhawk disc unshelved for easy access?

I think the importance of BC is purely based on the individual. For some people space is limited, or wives/parents play a factor in having multiple systems stacking up.

Agreed, backwards compatibility has always been important to me, I can't have two or three systems lying around to play the older games that I still play very frequently, and since buying the PS3 I have been buying ps1 and ps2 games like crazy and make use of them frequently
Oh I think I misunderstood your original post, I thought you meant backwards compatible as in with the previous system. I was talking about how you can play your old physical gamecube games in the Wii and (most of) your Xbox games in the 360 - and not having to repurchase them.
Well, I give Nintendo some leeway as past systems were cartridge based, but for people who still have old games from past systems the VC is just a case of reaming us for money.

As I said, with Microsoft going into the downloadable XBox games I wonder if their BC support will be ending or if we will see a future system with no BC available.

And when I talk about BC I do refer to as far back as you can go, as for me the PS3 playing both PS1 and PS2 games is a big deal. I still own games from both systems.

I am curious about the 40gb, is it missing a laser necessary to read PS2 games, or just the emulation software/EE chipset? Could a download of the software emulator be available for purchase to allow 40gb owners to upgrade if they so choose? That way people can buy the cheaper model and then put up the extra cost themselves if they want BC. As I said, I don't know if it is possible, but that would be a nice option to offer for people who get a 40gb as a gift or something and then they can fork up the additional cost, like buying an extra controller or memory card.

Agreed, backwards compatibility has always been important to me, I can't have two or three systems lying around to play the older games that I still play very frequently, and since buying the PS3 I have been buying ps1 and ps2 games like crazy and make use of them frequently
Enjoying RE2 are we? I see you offline a lot lately and I assumed it was because you were putting a lot of time into that.
Darn, turns out the 40 gig can play PS1 games, but here i was all excited that PS2 games would work too and i had some magic PS3... :lol:
I am curious about the 40gb, is it missing a laser necessary to read PS2 games, or just the emulation software/EE chipset? Could a download of the software emulator be available for purchase to allow 40gb owners to upgrade if they so choose? That way people can buy the cheaper model and then put up the extra cost themselves if they want BC. As I said, I don't know if it is possible, but that would be a nice option to offer for people who get a 40gb as a gift or something and then they can fork up the additional cost, like buying an extra controller or memory card.

The original PS3s had the EE+GS from the slim PS2. The 80GB PS3s did not have the Emotion Engine and relied on software emulation. The new 40GB has neither. To rely on emulation for both the Emotion Engine and the Graphic Synthesizer is just not cost effective for Sony. I'm sure it's possible to emulate PS2 games on PS3 just on software, but Sony needs to worry about PS3 games, not PS2 games.
I'm sure it's possible to emulate PS2 games on PS3 just on software, but Sony needs to worry about PS3 games, not PS2 games.
I have a feeling that as long as the PS2 and its games sell well and have support Sony will disagree.

I agree that I would love to see more/all effort concentrated on my current system, but as they aren't doing that yet and as most gamers don't scour gaming blogs and news sites and may not realize their affordable 40 gb PS3 has no BC (or it was gifted to them) then I thought this could be an option, much like the PS2 HD system file.

Did the 80gb still have the GS from the PS2? If not they already have the software, they just need to put it online in an install file.

If so, I wonder if we may not start seeing occasional PS2 games for download, like PS1 games are now. I doubt we would see any dual layer DVD games, but any thing up to 2.5gb would not be an unreasonable download size. It would be really sweet if they could make them PSP compatible as well. I think this will be determined by how successful Microsoft's XBox downloads are, especially considering that all of the 360's still have BC and it would now make more sense for Sony to try it than it does Microsoft.

Not that I am saying I demand they do it or even think they should. As I said, I would prefer to see more focus on my PS3, especially as it seems to be difficult to program for (or devs are whiners, one of the two) and production times are taking longer on games that fully utilize the BD format.

Since I have a 60gb none of this affects me as if I really want a PS2 game I can just go find it used for about $10. And if I really want to put PS2 games on my PSP (trying to buy one today) I can just mod it or whatever it takes.

I'm just speculating on what Sony could do for gamers who inadvertently wind up with no BC when they do want it. As I said, it has almost no effect on me.

That said, I would be all over updating certain games that previously used PS2 peripherals to work with PS3 peripherals. GH2 and the Time Crisis games come to mind.
You know, was just browsing the net and I came across the Getaway PS3 trailer, for some odd reason I have never seen it and boy does it look amazing, what ever happened to this game? Is Studio London Team Soho quietly working on it or are they waiting for IV to release to see how to better it?

Heres the vid.. amazing atmospheric sounds and graphics...

You know, was just browsing the net and I came across the Getaway PS3 trailer, for some odd reason I have never seen it and boy does it look amazing, what ever happened to this game? Is Studio London Team Soho quietly working on it or are they waiting to IV to release to see how to better it?
Good question, last I heard The Getaway 3 was expected to come out in 2008, so it seems it will come out after GTA4.

Heres the vid.. amazing atmospheric sounds and graphics...
In case anyone is interested, HERE is the original trailer in HD.

Also, Sony used footage from this game to show off their latest "Edge" development tools for the PS3 at this year's GDC. Click HERE to watch part of the video demonstration.
Have any of you maxed out your Playstation network friends list yet, why have Sony decided that 50 friends is enough?
Have any of you maxed out your Playstation network friends list yet, why have Sony decided that 50 friends is enough?

I dunno, but i am pissed you stole my avatar on there. I CLEARLY had the little pixel car first.