PS3 General Discussion

Wow $50 for something that vibrates seems pretty expensive. I think I'll just keep the controller that came with the system which works fine. Although the battery life seems to be rather shorter then it should be but the might just be my controller.
Wow $50 for something that vibrates seems pretty expensive. I think I'll just keep the controller that came with the system which works fine. Although the battery life seems to be rather shorter then it should be but the might just be my controller.

if you can live without vibrate then I would just wait until you feel you need more controllers or until one of yours starts having problems.
Ya I think I can live without it, I never really cared one way or the other if it shook. The only thing I don't like about the controllers is the L2 and R2 buttons, although I remember someone posting caps for them that made them feel better. I still need to track those down.
The vibrating can be handy sometimes *COUGH*

bought a second sixasis today, DS3 is coming in 1,5/2 months in europe the store said.
All the DS3 does is vibrate right? Anything else?
Not sure if you meant this, but it does still use motion controls as well.

The only other thing I noticed was that the buttons seem a bit more solid and there is a bit more resistance in the analog sticks, or I just managed to loosen my Sixaxis up a bit.

Most noticeable on mine is that L3 and R3 give a definite responsive click when pushed that absolutely cannot be confused with anything else. It also makes it so that if you do it accidentally you are aware, where on the Sixaxis I know I have accidentally hit L3 while playing Warhawk and not noticed until someone commented on me leaving my mic open.

It seems like such a small thing, but when I felt and heard that click I immediately thought how much better that was.

But in general it is not worth replacing all your controllers with, but if you want at least one, so that games like Resistance or Warhawk give you a definite feedback when you get shot, it is a definite good new controller.

I was actually wanting to get a total of four controllers from the start and held off until the DS3 came out. I now have three and will get a fourth (second DS3) down the road.

As a note: when I got mine at Wal*Mart they were selling them for the same price as the Sixaxis. Also, if you prefer the Sixaxis get them now as they are discontinuing them.
Well I own three Sixaxis controllers and am thinking about trading all three of them in for a Dual Shock 3. 💡 Maybe I should just trade two of them in and keep one.
How much do you usually get for a Sixaxis on a trade-in?
At this point.......not much.

I don't see the trade-in value on a feature-less peripheral that has been discontinued being too high, especially as the vibration can be turned off on the DS3 for those very, very, very, very few that don't like it at all.
There really is not much trade in value for a feature-less peripheral at this point; but being that I rarely use two controllers on my PS3, having three controllers is somewhat silly. So I think trading two of them in for a Dual Shock 3 is definitely worth whatever little value they hold. I may also decide to go ahead and pick up GT5P, since I have not done that yet. I am also trying to decide if I want to keep GT4 and Assassin's Creed.
I traded in almost all my games except CoD and UT3 (even managed to sneak past selling GameStop the "Not for resale" copy of Motorstorm i had ;)), and bought GTA IV with a DS3 for $40. Not bad.
My how times have turned. It seems like just a year ago that the PS3 was holding up multiplatform games.

Nice to see developers getting used to using it are saying the opposite now.

Sony fanboys looking for absolute proof that their system is technically superior to the Xbox 360 got a boost recently when Terminal Reality president Mark Randel told that a PS3-exclusive version of the developer's Ghostbusters game would be more technically impressive than the version being tuned to work on both systems. "If we made a PS3-only game, for example, you could double the amount of objects on screen that you're seeing," Randel told the site at a Sierra event last week. "The PlayStation 3 has seven processors and the 360 only has three, so seven versus three means you can do a lot more on the PS3."

Of course, Microsoft fanboys with a conspiratorial bent are likely to pick up on Randel's casual mention that "Ghostbusters is the property of Sony Pictures." Sure, it's possible that Randel is just badmouthing the competition to get in good with the rights-holder on his current game. Just as it is also technically possible that the 3DO will suddenly make a huge comeback this year ...
Its good to see the PS3 getting good rep now considering the technology thats in the machine... even with GTAIV Rockstar officially said the 360 held them back and that the PS3 version was slightly better. If the game was PS3 exclusive can you imagine what they could have done with it!

I wish MS would get another xbox out so the PS3 doesnt get held back again with future multiplatform releases..

That's all well and good but a game can only be so big and get out in a decent amount of time. It's like the GT series, we all know GT5 is probably going to be amazing but I think many of us are starting to get sick of waiting, even with Prologue sort of taking the edge off. I'd rather have slightly smaller games with great story lines that takes two years to develop rather than a a massive game that takes 6.
Its good to see the PS3 getting good rep now considering the technology thats in the machine... even with GTAIV Rockstar officially said the 360 held them back and that the PS3 version was slightly better. If the game was PS3 exclusive can you imagine what they could have done with it!
The thing with GTA4 is that some Website that runs anal-retentive tests (like counting pixels) found the PS3 version runs at 640p, not 720p like the 360 version.

Small niggle, but someone could give that as a reason.
I wish MS would get another xbox out so the PS3 doesnt get held back again with future multiplatform releases..


I don't. The people I know with 360's at school brag enough as it is, and still think that their console is the better, admitidly the console is good but I don't know if I would say its the best out the 2. If a new one came around now I'd get so much stick, I know other people as well that would simply because no-one sees the PS3 as being the coolest.

It's kind of complicated to explain.
Sadly, I think the controller is what keeps me on a 360, but M$'s hardware is garbage... absolute garbage. The games I'd play (for the most part) are on the PS3 too.
Funnily enough, I'm happening to have an argument with a 360 owner on MSN now, if it wasn't for the increasing amount of swear words involved I would post it here.....
Why argue about it? As I've said numerous times both systems have their strong points and their weak ones.
Why argue about it? As I've said numerous times both systems have their strong points and their weak ones.

I agree, and I think that the 360 can be fun. However, this certain person doesn't seem to see any good sides in the PS3....It's somewhat annoying.
Funnily enough, I'm happening to have an argument with a 360 owner on MSN now, if it wasn't for the increasing amount of swear words involved I would post it here.....
Sounds like a typical Halo Online player.

I agree, and I think that the 360 can be fun. However, this certain person doesn't seem to see any good sides in the PS3....It's somewhat annoying.
Does he work for GameStop? Sounds just like the manager at my local GS.

Yeah, I have been sucked into a fanboy debate by a videogame store employee. :guilty:
Sounds like a typical Halo Online player.

Does he work for GameStop? Sounds just like the manager at my local GS.

Yeah, I have been sucked into a fanboy debate by a videogame store employee. :guilty:

That same thing happened me when I was actually buying my PS3, the man selling me it was telling me I should buy an XBox360 because there was no real future for Blu-Ray discs!!!! :dunce: That was at the end of last October.
Thing is I hate doing these "fanboy" debates as it then makes you the thing that you hate with the 360 owners which happen to be "fanboyish". I just wish 360 owners and PS3 owners could get along....
That same thing happened me when I was actually buying my PS3, the man selling me it was telling me I should buy an XBox360 because there was no real future for Blu-Ray discs!!!! :dunce: That was at the end of last October.

Funny how stores like Woolworths dropped HDDVD and now have guys in shirts saying in huge letters: 'ask me about blu-ray'... :sly:
That's all well and good but a game can only be so big and get out in a decent amount of time. It's like the GT series, we all know GT5 is probably going to be amazing but I think many of us are starting to get sick of waiting, even with Prologue sort of taking the edge off. I'd rather have slightly smaller games with great story lines that takes two years to develop rather than a a massive game that takes 6.

I agree, some small relatively short games have brought just as much enjoyment... something like COD4 with a sort story still bowled me over. On the Rockstar side of things LCS and VCS which im both still working through offer great enjoyment and they are very small games which they didn't spend ages dev'ing.... it really is all down to the gameplay and story / content.

The thing with GTA4 is that some Website that runs anal-retentive tests (like counting pixels) found the PS3 version runs at 640p, not 720p like the 360 version.

Small niggle, but someone could give that as a reason.

Yeah that it pathetic... I will make a judgment by what I see at face value. If it looks good on the screen Il be happy... im still in SD so it wont make any difference anyway :sly:

I don't. The people I know with 360's at school brag enough as it is, and still think that their console is the better, admitidly the console is good but I don't know if I would say its the best out the 2. If a new one came around now I'd get so much stick, I know other people as well that would simply because no-one sees the PS3 as being the coolest.

It's kind of complicated to explain.

Yeah, I do get what your saying.... xbox fans seem to be the worst because they are constantly ramming down your throat how it is in every way better than everything else on earth!

Maybe they are insecure that it may not be as technically amazing so they are always having to 'big it up'.... this doesn't mean that its a bad console, its just that somtimes 360 owners go totally overboard! If there were a new console to come out it would be PS2 - Xbox all over again! :ouch:

Well I traded my three Sixaxis controllers in today and got a Dual Shock 3. I had no real need for three Sixaxis controllers and as of late, no need for two Sixaxis controllers.