[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
We should do something special for the 100th RP event on Saturday, I was thinking about some sort of RP get together and some celebration for our characters.
Does that sound good for everyone?
And if that goes ahead, who do I use out of Kane or Kenton? Let the votes begin :P
Uhm. I was removed of the queue and the list of valid roleplayers. I realize I was unactive for about 2 weeks of time, but I thought it was a monthly time span?
Damn, i was inactive for 1month because of school also my exams end next week friday so i think im able to join the events again
Figured there wasn't going to be a RP Event yesterday. I haven't been on my PS3 in a good while due to boredom. Are we going to have a RP Event today?
Your app lacks so much detail.
What about his family? How did he get into the "chop shop" business? Look at @Doog and his application. Detailed about his past, and it reflects on his character later on.

Also, "he gets his mind off things by selling drugs/doing drugs and working on cars now all Jim does is work on cars and race them for money and trys to avoid drugs " - Isn't that contradicting?

EDIT: Also, did you like every single post in the thread?

Uhm. I was removed of the queue and the list of valid roleplayers. I realize I was unactive for about 2 weeks of time, but I thought it was a monthly time span?
Could have sworn it was longer than two weeks, but of course, I could be wrong. I'll add your back to the queue list if that's what you desire.

We should be - today is the 100th event. Surely people would come on to celebrate this :)
I'd love to do something special for the 100th event, but so far it doesn't look like enough "clouds" are around to give much of a "rain fall." Hopefully more people will get on soon, because it doesn't look like much so far.
Haven't been getting alerts. :rolleyes: :banghead::mad:👎👎👎:grumpy:

I won't be able to join. I have church, then I'm going out for dinner, then I'm meeting with some friends.
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Of course I would be 45 minutes away from my house in a mall eating chicken nuggets. Probably won't make it.
It was a good run, but I think I'm done leading this club.

It's not because of a certain member. It's not because of a specific event. I am simply tired. I have lost interest in roleplaying in general, as a lot of previous members have dealt with. I tried to keep my head up a bit higher than the nonexistent interest, but eventually you drown. You can switch characters, get in tangy situations, or anything to bide the time. However, simple adhesive bandages don't heal the bullet wound.
I've handled the club for what is going on 8 months now (with help, of course), which is a long time. It's been frustrating a lot of the time, and my laziness when setting up the rooms didn't exactly help. But hey - overall, it has been a blast RPing with everyone. Digging into everyone's creative side and exploring their characters was fantastic and memorable.
I have yet to decide what is going to happen with the thread itself. I don't want it locked quite yet, as I know there are still things to be discussed.

I don't know what I'm going to do with the queue listed folk.
I don't know if it is possible to give someone permissions to edit the thread somehow to make them edit the OP, if anyone desires that.
I don't know if someone would want to simply create a new thread. I'd prefer this to happen so current members of this club can just move threads.

I just feel terrible dropping out and leaving a mess of 25+ people who still want to RP, but I don't have the energy or motivation for it. It isn't fresh to me anymore. Feel free to delete me from your friends list if I do not. As long as I can help or talk to whoever would like to take over the RP so that nothing really changes toward/for the people whom are in the club currently, or the folks who are simply waiting in the queue list.
When I get home to my laptop instead of this damned buggy mobile version, I'm going to write a reaponse to Pinkitron.
That was an interesting 100th session - there was a party at a pool and Kenton immediately drops in with his Baller, fully submerging it. Later, more cars and trucks began filling the pool. Kenton then kills a random person sunbathing and stomps on her body constantly. Then the cops came and the party derailed a bit from there.

And it's such a shame to hear that you're stepping down from your role Pink. Sadly, I am out of the question to host the events but I also do not want this particular chronology of RP sessions to stop there - neither Kane nor Kenton's, or even any characters that I have planned which haven't yet come to fruition have finished their stories. Their stories must go on!

Having said that, I hope that someone will take over as I am still burning with RP motivation and ideas.

Cheers for starting this up, Pink. Without this, I would have never got to show anyone my new-found creativity for GTA RP. :)
I feel exactly the same. I've changed my character five times, and each time they've run dry. Wesley was probably my favourite, and probably the one I used the longest, but even with the gang networks involved, I still got bored of him. The gangs were good at the start but then it was just the same 🤬, different day for them. The BOC would strut into MCLS territory, aim some guns, shout witty comments, shoot up some cars then clear off. The MCLS would strut into BOC territory, aim some guns, shout witty comments, shoot up some cars then clear off. It just got dull really quickly and I ended up either avoiding RP sessions or just wandering around LS doing my own thing. It was good when I enjoyed it and had inspiration, but now it just doesn't excite me anymore.

Like @Pinkintron said, it's not a member or some kind of event that's made me feel this way - there just comes a point where storylines and characters run out of juice and have to call it quits, and that's where I am right now.

Hopefully someone else will step up to the podium and keep the club going, but I for one won't be doing that or joining any sessions soon.
Yeah, I know what you mean. You lose interest in one character, you move on to the next, but if you do that too many times thing start to get stale. Myself, i'm losing interest in Liam. Don't get me wrong, when I had inspiration, some RP events were amazing. Now, I just lost interest in Liam and lost my inspiration in RP. I don't think i'll step up and lead the RP, but I hope someone does. Right now, I might take a break from RP for a while. Thanks for setting up the RP, Pink. And i'll just say it's been really, really great RPing with you guys/gals :)

I know what you mean and how you are probably feeling. I haven't been in this group as long as other members, but I got bored. Hell, I even private messaged you on me considering leaving this group because I wasn't feeling it anymore. There's only so much that you can do before everything, or anything really, starts to get dull or stale.

That being said, there has been some awesome Role Play Events when everybody was inspired to. I have enjoyed those moments and had looked forward to the next Role Play Event to happen.

*Not sure if related to the group but
To be honest with you guys and friends, I am frankly bored of gaming, whether it being Grand Theft Auto V or Gran Turismo 6. Every game (both GT6 and GTA V) had its hype and as the inevitable the game has gotten boring. For GT6, I actually drive a car and had been driving for about a year now. Some people are bad drivers and having passengers that are people that you live with pissing you off has killed my driving vibe, so why would I go home to do something I do in real life? Also, PD had 🤬 up BIG time with their promise for an update that is months overdue. For GTA V, it was fun at first, but going online just to grind for stuff, getting that stuff and then have nothing to do, and have idiots shoot you and blow up your s**t gets old really fast (though I already had my stuff by hackers so I was even more bored). Other games don't really interest me, at least on PS3 as I sometimes jump back to PS2 games and have fun.
However, it was this group and, unfortunately, being a moderator in WHaT's club is the only reason why I bother turning my PS3 back on. So you, Pinkitron, should get high praise for that.

Back on point, thank you, Pinkitron, for hosting events, managing your club, and being a good friend/sport. It would be nice to stay on your friend's list so we can mess around together one day.

On the topic about who rules, if necessary, I would take the leader position only if nobody wants to step forward. To be on the real doe, I seriously do not want to take ruling position as it's more work on keeping things on track, having to keep up with members (and rude ones at that), and added stress, which I do not take particularly well. It would be unfortunate though to see this group shut down with still active members and people who were waiting to join an event.

To other members, it was good to meet you and have a good time role playing with each other. I hope we get to run into each other another time.

Since Pinkitron is pulling the plug for himself, I guess I will do the same and say goodbye. I also lost the will to role play and dealing with real life don't really seem to cooperate most of the time. But as I said, I may return if nobody wants to rule.

So... *waves at the group* bye guys. Catch you again in another place. *Jumps in my Lexus, starts it, and drives off*

~Ishikawa Masaki, your friendly homogay
*Pink, you can remove me from the members list. Ricki Parkinson will head off to another location, probably Vice City.
hello I enjoy roleplaying this looks fun 👍👍👍👍👍:bowdown:

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: fraridude308
Age: 11
PSN: fraridude308
Role Play experience: I do role play gt5., gt6, gta four, gta five

In Character (IC)

Name: jules winnfield
Age: 31
Job/Career/Money Source: i am gangster and rich so don't mess with me
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): i'm black
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): observant and fiesty
Photograph (If available): ok


thats me flying cargo heli it was kinda scary!!!!!

thanks i look forward to rp soon :D:bowdown::boggled::cheers::confused::cool::crazy::dopey::drool::eek::(:guilty::ill::ill::irked::irked::lol::mad::mischievous::nervous::odd::embarrassed:

That application... isn't going to cut it big time, and I'm not even a mod. Also, you just reviled that you are two year younger than what GTPlanet's AUP allows. Pray that the GTPlanet gods and the web Jesus don't see that and ban you.