PS3 General Discussion

And maybe custom HD's for ps3?

Lets say i would buy a External HD, can it install games on it or only play music / videos etc. Anyone knows?

Yes and no:

Guides, Suggestions, & Tips on Installing & Using 3rd Party Hardware & OS for the PS3

You can't copy PSN games to an external HD (other than to back them up and re-install them should your HDD crash) as they are copy protected, but I have DVDs, home movies, GameTrailer videos, YouTube videos, etc on my external drive, as well as lots of photo & music albums. I also use it to periodically back-up the PS3's HDD (which you can also easily swap out for one with a much bigger capacity. 👍

The PS3 also supports sharing files over your own network, so if you have PC(s) with lots of media on them and don't want to copy them over the the PS3 or an external HD you can access them over your network and play them through your PS3. 👍
See I would agree if it wasnt for the Singstar bit which has already been produced... unless they are going to continue the series which they did throughout the PS2's life..

I would definitely buy an official PS3 external HDD because Im sure it would look the business!
See I would agree if it wasnt for the Singstar bit which has already been produced... unless they are going to continue the series which they did throughout the PS2's life..

I would definitely buy an official PS3 external HDD because Im sure it would look the business!

Thanks for all tips! Gonna have a look at the media server thing.

Yes there is a new singstar coming, sony said something of only doing song download but they broke there promise i think. (not 100% sure, im searching for a link) :sly:

anyone owns singstar, it sounds like fun :P

Found link:
The x360 live cam works on a PS3.
I have a question and the net keeps giving different answers!

Are all PS3's made in China or are some made in Japan...?

I read somewhere before launch that for the first time in Sony's history they were going manufacture a new product straight out of China from the off as apposed to the tradition of making the first few million in Japan.

So I assumed this meant all of them were made in China..

Now im seeing around the web people claiming to own Made in Japan models... I think it might be a hoax and they are photoshopping boxes.

So does anyone truely have a made in Japan PS3?

I think my PS3 is having some issues, it's been freezing during game play quite frequently and during the running of Folding @ Home as well. Either the screen just locks up or it goes black all together, when I push the reset button it does nothing so I have to end up flipping the power switch in the back to turn it off.

At first I though it was just a problem with GTAIV but it's been doing it in GT5P and Lego Star Wars as well. I haven't tried Drakes Fortune yet to see if there is any problem with it or a Blu-Ray movie, but I will when I get home tonight.

I'm going to call Sony tonight but I HATE their tech support and think it's the lamest thing with only Comcast being worse. However, maybe their PS3 support is better, I just have never had luck with my camera or the projector we have as work. All they want to do is ask a couple of questions and then have me send it in...which I do not want to do unless there is a problem.

I do have the Best Buy warranty on it so if there is an issue I will just return it to Best Buy and get another one, although I don't know how I will get the stuff back I bought from PSN.

I'm slightly irritated it all of this because everyone tells me how great the PS3's reliability is and all I am having is problems. The PS3 has gotten the least amount of use out of all my game systems and I do keep it in a ventilated area and free from dust as best as I can. I hope it's something simple but I just don't think it is :indiff:.
Isnt the PSN stuff related to youre account? One person on my contact list needed to replace PS3, he could redownload for free.

Sony service in europe seems to be very good so far :S
I think my PS3 is having some issues, it's been freezing during game play quite frequently and during the running of Folding @ Home as well. Either the screen just locks up or it goes black all together, when I push the reset button it does nothing so I have to end up flipping the power switch in the back to turn it off.

At first I though it was just a problem with GTAIV but it's been doing it in GT5P and Lego Star Wars as well. I haven't tried Drakes Fortune yet to see if there is any problem with it or a Blu-Ray movie, but I will when I get home tonight.

I'm going to call Sony tonight but I HATE their tech support and think it's the lamest thing with only Comcast being worse. However, maybe their PS3 support is better, I just have never had luck with my camera or the projector we have as work. All they want to do is ask a couple of questions and then have me send it in...which I do not want to do unless there is a problem.

I do have the Best Buy warranty on it so if there is an issue I will just return it to Best Buy and get another one, although I don't know how I will get the stuff back I bought from PSN.

I'm slightly irritated it all of this because everyone tells me how great the PS3's reliability is and all I am having is problems. The PS3 has gotten the least amount of use out of all my game systems and I do keep it in a ventilated area and free from dust as best as I can. I hope it's something simple but I just don't think it is :indiff:.

To redownload stuff off of your PSN, all you have to do is go to the "download list" in the PS Store and redownload it.

To redownload stuff off of your PSN, all you have to do is go to the "download list" in the PS Store and redownload it.
A faster method is to use the PS3's Backup Utility. This is especially true if you have downloaded from different accounts/regions. Also, the download list from the PSN stores only includes games, add-ons, updates, and demos.

If you want to restore all your content the fastest and easist way is the Backup Utility. The one possible hang-up is if you restore your data to an entirely different PS3. In that case, the content that was paid for will likely not be restored through the normal process, and for those, you would have to re-download them from your download lists in the PSN stores. This is obviously done to help prevent all the piracy of games that's been going on.

So basically if you're getting a replacement PS3, backup the original PS3, restore it on the new PS3, then download any of the copy protected content from your download lists.
I don't think I have a memory stick large enough to back the system up on and I don't have a external hard drive that isn't already filled, if I have to replace it I'm just going to have to redownload everything. I'm not real worried about game saves since I'm not really far in any game other then Lego Star Wars.
So far...

MGS4 = bust
HAZE = bust
GT5p = good but not great
Killzone = only thing left to anticipate

It's real disappointing to see all these PS3 games not live up to much especially for how long it took them to develop. I really want to be a PS fan again, but after all these games I'm really not seeing that big a reason to stay a PS owner. It's just not living up to anything I'm sorry to say. :indiff:
MGS4 = Not out yet (even MGO is just in beta form)
Haze = Not out yet (just an early demo)
GT5p = Out
Killzone 2 = Not out yet

Obviously personal tastes differ, and while I suspect all of these games will have lots of fans who feel quite differently about them than you, but it seems rather premature to jump to such a drastic conclusion... Especially when only one of those games is actually out, and only one other has a demo... and how many times has a demo not been reflective of the overall quality of a game... countless times.

Personally, if those were the only games I had to choose from I would get rid of my PS3 immediately. Fortunately, my family and I are enjoying several dozen games for the PS3 and looking forward to several upcoming titles, none of which are the three you have listed that aren't out yet.

So, yeah, if I was in your shoes, and truly felt the way you do, I wouldn't even be bothering to waste my time complaining about it. I'd get rid of my PS3 and move on to something else. 👍
I don't understand how anyone can complain about GT5:P. What more can you expect from what is really just an extended demo? Sure, some aspects of online play are supposedly irritating but this will surely be rectified later with a patch. You could say why were these things not sorted before the game was released. But i suspect PD wanted to test the water on the download side of things with these patches before they start offering downloadable game content.
I don't think I have a memory stick large enough to back the system up on and I don't have a external hard drive that isn't already filled, if I have to replace it I'm just going to have to redownload everything. I'm not real worried about game saves since I'm not really far in any game other then Lego Star Wars.
Game saves will fit on most USB thumb drives as they tend to be in the range of 150KB. My GT5P save is only 73KB. The replay files are bigger.

So, you can redownload everything purchased, and your handful of game saves should all fit on the cheapest thumb drive you can find. You should be fine.

Just make sure you have all your PSN login information correct for when you setup your replacement system.
So far...

MGS4 = bust
HAZE = bust
GT5p = good but not great
Killzone = only thing left to anticipate

It's real disappointing to see all these PS3 games not live up to much especially for how long it took them to develop. I really want to be a PS fan again, but after all these games I'm really not seeing that big a reason to stay a PS owner. It's just not living up to anything I'm sorry to say. :indiff:

How can you say two games that are not even out yet are busts? It makes completely no sense at all. :odd: It seems more than a little odd to me for someone to say a game is a bust before they have even played it, much less before it has even been released. :odd:
So I called Sony and got the same lame tech support that I always get with their products. They asked me maybe 5 questions including is it turned on and concluded that I needed to send it in for repairs. I told them I would just take it back to Best Buy, which proceeded into them telling me that it would void my warranty (how that works I don't know). I hung up and it's sitting in my loaner car right now waiting to be swapped out at Best Buy once I get off of work.


As for the games, I'm not extremely over joyed at whats out. I thought GT5P was ok, but not really worth $40 in my opinion. I'm still working my way through Drakes Fortune which is not to bad but I'm just not into it. I find myself more and more drifting away from console games to PC games since they seem to offer more of what I'm looking for...mainly good RPG's.
At this point RSV2 is the standard, any other game has to live up to that or beat it. If I play another shooter game and feel like throwing on RSV2 the whole time then that game is going to be a waste of time for me...

Throughout the MGS's games it has had a certain gameplay style, how you move around, and look. The way the character moves around is very clunky and unnatural, MGS4 is no different. It's not something that will be changed by the release. The other reason is the PS3 controller... It's just not as good as the 360 controller. Hence, I'm not going to be playing it and it is a bust.

HAZE... well, a bit like the Halo feel does not interest me. I'm a shooter fan, but have specific likes out of a shooter game. RSV2 fulfills that and any other shooter has very big shoes to fill. This game is just not going to cut it and also, I think part of the reason is the PS3 controller again.

GT5p is ok, but part of a racing game especially if it's a SIM must be wanting to play it. The GT game I think is the best so far for this is GT3, I wanted to throw it on and start blasting around. All the other GT games not so much... I know it's a sin to say, but after trying the GRID demo (360) GT5p is just bland... yeah it looks good, yeah it sounds decent, but there's no. Wow or joy of playing.

Sorry, but that's the way it is. I don't care what you call me.

I still wish I could give more attention to the PS3 and games for it...
As for the games, I'm not extremely over joyed at whats out. I thought GT5P was ok, but not really worth $40 in my opinion. I'm still working my way through Drakes Fortune which is not to bad but I'm just not into it. I find myself more and more drifting away from console games to PC games since they seem to offer more of what I'm looking for...mainly good RPG's.

Ratchet & Clank is good if you like platformers. Actually on IGN it's classified under the Action genre.

And the Playstation has always been good for RPGs, but I think it will take a while for developers to get started.
I hope they start developing them soon, I've exhausted most of the RPG's on the PC although I still play Oblivion quite a bit. I'm into the whole fantasy aspect of RPG gaming, which seems to be lacking on both the PS3 and the 360.
Good news, everyone!!!

Well, not really; they're more crappy news really.

Just called Playstation Portugal to get some feedback on the status of my replacement PS3, and this was what they answered:

PS: "Yes, we've been completely out of PS3 60Gb for a while now, but they're ordered and we're expecting them anytime."

Me: "But the person I talked to before sending it there assured me you had plenty to meet these situations, what happened?"

PS: "Can't really answer about that, only info I can provide you is that they're ordered and as soon as they're here, you and everyone else waiting for them will get them within a couple of days. we have plenty of 40Gb, but the 60Gb version has ran out of stock and we have them ordered for a few weeks now"

Me: "Unbelievable... Can you at least give me an approximate deadline? A week? Two? A month?"

PS: "I'm afraid not, we have absolutely no idea; only thing we're told is that they must be arriving very shortly"

Me: "Well, that's not very good policy... The guy I talked almost two months ago said clearly that you had plenty of 60Gb models ready for delivery. Besides, as the product's still under warranty, it's not fair, to say the least, to have me deprived of its use for so long. Can't you send me a 40Gb model for now and when you deliver the 60Gb, pick it back up?"

PS: "I'm afraid not, we're only allowed to swap them for similar models"

Me: "Ok, fine. I'll call you guys back in a week or so"

PS: "Please do, hope we have good news for you until then"

Seriously, WTF?!... :eek::mad:
Well at least the service was polite about it. Stinks though that they are having problems getting you a PS3 back.
Ok i have an little prob now

When i tried to connect an DVI cable on an monitor, i got an message with something like not optimum mode something something. I have no clue what im doing wrong.

BTW, the monitor was an Samsung and the model i can't remember.
Have you tried resetting your PS3's Video settings? if not, when you start the PS3 up, hold the button down until you hear a second beep (the first one being the one you get the second you touch the button)
