PS3 General Discussion

Yeah, I do get what your saying.... xbox fans seem to be the worst because they are constantly ramming down your throat how it is in every way better than everything else on earth!

Sony fans do way more of this in my opinion. I could care less if it's got got some super processor or whatever, if the console specific games can't cut the mustard their isn't much to it. I really don't see me being wowed by a PS3 game until GT5 actually comes out. As I've said though, I'm sure there are people out there that love the game selection and that is fine by me.

And don't get me wrong, I love some of the things that I can do with the PS3 that the 360 can't do. I've said numerous times that Blu-Ray movies are amazing and I really like knowing that I can update that part of the system as new technology comes out. I also think that things look better on the PS3 over the 360, I'm really curious to see Mass Effect. And the console charging controllers are better then the 360's battery ones. I don't hate the PS3 as I've been accused of through PM's and other means, I actually have more games for it right now then the Xbox (5 PS3 games to 3 360 games).
If you hated ps3, Im sure you wouldnt waste time in this section of GTP...

Just a thought, I to like both consoles, but the ps3 was for me, for future release's like GT5 etc. and blu-ray movies. Only game i miss that i would like is Gears of War, but its still a way unbalanced argument for me to the ps3 with MGS4, FF13 and so on. Game I want not games I demand you to believe are brilliant to any Xbox fans.
I dont really care if the PS3 version has a few less lines of resolution, it still looks and runs well and its as fun as anything I've played all year.
I've been considering purchasing a PS3 in the near future due to a few very appealing titles being released/just on the horizon (GTAIV, GT5:P, MGS4 etc).
Anyhow, all my home theatre equipment is silver, and so I've been looking into importing a Satin Silver PS3 from Japan. Could you guys help me out with some of the Pros and Cons of doing that? Google turns up very little for stuff like this.
From what I can see, the pros include:
Price: $550 to import a silver PS3 console here including shipping. $700 if I were to go to the shop right now and buy a piano black one off the shelf.
Colour: It matches. :)
Games: Region free, so no trouble playing local games.

The cons I can see are:
Region coding: Won't be able to play PAL DVDs and PS2 games. However, its unlikely that I'd ever play a regular DVD on it anyway, I have a perfectly good 1080p HDMI-upscaling DVD player here already. And the 40gb model doesn't play PS2 games anyway.
Bluray: It won't play region-encoded Bluray Movies? So chances are I wouldn't be able to go down to the store and hire a couple of blurays as they wouldn't work. The upside as a result of this, though is that I'd be able to import Bluray movies from America and Japan for considerably cheaper than you could buy them in Australia. I have heard though that quite a few Bluray movies are not region coded?
Also, I imagine that I'd get a standalone Bluray player sometime in the next year or so anyway.
Updates: I read something about console firmware updates and imported PS3 difficulties? Does this mean I'd have to get all the console firmware updates from the Japanese PS store? I don't really have much knowledge about this at all, so could someone fill me in a bit on this?
Warranty?: If something were to go wrong with it, would I have any warranty?
If somebody could help me out a bit here it'd be much appreciated.

Ohh, and a quick question.. is there much chance of a silver PS3 being released locally in the future? It'd save me a bit of energy if it was. :D
Anyhow, all my home theatre equipment is silver, and so I've been looking into importing a Satin Silver PS3 from Japan. Could you guys help me out with some of the Pros and Cons of doing that?
Check out this thread:

Don't Like the Piano Black Finish on the PS3... check these out!

I've been very tempted to send in my PS3 for a custom case and custom controllers, but I haven't done it yet. I was waiting on the DS3... and I don't relish being without the PS3 for that long.

Amazingly, I just got the same error tonight, after having general trouble getting GTA to get past loading screens today. I've only had the piece of crap since Christmas. Too complicated of systems with too much **** I don't need. I want to play a game, not worry about whether my system will survive for a few months. And this is from someone who had an NES last for 20 years.
Ah yeah, I've seen the ColourWare site before, its quite a pity that they don't do a proper silver colour like Sony's Satin Silver. Also a pity that you can't send in your consoles from anywhere but the USA, making that option somewhat inaccessible to me. :(
Thanks for your help though.
Ah yeah, I've seen the ColourWare site before, its quite a pity that they don't do a proper silver colour like Sony's Satin Silver. Also a pity that you can't send in your consoles from anywhere but the USA, making that option somewhat inaccessible to me. :(
Thanks for your help though.

Take a look at
Also use google to your advantage.
I would've said because everyone owns a 360, but I think it's because everyone is on their second console. The problem is I don't know if there would be enough PS3s sold to out sell the 360 replacement consoles. :lol:
Wow, Killzone 2 is looking Hawt! I can't wait for that game now! Much more than MGS4 or Haze anyway.

Look at this:

"Use of PLAYSTATION-Network has been suspended.
Try to sign in again later."

Anyone know what they might be up to, anything about this said at the conference yesterday.
Mirrors edge is looking good, and so is Killzone but its not as OMG draw dropping as it was in that very first CGI trailer back in 05. But its still pre alpha so im expecting good things...
That Mirror's Edge trailer look very good. Seems like a small (not a huge leap IMO) step forward for typical FPS gameplay. The motion and that is definitely something I'd like to see more often in the future.
Nintendo will be not be catched unless sony starts making a lot of games for 3 year old girls and 45 year old woman.

Interresting picture, i thought sony did not have formula 1 rights yet?

I'm not even sure why it matters to "catch" up to Nintendo's sales.
Couldn't agree with you more. The two systems are so very different, and as far as the companies go, the real profits are from software sales, not the hardware. When you compare sales of multi-platform games between the Wii and PS3 version, the PS3 versions have in general sold many more copies than the Wii version, despite having half the number of users (close to 13 million fewer!).

If Sony could and was trying to sell Mario games, then that would be a different story, but for the most part, the Wii is a console designed to play relatively simple, family friendly games designed solely for that console, and not the big next-gen multi-platform games that dominate sales for other systems. It's also why I suspect a lot of owners of a Wii also own either a 360 or a PS3. It's almost like comparing portable console sales to regular console sales. They aren't really competing against each other in the same market.

For example, I’ll bet the PS3 version of Ferrari Challenge sells twice as many copies than the Wii version, even though there is no 360 version and the game is rated E for everyone. In other words, despite the fact that those with only a 360 and Wii that want that game will likely buy the Wii version, it still won’t likely be enough to out sell the P3 version… but we will have to see about that.

I'm also less confident that the Wii has the ability to enjoy the same lifespan as the PS2. In terms of software sales, the PS2 enjoyed a much larger and more successful library of games over the first couple years and that only increased dramatically since then. The Wii software sales seem to have already peaked, especially in terms of top-selling titles.

Don't get me wrong, I think the Wii is going to be supported for a long time, I just don't see it ever reaching the same level as the PS2 in terms of software sales, titles, and longevity.

Now I will say that I'm sure Sony and Microsoft wish the Wii wasn't such a big hit, as they are competing against it in terms of each customer's budget limitations, especially in a downward spiraling economy. Then again, Sony is already in that market as well as they continue to sell and support the PS2.
I think that picture is saying that formula 1 CE was a success not that they are doing a new title, but I may be wrong..
Killzone 2 is on it too ...

quote: Says that the PAL territories are really important and that there's a lot of product being developed here, including Buzz, SingStar, Formula 1, Killzone and LittleBigPlanet.

so it is being developed! i guess but its sony just have to see and wait ...

And maybe custom HD's for ps3?

Lets say i would buy a External HD, can it install games on it or only play music / videos etc. Anyone knows?