I know what you mean and how you are probably feeling. I haven't been in this group as long as other members, but I got bored. Hell, I even private messaged you on me considering leaving this group because I wasn't feeling it anymore. There's only so much that you can do before everything, or anything really, starts to get dull or stale.
That being said, there has been some awesome Role Play Events when everybody was inspired to. I have enjoyed those moments and had looked forward to the next Role Play Event to happen.
*Not sure if related to the group but
To be honest with you guys and friends, I am frankly bored of gaming, whether it being Grand Theft Auto V or Gran Turismo 6. Every game (both GT6 and GTA V) had its hype and as the inevitable the game has gotten boring. For GT6, I actually drive a car and had been driving for about a year now. Some people are bad drivers and having passengers that are people that you live with pissing you off has killed my driving vibe, so why would I go home to do something I do in real life? Also, PD had 🤬 up BIG time with their promise for an update that is months overdue. For GTA V, it was fun at first, but going online just to grind for stuff, getting that stuff and then have nothing to do, and have idiots shoot you and blow up your s**t gets old really fast (though I already had my stuff by hackers so I was even more bored). Other games don't really interest me, at least on PS3 as I sometimes jump back to PS2 games and have fun.
However, it was this group and, unfortunately, being a moderator in WHaT's club is the only reason why I bother turning my PS3 back on. So you, Pinkitron, should get high praise for that.
Back on point, thank you, Pinkitron, for hosting events, managing your club, and being a good friend/sport. It would be nice to stay on your friend's list so we can mess around together one day.
On the topic about who rules, if necessary, I would take the leader position only if nobody wants to step forward. To be on the real doe, I seriously do not want to take ruling position as it's more work on keeping things on track, having to keep up with members (and rude ones at that), and added stress, which I do not take particularly well. It would be unfortunate though to see this group shut down with still active members and people who were waiting to join an event.
To other members, it was good to meet you and have a good time role playing with each other. I hope we get to run into each other another time.
Since Pinkitron is pulling the plug for himself, I guess I will do the same and say goodbye. I also lost the will to role play and dealing with real life don't really seem to cooperate most of the time. But as I said, I may return if nobody wants to rule.
So... *waves at the group* bye guys. Catch you again in another place. *Jumps in my Lexus, starts it, and drives off*
Ishikawa Masaki, your friendly homogay
*Pink, you can remove me from the members list. Ricki Parkinson will head off to another location, probably Vice City.