I have a PS3 slim 250GB that is about 1 year and 9 months old. Lately when I've been playing GT5 it acts like it resets and sends me back to the XMB. It first started this after my first grinder race of the night was finished. It has done this a few times. Lately it is happening after a race when racing online.
I know one thing that will work, you know how to acess the PS3 safe menu? If you don't know do this.
Step 1: Turn off the PLAYSTATION 3 by holding the Power button on the front of the unit till the Power light is red.
Step 2:
Touch and hold the Power button, you will hear the first beep, meaning the PLAYSTATION 3 is powering on.
Continue to hold the Power button and after about 5 seconds, you will hear a second beep, indicating the video reset.
Continue to hold the Power button and after about another 5 seconds you will hear a third beep and the system will power off (Power light is red).
Step 3:
Touch and hold the Power button, you will hear the first beep, again for the PLAYSTATION 3 to power on.
Continue to hold the Power button and after about 5 seconds, you will hear a second beep for video reset.
Continue to hold the Power button and after about another 5 seconds you will hear a quick double beep. At that point release the Power button. If you succeeded in activating Safe Mode, you will see a message on the screen saying, "Connect the controller using a USB cable and then press the PS button."
After you do all of this choose the option Restore File System and that will fix possible corrupted files that you have on your PS3, don't worry it won't delete any file that you have. (Don't worry about the message "The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored.")